The meme that right-wingers = less intelligent

My theory:

The reason why people on the populist anti-immigrant right appear stupid isn't because anti-immigration sentiment is necessarily stupid.

It's because holding anti-immigration views is ostracized and that means people who are less self-aware tend to make up most of the people who openly hold those views. Intelligent people are more aware of their social standing and if they hold those views they are silent.

Look at all the celebrities who (openly) support Trump. It's people like Gary Busey, Dennis Rodman and Kid Rock - stupid/wacky/uninhibited people.

So if you're judging political positions by the style of people who support them, you have to take into account if the media ostracizes those views rather than simply assuming that those people are an accurate representation of a Trump voter.

Other urls found in this thread:

you are correct

there's objectively no reason a more "intelligent" person would believe specifically in something.

the unabomber was a genius and look at where he ended up.

Exactly. 'intelligence' means very little politically, or even on a personal level. If it was worth a damn, Ben Carson wouldn't be so politically retarded, and Rodney Alcala would have done more than rape and murder.

so THIS is why Holla Forums never took off. you guys are only a few levels deep

explain plz

Yes, the reason a thing you have decided is true is because of a single shit thread. You are a genius.

Except being right wing isn't just about anti-immigration nor is that only a right wing position. It's become associated with one side but a labor argument can be made against immigration. I personally wouldn't, just pointing it out.

It also depends on the country as to why people think they're less intelligent. In America they deny the most foundational of scientific theories. Insist on the worst form of literalist faith possible. Deny climate change. Distrust "elitist-colleges" while listening to people like Bill O'Reilly, The Bushes and others who went to the same schools they criticize. Always manage to blame societies ills on the people with no money and power while simultaneously never noticing that financial interests are butt fucking their asses.

Over 60 percent of registered Republicans still believe there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A lot of them still believe the myth that Saddam was a leader or in some way connected to Al Qaeda. A good portion of Republican voters didn't know the ACA and "Obamacare" were the same thing and would go to rallies and rave against one while telling people in the crowd their new insurance was great. There are tons of videos of this happening all the time. Some of them don't know Social Security was a government program. A lot of them think the climate means "the weather today."

There are tons of instances of their collective stupidity I can go on listing all day. I have met some dumb people on our side and liberals have their own reactionary stupidity, but conservatives are stigmatized with being dumb for a reason they are and they're more often than not proud of this fact, rather than ashamed.

Another feels > realz thread

What people feel is a construction of society. There's nothing authentic or depth to it.


Most of what you're saying is down to deliberate attempts to mislead people by co-opters which is the same on both left and right. The Iraq/WMD myth was driven by military industrial complex shills. As is the 'Russia is hacking our democracy' myth that liberals are loving so much right now. Climate change denial is driven by energy industry shills. Just like denial that mass immigration hurts workers is driven by cheap labor shills.

You have the murdoch monopoly co-opting conservative media to shoehorn in zio-christianity, thingthatinconveniencessomeonesprofits-denial and support for military imperialism. The NYT/washpost/CNN bubble is run by race hucksters, holocaust revanchists and business chiefs who want cheap labor to be protected by calling people racist.

Both sides are co-opted and hold fake positions and the vast majority are duped by those monopolies. The only difference is the democrats have control over hollywood, television, universities and tastemaker media so they decide what political opinions denote good taste and trendiness and which ones deserve ridicule. That's why you have a 'shy tory effect'. Open conservatives tend to be retarded because they aren't aware of what equals good taste or social standing. An insane amount of leftists are only concerned about signalling good taste and channeling tastemaker mags and weird twitter in order to sneer at the plebs. Those people are just bullies and snobs.

No point in claiming to be intelligent if your country is shitting itself.


Really rustles the brain-cells.

Yeah Japan is so great, stagnating culture, economy in recession for literal decades, people work themselves to death, the highest rates of depression in the world, the highest rates of suicide in the real, demographic implosion.

Also lets be fucking real here. People can be STEM intelligent, and still be social and political fucking retards.

On your question OP:

That is because the "real" right are what we call the center-left, or "centrists" or Neoliberals. In reality, the right completely won in the 1980s and thus became the new center ground. The left was completely eliminated as a political force and thus what political discorse became was between actually reactionary, nationalist neoliberals (The center right) and socially progressive, cosmopolitan neoliberals (the center left).

