Other urls found in this thread:
hail the memes
well id consider alternatives
The torch of Baphomet
Brightest in the sky
The eternal fire
Of terrestrial life
I dont want to be at work anymore.
i havent made a thread in like eight months
I made my first thread in months last night. I made sure to be heavy on the Satan.
To be fair you dont really post here much. At least until recently.
Get lost in a book?
I cant read at work. I have zero drive right now.
yes this is true and i find all of this to be fine
Also i don't really like making threads but 500 was getting a little much
i am certainly not complaining
pets please meow
Isn't it really just a corruption of Muhammad mixed in with that retarded 1800s occultism and neo-religion that really wasn't founded in anything but "some dude wrote a nonsensical book"?
I figure one of the anime fags wil make one.
Shift into first gear.
-pets your hair- :3
so you never make them or just rarely?
That is nit how being depressed works. Ill just catch a good mood when it comes.
I have made 3 here in the last 2 years
nigga what?
I didn't know you had depression?
You are not very perceptive.
He's afraid to start things with me directly but you're posting a Baphomet-related avatar.
I have been in and out of it for years. I tend to just not let it get to me all the time. Its moved more to total apathy lately.
welcome to the club
It had literally nothing to do with you considering it's an avatar he's posting.
This is like when i called neko a loli fag and ui thought it was about him and yelled at me.
sorry we don't give out membership badges, or really have a clubhouse either
He's been posting that at least the whole time I've been back and you just randomly decided to attack him over it when I posted lyrics with "Baphomet" in them. :3
my very limited understanding is that it was is a term originally used to describe an idol or other deity that the knights templar were accused of worshiping
i only appreciate the design
hart hows it hangin?
It had nothing to do with you but sure.
Whatever floats your boat.
Oh right.
The whole French conspiracy thing where the they tortured the shit out of them to get false charges so the crown didn't have to pay back the Templars.
The symbolism behind Levi's design is more of the point; he only really gets the name from the knights templar thing.
Pretty good, you? I need to figure out something to teach for Saturday.
Well someone can feel down but not be depressed.
Should I start calling you cupcake?
I would rather this not be a joke at either of mine or cups expense.
Home in 2 hours
at least erio won't molest the kiddies like grim would
wow rude.
yeah fun times
that is disappointing
Sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.
I make these jokes all the time, though.
yeah but you're an asshole so we expect it.
Double standards are wonderful.
erio hasn't molested me very well yet
Give it time.
and to think after what I did...hmph.
I thought everyone made jokes at Cupcake's expense.
I had to rename this one because it was too fitting.
You were literally asking guero to bully you!
Chyna has a low age of consent, though. : ^ )
The descriptions of Baphomet that were extracted from the knights templar were contradictory weird shit like a three-headed cat etc. It's easier to appreciate Levi's version once you have an idea of the symbolism behind it. I'd say a core theme is the union of opposites.
Well I mostly like feminine people. :3
to teach? I'm doing at least a bit decent
It's really cold in my bedroom and I'm getting really turned on
Yeah, same
Yeah, I need to teach people a how-to thing for my TEFL course. I think I'll go with something simple like an advanced paper airplane or something. The more difficult the thing is that I pick, the more chance it has of being frustrating, since I have to actually correct them while they try to do it and stuff.
Work it out.
So this is why you hate me...
-hugs warmly- :3
im going to be pure for the whole month then do unspeakable things with people at the con who don't look 200 pounds too heavy for the costumes they are in
I don't like doing that
It's not unspeakable unless poop is involved.
Why not? Maybe you just need to pleasure your butt at the same time.
What the fuck is wrong with you
leave cup alone
im probably not going to do anything like that anyways, im not going there for that like Soto does
You jerk
He bullies me all the time.
I'm karmically neutral here.
Wouldn't you play with a cute girl's poop?
How was that a jerk thing?
yeah. guero. not you.
Everyone bullies you too.
I could eat a horse
the girl has nothing to do with the poop for me, one aesthetically pleasing aspect of a person does not transfer like that in my mind especially to their shit
hi test
-pets your hair-
real talk though, people without depression making jokes about people with depression is pretty fucking hilarious.
Yeah, I could have guessed that.
this feels so off
I dont know why
I have been through depression
I know how it feels
How so?
Wow rude.
I don't like what I have down there and butt stuff is gross unless you're prepared for it
What about forcing them to poop in front of you and them being all cute and blushy during it?
That's depressing.
The heck?
This sass
You need to show yourself some self-love.
that sounds like a complicated situation to live in all the time
no even worse
: ^ )
I'm drunk
fuck you test i thought we were at least neutral acquaintances aligned at least somewhat in the positive but now i know the cold dark truth
A wise crazy person once said "Keep on acquiring a taste for what is naturally repugnant; this is an unfailing source of pleasure."
