I learned my passion, in the good old-fashioned, school of loverboys
I learned my passion, in the good old-fashioned, school of loverboys
Other urls found in this thread:
why did you even bring this up to me? did you mean to link bard?
of course you don't, cutie.
What made me a cutie in that one?
I was just responding to what you said, Bard will see it
me misreading it and thinking you said "owe" not "own"
although you not owning any words is p cute too.
f u
Please do.
What the heck.
Here's a cute loli
Hey hey you you I don't like your boyfriend
Just enjoying being drunk for a while. Told my current study group that I won't be meeting in tomorrow so here I am fucking up my sleep schedule!
Lucky for me I never get this!
look, I don't have a lot of substance to me, okay? this is why everything is so shallow and surface level when I'm involved. you clearly don't mind because you keep talking to me anyway.
What am I supposed to be seeing
Even you are better than that.
Her boyfriend is so nice, though.
*internet boyfriend
Whoa, mean.
What a baka, you should be more responsible.
I wasn't prepared for this to get this deep so suddenly ;;
I am the opposite of deep.
You don't even like girls, stop trying to advertise your big dick to the thread!
Sucks that the lyrics doesn't match!
I don't even know him!
And no, I have no responsibilities yet :3
Maybe you're so deep you can't even see it yourself
Oh, I like my ID colour, ofc Darwin's looks like vomit.
You were responsible for being a well contributing member of your study group!
that isn't even close to what I meant. how do you know it's big, anyway?
that's deep, yo
I'm sure they will be fine for one day without me. I'm not that particularly amazing !
Yours is diarrhea.
That's the spirit!
What's wrong with them?
Threaten suit. If it's a low cost they'll pay it to avoid that possibility.
I said this to Cupcake when he mentioned you had no insurance to cover your injury
They are fucking garbage and annoying, like flags.
I mentioned that I have no insurance you dum dum. I didn't realize you mislinked and meant to link bard in that post.
You can do better.
You can turn them off
omoio wa mo shindieru
Yeah fuck you Loodz you cunt jk I love you
Oh whoops
I did. That is why I meme-arrowed it.
i love you cuppy :(
I am an HTML master so I have all the hex codes memorized.
You said you're the opposite of deep.
The opposite of a deep hole is a tall mountain, right?
They're all going to fail with 49's and it'll be all your fault.
ilu2 weirdo.
no. you're getting wildly off track here, emma.
I wasn't even targeting you!
Noh I'm gonna be fine and my group will do amazing!
I only lie when it's wildly amusing.
Cupcake's okay
i like that post number
also want a cute gardevoir??
That's pretty rotten of you.
of course I do.
There's a train on this mountain too?!
Hmmn? I'll see it when I believe it :3
you're confusing me.
half truths.
That's just gross feeling.
Like uh, railroad tracks...
You know what those are, right?
3/4ths truth. Final offer.
nope. what are they?
now you're down to 1/4 truth, buster.
Oh, they're those small colourful things that people put on their ice cream. They don't really add much of value but they look pretty nifty.
What's something that is quick to learn and is super helpful in life?
this sounds like a lie.
Kill yourself.
Bed. Good night.
Hard to convince hm. I'll show you some time.
Well fuck you it's the whole truth.
Enjoy being okay in my book fucker
sleep well.
Alphabet backwards. Helps with roadside drunk tests :^)
I can assure you that I never lie.
Mm'kay, sweet dreams.
this sounds like even more of a lie.
Wow, that is super quick!
Sounds good
Don't fuck with this memer
oke! what do you think of this doodle i just did?
You dropped your "s"
fingers on that hand look weird as hell. everything else looks pretty nice.
You stop this right now.
If you sound like you know the alphabet backwards by heart they might not take it seriously.
What the fuck was that post sci
perspective is hard im sorry ;-;
fingers aren't perspective they're construction
you asked for my opinion. if you'd like me to lie in the future simply say so. I tend to try to be honest when asked for my opinion on someone's art. fingers are hard, my ex had the same kind of issues a lot of the time. just means you need more practice, nothing wrong with that.
find your chill.
No chill.
