Woaah hey guys
Anyone have the Fallout edit?
Africans mating giraffes to create lookouts.
How cute.
then again that's what this whole thread will be
Fuck yourself.
What concerns me is that GameStop has somehow gotten worse since then. This was just a goofy, poorly executed commercial. Now, they're become the unholy fusion of an arab-owned cell phone store, thinkgeek, and reddit LOLIMSUCHANERDXD culture.
Coffee that
That's one weird looking nigger.
What I want to know is what is Steve Bannon doing buying CoD at EB store.
made me lol 8/10
Why I am not surprised?
Please tell me there is more.
So slender.
that's a feel i havent felt for a while
well there's something I didn't expect to see in this thread.
Is there… context behind this? Is this giraffe supposed to be a specific character?
There is but I'll post it later on in the thread as not to derail it into a dump this early
Looks like drawthread shit.
Where did the time go?
Shitposting and not playing games.
Fuck you, the Jews should have died in the desert. Free Canaan, praise Baal and death to Yahweh.
lmaoing @ ur lyf goyim.
Nice try schlomo
I still remember how much of a newfag I was back then, and the five guys board… Time sure flies.
Compare depictions of Baal from the period to this depiction of Yahweh. It's clear who we really should be worshiping.
Gas yourself kikechanner, this is Holla Forums turf
The guy that drinks semen for power?
It's legitimate, ask /fit/. Gotta keep those gains.
Go away nigger
Were you not here for the neogaf threads? We're officially internet jews.
webm or fuck off, i dont want google to see this
open it in a private window then.
They already know that your IP cached the thumbnail so…
Why do you support imperialism when it's the imperialism of the Jews, Holla Forums? The struggle of the Palestinian people is the struggle of the Canaanites.
Chris Chan also does it. Both Odin and him have sons that zap to the extreme too
oh boy
Literally the opposite. Yahweh is the god of Zion, and Baal is the lord of Canaan.
LOL the alt-right just got BTFO my fellow 4chan brother.
praise the emprah my fellow Holla Forumsedditor xD
This magapede meme predates the 56% one right?
Im not sure but the 56% meme is from 2015 and before that it used to be 62% meme
Are you high or gay or both? That's a meme from this year - Of course, making fun of mulattos and other assorted mutts is a much older meme, but the 56% meme as you know it now is really a recent invention.
I just looked it up on knowyourmeme
I am reminded of a great quote which I will paraphrase now -
"He who studies humor is often the one who lacks it"
If anyone has the full quote or knows what I am talking about, go ahead and fill me in.
And you’re completely wrong. It was invented and calculated by a committee of paid think tank members just this year.
Proofs? :DDD?
Is there any bigger proof that 56% meme came from cuckchan? It's really low effort honestly. It takes a statistic and skew 56% of Americans are white to Americans are 56% white. At least make the shitting on Americans at least somewhat true like Americans are jew lovers or that California is full of gays.
It's perpetuated by argentinians and huemonkeys so they feel whiter. Uma delicia really got to them.
Don't forget that roaches are involved with it as well, always seems to be turks.
This is a nice thread.
hey niggers its a fart thread
RE6 was awful
rly maeks u thenk
Get this hothead out of here
seems like the thread has had enough time, I'll go ahead and post the rest now.
and the last of it
Where does this artist post?
The assburgers is off charts.
Some day I will be gone but at least the things I have seen on the internet will be here forever.