Your most effective leftist link

If you had to choose one article, one video, one internet link to convert a person you direct to it to anti-capitalism, what would it be?

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actually considering the heavy censorship on some issues i might have to choose duckduckgo instead.

Richard Wolff has done some wonderful 15-minute rants at the end of his Economic Updates every now and then. If someone would cut those out as a separate youtube upload I might choose one of them.

"one internet link"

That's not convincing anyone who doesn't already hate capitalism. Might as well be an RCP link.

I haven't linked anyone this yet, but I think the best way to convince people of leftism is to have them watch pragerU videos. I mean capitalism couldn't possibly look worse than the way they defend it there.

Wolff's writing style is kind of autistic sometimes but I think this is pretty good.


That's dangerous, you underestimate the stupidity of some people.

Never knew Mike Rowe was so full of shit. He should have stayed apolitical.

How does that turn them anti-capitalist?

Are you telling me you don't believe in millionaire septic tank cleaners?

1st half of the zeitgeist film.

It's basically a short version of das kapital updated to nowdays.

The rest is bollocks

Idealist neo-luxemburgian conspiracy theorists

Here's one of his longer videos that I have bookmarked for some reason. It's pretty good but it's 90 minutes long though so it requires a long attention span.

Seconding this video. It's a clear and concise intro to Marxism.

Their video on a strong US army being good for the world nearly gave me an aneurysm.

It's way too fucking long.

Still waiting on a source for this shit. All the other sources I've seen only start at 1945.

did you try contacting democracy (at) work directly and asking?

I guess I'll have to.

The biggest strength of this video is also it's weakness though, it doesn't spread class consciousness. I think Peter Joseph does it on purpose to avoid the labels and preconceived notions of communism. It's also almost hitting a 3 hour video, and TZM is pretty much dead now so it leads the viewer no where.

For some reason I expected this thread to be a lot more popular. Think you fags could shut up about Milo for a bit and think about actually reaching out to people?

I wish leftypol would pay more attention to Peter Jospeh

This week he has a pretty decent 20-minute rundown of the differences between neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian theory.

it's funny

to expand, it's funny, a lot of people hate vegetarians, zizek is pretty much the only "intellectual" with a sense of humor and they might become more interested in leftism in general via zizek. i know i sure did, not from that clip specifically but from people posting zizek and stirner on halfchn /lit/. but also i just wanted to post that video because i just love it

Zizek is honestly too incomprehensible for most people. He's basically Richard Stallman tier: only a good source for people with the time and energy to take him seriously. Not good material for persuading average normies.

Thomas Pikkety explaining wealth inequality (i don't care where or how)

Zizek explaining why welfare capitalism is impotent

Video footage of cops beating up veterans and possibly links to stories of th army cracking the skulls of ww1/2 vets for protesting for better wages/benefits