Its all moving too fast for me

its all moving too fast for me

Other urls found in this thread:



Dick in my buttttttttttttt

Whoever made that character should have given it a penis.

Gotta go faster.

I can go to /d/ and request some artist to add a penis if you want

Anything can be arranged.

it is, I don't know about all that shit but what I do know is it all came off hilarious given a week or two before he had tried to get me to cyber his drunk ass on steam :^) one might think he was upset that I said no


I think this one is tbh honest.

Who can say where the road goes?
Where the day flows?
Only time
And who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose?
Only time

But I liked the one where he was passed out or the edited one I made for him

My better pictures here, maybe

Without the editing, maybe. It shows off my superb sense of humor

Did you ask him if he was sitting down?

I talk to Satan


im sure i missed posts in the last thread but im too lazy to scroll back

Enya was the best Clannad girl


Colbs has an easily shoopable face.

I think there was one that actually like legit normal.
I could be imagining things though

Feel free. :3

Did you have an e-crush on Darwin when he was Louise?

It's okay if you did

I had a sexual crush on him

All is permitted.

If you had Louise as your avatar, he can't be blamed.

Spoilers says you tried to cyber him, I'm memeing about the time you cybered Eva.

mari trompé

Lol what?

Drunk Colbs does the darndest things

literally who has not cybered eva
the definition of 'everybody's slut' right there

no this was before then, kind of funny how I'm all these deplorable things he claims I am now but he so badly wanted me guess it's just some sort of miracle thing! lol


Trying to figure out how to sound like the joker. You?

I don't know, this lady is pretty good I think.

i met him through a mutual friend, which was cool

ya i made 6.70 for my work today l 0 l

my teachers were good, especially miss baynton
rip miss baynton ;-;

im kind of glad everyone didnt see this post about wish eating my semen last thread

drawing still

There are. I don't have them tho

Darwin was not Louise. I like Darwin, but I do not have nor have I ever had a crush on him

I honestly don't even know, I would not be surprised tho. I am a retard 95% of the time tbh

What happened to them

rip in pieces in canadian tornadoes

Wait. If he was literally God, does that mean when he died he's now meeting himself?

Cumming out well?

i have never cybered eva

Je ne sais pas.

Thanks but I've already had my quota for this week.

my 5th grade english teacher was great
she was this milf with a corvette
she brought in krispy kreme from philly one day and she cared a bunch for me


i knew it was wish my semen alarm was going off

It's never too late


I haven't

It was a beautiful thing, too. This is slight paraphrasing, but mostly accurate.


What the fuck.

I am home

Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh, that's what he's saying. Oh boy he's still caught up on the joke lol

The real Louise I cannot disclose, suffice it to say they are not active here



sounds like you could STI's even from the internet with them

not too bad

Wait, someone cybers?

could get*

be aware around a drunk colbear.

I actually had to Google the first thing you said.

This has never happened to me before. What do I do?

are you guys in the slut game tho
how many ppl you get it in with online?

he's bound for hell for sure

im glad people from here don't try to fling their panties at me very often



I made my german teacher reagequit the class


Me lol

You don't necessarily have to dick EVERY slut just because they're available

Just treat him like a subby boy and he'll like you. :3

Oh. ^^

So what do you do in life? In college or have a job or what?

Are you sure? He was claiming to be Louise for a while, and corroborated it to me on his Louise account before mentioning something I said to him on that account on his normal Darwin account.

Darwin made me cum too; just accept it.

It takes a bit of thought to get to the lewd meaning of that. It's like a puzzle.


Explain the sitting down standing up thing I dont

are you fucking serious


I am absolutely positive.


no the guy is way too fucked up, plus he didn't even realize I deleted him after the night he tried

Ian was going to do a backflip so impressive that Eva would have been left with no choice but to stand up and applaud.

so its not usually this fast?


Hey drawing furry that I don't remember the name of, I like the colour of your ID. It's really pretty.

Gotta find me a man with talent like that

be happy. It's probably not a a word/phrase you'd even need to know nor want to know.


I may be dumb when I drink but at least I'm not consistently a retard like you friend :]

lavender isn't all that special, wish.




just you were complaining about the thread speed when you made the OP and I dont stop by here a lot

Not baddog, the one Squash wants to dick

But how am I supposed to make cuck memes in French?