What we really call the "right" today are in fact, largely hard to far-right reactionaries. Anti-intellectual, fiercely nationalistic, bigoted, isolationist etc. They were the fringe in the past, but as the left collapsed, they moved closer and closer to a "Center" mainstream position and now with the collapse of Neoliberalism, they fill that vacuum.

The intellectual right are people like Obama, Merkel, Cameron. They are now being replaced with fucking psychopaths.

This is what happens when you allow the Overton window move entirely into the right side of politics and the only progressiveness allowed is shallow identity politics based on a neoliberal core.

Isn't the whole reason nationalism is frowned up is because of imperialism?

judging politics by celebrity endorsements is the spectacle at its finest

It's also to be said that the Asian right are nothing like the anti-intellectual anglo right.

Asian right are technocratic intellectual traditionalists who are far closer to in reality to the Corporatist Technocratic Fascism of futurist thinkers of the early 20th century than anything in th west.

It's just an example of the type of person who is openly pro-Trump. Doesn't have to be celebrities.

The thread is okay and the reason he complains is because he unilaterally decided that celebrities somehow aren't valid as examples of wider trends. (Presumably he thinks it would be more informative if OP was talking about someone nobody ever heard of.)

I agree with most of what of you said, a lot of denial and issues come down to money and people with money trying to muddy the waters that much is obvious.

In my experience however conservatives in America are more likely to be open about their beliefs and obnoxious in their belief that everyone "really believes the same thing they just wont say it like good ole me." That is the whole brunt of anti-pc outrage is minding reading and assuming everyone really is ok with the status quo about pc issues except for a few assmad rainbow hairs in Berkley. Some of it has to do with their stupidity as you state but Conservatives won the war in "what being an American means."

Ask people from other countries what being an American means. they will imagine a fat dumb slob who is overly religious and obsessed with military action… But were nice as tourists somehow at the same time. That contradiction aside most domestic leftists have internalized this narrative being American is dumb patriotism and being a naive obnoxious conservative. Because they're seen as the default state of America their beliefs can be said in public without much hassle or explanation.

Boisterousness, bluster and fake machoismo is what conservatism is all about here in America at least. It's about pretending to be Alpha until someone else comes and does a better acting job. Watch the Republican debates for confirmation on that, Trump would enter the room and all those weasels who would usually be pretending to be Marlboro men in every other context were staring straight at the floor because Donald was a better pretend tough guy than them. Shame/guilt culture plays into this.

Liberals will state anti racist and sexist things but I think that is because society has already accepted those as bad a apriori. Usually they will only do so in extremely awkward situations. Half the problem with American politics is people on the left and by that I mean the real left not people who identify as liberals and actually know the definition. We have no back bone and we hide our power level at the expense of society sinking further and further into ruin. That is why even though I'm a neet who sucks shit at social stuff I still make it a point to make my real political beliefs known when the issues come up. I got sick of passing the buck a long time ago and having to hear idiocy in the vacuum of even moderately reasonable people willing to state what they believe.

I think reactionaries give corporations too much credit. They didn't start the wave of anti-racism/sexism, lgbt+ stuff and all that they're just coopting it and using it to there advantage in the same way they use the opposite to their advantage to drum up reactionary support. You can tell is co-option rather than pushing because they constantly fuck this shit up and indentarians go mad over it.

sorry m8 but canadian long-term study say nazis are officially retarded.

obviously there are statistical exceptions.


Do you really want to get into the demographic and Autism Level argument?

demographic and Eye Queue fuckin word filters

Rightist have lower Autism Level's than Leftists.

Your links don't say that. Is there any source to this? It's an interesting idea

Actually the correlation here is actually caused by economic class. Lower classes are more religious and less intelligent from less quality of education and living conditions.

Right wingers are still dumb according to this.

Its like im lurkin Holla Forums. Time to leave this shithole.


The reason left wingers regard the right as stupid is because they have a Unsubstantiated high view of themselves, they look down on others and think they are better. This all comes down to the fact that post-liberals are generally wealthy and come from middle class backgrounds. They used to view the working class secretly with disdain, now they hate them unashamed. They equate money with intelligence, because a lot of these young leftists have never worked a day in their lives. Any of you attempting a blue collar job would suddenly realise how dumb you really are.

Kill yourselves, brainlets.

Leftypol isn't liberal and anecdotal experience is not an argument as the kids say.

