Only a lad; he really couldn't help it

Only a lad; he really couldn't help it.
Only a lad; he didn't want to do it.
Only a lad; he's underprivileged and abused.
Perhaps a little bit confused?

Other urls found in this thread:

3am. you definitely should be.

New thread, new posters.

oh man there was a sequel too


Are you really in lesbian?

Do you think it'd feel good if you did?\\

Don't tell me what to do, Mom.

Heyo, spoilers.

American servers are much more fun, you guys are fucked in all kinds of ways


Why live

what's got you up so late?


Its simple, ya don't

probably. maybe in a therapeutic sense

oh hey, I made it to actually 5 o'clock

instead of just "5 o'clock somewhere"

I think that's his fetish.

For the lolis

Good enough reason

hows it hangin bae?

why aren't you giving the succ yet?

(general reminder im always lurking post)

mic test nvm

wouldn't the therapeutic effects severely outweigh the moments of being lazy?

It really is the only reason.

What about monster girls?

Talking to some interesting people about some interesting things.

Neat, mine too.

Yeah, I should be, at least.
What's up?

Same old same old, procrastinating school stuff, eating unhealthily, playing games all day. You?

id have to try to figure that out

too busy drinking!

did you pass?

that sounds really...interesting.

Why. Have you always been? Why?

Do so and let me know. pls.

You did, yes.

I personally don't care for them all that much, but you do you :3

why do you bother changing your ip so much?

alright enough I'd say, just chilling out


i cant promise anything

I feel like that will just cause a big mess. and not the lewd kind. just the mess kind.


jealousy is unbecoming, tracer.

with that attitude you'll never have such an ability

I like loli > monster girl, but monster girl loli is the bestest

just use an enema u dummy

I don't know if my attitude can change the fundamentals of how drinking a liquid works.

I've earned the right to be so.

It's pretty interesting.
That's a cute catto, what's his name?

Nah, I was in Saudi Arabia for most of my life, easier to live in than Lebanon. For my parents at least, jobs and whatever.
I was born here, now I'm studying here.

Just posting? Not watching or listening to anything?

your ability to display a shocking lack of comprehension of the things being talked about around you is nothing short of astonishing.


Can't blame ya.


chi. from chi's sweet home. adorable little anime, short episodes. like 230 total in both series, but only 5 minutes each.


I doubt it ever will be.

No, not that either.

you'll never know at this rate!

half listening to spoopy stries on youtube for..... some reason? tbh just to have something in the background but mostly just posting

isnt that it
what crawled up ur ass dude


I am content with this outcome.

you're well aware that your first post did not indicate you knew what was being talked about.

different I D?

Best animu animal go

this show was fucking hilarious.

how is that? ur mouth is occupied drinking so instead use an enima for the alcohol while giving the succ

First time I've ever seen an Oingo Boingo shitpost. Good on you, lad.

Something to add to the list then, seems like a huggable catto.

Which youtuber? I used to listen to those while taking a walk.
Haven't had headphones in over a year now though.

that's dangerous. are you trying to get me killed?

she definitely is. she's very adorable. and the show is pretty funny.

cory in the house

g-gosh I get so nervous lately =v.v=

unless you admit u were wrong i might be in a minute



I'm never wrong.

wanna be one? this can be made to happen

plus mostly the drinking was just supposed to be going on at times during, unsure of why you fused the two at once!

jumping between mr nightmare, unit 255 might be remembering the number wrong and lazy masquerade


Hello, me.

fucking faggots i swear to god....

hello you

At 78 hours, currently.

nothing. just drinking. you?

anything with me is likely to involve consistent drinking.

what about them

awake, or without booze.

Whoah it was one of my "I thought I'm the only one who saw this" shows
Dammit Cuppers

Well memed bub

ebichu? I watched it earlier this year, stumbled on it one way or another. it was fantastic.



I am okay with this, just don't randomly pass out

all my fault, I presume?



actually there's a decent chance I might, I've been up since 2am.