I admit when I fuck up, I can't stand people that try to claw at the high ground when they're shit


i cant even see different colored id's

that was quite honestly top 5 lamest comebacks I've experienced here, lets say for a moment you're right you still were begging for the "consistently a retard" person to cyber fuck your desperate ass then got depressed when you got a resounding no

You think I'm not a bit picky? :3

I'm not even into most guys these days. They have to be pretty feminine and stuff.

Not sure how that happened, then. I guess it's a conspiracy.

He's alright. Maybe you should be a bit more selective with the people you commit to ongoing beefs with. :3




sorry im not following posts
who is it

you have very clean lines

post people's pictures. add text.

you are obectiveley the correct person in theis scenario

I didn't like his cosplay.


you dense fuck they are posting right now

It's an option you can turn on in the settings but they're just hex codes anyways so you can type it in on google with a #


Yes, Moogs.


I didn't make a beef and I didn't keep it going, he started this out of no where and again started up in the last thread how that involves me committing to it

Wait. What?
I don't even know what it's cropped from.

and what is moog not doing right now

thank you darlin

i can appreciate it in a pragmatic sense

but no not usually though it happens every other day

for me at least

paint tool sai has a special layer type for it. then i trim and thicken some lines

That past month or so I've been really into women too for soome reason
maybe being gay is jjust a phase or something


no u

fair enough i for one like the more active periods

are you posting a lot of your own drawings? i really dig the style

You guys are going to be so proud when I finish this

It's quite the dreamy color actually

Retard. From a picture of me with a guy posing as Ban.


can't wait.
I hope..

kissy has the best colored id

I give people a fair amount of leniency. As long as they prove they're decent people, I will forgive their transgressions. You, on the other hand... You have not done that. You attack people that criticize you and in general respond poorly to criticism. I have no tolerance for people that are so insecure that they feel the need to lash out at anyone that disagree with them.

Total conspiracy.

No one.

I am not trying to be correct really


yeah, i use sai, i just never could properly use the line tool
heres something i drew with sai

What a strange color.


well I see who it is now

literally fire

sometimes i want to paint live grenades like easter eggs and perform mandatory IQ tests with your life being the forfeit material

also it would keep kids down

mmmmmmmmm vagina

i mean shit nigga you're not even doing anything
They the one constantly sperging out

no this is the guys original work is mine

i befriended the original artist in the process of making this

it requires a bit of a learning curve but i like the results

you have skill

just nail them to sidewalks and see what happens

what would your cutoffpoint be


in the terms of a beef being an ongoing problem between two people that is in fact a correct statement, if you're going to call me stupid at least pick out the easy targets and not the wrong ones there are so many easy targets too, it's actually sad that you had to choose one of the wrong

let me correct this for you "I attacked you cause you posted louise" now you're just trying to cover your ass and act like you were white knighting

Hug my ID and burn

Don't call me darlin

I used to have a pair of shoes that colour. It's relaxing.

It'll be top tier.

Better than Austin Matthews

i'd enjoy that on some rye bread with some mayonaisse



Herringtron an shite

my b


what's a Herrington

It better be real, I'll be pretty let down if I'll end up staying awake for nothing.

low tier vagina / 10

oh thank you
i have better stuff but i really need to improve on like, perspective and whatnot

just working on my yuyushiki folder

i guess if you think a live grenade is an easter egg its okay to blow you up thats how america works right

shut the fuck up you cow

wow thats fucking lewd

red and black is all you need~


oh god me too



better than dingleberry butthole

Ah nice, I should go watch anime and work on folders, but I am too busy doing absolutely nothing with my life.

IDs are lascivious.

that's a lotta dick

oh my, I'll consider your nerves touched

sorry moog you change your name like a FUCKING GIRL but from your art style i recognized you immediately

sounds like fun

who did you think i was

Yeah he seems committed to this so I guess there's nothing you can do. It might be best for you to let things roll off your back a bit more instead of going off on drama about people to me when they make little comments, though. Casucally throwing a bit of shit back their way is fine but few have the high energy required to beast their enemies into submission.