Also conservatives are usually the ones that equate being a successful business man with intelligence which is equating money with intelligence. This was one of the main defenses for Trump as a candidate despite not being very successful at anything. Note how they aren't ever looking to elect scientists, mathematicians or philosophers to political positions. Nor are there many that would defend their positions.

Yeah, agreed.

Then you do a total non sequitur and start talking about us? Why, though? We have a diametrically opposed position to that of "left"-liberals. It's like saying because Richard Spencer is a Nazi, that tort reform is antisemetic.
Jokes on you, too, cause I've had one.

Kek, I work a line and spend all the time fuming about what's being stolen from me. I've done blue collar work all my life. You're being robbed every day and you work harder each day to make your masters richer.

True. While right wing people do all the actual work for these people, these social """science""" retards, that produce leftist voters and absolutely nothing else, fail to appreciate all the plumbing, electricity, heat, transportation, food, construction, everything around them till they finish their school and have to serve fries.
Leftists all end up in the service industry. Leftist academia exists solely thanks to the taxes collected from the private sector. They think they are high and mighty because they produce sounds nobody gives a shit to listen, or scramble random words on a paper that no one outside of their circle jerk gives a shit to read.

While the rest of society is building buildings, digging rows, raising electric posts, growing food, manufacturing luxuries, supplying the army, serving the army, working in the private sector that funds the existence of these parasites:
Leftist social """scientists""" academia produce nothing but saying to themselves 'we are scientists too', and leftist corporation loving (starbucks, apple, etc) college kids (where 90% of them ends up in the service industry, 10% in academia) say to themselves 'we are workers too'.

They all act high and mighty till they turn 30. Then they turn bitter as all hell. Women turn ugly as fuck, leftist academia is on suicide watch for funding, their parents kicked them all out, and all of them collectively realize just how temporary all of their bullshit is.
Meanwhile right wing oriented people enter a golden age of marriage, mini palace of money they made being electricians/something useful, dont depend on the grants of other people to survive, traditional family (unless they married a leftist, than their live turns into living hell), they start businesses of their own at 40, white picket fence, neighborhood bbq, two children, a car, enough money to retire, but working hard because they have standards and values in life.

As my father says, there's only two types of right wingers. They're either retarded or they are corrupt. The corrupt are the ones that have personal gains for being right wingers, i.e. Barroso, Milo
The retarded are the ones that believe all that nonsense and have nothing to gain from being right wingers. i.e. Alex Jones subscribers.

Still i don't think retarded right wingers are less inteligent. They have the same capacity as me or any propper leftist on this board. The problem is that school never developped their critical thinking and interpretation skills.

Start your own business, obtain a useful enough skill so that the bosses are competing for you, not you competing for the boss.

Supply and demand. If you have a useless skill, you must compete with ton of people. If you have a useful skill, the 'big bad monopoly monocle bosses' compete for you.

Why dont you use any of your 'critical thinking' to critical think something into existence, or 'interperation skill' to interprete something useful in the market?

Y'all leeches hushing unsuccessful people against successful people, thinking that they cant compete in the market but would somehow be able to compete in a "class war".

Really makes me think.

Stupid fucks like you will line the pockets of your employer and work until you die. I know it, because I work with many of you. All because you were never taught basic economics and statistics. Sad!

Jokes on you the very left leaning school lied to me all my life, and only after starting to think critically I realized that a lot if not all of it was complete fabrication. But whatever makes you comfortable mate.

It's like a system based on greed will always reward pure greed.

In your terror of foreign violence, you end up condemning exactly the kind of cherished local European traditions the right claims to want to protect. The right isn't just constantly afraid, or pretending to be afraid and cowardly, it's hidden away from everything in a Battersea apartment whose walls grow thicker and denser and arc out from his little hollow of a home until they sweep over the sky and encase the entire planet in a concrete shell dotted with fake stars that thrum with a weak failing electric glow. Your fears aren’t even human fears; you live in terror of big scary buildings, people you don't know, crowds of drunks, foreigners, and fireworks – in other words, the things that are frightening to a dog.

Beautiful how you missed the point of the previous conservatives post.

What if studying bees in Uganda serves no immediate purpose we can think of but leads to a breakthrough no one ever considered? What if a new form of philosophy that seems totally abstract to real life can be applied in practical ways and as a metaphor for new forms of fiction and other ideas? A lot of intellectual movements is as much about inspiring things as it is actually doing things in a tangible or practical sense.