72 hours straight of work? that seems...illegal.

Reminds me of Hamtaro

How's it going, yo?

these times have made you people too proud. have a little shame now and then jeez



This girl I know has the worst luck. I feel bad for her. I also fancy her. That actually makes sense.

thank you

Monster girl lolis?

I guess Papi wasn't so bad

Its 10 out of fuckin 10, definetly needs more like this

I fought with the guy kneed deep in bones for almost half a day, he is a battle brother now

that one I have not watched. seemed too kiddish.

I've never had much shame.

oh that's right...I guess with the hurricane they'll just have you working round the clock. so have you had no time at all for sleeping? I mean you can't possibly be working 78 hours straight with no breaks...

if you make it up in time to fuck before tomorrow? I would understand passing out lol

a lot is

No, total time for the week.

I was three years old at the time, dubbed in arabic. Horrid.

Suu best girl

papi is the greatest harpy of all time.
possibly the best monster girl.

the humor was fucking perfect.

well I'll probably be up early depending on if and when I pass out. just like last night. I accidentally took way too big a hit of weed while I was super drunk because I was too drunk to realize how much I was inhaling, and hoooo boy my head was spinning. needed to lie down big time.

seems a bit unfair.

ah. that's not quite so bad. lots of overtime pay right?

fairly well
hey have you asked you about lebanese folk music yet?

thats a mistake

I might be a bit biased towards monsters since I just binged monster musume uncensored last night

yikes. who would even bother dubbing an anime in arabic?

I don't really think it is.

where did you get the download? have a link to that somewhere?

sounds like nerdy camaraderie. oh Spicer.

new headset is nice
i can hear everything now. i am hearing so much i haven't been able to hear before. what in the world have i been missing
though, no noise cancellation means i'm going to have to get a new keyboard because green switches loud as fuck


of course you dont because youre too proud. see how it snowballs!?


Be still my fucking heart.

oh well. youre supposedly sad all the time for no reason tho, so i guess that makes it even.

thank you, flat user.

so I'm guessing more sleep and drinking time would be better.

what drink are you on

Know anything similar?

Ya know I fancy internet battles involving planning and teamwork

You never watched an animu before did ya?

I'll sleep in a bit.

No drinking for foreseeable future.

They did it for one piece and naruto and those kinds of shows. Those kinds get really popular here.
At one point, one of those beyblade spinoffs had a character with the same name as myself. He was the hero too, felt good.

Did you mess up a word there? Or did you ask me about before and I'm forgetting?
I don't listen too much to Lebanese music besides a band called Meen.

No problemo~

first. just started.

not really. I don't really watch animes unless I get them recommended or something. other than stuff like monster musume and whatnot I haven't watched many with dirty humor like ebichu had.

well that fucking blows.

one piece and naruto make sense but I didn't realize hamtaro was so popular.

The best girl in a pile of trash?

I don't even know any other harpies.

But you could have spent that time on other series.

Like Illya.

c-cause you're just so cute...

idk kinda anxious talking to people and stuff lately

hello, me

yeah I don't seem to get hit by the tired half of the results I am odd I guess but there's a bunch of both things here soooo all that's needed is the cups succ

And no gf to blow my fatigue away.

A damn shame.

but what does like traditional lebanese folk music sound like? do you have examples/can u describe it?


none of the others matter anyway. papi is all you'd ever need. she is perfect.

lies. filthy filthy lies.

I don't usually get like that unless I've been up for a long time, but that wasn't the case yesterday. not sure why I passed out like I did, but I'm not complaining. I like being asleep better than awake anyway.

overrated. just give yourself a nice handy j.

I don't need a harpy at all though.

that's good, because papi is already mine.

B-but I have already seen Illya!

It's because it's FLAC. I'm sure there's condensed file formats for it that take up less space though.

I tried

the space isn't an issue. doesn't seem to be starting the download yet though. stuck at "eta infinity" right now. ugh.

Too tired.

what goes up must come back down. you'll get that inevitable horrible team soon enough.

then sleep.