I would expect this man to be a registered sex offender.
thats my dad
wow he's my dad too
I'm sorry that you're a rape baby.
that's pretty cool
i'd only be bothered about the circumstances of my creating if i turned out to be a cripple
or a retard
but ive looked hard into the idea that i might be retarded and i dont think i am
but what if im just too retarded to know that im retarded
thats my biggest fear
this is why i need people to validate me
Eugenics isn't all a bad thing.
I fucking lol'd when Goggles asked how people type when they're drunk
but you have fucking assholes right
who go around finding fucking retarded people
and congratulating them on not shitting themselves all day
what if the people who are just congratulating me are just being condescending assholes like that
and im just too retarded to see it
this is why i hang around complete fucking assholes
because when they validate me it's more legitimate
that no picklpee
I fucking cringed
this board is a joke
but hitler did stuff
wew lad
I am the punchline
We lost gramps
When did I ask that?
Americans forcefully sterilized the retarded and criminals which directly influenced Nazi policy or was at least used as justification during the post-war Nuremberg Trials.
A few days ago when I had gotten off work I think
It was pretty fucking lulz
It was funny tho
Come on he doesnt know any better
It was actually when you were talking about being drunk cybering and I asked you how people did that because I was under the assumption people would have trouble typing and have that whiskey-d*** thing.
i wasn't sad about that, i'm glad you're honest ; -;
i've been trying so hard lately to get perspective so i'm happy someones honest
woa i typed the same trhing twice anyways here!
About drunk cybering*
I love this, by the way. very nice gardy.
I dont understand how you don't get that being in a community like this
I think hes either actually retarded or just pretending to make people put their guard down
ty ;w;
Finally someone I can talk to appears.
Hello squishsquash, how is your night?
Fine. Off for the weekend.
In OW so slow replies.
Who the fuck jacks off while cybering?
That's just plain sad
I think he's just young and hasnt drank before
if you say so
Test is murdering fuckers on Rust
so proud of him
do you guys ever just think "man if I had a vagina I would be a fucking turboslut whore 9000"
a bunch of you people probably have
My little brother hadn't seen Filthy Frank and I showed him the WEEABOOS video and he lol'd pretty hard
Then when he was talking about the Katana collection he was like
"But don't you own a katana?"
I'd be a gold digger and cheat on all my bfs
Why would you be a slut for free when you can make people work/pay for it?
Then again you'd have to be hot in order to do that
you people
Fish is a turbo slut already and nobody wants them.
That's good, I also have the weekend off like every weekend because I'm a student too lazy to work.
iirc you work weekends fairly often.
Oh come on Goggles, why would you do that?
How do you even type?
Just fucking videochat at that point
I asked for the weekend off.
I don't own a webcam.
Make Darwin buy you one so we can all enjoy your nudes
Be useful for once
I have no reason to be of any use to you.
do you have reason to be of any use to me?
Ah, that makes sense. Do you have plans? Or did you just need a break.
I could give you money
That's about as useful as I could be to you tbh
Waiting for Direct Deposit to hit at midnight so I could go buy some beer or some weed
Still debating on what to get
Test and I are going to Ren Fest in Kansas City.
Not really anyone. I don't know why I'm here.
No. I'm alright, thankyou.
give me money, soto.
Way to turn down easy money
Oh that is cool, I have never been to one of those. Will you be dressing up like a dweeb?
It's a TRICK
I don't really want your money.
Having sent people large amounts of money online, I can confirm that really you only need an email and MAYBE an account number
Well you could use something like paypal so you don't have to give people your real info right?
Yeah that works too
So you could spend it on Costco brand Vodka?
No thanks fam
Fuck you Ian
Also I owe you some Korean BBQ and drinks since you covered me when I was a worthless NEET
I'm still worthless but I'm back to having money again
Aren't you proud of me? ^W^
What are you dumb or something?
Fucking Swedes I swear
No wonder Darwin dumped you for Goggles lmao
Sho ga nai
thanks fam i need more of these
You should. Test can be a prince, and you can be his loyal hunting dog.
Are you still working a shit job? If so then no, I am not proud of you
Loljk good job fam also I'm going home Saturday and having KBBQ with my family
Parton XO Cafe is fucking delicious btw
Who knew Tequila, Chocolate, and Chile go so well together
that's literally how you people tried to dox luka wasn't it?
Can I have money?