Here is the thing you geniuses in all your brilliance don't understand we don't know what is useful research or not until we know. We don't know what changes will make for a better society until we consider new things or study what already is. Sociology isn't tumblogs its people doing real research and studies that we won't know the use of until it happens.

Thing with finding excuses is, they are less rewarding than finding a way.
When the day of physical confrontation comes, it's going to be the same all all other days. Those who work harder are going to win.

Without exploitation, you wouldnt have your starbucks or apple iphone all you leftists seem to have. Without oil, you would not have the plastics for your problem glasses, or neon hair sprays.
Without the private sector to leech from, you would not survive!

Criticism will always be inferior to creation. Go and create something yourself if you think you are so smart.

You're a NEET loser who believes everyone is afraid.


Holy fuck you people are subhumans.

I would create something, but porkies would rather I work a line and make them money.

Oh, you seem to think we're liberals.

Asians never bought into post modern deconstruction memetics

Believe it or not, there are certain things in life we do know about. If you wanna fund your whataboutism, go and fund your whataboutism, but do it yourself. Dont force others at gunpoint to give up their income they generated for themselves trough not-whataboutism.

Yeah sure. Well where the fuck are you in real life? Where are all your theories coming to fruition? What businesses have you started already? Where is your physical presence?

All public, openly leftist activism I have ever witnessed so far is: trashcan kicking, trashcan burning, shouting, complaining, kvetching online about things, never building, never working, never actually improving, just destroying and complaining

Give me a physical address of your special snowflake special snowflake place. I can provide you with a ton of 'for us, by us' built from scratch nationalist/right wing farms, clothing factories, food places, etc etc.

This is the fundamental difference between us.
We create. You criticize. At the end of the day, you cant eat your criticism, we can eat what we create.

the meme was started by yuppie upper class kids who despite the uneducated people problems. If you believe right-wing = less intelligence, you are part of the problem

I don't care about American social problems.

Interesting, the right has done less for itself by trying to do more.

Lurk more. We expect an absolute bare minimum of effort to post here. Lurk moar, get the slightest clue what socialism is, what we advocate, and why. (hint: we're anti-sjw and think the welfare state is a device of class rule that wouldn't be necessary if workers owned the full product of their labor and weren't systematically robbed of it by an idle, parasitic owner/rentier class that adds no value to society)

Protip: read your fucking replies, dumbass

It seems like I'm having to explain this every single day to some smug conservative who from a position of sheer unrepentant laziness thinks himself "above" examining any of his faulty assumptions in aligning us with liberals

I could literally live off what I create. I would need vitamin supplements, but I could do it. What my labor creates is what leeches like you live on. I could do it just fine without you. And our theories created superpowers that still keep you up at night.

This thread is certainly proving it to be the case. Maybe if Holla Forums would stop being retarded every five minutes people would stop thinking they're retarded.

top kek. such as?

Top kek this guy's spasticated in the mind

Shhh, you know which ones.

They really don't. They quite frankly are all dead by now.

Did you know most corporations use universities as research departments because they're too cheap to fund the shit themselves? After doing a research paper for academia the schools often force students to submit their papers and findings to journals and databases that then get sold by middle men to big businesses.

Corporations also engage in patent scalping, meaning if they hear an idea is being developed by someone they will buy the patent in advance and take the data for themselves.

Entrepreneurship is a myth and on the job R&D is a thing of the past. Now it's time for you to say "crony capitalism."

You need a large military to stop people from nationalizing your businesses over seas and stop them from reneging on trade deals and engaging in protectionism. Your world where people don't rely on other peoples money is a fantasy. Corporate-hood itself is a government mandate.



Every time a socialist and a capitalist society clashed, capitalist society won.
Nobody gives a shit tho.

It's time to learn Mandarin and Russian, find a comfy spot to sit, and wait for the hostile takeover once the leftists/socialists/communists destabilize the west enough for slave owning Chinese to colonize, or Russian oligarchy to carve up. Then I would have to pack my bags and live happily ever after with a full bank account in Switzerland or Ireland while the leftists kvetch under people that do not give a shit about such kvetchings.