Are you sure you're not just in denial and don't want to accept that Darwin also made you cum?

post thicc asian girls
preferably from javs

when I highlight yours it gets even redder
I love it

you are in fact the first and only person I've mentioned this to and it happened like early last week I only told you cause he started up too lol

* slurp *

lies and slander

I can only laugh

I meant to type a reply to that LOL

Anyway I sort of just go through phases where I'm more into femmy boys than usual every now and then. As for my gay subby phases, they seem to be gone at this point.

a new poster honestly but now it totally makes sense in retrospect


post cats

yea you furry fuckboi

waiting for the day when he self destructs tbh




this is the most american webm I've ever seen

I am 100% making it, I am just having some difficulty finding the image.

Ehhhhhh, I wear white shoes often.

It's happening.

You heard them
post selfie.

I guess it's pretty normal to want to just set the record straight if he was mad at you for those silly reasons, then. ^^

Fucking same here
it's either trap ass or girl ass or nerf or nothing
I met a cute mexican girl irl who I kiinda got the hot s for but shes into my friend and friends dont flirt with friends girlriednds



That's like Texas or something.

gettin there fam

not as rude as taking you to Guatemala and waterboarding you

I can only imagine who this will be.

what does it mean

they get so dirty so fast

Damn I wish that was me


I have this one tgirl I want to fuck but she talks like a complete autist.

McFucking kill yourself.


yeah I don't plan on explaining it to everyone, most here wouldn't deserve to know it anyway cause they just would try to jump on the bandwagon as going solo would require too much cojones for this place it's actually funny that most of them will play nice or be straight silent until there's a partner for them to team up with lol has it always been this way?

are there any who dont

You and her have SOOOO much in common.



"Put the memes in the bag, onii-chan"

Not if you don't walk through dirty stuff.

no i mean like this is some next level stuff

i love when passive aggressive shitheads just pop up

how random

Oh, big booty

not me
I'td be better if they just killed themselves and do the world a favor

This is not linked to anyone and I can only assume it's at me because my ego craves the attention.

Soto? Moogz is a trap?

peeing is natural after prolonged waterboarding, its okay, ma'am


im fuckin dead



and you just walked into the room.

do you use steam at all still?



Yes, but I often don't talk to people on it.
I only use it because it's got my games and is more suitable than actually texting on phone.


this looks like fun

why I gotta have a dick god damnit


Just kiss and make up. :3

She'll be going back to Mexico soon, anyway. Don't get attached.

I used to just intentionally go against bandwagons. Fun times. I guess it served a purpose. It's pretty natural to just find yourself drawn into bandwagons, and it was for me too, before that phase. But rebellion, even if it doesn't seem to have a good reason, is a good way of breaking such tendencies.

he is beyond help

I still understood it even though it translated:
put the same in the bag.
my dear elder brother.

wow okay so not a girl, just a sissy boy

how fitting

i did get a new phone but it was just today so i dont know the new number yet, if i catch you later on this week though maybe? i mean if you're cool with adding a number instead of some net program

youre not learning anything new

Steam would be better.
I got a new phone and haven't decided if I want people to have that number like the last one.

Fucking Darwin

You need the accent grave on memes.

I can spare a pat for the effort.


well cool thing about her shes actually white
like white white
only mexican cause she was born there
she legally immigrated as a young child

Can you go on NA League and spam Darwin for me instead?

Yes I am Darwin, what do you want?

well, ya know

it just seems like a pussy way to do things, like the sort of person that goes "I'm going to beat the shit out of you! just hold here while I call up a group of my friends to help, then I'll show you how strong I am!" maybe it's just the difference in countries

probably a good idea if you do that yea, keep the phone for more real life stuff

i mean i dont feel uncomfortable about it myself but for your sake i think its better

there is mine to make it easy

I messaged him like 4 hours ago he's yet to respond
What's stopping you from doing it anyway

He seems pretty alright in my interactions with him, but maybe I missed something.

Oh, that light-skinned kind is nice. Kuro's like that. Remember her?

People ganging up on me just makes my penis harder.

Your intestines

please no

Who is this drama about?

Sent. I'm not a big talker.

No we do that in Canada too.