If this conversation is going to devolve into dog jokes I will seek other company.
I mean, it's not personal. firstly, I don't have a way of accepting your donation anonymously. Secondly I don't want to actually own a webcam/
Yeah I could've left that out. I don't really care if it's legit or not so whether they succeeded or not doesn't matter too much to me. Something about sending him food right?
I'll tell you my name if you give me money.
Have you been to a ren fair before?
I think Grim used EXIF data or something and tracked his FB page.
IT is still considered shit so I guess lmao
No inv
Too bad I work weekends
I have Luka's PO box
I never leaked it cause I sent him a Christmas present and I never intended to be a huge dick and leak that to everyone in threads
I'm a complete different person during Christmas
I'm actually nice
Wait till Christmas
Fucking straya cunt
No, youre telling me your name for free on Christmas
EXIF wouldn't tell him lukas name I think, just geolocation information and the name of the camera the picture was taken with.
I think that's how it works at least.
and an extra reminder of how creepy that dude is
You only leaked it to some? I think that box's address is something more people than just you know. You have a history of letting secrets go just for "the lulz" when you drink on TCs and stuff anyway do you not?
I wouldn't know the details.
I was not around. You'd have to ask Grim as he is the resident DOXer.
That is a great many times. What do you do there, walk around and eat food?
Yes, I am Australian.
There are shops and shows and all sorts of things.
If you lived near KC or could make it on Saturday or Sunday I would invite you.
I do not, though I do have a great deal of family down that way. If it was not during the school year I could most likely work a visit to them in as a pretense.
I appreciate the thought behind the invite though.
I actually have never leaked that, I'm serious
I also have never leaked Manaka's full name or address
Who else did I send gifts too?
I have Nymphs, Ians, Erins
I need to check my Amazon address list
No wonder you smell like Marmite
Squash what ever happened to your ducks anyways?
I haven't actually had Vegemite in several years.
Bobcat and natural death.
One is still alive and well back with Snuffles.
My sentiments exactly.
When was the last time you ate a Tim Tam?
Holy shit where the fuck did a bobcat come from?
Is he big already?
That was a while back
Well if you say so. You've leaked pretty much everything I ever said to you in confidence though.
She's fully grown and laying eggs.
I don't know if any hatched.
A few months ago, maybe. There are some in the pantry but I have no interest in eating them.
Lay eggs in me.
not anymore. now I want cash.
who dis
Oh yeah Cupcake youre not in my collection
Pls write down "Soto Kill yourself [INSERT UNIQUE INSULT HERE] "
Yeah, but I wouldn't really consider you a close friend
I haven't even known you for that long
Everyone I sent gifts to I had already known for like 3 years or more
Besides you telling me that you fantasized about getting tied up and used by several people isn't really as bad as telling people their real names or their addresses
Everyone already knew you were a slut anyways
Tell that nigger to send pics
Wow do you not like chocolate or something?
Fuck it just eat some eucalyptus drops instead
Also I dont want to be mean and call you worthless but you are kind of a easy lay so yeah
You're close friends with luka?
Actually no, I don't like chocolate that much. Ever since one Easter when I ate too many eggs.
im not going to reply to these images that convey nothing
it's okay. I know that I am worthless.
Once upon a time I was, yeah
Alot of people were super cool with Luka until the whole him spending money on leeg skins rather than food and complaining about being hungry and him refusing to work or even try to get a job everyone pretty much started hating him
I tried to help him out but it would just go in one ear and out the other so I fucking raged and gave up on him and decided to bully him instead
I have really good patience but god damn I gotta give it to Luka he managed to break me lmao
lol did you throw up?
Whoa whoa whoa
No self loathing fam
You get something on christmas so you just have to wait
Absolutely not. I just lost my appetite for them.
but arent you still a kid?
Kids love chocolate
Forgot text.
IKT kill yourself.
Ikt Ive already seen your asian face
write down Soto kill yourself in Vietnamese and take a picture of it for me pls
Well like- everyone likes chocolate but I guess I don't enjoy it to the extent of everyone else.
Yoshika's cold dead womb.. Filled with my hot sticky semen !