You stare through tiny weeping mole-eyes half-buried in his face, and you are afraid. I would be too. You on the prison planet, encased in a thick concrete shield twenty miles above sea level: you think it’s night and it’s always been night, but those stars are just a fluorescent buzz through the gaps in the barbed wire, each constellation has its tangled wiring and a strange cloudy liquid that slowly drips from one corner, and you’ve confused the moon with a searchlight your entire life. You think the clouds are gathering, but tear gas is leaking through the mildewed firmament to disperse the population. You think it’s God you’re praying to, but the guards have their snitches everywhere.

You live under your concrete shell. The rioters outside, for instance; they’re everywhere now, crowds of pinch-faced foreigners sweeping over Europe like starlings in its dusk. They burn everything in sight. The prisoners crisp in their cells, body fat dripping liquid through the fissures in their scoriated skin, because the media told them that none of it was real. Those are the living dead, trundling inauthentically from the prison canteen to the commissary to the rec room, they are the rubble that is torn up and rearranged into new cells for the rubble that follows them, more prisons of stretched-out flesh and fingernails linked in rippling fish-scale walls, still hair, still bleeding

And above it all, suspended between the fires and the concrete shell that some unknown species placed around the Earth some time in the last century: the cultural Marxists, the feminazis, the SJWs, the thugs, the false flags, the weather-control stations, the mind rays, all arranged in some great chain of power that leads up from the fanatical mob outside and its flaming bottles that smash against the shutters of the Battersea swank pad all the way through the concrete shell and out the other side. You are afraid,, but you understand that this prison was only really built to contain one person. You stand between the camera and his map of the world and stares out terrified through your half-closed eyes and scream: Gary Linker is the absolute epitome of the virtue-signalling social justice warrior cunt, and he needs to put up, or shut dah fuck up.!

Congratulations on making the most nonsensical post in this absolute shitshow of a thread. You truly are exceptional. I hope you make a lot of money selling painted Warhammer figurines or whatever autistic niche business you run as the capitalist economy crashes into the ground.


He's right though

Yeah, I graduated from a chemistry university and am now doing my masters study, and I had a corporate scholarship along the whole way.

Corporations sure as fuck do not use social "science" universities for research. Those guys are on suicide watch, walk into your average or nearest chem uni and see all the corporate offers on every fucking wall. Walk into a nearest social """science""" uni and see all the begging that goes around over there for funding.

And about hard science, people here are either fully apolitical and dont give a shit, very few are right, and very few are left leaning.
About social """science""", they are 90% radical left, 9% even more radical even specialer special snowflake left, and 1% expelled for being right of Mao.
Hence, no funding in the real world.

Yes I suppose his incredibly basic point padded out with his RPG fanfic leaves little room to be wrong.

Alright pack it up he graduated from a "chimestry university" guys

Post grad from Chem-U

Way I figure it is if you're not putting yourself first you're not very smart, and if you're putting yourself first you're an anarchist.

You're so full of shit thanks for proving it to all of us

The communist party has 15 elected members in the parliament of my country. Those are real leftists. They promote us quiting EU, NATO and a large campaign of nationalization of banks, insurance companies, factories etc.

So yes, we have a real presence here. American leftists are the ones which barely have any real presence and what people call leftist in America for me are centre right wing


Are you guys even trying?

That's literally how it works you imbecile. You can't cordon yourself off in some corner of the world and proclaim yourself "free from capitalism" because it's an inherently international system that expands into every crevice and violently asserts itself everywhere. Any serious attempt to dismantle it must necessarily take place on the international stage.
Literally why did colonialism happen? Access to more resources, markets, and labor. Capitalism sets the conditions by which these are taken by force.
The state, which you probably think is being run by muh socialists, regulates, raises barriers to entry, suppresses competition, interferes in free markets, launches wars and so on all in the interest of big business. This is the mechanism we're talking about


Not an argument. Are you even trying?

i find far righters (with the exception of stormfags) to be smarter then normies supporting Obama, Merkel, Cameron.
replaced? you mean psycopaths replacing psycopaths

There are no "chemistry universities" you pair of stupid fucking dropouts.

Lol, the projection. I'm so blue collar guiz.

You're right, I can't argue against someone who graduated from

the chemistry university

A lot of social science is used for social planning a lot of social statistics are used directly in government action. When your best bro sargon/some asshole here cites a "study" in his video it's usually done by a pesky sociologist doing studies for the government. Like police studies.

