Total War thread

Really, no thread for the new Tomb Kings trailer?

It looks like what Creative Assembly wanted to do with ancient Egypt ever since Rome 1.


You are not allowed to talk about WaWa here.

It's a campaign pack, not just a new faction.

It's just faggots bickering, user.

Total War lives.



No, fuck off.

Remember when total war wasn't about buying an unfinished game with the premise of buying the rest of the game down the line? And no, I'm not talking about expansion packs here Those were the days!

I have yet to see a TW thread that didn't immediately devolve into spamming, shitflinging and MUH ROME OOOOONE.

Except this is literally an expansion pack, Tomb King II weren't built into vanilla WaWa 2.

As said, faggots like to bicker, but true fans will remain and discuss.

Meh. That fucking huge ocean and the lack of ship mechanics really slows Warhammer 2 gameplay down compared to 1. Maybe they'll be fun in Mortal Empires but they really should give that mode more fleshed out objectives besides HURR FIGHT EVERYONE LE TOTAL WAR XD

Fine but don't say I didn't warn you.

There's a mod that increases ship movement, which is really damn necessary to get anywhere. I think the climate rework mod is also important for certain faction.

That said, I really do like how they treated the setting itself. Norsca is a perfectly lore-friendly faction, Bretonnia got some love and I have no doubt that Tomb Kings will also be very good. Ironic how a shitty publisher like Sega with a usually shitty dev like CA can breathe life into the setting.

well that's better I suppose

what major changes were present from WaWa 1 to 2. Did they finally get rid of the completely godawful sieges

lolno. I don't find them any less bad than SH2 sieges though. Rome 2 and Empire clearly showed that Warscape and their AI can't handle more complicated sieges anyway.

The biggest change is the built-in ability to conquer almost anywhere. Apart from that it seems like CA thought of WaWa2 more as a glorified faction pack.

Oh and river/chokepoint battles are back.

You a true fan alright.

You could only apply that to chaos in wawa 1, everything else has been shit that wasnt intended to be in the base game at any point.

Oh, look, the shills are back.

I found that to actually be quite a big change. Now it's possible to stop a superior enemy with some clever strategic maneuvering. Not exactly Medieval II-tier, but still better than rolling random maps 100% of the time.
Sieges are still utter shit though. They should really try to upgrade the AI once a decade instead of cutting features.

the graphics on this game makes it look like warcraft, it's too cartoony

I've been for the entirety of this holiday break trying to get into Beastmen for the Total war games my brother gifted me
My experiences
This is just with Beastmen, other nations for the most part aren't too bad other then Skaven and Orcs, but Beastmen really shows you the issues with the game.

it's fucking Warhammer. What else do you expect?

Sounds like an horde to me.

It's not that bad once you get the hang of hordes.
Don't even bother having more than one horde, just try and build up a single horde as fast as possible so you can get a Minobus going and then it's pretty much over for the other factions. Nobody can handle 10+ minotaurs. Nobody.

Tomb Kangz might slightly make up for them cutting huge chunks of lustria and the southlands from the mortal empires map, leaving behind only the parts infested with boring low-tier vampire count armies, and an AI kroq-gar that takes 100 turns to break out of his starting region.

Those vampires were obvious placeholders since the beginning. Which is a shame because they have some cool flags. Whenever I play in the southlands Strygos is always the biggest threat around in the midgame.


It'd be better if they'd used a comically expansive and belligerent bowmen of oreon empire as the placeholder instead.

It just seems like in every campaign I've played in both games, most of the battles have been against bizarre trash-heavy stacks of chaos marauders, grave guard, skavenslaves and men at arms. It's completely demoralizing and unfun. I've never seen a grail knight that wasn't in a rogue army.

Thoughts on Rome 2 new DLC?

Thoughts on Facebook frog posting?



Call of Warhammer did tomb kings decade ago.

Bump because it triggers faggots.

Anyone else get the feeling that the series is simply not for them any more?

Warhammer or Total War? Yes. Thankfully most that was made prior has a you're-here-forever quality and mods.

Just newer Total War games in general seem at a point where they really aren't my kind of thing any more.
It used to make me somewhat annoyed before, but now I just don't care.

I'm mostly interested in seeing what the general sentiment towards the series is nowadays.

I know that feel, I decided to give Attila a chance again but this time with the 1295 AD mod and it's the closest to Medieval 3, it's pretty damn challenging and the models look beautiful. I have hope for the future since the community gives out good content (and they know what we want) even though CA/SEGA keeps shitting the bed with their greedy jew hands.