Desu do you still hate me? :^)
I just bought this
Rate my nerd-dom/10
I never used my Straight Outta Gensokyo sticker I bought at 2hucon
I found it like half a year later in the trunk of my celica all wrinkled and faded
No one gives a fuck what underaged Australians think
LOL what a nerd. When I get that sticker and put it on I'm gonna put the :^) sticker I got from Luke at last AX on my car too
Lol white people
I'm just not sure what you're expecting to display to other road users 'look, I like pokemon too, look at this spooky sticker'.
What are you going to be for Halloween?
Name one bumper sticker other than Baby On Board that is not used to just show an interest.
You're right, I should put a Trump 2016 sticker on there
A Rock Lobster
"my other ride is your mom"?
Sam is gonna be a crusader, Israel is gonna be a spartan I think, and Imma be a samurai
shits gonna be lulz
Missys party is like mandatory costumes
That's fucking disgusting.
The interest is your mom.
I am curious who is going to win because a lot of people are coming out denouncing Trump.
hory shit I might even get approved in like 1-4 months
Nice, my work is encouraging us to dress up... I should get something tbh.
No one. Everyone loses.
Kill yourself.
Capping your own posts and posting them is sad, Sci.
Move aside America, your time as a superpower has come to an end.
But isn't that still a lose-lose situation?
pretty much.
"If you cannot see my mirrors, I cannot see you"
The point being that stickers on cars aren't suppose to be anything more than dumb shit.
I was actually pondering this the other day when I walked past a car with a bumper sticker about some environmental stuff. They look absolutely awful, make a mess of your car. I hate them so much.
I drive an uplander.
No real damage to do.
[Fire emoji]
Are you telling me you have bumper stickers?
I am saying I would have no issue with it.
I already got a tattoo.
I don't need a sticker.
if i had a car i would deck it out in christian bumper stickers for the purpose of ironic humour
but i am fucking shit at life and dont have a car and only have a bike
but i made do and put monster energy drink stickers on it
Also I already have a Gengar/Mega Gengar keychain
My friend got a tattoo the other day. it's like this really interesting diamond/shield on the underside of his arm with some really complex dot-work. I would never get a tattoo myself. I like my skin clean.
Please go to church, Squash.
This is actually what I plan to get.
They are the guild insignias from FFCC. It was a game me and my brothers got really close over. We each played a different race. Mine being the top left. We will get them on our shoulders.
go as a killer clown
kappa kappa~
Guys I think desu filtered me
Fucking mission accomplished
Kill yourself, Soto. You're a stupid faggot d***head.
This is a joke
You're not even old enough to drive a car
Who cares what you think
I knew how to drive a car ever since like- the second grade. It's not hard, I just watched how people did it.
I laughed irl
I was really disappointing with Starboy since it was a collab with The Weeknd and Daft Punk and had high hopes but it was eh
Then this song came out and the music video is so fucking sick
thats funny
oh right i posted it earlier
what do you think of it?
Starboy just wasn't for me, I dunno man.
Kinda weird since Im a hardcore Weeknd and Daft Punk fan
I really like False Alarm though
song is great and music video is nice too
which umbrella is kogasa !?
My onee-chan always fucks with me when I pass out from drinking or smoking too much lmao
she's a qt
hope israel can keep a hold on her
If it doesnt work out wanna trade sisters?
You gimme your and I'll give you mine
I had bread
That one old bitch that did the Nazi salute was pretty adorable tho tbh
Oh yeah she totaled her car she had just got from the dealer and got a DUI like a month ago
Sucks to be her
LOL. What a dummy
She didn't hit anyone hopefully?
Gotta give her some credit though my sister used to be fat as shit and she lost so much weight now
Kinda proud of her tbh
lets see the cute little frog girl
If your favorite is not Remilia, then you are doing it wrong.
woah she's so cute!!!!
This is the most brain melting thing I've ever seen
Wow !!!!
Froggy touhou ! CUTE !!!
she spits bars
I'd like to munch on her cute little tummy
Suwako is best 2hu
Im finally right for once
I want to make out with the Remimi's navel until its all slick and glittery with my saliva
i want to tug on her wings until she moans because it feel kimochi > / / / < !
For those who care: I got home safely
That is good, though for the record I do not care.
good to hear
Quit drinking and driving you baka
Did you drink and drive elma?
I walk.