Sociology is used by a lot of advertisers especially now with the multicultural push in ads and the want to open more markets. Not just the philosophical aspects either, I mean quantifiable studies about what people like and why.

Most universities aren't delegated by subject. I mean I'll let this slide because they can be arranged that way but most schools that don't have the name in the title like "Harvard 'business' school" aren't as segregated by subject. Sociology rarely has it's own department it's called humanities and is usually smashed in with philosophy, psychology and liberal arts.

He studied chemistry at Prager University

Thank god for a second I thought the retards would fuck off. You really saved the thread with that post!


I am from Germany, not America, and there's nothing confusing or weird or unbelievable that calling the chemistry building, the building with all the labs and classrooms for studying of chemistry simply "chemistry university".
Yes, there are geology and biology people there as well. Yes, it has a proper name. Yes, chemistry is just a small part of the thing.
I just dont want to say the town because the whole point of this place is not having to make an account, provide a dental record, have your ear wax sample analyzed to receive account, a name, a profile picture, and everything else.
I like how you all stick to ad hominem so hard, because you cant refute anything that is said.
Continue your criticism studies. That's the leftist sphere. Study studies. Study study studies. Study study study studies. But for the love of everything, never EVER create something, not even if your life depends on it.
Grow up, get kicked out, realize your life really does depend on it. And STILL do not create anything, just keep criticizing things till you drop dead.
This is why leftists cant win. Us normal people have our capitalism and free market and so on. You leftists have nothing, and depend on handouts. We produce, you scream 'muh rights'. We do blue collar jobs, you publish "blue collar people are stupid" studies. We do all of industry, private sector, and high tech, you do "not enough women in stem, das rayciss" studies.

Quote Chemistry University End Quote

I hope The Chemistry University catches on. It's the most egregious example of Holla Forums I've seen lying about their successes to date. It's up there with the borderline illiterate CEO with a hundred reasons why he types like a mong but far more memetic.

Smelly, dumb, Wessi scum. The biggest faggots in Europe besides the Swedes.

What does a bank produce? What does a credit rating agency produce? What does the stock market produce?

Anyway…you keep getting fucked in the ass daily and scream for more.

See you in a year.



Now were just treading water. You're the one that set the standard that a subject matters if it's practical applications can be used elsewhere. I don't have that same standard but I was willing to indulge it to show you the problems with your position even by your own faulty standard.

So in summary, they create useful things people use. I showed how something not being immediately useful doesn't matter until we know that for certain which might be never. You refuse to accept any examples given and continuously move the goal posts.

I'll add that chemistry experiments aren't always useful either until we know whether or not they are. Where as a study done on burglary statistics in a suburban neighborhood almost always is. A lot of what your describing as being useful sounds implicitly more like deduction than induction in which case the thing in itself is not useful but a tautology we already know the results of.

They produce wealth. They started a successful business, earned some money, and now want to start another business, earn even more money.

No for real, start paying some taxes first, and then demand free shit for everyone. There is a reason 30+ year old leftists dont exist, outside of bitter social "scientists" serving fries.
I am out, talking to complainers is not a rewarding thing to do with one's time. There is nothing to learn here, complainers do not have anything to offer, this whole thing is for bitter people and children that think daddy should give more, it's unfair!

Labor creates ALL wealth.
We're not SJWs, as multiple people ITT have pointed out. We're not social studies academics, and I believe that the serious problems with the social "sciences" derive from their fundamentally anti-Marxist character. Dialectical materialism is one of the most scientific ways to approach the social world, and its enforced underappreciation in academia is one of the symptoms of bourgeois rule.

Stop being illiterate. Read the thread. You talk about "not working" yet you pride yourself on being as underprepared and in the dark about all this as possible, even going so far as to ignore your replies.

Your english is barely coherent here, Krautmacher, but I work in asymmetric synthesis and drug design

But yeah, I'd better get back to my "criticism studies."
Just because you seem completely incapable of separating vocation from avocation like a normal human being doesn't mean you should assume that of everyone else, because sooner or later you'll make an absolute fool of yourself

Why would I want that? Why would I demand free shit for everyone? We don't want that. Socialists don't want this. It's not part of the program. We, as socialists, don't see expanding the welfare state as our goal.
Don't want this either

Stop being a lazy illiterate nigger.

pls don't post such a excellent meme

Hol up.
Holla Forums here,
so you be saying
hol up hol up,
you people arent sjws?