I'll just take all the other cute lolis, then.

There's no harm in rewatching it though.

I could go either way, sleep be damned some days tbh

oh wew, thats weird

Pretty much the only "ecchi" related stuff I ever watched, could get hilarious without rabid excessive amount of constant fanservice

'kay gotta get back to the farm laterz

I'll sleep in a bit.

I'm behind on my being upset quota.


How was my day?

I'm not sure, usually it's the same drum beat and singing style. It all sounds the same to me since my arabic is too weak to understand the deeper meaning of the lyrics. I can't help you there.

Suu is pretty cute, come on.

I have claims on some of those as well so watch out.

I sleep when I can. it's just better than being awake.

see ya.

well we can't have that. find something quick.

I just came across some Jameson
sorta wanna

I'll rewatch it without subs then.

Oh my god, is Ana back!?

I missed you!

I'm mulling over not being able to drink already.

In hindsight, that should have been "I missed you, Dude!"

how was your day cup?
do you wanna play later~?

n-no it's not v.v

it was ok

The dude tic is gone, finally. How ya been?

Maybe compared to the rest of the slime girls..

No no, you forfeited those claims just now.

Good, good.

Actually gone? Or gone online?
I found it kinda endearing, if I'm honest.

I've been well, and yourself?

yea a lot of traditional folk music sounds samey because of it being a communal thing. also is meen supposed to be a play on ween

I'm not going to watch it anytime soon though

I bet you're even more adorable asleep

it's somewhat cute

that name

drink up, me hearties.

good. good. that should help.

mostly just played overwatch, actually. I'd play later if you wanted, maybe. we'll see how I feel. how about your day?

it's cute that you think you get to make the rules here.

it's always possible. I wouldn't know. for some reason...

I don't know what you're talking about!!!


try to open a tweet from bill clinton
my twitter app crashes
wtf bill


I do get to make the rules.

wth is going on here


it's adorable that you think this, yes.

i-in a good way or a bad way?

it was ok

got a bunch of schoolwork done, need to finish a little more before work tomorrow since I probably won't have time after



But it's true.


I was just about to spamlink that, then I realized it's Sci .

bummer. but at least you're getting it done.
not too hard I hope?

you do spoil me so, tracer.

the only cheaters I seem to run into these days are widowmakers. they should just remove her from the game entirely I think. she's either total garbage or completely dominant in the match, and unfun to play with or against in every situation. plus she attracts cheaters like no other.

you keep doing it. awww.

it's okay, u still spamlinked it in my heart

I'm a pretty endearing guy. I use dude a good bit in my speech anyway. But I guess you're right, it's just gone on text.
I'm goodgood, thankfully. Alright and well. Going about my life in the usual way. Exams and stuff going well, just document problems taking up my time.

Yeah, I guess so. There are some nice pieces though.
Meen is a rock band that re-use tunes from Queen and other old bands. The word in arabic means "Who". As in they're unknown. They play in malls and shit but their music is pretty alright.


It's written down right here actually.

oh i see. are mall concerts common in lebanon..? ive never heard of that

show me where.


Didn't you get permabanned again, dude?

Admittedly, I use "like" in my speech more than should be acceptable, but that's less endearing since it's super common.

That's all good. Maybe document problems should go fuck themselves with a rake so we can have you back.

*does that
be on Steam

no it was only three days

I don't really want to be on steam but fine.

heart u

etc. etc.



Have Tracer and Cupcake had buttbabies yet?

Not really a concert, like 20 people showed up. It's more like a "guest band" playing. They don't get too many gigs. Shame. They're a really good band imo.

I think we're all guilty of that, yo. People laugh when the "gnarly" slips out sometimes. "Radical" is a little less punishing.

Yeah I hope so, cause my bank, embassy and college are conspiring against me to create the biggest clusterfuck possible. Doesn't help that this adds onto my schoolwork because of delays and trips I need to take to Beirut because our country is so lame the only branch of the Ministry of Eduction is in the capitol city.

how about you mind your business.