I don't have League installed on my laptop.

i guess so. I didn't put any of the squiggles on any of the letters and the rest seemed to come out fine.


mtf surgery is pretty fuckin scary and expensive


Yeah I actually talk with her alot on facebook
damn man light skinned latinas are 10/10
esp when they are so small like this one >////

You may not have them.
In reality he is having a penectomy and cannot come to the computer right now.

So install it.

I don't get it.

I'd try to clone myself but I rather not reenact the fly lol

not once seen it, well beyond public school but if everyone is going to lower their standards to that of schoolyard tendencies then wew lad


I like your ID colour too Herrington

Ian drunk tried to cyber Eva or something.


Fucking Mordin and his crazy fetishes.

But that'd take too long.

Just go to like, Square One.

That would be like virgin surgery for me because I can't even into guys.

Who hasn't drunk cybered someone here?

Yeah, luckily I still have the fr_CA input on my laptop. I still don't know how to type most of them though :^)

I have no stayed awake long enough while drunk to drunk cyber someone.

How could you even type if you're drunk.

right here
I dont drink very often

I think I am lucky and only got drunk and sent nudes to George and Reid and talked George's ear off with incoherent babbling 2 years ago.


Guess you're screwed then.

I guess your loli fetishism is kind of still around. ^^

What? Oh, a sudden shift to lewd flirting. :3

god damn now I want an otter.

Depends on the person.

Cyber me.


this one reminded me of you

i feel like ive been pretty severely underfucked here

How do you not?


I just want to complain to him anyways.

I'm glad we don't have many around here.

you got work to do then!
Uhhhh hmmmm. This calls for a 3dpd selfie one too.


Technically I never cybered.

still a lame way of doing things

the problem child went to sleep obviously so the parents are free to lewd

I think the only person who MAY HAVE e-fucked more than me is Mana.

I'm pretty sure I've e-fucked literally hundreds of people. It brings me closer to God.

Can't complain to anyone else?

Are you willing to let 4m take your first time?

I mean, I suppose but it's not like it has to be fair.

In public?

Wanna play chicken?

well I mean shit man
shes not like a little girl lol
but damn so smol like 5'5 or so and all skinny

i cant bring myself to anymore ;~:

I just assume anyone typing like "iaasdm sosos darukl guaysa" is painfully sober.


Who is 4m?

i recognize this band
oh hey wait

Learning your keyboard and mastering it so you can make stuff.

Yeah small girls are nice. Easy to pick up and stuff.

mana has probably e-slept with people who posted there for a single day

Well I'm not just talking about people here. I've mostly outsourced my e-fucking.

I understand small typos, but that is way too pantsu on head retarded to be real.

The only mistakes that are really all that common are just logic gaps and missing words where it's legible but incomprehensible.

i only know of that song.

I suppose I could complain to you.

Echo-onee-sama, my boyfriend is still napping even though I made him promise to watch 4 episodes of anime with me tonight. Taihen desu yo


It's like, /;[] then a letter but I alwas mess up which one is the right one.
They're usually labeled on fr_CA keyboards.

I'm not saying to fight fair just to fight with a pair, not like some bitch lol

chicken? but even if I had a car why would I want to ruin it?

maybe you can find chinese women to e-fuck

Erio doesn't deserve my cummies.
I only get sexual with certain people. It actually takes a lot for me to like someone enough to get serious with them like that.

What? I mean public gay cybering chicken. Unless you're too chicken to even start. :3

But that might not guarantee your victory.


What did I do?

Kinda weird there hasnt been anybody irl who's turned me on like that in a long time
thats all just fantasty though I really hope my friend and her stick together cause they are pretty cute couple

Lists everyone who posts here that you'd e-give your cummies to.

i remember when Sword, Kermit, and Mana were all doing weird shit in a movie stream, and mana-flan tried to drag me into it

Wake him up.

fucking underaged retard

Is that a legit case or an online case, because the latter is kinda tricky to deal with.

Oh so it is the latter.

George, Snuffles, Grim, Luke, Stairs, Michael, Reid, Dallas, Chap.

Only George, Grim, and Luke post here to any degree.

I mean, in either case all I'd be able to do would be call them.

If he's under aged it makes sense that he might not know.