Ok I dont get it. You people arent trashcan kickers, trigglypuffs, my wife's son types and so on? Then who the fuck are you? I mean in real life, where are you, what do you people do?

For example, Holla Forums memed Trump into the office, is memeing a wall, deporting shitskins left and right, promoting Wildeers, Le Pen, Nordfront, Victor Orban, that Austrian guy (forgot the name), and they all seem to be polling first or second place.
What do you people do? Just talk all day? Is that it? All you do is.. this? Nothing else?

If you people just debate mental mastrubations and theoretical communisms, I guess nobody really has a problem with you.
I always thought you'd organize a violent mob to kick all our trashcans and get shot or something, but I guess I was wrong.

We've basically reached the interesting conclusion that we win by sitting around and doing very little, so we mostly just try and upset each other by rehashing old jokes over and over again.
Holla Forums can be a lot more proactive because they operate within the framework of society and being conservative can find stuff to do defending things, we're stuck waiting for situations to escalate out of control and then attempting take advantage of them in real life.
As far as everyone you mentioned we don't really like any of them, but the smashies/antifa make us laugh because of how aimless and destructive they are.


Maybe studying isn't so useless after all

He's never worked a day in his life, he's a fresh uni graduate. He's just being a cunt.

That image is gay

Your gay

its gay like this

When will this meme of pol got trump into office die.

You got psyoped into voting for the most pro isreal and pro Jew president in history and think it was your doing to fill that void of empty achivment.


Imagine having no friends you care this deeply about how online communities threaten your way of life

Because there's just nothing there inside you outside of the internet

This twitter cult of personality stuff is just stupid

Holla Forums really did meme trump into office, the only people who say otherwise are weird twitter who are jealous that Holla Forums is more powerful than them despite not being ironic and sophisticated


imagine being a moderator

You'll be trying to take that back before you know it. Don't worry, we'll still be here.

kek sure pal

Oh look it's the massive Holla Forums demography!

Agreeing with generalized American attitudes and believing that the agreement itself is a "magic" because nobody except for now in your mind has ever agreed with you is not in fact magic '

meme magic is the communal admission of hundreds of people they have failed their entire life and need to give up to a higher joke in order for their lives to have a kind of meaning and find joy that perhaps not everyone hates you.

But it's in the support of governments in the lack of support of governments.

It's a kind of childish fuckery of the future we can only imagine gets worse because of people like you, and we can all have a little less faith in all our collective lives because of it.

that is an excellent frog meme, friend

That is Holla Forums.

The only people who say it are anti gamer gate liberals who want to give themselves a feeling of importance.

Most of Holla Forums that shilled for trump would've been underage the previous 4-8 years

Good lord.

They're all people we mocked before, and now they're fucking furious about it

Children are hell

this is the stupidest thing I've read this week

So what's the death toll of communism you learned at this "super left leaning school"?

How comes you think Israel has one of the two highest intelligent populations?

8 hour workday
Social Security
Welfare State
Anti-Child Labour laws
Universal Suffrage
Equal Civil Rights for Women/non-whites (though you probably view this us a negative)
Labour Regulation
Right to Unionize
Defeated the Nazis
Public Housing
Numerous charities and homeless shelters

Would love to hear details. It seems to me all rightists have accomplished is licking the boots of those in power in exchange for the table scraps of the rich and the promise that outsider groups will be have it even worse.


Get a load of this dumb classcuck.

what a fucking retarded graph for retarded idiot atheists to be shared with other idiot STEMlord skepdick fags brough together by a union of egomania and philosophical dishonesty. Faggot graph for faggot thinkers. Religion has little to nothing to do with Autism Level at all. Just like genius has little to nothing to do with Autism Level.

It doesn't at all, Mizrahim and Sephardim are retarded Spaniards/Berbers/Levantines they aren't like Ashkenazim who are essentially pozzed German-Italians who selected for intelligence in their breeding


I've heard people say that too both online and irl. If you bring up the thousands of strikes they just say it was basically uppity fuckers and they were only actually granted those benifits out the kindness of the employers heart

I've seen this as well, bjt it was from a guy into "alternative-history" so I told him he got his fantasy confused with reality and to go back to watching Molyneux.

Well, except for the correlation between them.
gtfo idealist