Yes, I did watch that game, yes.

it's cause you aren't trying hard enough to see, yeah that's what is stopping you from being awake and asleep at once lol


no it's easy :x

l-like me

dude thats an awful ship
not sci-approved

well, what can ya do :\
tough for a band to make it

this looks all kinds of faked.

Americans laugh when "eh" slips out.
It's even more annoying because that's one thing that I never realize happened until someone reacts to it.
Thankfully, it only ever seems to be Americans to react.

Wau. What dbags.
They should be less horrible in life.

When my best friends are involved, I have a habit of making it my business.


Si les Leafs font les séries éliminatoires, tu vas sauter dans le putain lac?

do ho ho~

I'm not trying hard enough to see myself while I sleep? I didn't know you could even try hard enough to make such a thing possible!

and just like that I felt all warm and fuzzy for a fleeting second.




I assure you that it is 100% real.

They won't though.

wew lad

"anything is possible if you try hard enough" :^)

can't. too busy soaking up all these (you)s

I never signed anything like that.

but it's fucking adorable that you feel that you'd need my say so to allow such a thing in the first place

said someone who didn't know anything about nuffin.

I'll pretend to have broken my hotkey just for you.

Ya never know

I don't need your say.

Whatever I say goes and I don't need your permission.

oh gosh

wow rude

what enthralling conversation you make

says the trap girl who just posted a forged document with my signature for permission.

I'm a mean drunk.

And then cupcake died of a mysterious lack of protein.

shut up. I get plenty.

sucks for you then, cups!



>trap girl

It took me like, 2 seconds. Don't let it get to your head, baka.

I have a lot of fun faking an arab accent when a person hears me in voice chat for the first time.
I got a friend with the same thing, an aussie accent that he doesn't notice until someone points it out.
Not gonna lie though, I'd laugh at "eh" as well. That shit's fucking funny eh?

Yeah, and they should give me a greencard and equal rights too, tbh. It's only fair since I'm such a great and gentle person.



two seconds you spent to make sure I'd call you adorable. you really will do just about anything for my approval. it's cute as hell.


Poster coq, Canadien

reminder that spoiling text is passe

reminder that sci is a pedo

To be honest I could pretty much do anything and you'd praise me for being adorable.



no fun for the cups

I think most accents people don't realize they have.

Though, everyone also has their little idiosyncrasies, whether they realize them or not. I had a friend who was learning english as a second language, and he used to always mix up "was" and "were." It got endearing after a while, and I was a bit upset when he'd finally corrected it.

>That shit's fucking funny eh?

this statement is as false as mine is true

that is to say your statement is completely false (just to save u from making the obvious 'comeback')

Les vôtres. Ou bien il est 9-11 fois.

what do u want

So this is what ISIS plans to do to America

Who here is a butt sniffer?






You may visit /d/ too often

why live


not true in the slightest. you're just on a roll since your return.

nothing is really fun for me.

k, pedo


i really want this meme to stop

then stop reacting to it.

I just bought Dead Space 1 and 2 on Steam

Rate my decision/10





but then the idea will really take root in the collective consciousness with no opposition and i'll just be taken for granted as a pedophile like darwin and ui instead of it being "is he really a pedo or is this a meme?"

Oh? What could I do that's not adorable?



I'm a pretty sour guy.

Yeah, those are pretty cute. But sometimes they get really fucking annoying when they matter. My English professor in Canada had a horrendous accent, she was from Indonesia and pronounced "Important" as "Impor"
Was pretty hilarious at first, but then that and a few other lisps made it really fucking hard to understand what she was trying to teach.
Terrible teacher.

Also I just realized you're using the girl I use a lot to signify "thinking", she really has a nice pose.



oh that's right! i've been doing it wrong all this time. thank u for helping me realize this cupcake

i need to plant meme seeds

Yo, did you just assume a gender

because you constantly jump in to defend yourself people will automatically assume you are guilty. that is how it works. at this point it doesn't matter one bit whether you are one or not. you have let things get to this point, and the best you can hope for now is to ignore it from now on and let people realize you refuse to react to it regardless of how true it is or not.