Pretty much, almost feels as if it's easier to pass out than go full retard on the keyboard.

clockwork you are such a fucking tool

I don't even cyber so I lost this before it even started lol laaaame I'm going to tell on you for cheating

and their fear of losing is what makes them the aforementioned "bitch"

Can I officially ship you x Grim?

I mean, everyone is afraid of losing, they just let it show differently.

LMAO This fucking noob

This is like asking what alt F4 does

So fucking lulz

yea wish has a real vagina she doesn't have to cyber, she can just find men who like chubby girls

I'M NOT EVEN GAY, SQUASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would I e-fuck them? They're bad at English. The e-sluts who are bad at English tend to end up in the trash bin.

Just move to Mexico City if you like honorary Aryan tier Mexicans so much. That's where Kuro is.


You're going to tell on me for you being a gay chicken?

So go nuts.

Not yet. ;D

Grim would never be sexual with me.
He's daddy bear. At most I am content he would let me use him as a pillow.

you mean you have had e-sluts that were bad at english?

plenty of people have been drunk and posted.

me included

youre saying he hasn't seen that once in his entire time hes been able to be online?

Yeah and there was this Spanish one I kept for a while because her dirty talk compensated.


same tbh
also saving this webm because thats me irl


Seeing people post drunk wouldn't really explain the how.

SquashxLuke > SquashxMichael btw



i dont drive lol
Personally My favorite are asians but I mean, spains are def a close second
I'm cool with waiting til I can find me a nice weed bitch


Erio, Steam.


But what if they're really tired and I get them in a grumpy mood? :c

They weren't feeling good the other night and I felt really bad about being so demanding that night :c

People change man, it could happen one day.

You're so closed minded. Good think I wasn't asking for your permission :^)

his question is how is it even possible

he thinks being drunk is like fucking some out of body experience where you can only accomplish core motor functions

spoils levels of dumb dude

you called luke squash all ax
you made him feel bad

More or less.
It's just more weird that people even tried to drunk type that badly.
It's understandable on a phone.


I dont care
the answer is no

Give me his number.

: kenbone18: Hi, room!
kenbone18: {{{{hugs}}}
buffyvamp5586: hey you [[smilezzzzx]]
buffyvamp5586: [[walks over to your table, offers you a drink]]
kenbone18: -{[looks deep into your soul, bites his lip]}-
kenbone18: I'll have the usual
buffyvamp5586: I'll wait for you in the back
sanFRANsico82: °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸.
sanFRANsico82: °º¤ø,¸¸,ⓟⓡⓞⓖ__ⓝⓞⓢⓣⓘⓒ ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸.
sanFRANsico82: °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸.
sanFRANsico82: sup room
buffyvamp5586: gag me with a spoon [[vomits in mouth]]
sanFRANsico82: a/s/l everybody?
kenbone18: hey sico
kenbone18: 41/m/IL
sanFRANsico82: let's cyber

I think plane would be best. :3

I like Asians as well. That has NOTHING to do with me moving to Chyna, though.


What's so surprising?

i gotta start heading out soon but its been fun visiting, it was great to see so many of you stop by at once

I respect Grim too much to do that.

Not touching that one.



a fair point but I'm also free to see those that react to the fear in a cowardly way as just that


Now that's a fucking nice insult right there


i just have very little cybering experience so its like a whole other world for me to hear about people doing it hundreds of times, with foreign ladies who do dirty talk

thats all

What's this?

I keep my claws sharp.

What if he's gonna feel worse when he gets up and realizes he missed it, then asks you why didn't hit him up ?
I mean you could always just leave a message..or magic-eight-ball it.

you too buddy!

aiite then

horrible friend tbh
can't wait to see you on the east coast

you try to cyber me like every other day

I only understand it on phone if they're plebs who use auto-correct or quick type deal.



And you don't reciprocate.

I love the l.A BEAST

oh hey look more passive aggressiveness

But why not?

E-Ehh? No way...

Just drive to visit him.

Aw, who am I supposed to ship you with, then?

I wasn't trying to say that they're not bitches or anything.

I texted him when I woke up and then again maybe 20 minutes ago ;;


i bet ken bone would do that

the adorable fuck

youve been distant

Currently the popular one is Test.