I'm playing with the Teutonic Knights on turn 266 on Hard. I just finished getting rid of the Saxons since they kept declaring war on me, but then Sicily/Provence/Naples declared war on me, then Hungary joined the party and they have half the fucking map.

They managed to fuck my shit up with an army of bombards/artillery, how the fuck do you even counter that without cavalry?

Does that mean it has a new map? Because that's the only way this price would be justified. What the hell is "campaign pack" supposed to even mean? Does it have something to do with the literally irrelevant and pointless wastes of time called "quests"?

By having cavalry?

Anyway, I just started Shogun and it's really fun so far. The Realm Divided mechanic actually adds a little more dept to the gameplay since you have to plan for the inevitable time when every fucking clan on Japan will turn against you.

Got my ass kicked twice now, but this is good since it actually forces me to git gud.

It's probably a little map with the southlands where you get to play with Tomb Kings.

Didn't they do something similar with Bretonnia and Wood Elves in the previous game?

That's not Shogun, that's Shogun 2

I meant Shogun 2, sorry.

CA decided ages ago to not do mini campaigns because of fan reaction because they were really bland and didn't offer anything after just one playthrough.
Instead Cromatic Association decided to make sure every playable faction in WaWa 2 would get 4 Legendary Lords.
Original Factions will get their extra Lords like in the previous game in the style of 'The Grim and the Grave' (Empire/Vamps).
All DLC factions will therefor also have 4 LL from the beginning and from what we can see in the trailer almost all the Units from the TT and beyond.

For the Lorefags, the 4 Legendary Lords are:
Settra the Imperishable
High Queen Khalida
Lichepriest Khatep
Arkhan the Black

Also there are hints towards The Great Necromancer

>Also there are hints towards
That's due to the fact that unlike the other 4 factions Tomb Kangz don't give a fuck about the Vortex and instead have to collect 9 books spread across the map with a climax at the Black Pyramid

Sooooooo $20 for 1 faction. Why would I give a fuck about LL?

Gameplay variety

Some flavor text and slight stat bonuses isn't really what I'd consider "gameplay variety".

Christ, their gameplay objectives might as well be the garbage mini campaigns they shat out.

They have different abilities and spells between them. Settra and Khalida are melee focused and they get different mounts: Settra can have the Chariot of the Gods or ride on a Warsphinx, Khalida is the only Lord who gets to fight like a Necropolis Knight.
On the other side both Arkhan and Khatep are Casters and while they both share most of their Lores, Arkhan alone will use Lore of Necromancy both during battles as well as recruiting select Vampire Count units on the campaign map.
More gameplay variety comes from the different starting positions of each Lord, Settra will start in Khemri for example while Khatep was sent to the ass of the fucking world (Naggaroth in this case). So you will be fighting different races during each Lord's run until you inevitably fight them all at once.

These are all things that are something accomplished by just editing a config file. A very basic level mod. That is not enough to justify the price.


Whats your fucking point?
Thats's literally every variable in every game ever game you're pretending like mods don't add variety into games or that Historical titles didn't do exactly that with even less unique models and variation.
Am I communicating with an actual retard?
Oh wait, of course I am, this is 8/v/ after 2014

Every retard here will buy MGS Survive
There are retards here who buy Ubishit and actively discuss it
There are people here who support chinese gachashit

Why are you surprised in any way or form?
Fucking Christ, I'd argue none of you niggers even played the games yet.
Pirate it you dumbfucks, like it or not theres nothing like this fucking franchise out there unlike 10 years ago, suck it up pussy.

That it's not enough to justify the price.

The original Red Alert game wasn't worth the pricepoint then?
And who gives a shit?
Pirate it


It's a pity then that CA can only shit out garbage.


Any of the DLC for Rome/Atilla/WaWas worth getting? dont have much left on steamshekels.

Just wait for sales

Sales are already on and Total war games were done yesterday, they didnt get bigger discounts.

Pirate it then and wait for better prices


The Rome 2 DLC is pretty much all shit.
Charlemagne for Attila is good.
WaWa depends entirely on what factions you like.

So pretty much all of major WHFB factions are covered, except maybe the Legion of chaos.

I hope WaWa3 is gonna give us Middenheim.

And now I am interested in this game.

