Jedi academy: movie battles 2

how the fuck do you memorize all this shit for the lightsaber combat

here we go, here begins the retardation anew.

Untrue, hooktube mostly prevents Google from harvesting data.

0.0001 shekels have been deposited into your account


You probably didn't even know that this site didn't even support hooktube for a long, long time.

You retards are getting kiked.


Are you fucking retarded? You seriously fucking think I'm screencapping my full browser?

How so?

Where the fuck did Chrome come from cuckchanner?

What does Chrome have to do with anything? Am I missing something?

Kill yourself cuckchan.

Sure thing schlomo

He's implying that everyone is a cuckchanner like him that uses webkit browsers now.

I mean hooktube just makes sure that people don't think you're shilling a video, robbing it of the potential views and creator viewable analytics.

we have IDs lad

Nobody cares you ip hopping cuckchanner.

Sure, whatever. It's still pointless privacy-wise, right-click that shit.

I wouldn't say pointless, as again it robs analytical data and views.
The reason googlevideo is credited in umatrix is because it takes the raw source of that video, which is google still. However, this is the raw mp4, not the website with the analytical overhead. It is harder for google to see who accesses this, not impossible but harder.
Idealistically people would use hooktube to download a preencoded webm and post that instead, but it's an push in the right direction.

What hooktube is is lazy shit for faggots who can't into webms. I wouldn't be surprised for one second if that trend came from cuckchan where webms aren't a real option.

It was working just fine without googlevideo scripts showing up a few days ago. It definitely feels hacky.

user there is no script in the image you posted, only media.

Media referral links then.

user everything that isn't an image is going to be placed under the blanket of "media", even direct mp4/webm links.

It was going directlly through Hooktube before.