Give me his address.

am I direct enough yet?

good because I don't fucking care

Because he's my best friend, not my lover

My ability to cope with life is slowly spiraling into a massive drain.
I figured you wanted more space as well.

What is it with you guys and feet

I hope those were all on different days. if not ur gonna die eventually nigga.

Wanna hop on the wild ride?

Gay chicken. :3

Bebop please. Was that Smiles or what? I kind of just skimmed over that garbage text. The thread is fast and Colbs is upset because I've neglected his anus.

stop working so much

But I ship Text with Cupcake...

You don't have that either?

Man you really are useless.

tfw best-friendzoned

Well I have two of them and I use them to walk places sometimes

I used Swype typing at one point and yeah, it's impossible to type while drunk using that because you just fuck up the motions and the loops to double hit letters so it gets autocorrected and just is like word salad.

Work is a coping mechanism for me.

They are at ends anymore.

oh? well either way you had a good point it just won't budge my opinion I guess

why didn't you stay gone when you quit anyway? was it too much to avoid putting ketchup on your chest rug and creeping on any female poster?

only the best, bae

All I know is the city.

that would be awesome lol
but I can only juast afford to get by here in america lol
I mean I dont speak anything more than fragments or well known spanish lol And so itd be pretty hard to get a job
to afford a flight tto mexico and then a place to stay lol
I just dont know about all that


i don't have any good pics of spike smiling. just imagine it for me

Well then, guess there's no other way, gotta let Darwin handle it.
Kinda wish I had your problems.

Feet are gross


This is nothing to joke about.

I removed those things from my phone as it kept suggesting the wrong words all the time.

i see

swiftkey masterrace


You really still haven't cybered even in private? What's wrong with u

Teach ESL in Mexico. ^^

Bebop please don't play retarded, idk what this is you've shown me.

Aww, poor guy :c

Fine, I suppose I'll start shipping you too.

It's not that huge of a city so you could just drive around an shout his name.

Darwin is fucking useless apparently.


What's a little experimenting between best friends

I'm sorry. I don't mean to be distant.

I'd rather not be shipped.

I just don't see how it could be more pleasurable than something involving actual contact


I am just leaving if you are going to be like that.

Well at least HE seems to know who you're talking about, I'm in dark.

if you want to continue the conversation about this topic, do it on steam.

just no

I wonder if it's a language thing.
Autocorrect for English is pretty reliable to have the word you mistyped.

im not hurt by your decision. i dont have anything worthwhile to talk about

i said i left but really im always here to lurk and watch wish get roasted

Oh, I thought you wanted to be shipped with him. Fine.


I said this.

No thanks. My number counting up feels more important

Who am I getting roasted by?


Who implied it would be? You flirt with a lot of people; I'd think you'd consummate at least once. :3

I don't know the meaning of this, Bebop. Are you also drunk?

I think she and I somehow got in a weird standoff where we both mention each other but don't start a conversation with each other. What do?

You know I still love you.

moo for me

It's eh.

feed her some grass

It's just Squash eating ketchup off someone's nipples.
There's literally no way that could possibly be gay.

Grim, do I still have to make that list?

probably got left home alone with a bunch of alcohol and money

you would be wrong this one time though, probably haven't for multiple reasons at that

Hm? It's really none of my business anyways.


Me no like lycopene.

Okay, I laughed.

Most likely as any word here changes depending on the context, so it'll keep on suggesting the normal or the 10th wrong form of the word.
Some still get the hang of it, but I got frustrated and went all old-school with it.

good girl, i'd pet you through the screen but you know, even if i could you might bite my hand


But then I'd have linked her first.


It's no wonder part of me still sees you as a little fuccboi. :3

I guess you just like to feed on the sexual tension.

Kyle, do you eat a lot of veggies?

You seem a bit overdefensive.

And I've noted it.
Just watch it solo.

p l s
speaking of which, send mari

that would be awesome lol
but I can only juast afford to get by here in america lol
I mean I dont speak anything more than fragments or well known spanish lol And so itd be pretty hard to get a job
to afford a flight tto mexico and then a place to stay lol
I just dont know about all that

wait did you just call me a shotabhoabhfsdgb