I doubt you'd be capable of figuring that out, because you seem pretty predisposed towards cuteness.



Get fucked kiddos

I'm watching an LP of Dead Space 3 right now and realized I played the original and loved it but never finished the game so I'm gonna do that now and do 2 as well

The consensus on 3 seems to be that it's pretty bad so I'll probably skip that one

I'm so sour I'm lemons.

Hmm.. where are you from originally?
You seem to get around a bit.

Yeah, Sakurako's pretty much perfect, in my most humble of opinions.

memes as social artillery

1 was objectively the best

Who's assuming genders now?

ur mom LOL

We are not playing fascist games like that around here lebanon, check your entitled privilige

Yeah, I remember it was amazing

I've heard 2 is pretty great too tho

you're all males nothing you can say will change my mind


can't beat the sheer atmosphere of 1

I was scared to death while playing it



so who are you, anyway?


I know the fetishes that you don't like!

except ikaros, luka, and neru

I doubt very much you're into those fetishes. and the number of fetishes I don't like is vastly outweighed by the number I do.

good to know at least

I'm 14/f/cali tho

True, and that's a lot of why I liked it so much. I love horror that uses atmosphere, and Dead Space fucking nailed it

I'm nobody. Duh.

Reported to simon wiesenthal center
But yeah, happy drinkin' I'm out

I'm from Lebanon. I meant to say America there, but I've been to Canada too.
I've been around a good bit of places, never for too long, though for certain reasons.
That's a story for another time, though. I need to shower and head to sleep.
Night, yo.

I'm a girl irl.
Pic related.
It's a picture of me. Irl.
I took it recently.

Good job on that spoilering Rin, proud of you

ur a pussy thats who u are

the same nobody I'm talking to on steam, or a new one?

it's less fun to experience.

get it? less fun?

If anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying.

And boring.

'night, Dude.
Rest well, and sweet dreams.

except for ikaros, luka, and neru

I even remembered to turn it off afterwards!

goodnight my dude.

For you

A new nobody.

Washing machine Rin is only Rin.


cool cool. welcome aboard the crazy train.

dont swing that way

forgetting the pact already, eh?

its fucking kanra

you're gay?

I said sudoku?

porch washer unibrow scrub wearing Rin is only Rin

we're supposed to solve those together you monster. I see how little I mean to you.


Thank you kindly. I'll probably just lurk most of the time anyways


I can learn!


What's up with Ricardo, he never responded

not possible!

no, pussy is the sexless term for both pussy and boipussy u idiot

just like waitor or actor

a decentish joke

Waitress and Actress aren't words?

that's what most of us do.

and a sudoku pact. way to remember things that are important, gosh.

doubtful. but I'm sure your attempts will be cute.

so you're gay?


I burnted the entire lower half of my left arm at work today
probably the worst burn I've ever got
feels like somebodys cuting me with a knife
I knew today was going to be shit, I could tell from the time I laid down to go to bed lst night
whats upwith you guy


how'd you manage that? burns are the worst.

I think you're making things up.
Or just mistaking me with somebody.

I'm Bloodsy, btw.

god damn it thats two tonight

waiter and actor can apply to either sex

fuck off

hey, quick upd8 for u: i popped that zit. it felt great.

Either his phone got gg'd in the crash or he just doesn't go on fb


Is it Erin levels of cutting with a knife bad?


Ow... is your work gonna help you at all with that?

I was in fact making this up.

I know who you are.

lol okay homo

He's just that far in the closet.
Like how he's not a pedophile but has plenty of images of underage girls.
Don't be a bigot.

He works at KFC.

Ah okay. Well at least he's okay

You disgust me.


Not commonly.
And most people will give you dirty looks if you do it, in this day and age.