Not since senior yerar
tell that to your family mein negro
Now send me nudes ^W^
< . < even at all its pretty dumb yo.
You don't want my nudes. They're nasty.
That was 9 years ago. I learned.
dont do it again!
morning everyoner
mornyan scootawoo
that is danke
morning scoots
Woah! The leaves are about to change!
Oh but I do
urgh, please kill me fam
If you arent gonna do it again then it is fine.
I haven't.
bloop a doop
suicide pact?
sounds legit
tfw ate 2 hot pockets to try and sober up and nothing yet x_x
I kinda wanna buy a baby Barn Owl for myself as a gift to myself this christmas
Its illegal to own a Owl here in the US but my whole family is illegal so who gives a fuck
of course I'd have to invest a good amount of money into it and study up on how to take care of one
It won't be easy but I wanna test myself and Im kinda confident I could do it
As for being able to buy one I know a paisa ass swapmeet in Chino Hills where they illegal sell exotic birds but you need to ask for it in advance and they charge you so fucking much
But Barn owls are so kawaii
how do I Holla Forums
soto you are a an absolute menace. Off yourself.
After this beer fam
do we.... draw straws to see who starts first or this an on three sort of game?
tep 1 pick avatar
step 2 pick name
I'm scared.
Don't do it.
on three... 1.... 2...
feareth not mine child
im with bard
i dont wanna be with no fags
well take on the world
home sweet home
kinda want to see if that chick would live with me just sayin
you didn't do it did you?
...It was a good movie. Wait do you not like Anno anymore?
Has your left wing politics fucked you UP that badly you fucking communist sympathizer?
i anno like the vbest and kill the rest
you lameo, I obviously didn't cause you didn't
If musicians are food chains Taylor Swift is McDonalds because she's everywhere and I hate it.
anta b-baka
eyes on the horizon RIFK
kill yourself you depressed little shit
eh? text me if its important
time for work, later fam
You have looked. But you have not seen.
You have looked. ButCyou have not seen.Ayyouhavelookedbutyouhavenotseen.NYou
have looked. YouHavelooked.you havelooked, butyouhavenotseenhavenotseen. The one's who would not look,Ycould not see. And i look downOon them now. DeprivedUof life. Bereft of sensation.SDead. yuohavelokedbutyouhvenotseeN.Eyou h av elEok ed. But youhaven ot seeenhavenotlookedhavenots 33 n. ? y o u H h v e e l o k e d b u t y o h a v e n t s e e n .
You have looked. But you have not seen. FUCKING BLIND FUCKING FUCK
It is all wrong.
Kill them war god rifk
I don't have your number.
Just call any tech support number.
You will talk to an Arjuna.
Trust me.
Who is the guy posting Asriel?
I feel sick
I burnt my arm today squash
what is your day like
Well enough.
I am meeting up with Test tomorrow for Ren Fest.
fukcin ky
Touch his beard.
whats ren fest lol
He shaved.
Renaissance fair.
thats so fucking cute
do the carpets match hte drapes
I swear I can't complain If I die tonight
But I don't think its in the stars For me to go that way I'll be here for a long, long time babe
I'm here to stay
where arjuna went?
He said so himself.
It's true.
You're fricken dead, kiddo.
Why did you shave it? It was really cool.
You fucking faggots better take a selfie together at least
Are you asking if I shave my crotch?
I don't know, I'm a creature of impulse.
~I got a plasticful
a plastic full of my pubes
I can grow it back to fairly long in two months if I want.
Jesus Christ there is no escaping your spicdom little brother.
Goggles is just mad cause he could barely grown any facial hair
You already know
whats up with you war god bro
youll never get the succ if you dont shave
girls dont like hairy men downstairs uwu
Some bwoy a talk bout dem nuh fraid a nuh man with no gun, until it pop off you nuh even see weh dem turn, a use excuse bout dem a run go fi gun, but when we fi see dem under dem bed dem lie down..(raidchan tell you) proto
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
What about hairy girls?
its okay there are very desperate men out there
men like me ;~:
I'm not sure how true that is.
Does it make me desperate if I genuinely wouldn't care if they shaved or not?
beleive me i am actually a g irl
hahaha probably not
that's a pretty trivial little detail
a real man loves his woman every day of the year
I dunno, I think there are a lot of people that consider how their partner's genitals look to be a pretty big part of a relationship.