Is there any way to get into the Warhammer universe that isn't by playing the tabletop game or some gay RTS?

Try tumblr

Kill yourself.

This. Fuck of shill stop shilling your emental of a game here

Read what?

Warhammer things you fucking retard.

I thought the warhammer novels were star wars novels extended universe tier garbage

No one said anything about novels.

EU and the Clone Wars series were the only good parts of Star Wars.

Then what the fuck do I have to read? Fanfic?


Figure it out.


There's not that much to the warhammer "universe" that isn't gaming related. The setting is made for RPGs and wargames and giving people a reason to move their very expensive minis around on a tabletop for hours at the local GW.

The most popular novel series, gotrex & felix, while fun and adventurous, was basically just a tour of various parts of the old world. A travel guide, an RPG supplement. In fact the later entries of the series that took a more serious turn and failed to fulfill that role all kind of suck.

The fucking lore, rulebooks you retard.

I never cared about tomb nigs. Nor many of the other races. The only decent race is skaven. Those guys are fucking savage.

No wonder you have shit taste, yid.

There's always Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2nd ed for maximum FUN), if you ever wanted to play a pox-ridden peasant trying to kill a demon prince with a blunt stick because you were too poor to get it sharpened.

I just enjoy a race that uses a lot of bioweapons and plagues. Plus they have snipers. Not sure how they can be kikes when they practically dont even have a currency.

They don't have a currency but they use warpstone. Warpstone is used for many things from Moulder science to super cocain and thus it a measure of wealth as you can buy practically everything. And since scheeming other skaven out of their warpstone is a popular past-time for half the populaiton this makes them the kikes of Warhammer fantasy.

To be fair I have been killed too many times but the beasts in Vermintide so I love to hate them.

Genociding them in Total Warhammer 2 is incredibly satsifying

Well that is true. Figured warpstone was more of a weaponized item instead of an actual currency but i suppose so. Though to be fair every race acts like that towards the stones.

I highly suspect we will get Chaos Dwarves and Ogres in 3.

Read the Gotrek and Felix novels if you want Fantasy. They are pulp, yes, but not that bad.

Warpstones are valuable but dangerous, only the skaven and the chaos armies abuse them to the point of mutation.

That is not quite right Mr.Hitlerquads,While everyone is after that stuff in Mordheim most races have no frequent dealings with warpstone. Order-factions hate and destroy the stones while Greenskins don't give a fuck about the stuff, though I am not sure how Emo Elfs feel about it. The only factions that like to own and use about it are Chaos (Warriors and Cultists/Mages), Beastmen who carry a massive fucking slab of it around like retards and the Vampires to fuel their magics.
Skaven use it the most naturally in everyday society although I know chaos dorfs also weaponize wyrdstone.

Fantasyfags will pay for it.

It's mere changes compared to the fact WHFB is stopped being supported by GW.

Well I just like the faggots. They use claw weapons, do stealth missions like assholes and are one of the more unique races. Everything else seems a bit too bland. Orks are ok because Warhammer Orks are written pretty funny but you have the basic elves, the evil elves, the zombies, the vampires, the humans, the dwarves. The ones that cut outside the mold are more interesting. Like Beastmen for example. Sure if you go into each race's lore it will branch out into a million different things but overall I think Skaven is the most enjoyable but the hardest to play in ANY game. Sadly I suck with them.

CA has done more for and with the setting than GW did in the last decade.

Don't underestimate how weird some of the more stereotypical races are. High Elves are basically turbo politicking backstabbing niggers to the point where there is a rule in the TT that might switch your leader with some random cretin before your first turn.

Also there is a Halfling chaos cult that kidnaps and sacrifices visitors to the Moot once a year to assure a good harvest.

Sounds like WT Snacks wrote that shit.


Chaos Dwarves and Ogres were confirmed a while back, the Russian data mining leak, and game 3 makes sense for them.

Fam, Warhammer is a table top game with rule books and codexes for every faction, said books contain the lore for them- he's saying you should read those if you want to get in to the lore.

I remember that, but didn't it all change too much already? Tomb Kings were planned for game 1 according to those mines.

CA said the info was "accurate, but outdated", and up to WE it was nearly 100% accurate- Chaos Dwarves and Ogres are coming, and if we are luck we'll get Kislev alongside them.

There's books but if you're too lazy for video games then what chance do the books have?

Which is better to start with, Medieval II or Shogun 2?

Depends user.

How much of a christian are you?