I'm Bloodsy4KE.
My name is Skye.
But please just call me Bloodsy.

wow thanks I didn't know this.

there are many ways to burn yourself. I'm hoping for a story.

I find that hard to believe, honestly. you seem quite fond of me.

okay rin skye bloodsy.

well those people can suck my dick. anyway thats how i was using "pussy".


Hi Cups
It's almost 4 am on a friday morning. Sup

Hai Colb! Long time no talk

Hey you!

In your dreams!

her name's not blood-chan dont call her that anymore thanks

pussy can refer to one of two things.
A cat.
Or a vagina.

And anyone who unironically uses boipussy should be permabanned from living.

You realize she'd gone back to that name right?

doesn't bc go by ikarous now? she kept spoiling naruto for me so I had to block her. haven't bothered to unblock yet.

nice. why are you up so early/late?

nothing much. just a typical day of drinking to forget what a failure at life I am.

not really. I couldn't care less, but it's flattering all the same.

It's moderately funny how Sci it pretty much the only person to every whiteknight Blood-chan's equally autistic self.

Cool it with the sarcasm yo

You're awfully cheery

What's up?


She's gone between Bloodchan and Ikarous more frequently than you've changed your underwear.
But I'm pretty sure she'd gone back to bloodchan before she left.

Canadian Blood-chan pls response


ur opinion on this is garbage and i reject it outright

unless that was in the past three or four days, "no"

doubtful. because of how hot it is here I change my underwear like twice or three times a day.

it's awful its constantly feels likeim being lectrocuted
and now i wont bee able to wash dishes for the next few days
even taking a shower was hard...

We have these fryers and the last one in the row we havce to move every day to clean behidn it and they are filled with 25 to 50 gallons of oil heated naywhere from 320 to 350 degrees

a few months back they all had lids on them but one broke so now this one that has to be moved doesnt have a lid so I have to grab it by this a wkward ledge and tip it onto its back legs
which puts it at danger of tipping over because the fucking thing weighs like a hundred pounds
so then I have to push it to the end of the row of fryers and the brick floor we have is shitty and old so alot of the tiles are uneven and th back legs get caught on them and so it either gets tippd over or I have to grapple with it and swing back so it doesnt flip and fucking oil flies out of the top and usually the oil doesnt splash all over me but this time iit went all over my left arm and my pants

I mean shit man Its not even hospital level or anything but its really painful and it is in th way of almost anything I do
and Ill have to wait for like a week for it to go away because fucking burns take frever

They gve me some solarcane which didnt reallyt help at work but i didnt get to take it hoem with me
they asked if i needed to see a doctor but i probably dont

Thanks bby


Well that's good. You should still get painkillers and have them reimburse you tho.

yikes. that fucking sucks. I hope it heals alright. sorry bard.


nothing quite like the feel of fresh clean underwear when it's hot. does mean I have to do laundry a lot though.
pity me.

can't. no insurance.

use your words.

I just came home after a concert and I'm happily drunk.

Forgetting life is one of the great things of drinking, regardless of how life looks!

I'm one of those who gets happy when intoxicated. May be mildly annoying.

I overslept something I shouldn't have overslept on.

true. I'm a big fan. what kind of concert?

I'm going to bed now.

is it too late?

okay. sleep well, rin.


I have to wait an hour or so to find out if I screwed myself over or if it's salvageable.


That's for worker's comp reasons.
Yeah, take it or go to the ER and claim it.
Otherwise they won't have to pay shit for medical attention.

Good night

right right. sleep well bloodsy.

Just in some place not too crowded. Went with some study friends. I was like the wall that kept people from getting too close to my girls who were dancing.

yeah i know workers comp
I fractured my wrist there before
my specific resturaunt is really good about that kind of thing
its just wat happen

Hey hey you you

What's up? :3

I don't own any!

hopefully everything is alright.

how many girls do you have? a whole harem?

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

Threaten suit. If it's a low cost they'll pay it to avoid that possibility.

I either get that way or incredibly depressed lol

That just means you're a happy person overall :)