[?]Not that I would know[/?]
I made a mistake
sounds pretty shallow
i think a personality is much more important
champagne for my cyber friends
cyber pain for my sham friends
Of course it is shallow, but that doesn't mean it can't have an influence. I do agree with you though. As times pass and looks fade, personality is all that remains.
its all a part of chemistyry i suppose
who are you fella
I'm a nobody. At least here, that is. Although it's nice to meet you!
Ehhh ain't we all?
Enjoying your time here?
kinda early, looking really dead tonight
It's pretty usual Holla Forums stuff. I like reading through what people say though. It's kinda overwhelming during the daytime though since the circle jerking is really thick and I don't really have anything interesting to contribute.
Trust No One, Mr Mulder.
hope to see you round occasionally, the more the merrier
doon't gotta be too interesting but i suppose it can kinda help
alot of pretty good times to be had with some stories her
Yeah, hopefully if I do stick around a bit I'll be able to put names to faces a bit easier! I like to think I'm pretty good at that. I've already seen the same names like yours pop up a bunch; you're a cool person Bard!
No one has anything interesting to contribute, that is why they are all here.
Especially me I am the most uninteresting of all.
What you just said was pretty interesting though! I'm sure half the people here think they're the least interesting person.
I think you are a homovan faggot if that shines light on anything.
Many would agree I am the least interesting.
I am not particularly popular here, though partially due to lack of participation.
Sounds about right!
hey anybody here remember the title of that h doujin where 2 friends go around japan in a van doing anti chris hansen things?
I was trying to find out the name of it the other day too but forgot
This was like some straight up raping shit where the 2 of them would lure kids to their van and they would rape them
The other guy wasnt that bad of a lolicon but his friend got him into it by sharing him his collection of pics and vids till they actually did it
That was like back in the day on Holla Forums
This one?
Yeah that's the one. I want to feel like a total degenerate again for some reason.
rifk hug
you need jesus
wait prove it.
Fucking hell. The reason why I couldn't find that was because I was typing in loli friends instead of loli tomodachi.
Time for some quizlax.
I never really read all of it but it's one of those meme ones people like to post.
In this kind of scenario Mordin would be the fat lolicon showing us the loli porn (as he is doing rn) and I'd be the shy skinny nerd who's kinda intrigued and end up joining him
I'm not into that shit, it's unappealing!
Besides Mordin is a lil chubby and I'm fit so it would make sense
. Tom pulled out a gun was trigger happy having fun. Shoots a man starts to cry hears a slam tells a lie. The cops believe him and he gets away. But he still has to live with the burden of that day.
Ten years later, on the dot. Thinking of death, without a thought. Puts the gun up to his head. Fills his brain up, full of lead
The straw should be put in:
On the mirror.
Or in the bag.
Provide evidence.
I do not think either of those things are true.
A whore's ass.
you still in east LA?
For some reason I feel like reading some Oyster as well.
Mordin, come join me and Darwin in bed for sleepy cuddle times.
I'm still pretty confident I have a better body than you so I get to be the skinny guy
He's not Nezi sized, but around the lines of Tsuchi sized
I was never in East L.A.
He's not going to bed yet.
Isn't tsuchi a twig? Don't you guys call him a methhead?
Tsuchi is about the same body type as you.
If we go he will follow, join me I want your warm body keeping me temperate in the cold night.
oh and now somebody messages the real darvan and is all like..the idiot from OC is asking..blah
Closer to Beverly Hills and West Hollywood.
i am immune to memes
I can't, I must stay pure. And he can't go to sleep before 4 AM, it's been tradition for as long as I've known him.
I coulda swore he was chubbier
Guess Mordin is Nezi or Fish sized then
Does he actually do meth? lmao
But I have been going to bed earlier this week.
Because I have been going to bed early.
post that little thing that doesn't look like anything
Yesterday we left around that time I think. I don't remember, was that when I was falling over myself?
Probs all that yayo
My penis?
It was around 3.
Ok that is a fake darvan
Oh wait... But I actually meant 3. Because +9.
Bad at math.
You are being impish and trying to get me in trouble.
It's late! early... 11 AM.