M2 gives you plenty of rebels to expand in and build yourself up before you encounter enemy factions and you can specialize any province the way you want
With S2 having no rebels you're thrown knee deep into the shit against enemy factions with realm divide throwing even more shit at you and provinces are already specialized meaning campaigns will generally turn out the same with you rushing for the same provinces to get whatever boost you need or want

Like EU vs HOI do you want to paint or fight?

I still want fucking tilea and estalia to have atleast some flavor and not just empire with a different flag.

Really makes u think.

Is there anything wrong with Napoleon that it should prevent me from picking it up?



This is why you need Sotek in your life

There is something seriuosly wrong with you m8

You should at least bother to read some basic shits regarding the things you are interested in, m8.

Is warhammer worth getting if I spammed the everloving shit out of medieval 2 and the LOTR mod ? Can anything beat that actually since I haven't bothered with any of the latest TW games as they all look dumbed down.


Since game 1 was the Old World and the north, and game 2 was Lustria, I assume Game 3 will be focused on the east. Darklands and Southlands.

Though I was expecting them to save the Tomb Kings for game 3. But as it is right now the only factions remaining are Ogres and Chaos Dorfs.

If they really want to stretch things, Dogs of War and the Border Princes can be made into a small faction. And one can only hope for Cathay but it's 100% sure that would never happen.

I've very-much enjoyed the Total WaWa games. Most fun I've had in Total War since Medieval 2. Don't even mind all the DLC (aside from the Blood DLC, but we can thank Shogun 2 for that). New factions in Total WaWa require some actual work from the devs to implement and aren't just some guys with slightly different armor than all the other factions (i.e. ALL the other Total War games' DLC).

They're going to release Ogres and Dark Dorfs in Game 2 and then make Game 3 Chaos Divided with the actual Chaos planes as playable maps.
I mean, each game has 4 starting factions, what can they add besides Ogres and Dark Dorfs?
Grand Cathay an Nippon?


You have source on that or it's just speculation?


They'll probably revamp Estalia and Tilea for game 2 while Ogres, Dark Dwarves, one of the chaos gods (probably memelord Khorne) and a revamped Kislev will be game 3's starting factions, other chaos lords will be DLC.

well you could read the slew of novels, alternatively you could stop being a boring person with terminal cancer. some of the best fluff comes from the 2nd edition RPG books published by Fantasy Flight

well i guess you already have it all figured out don't you?
why the fuck were you interested in this ip again?

Also Dogs of War could be another faction for 2 since they already added AI rogue armies.

They should just go full on and make estalia, tilea, araby and kislev actual factions, then it would be the pike'n'shot total war we wanted + fantasy.

get GCCM to fix the town siege maps and you're good

But thats wrong
Historical has much more depth

Well yeah, but think of the glorius autism.

Bit there would be no autism with no depth.
That's the whole point

i will never understand how the boring torrent of napoleonic war games was something everyone liked. RTW and M2TW when the siege AI wasn't broken was top tier shit though.

A lot of the TW games that have small rosters are really good. SH2, Charlemagne for Attila, Napoopan all had very samey units but tighter gameplay.

The Albion leak is most likely fake, CA doesn't capitalize letters in their databases, Shadow Warriors and Craventail are probably fake too

Sieges haven't been good in TW since Rome 1, with Shogun 2 being a nice exception.

Historical accuracy, more gameplay depth.

I've been thinking about trying the Total War series. Anyone have any recommendations?

Shogun 2 is probably the most solid.

Thanks, user. I'll check it out.

play all of them

that was a specific bug in M2TW, sometimes the AI would assault you and then not attack, forcing you to wait on fastest speed until the battle ends. it was really annoying

i list specific points and your rebuttal is "more gameplay depth." i take it that that means you don't know

Nigger WaWa units have 2 formations at most.

Good fucking christ that's some tip top tier contrarianism. I can understand not liking star wars, it's a goofy ass series, but actually defending the EU and the prequels and at the same time no less. You realize Holla Forums memes are just shitposting, right? Next they're gonna make some half nostalgia bait half transexual rights Indiana Jones movie and faggots like you are gonna say Crystal Skull was the peak of the series. End yourself.

formations I'll grant you, and sieges also suck in WaWa, but as far as tactical options I still think it's the best due to the sheer variety available. I also wish the diplomacy was as good as the older games where you could actually cede land as part of an agreement i fucking hate it when grand strategy games do not allow this

Little triggered are we?