I am expressing my desire to use your rear as a pillow.
Kiss is trying to cuck Mordin
so lolz
I think the KissShot wants some big gay cyber threesome.
Just finished it.
Man was the ending gay.
try harder
Call him a cheap rebound lmao
That's pretty lewd
Also when is the ren fair?
What are you going to wear?
Are you going to hug squash or just shake his hand?
Song for little brother.
cheap rebound meme
It starts Saturday. I don't dress up and cosplay like you do, I'm going in my regular clothes. And I gave him a goodbye hug last time, I see no reason not to hug him.
I feel like the fact that I'll never have children of my own is probably for the best
i am the memfather
Oh shit so you two have hung out before
Is squash cool irl or is he like the loud fabulous gay type?
For real though it's sleep time.
id imagine hes real af and blunt
He's cool. Total coward, though. I was at the gas station at one point and he nearly jumped out of his skin at the click when I put the gas nozzle back in the slot. And again he nearly had a heart attack when my sister walked around a corner and said hi while he wasn't looking.
He's hiding from the government is why.
That's fucking adorable dude
If I ever meet him Im gonna give him a real spooking
Aren't we all?
It was pretty cute.
Hoping we all go to AX.
I had the pleasure of watching him play Five Nights on stream. It was completely uproarious.
Mordin come to AX so we can tie you up and take turns using you
Your fantasy will come true
I heard swedes kinda smell funny tho
Kinda ironic, I dont see him the type to be scared easily by the way he posts and stuff
Then again Im a huge bully in threads and a sweetheart irl
I guess posting vs irl is pretty different
I don't really want that to happen. I'd worry for my life if I went to something like that with you, YOU ALMOST INDIRECTLY KILLED IAN!
I'm pretty much the same irl vs here. I'm just a mild fellow that goes for a laugh whenever possible.
That sounds fucking excellent.
I have approximate knowledge of many things.
He quit after the first night because he could no longer bear the scares.
What a chicken.
And then there was that time he was streaming while wearing only a towel and he forgot his webcam was on...
How rude.
I took good care of Kon and Grim at their first AX and showed them around, ya know. Showed them the tools of the trade
Though if you decide to do drugs there's a disclaimer where you have to be sure to handle what you take
Ian being Ian tried to impress Matthew by buying acid of him and doing it.
He was having the time of his life until he started freaking out when we were buying beer at Ralphs
I left him with Kon btw, I didnt ditch him
He ran off on his own when he got to the hotel with Kon cause he apparently thought Kon was gonna kill him
But when you drink you get loud and screech
I wanna get drunk with you and make fun of cosplayers and have a good laugh
Talk about life and stuff
Or was it a sheet? Whatever it was, mistakes were made.
Yes, I am not a pleasant drunk.
I mean, I'm happy when I'm drunk, but it's not a good thing to watch.
gonna make me a belt out of nipples
Or who could forget the time at 2hucon when I bought 5 beers one for each of my friends including myself and offered Chii a drink at some stand outside in front of the con, but Chii explained she doesnt drink so I respected that and asked for a Coke but they only had Pepsi so i was like "whatever"
Chii happily accepted the soda and we tried to go to where my friends were by the food trucks and they had told me I couldnt leave with the 5 beers so I had to sit down AND DRINK THEM if i wanted to leave
Me being me, I pretty much sat down with Chii and started drinking the beers and chatting about shitposter, memes, and all that stuff with her. She was so adorably shy but later opened up and caught ourselves talking nonstop by the time I was at my 3rd beer
Not to mention she ended up buying me a Remilia poster as thanks for the soda
Man she's such a nice girl
Good times man, his pupils were so fucking dilated dude
It was so noticeable since his eyes are blue af
Its pleasant for me to watch tho
Besides I got your back, I'll be there to shape you up when Con Ops are lurking about to make sure we dont get kicked out
I'll introduce you to the /cgl/ tripfags too
theyre cool af and party hard too
I love how eyes look on trippy
that dilate look is so kawaii
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lack of motivation to do anything tbh
i want to sleep almost
but if I sleep then I'm just going to have to wake up and go to work sooner
I could play vidya but its just not appealing
maybe Ill just smoke some more but Im already high
everything i love is monotony to me it seems
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