When are we getting gameplay?
Less than a month for this to happen

Little >>>/cuckchan/ are we?

Well I've just finished playing every Total War game prior to Rome 2 and I have to say that Shogun 2 is my favorite. Rome 1 is a damn close second though and would take the cake if not for the dated UI. Are there any good mods that modernize the UI just bit?

There is a battle on Youtube already.

I decided to pirate Warhammer II just to see what the big deal was. Seems like they half-assed the battle mechanics (virtually all formations are gone, unique unit features like different kinds of arrows and abilities are gone)/animations; not to mention the joke that is the only 4 playable factions. I don't know why I can't defend my little town from the inside behind some kind of wall or barricade, I'm stuck outside as if I sallied forth to get my shit kicked in. It's kinda cool watching giant monsters fight since the infantry animations are fuckin horrendous. Did I mention the fuckin horrible arrow graphics? It just looks like giant white blobs of cum raining down on soldiers which doesn't seem to make them respond in any way.

Elven (both high/dark) armours look the same and they're ugly too, not badass in the slightest; kind of like plastic chink cosplay armour. I liked the fat fuck frog on his throne, he looked pretty awesome, lizard people in general look awesome (and are kinda OP). The choas units look pretty damn badass, it's a shame I can't hire them as mercenaries and the only times they pop out is when they're rebels or when I'm doing a ritual to get to the next stage in the vortex shit.

I'm interested in the Mortal Empires DLC, but is there a way to pirate it? I feel like I'd have to pirate the first game as well in order to play with a bigger map and more factions without feeling rushed.

I don't know why they released the game with that shitty vortex campaign to begin with, everything feels rushed and forced especially since the fucking high elves are OP and will beat everyone in the race to cuck the world.

It's still fun for what it does, I guess. It's dumbed down for the pleb masses and feels like an arcade game with some magic, they did a really good job with the map, and the tech tree does it's job fine, the building options are decent. I wouldn't buy it unless both games were at least 80% off, they half assed it too much for the amount they're charging, plus we all know their DLC policy is pure kikery.

I think you can turn off the projectile trails in one of the option menus. I never played Warhammer but I know you could do it in Attila and Rome 2.

you can turn off arrow trails just like any other total war and there is other arrow types but they're limited to separate units that use them all the time rather than a temporary toggle

game is casualized in the sense of the shit campaign map and instead plays to its strength in actual battles that happen way more frequently instead of say med2 where you have to play the campaign map for 40 hours doing 1000vs1 auto resolves before getting something you might actually manually fight. its comparing apples to oranges. if you like campaign map shit, play med2. if you like want frequent large battles play a more modern total war. i think empire was the turning point where it had a balance between campaign map complexity and getting battles before it started putting more focus on getting into large battles at the cost of campaign complexity

I'd say any game before Warhammer is much more focused on battles instead of the map. Just because you hate fun and want to auto resolve all your battles doesn't mean the battle mechanics/strategies aren't the focus point of the game.

In Warhammer II there's lots of shit going on in the campaign map like treasures, climate ratings which determine the suitability for each race, just generally much more detail and beautiful/bright aesthetics, especially around Hoaxetl.

No due to how they've set it up, so you can't play it with the first game's factions. You should be able to play with WaWa 2 factions though

Saved from the ashes.

The campaign map has been shit since Rome 1. Chess board map best map.

Fucking disagree right there.

there should be a way to pirate it. i uninstalled wawa1 and can still play all the races. id assume you just look for a wawa2 that includes the mortal empire patch


I think so too, the ME content is treated like DLC that you get after it's been confirmed you own Wawa1, and then checks what dlc you have for wawa1, so it should be possible to pirate it


the majority of total war 2 isn't even available once you buy it

warhammer like design, dark, dirty and detailed

Well that was disappointing.


You retarded or something?
It's certainly not as grimdark as I'd like it to be, but theres nothing cartoony about it on the art design.
It's like saying Dawn of War 1/2 are cartoony.

Except that's exactly the thing going in Total Warhammer 2.

Case in point.

This is not cartoony.

Its fucking retarded. WaWa2 is pretty damn flawed. For one thing, it should have released cheaper and should have been considered, and again priced, as a stand alone expansion pack. Mortal empires should have also been available from the start, because again, it should have been an expansion pack. I vaguely remember attacking towns being better in Med2 and sieges are fucking terrible.