I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad.
ignore me will you
fuck you
Oh right, hi.
sounds kind of neat I guess, hopefully it goes well for you
All the dreams in which I've died in have been the strangest I've ever had.
this post can be 7x lewder if you switched some words
thats better
they say when you dream about death your subconscious is trying to alarm you to something you need to change about yourself immediately
your death*
Dream analysis is bullshit.
I'm literally talking about test here, not you.
shut up.
it's not sass. you are legit a fucking asshole a lot of the time but I don't blame you because you literally do not understand.
it would be like getting mad at a child for being a child.
That's really uncomfortable
It's incredibly frustrating
I wish I had someone physically with me I could trust to know my body
Every time.
I think I've only had two but one of them which I remember I got stabbed in the neck and could feel myself slowly dieing. It was very... Strange.
I know but I'm just taking this opportunity to let you know in case you felt like nobody understood your plight
It's just something I have to get through. So far so good.
I actually have to prepare a lesson plan and teach a 45-minute lesson on the last day of the course.
When was the last time you masturbated?
yea having the person be close physically really helps, but if you don't like butt stuff or your dick it would still be complicated even with another person, would you more be relying on the other person to have ideas?
plenty of people here do. a lot of us suffer from depression.
So sexy
Saying it so matter-of-fact makes it even more depressing.
how many of us have gotten through it completely
less than the amount that suffer from it now let me tell you that
you know what I mean you self-cockteasing whore
9:37 PM - salamander man:
9:38 PM - Sublimed Angel: no wonder you want to die
9:38 PM - salamander man is now Offline.
depression is a state of being either you are or you are not
as a human you are always going to face things that depress you what separates us is the ability to handle it and sometimes that has to do with chemical inbalances, but not always
one thing leads to another and it can be a slippery slope which leads to those imbalances
the key is managing your life through that state and ultimately overcoming it
Iunno, it was maybe a week or so ago
I am week of will and lonely of flesh
Wasn't a very pleasant experience really
Well like, when I was with my ex he'd play with my chest and bite my neck and scratch me and all kinds of hot stuff that didn't involve touching there and sometimes we'd just have lots of rough foreplay and sometimes we'd have sex but it was all centered around the foreplay
that is not true, sometimes the imbalances come from outside of environmental influences
but i am not here to argue about things that are obvious to me
I didn't say my statement was an absolute. Just a possibility.
thats cute, you just need someone to get into it with so you can get your mind off all the dirty details, it sounds like you are pretty okay with things as long as you get lots of attention from the other person and they make you feel wanted and comfortable
I think it's interesting that Cupcake actually seems to be the only one who gets away with making depressed posts without getting heavily shit on. Just an observation. :3
I guess it's just because he's charismatic about it.
Maybe getting orders to do stuff to yourself would help. Some people like that.
just seems a little misleading to word it like that
I get shit on plenty.
mostly by people who profess to be my friend.
how? I said "it can" be a slippery slope.
meaning events in your life and your reactions to those events.
Of course, you could just have some fucked up brain chemicals because of some random freak event or genetic mutation or something too.
It's definitely easier to get out of my comfort zone if I feel like my partner really appreciates and knows my body
I'm pretty definitely not into that
I wanna go home but my cab won't be here got another hour
I personally let him get away with it because he is a good person deep down and he deserves help
do the worm
I know the feeling.
fair enough, its just a sensitive topic, not for me personally though
thats only natural of course, it helps i heard you were pretty cute though
can confirm
shit on Cupcake every minute
lots of betrayal and backstabbing huh?
I just end up flopping around like a fish
Who's spreading such dangerous rumors
Neither I nor Cupcake are the betrayal type.
We're the hurt feelings type, apparently.
Seems to just be one or two people, but anyway, maybe you should just tell those people to fuck off and stop associating with them. Getting rid of toxic influences is probably an important step.
Just have a backbone and stand up for yourself at least. :3
I guess cock in your ass is the only easy solution.
He's also not really whiny and doesn't go out of his way to post heavily about it like CERTAIN PEOPLE *cough*swedishfish*cough*
He just slips it in in the form of "dark humor." :3
maybe you guys are kind of sensitive? i dont really know the situations, maybe the other guys were just jerks
oh you know ive seen you around a while and ive heard things here and there, never seen evidence though i promise!
i wish the managers would trust my judgement a little more when I tell them they need more chicken
If I dont make it before I tear my tables down, then in stead of getting to make a rack of chicken thats actually good in th comfort ooof a heated kitchen I have to go and make it in the freezer, hunched over, so it takes longer and without water, so the bread doesnt stick as well
I had to make 3 racks of chicken after i tore down tonight it was super lame
I even told the manager they would probably need some
Whats up with you guys tonight
I'm very passive.
god damnit 4m
hey man
sorry about your day
did you talk to your managers about it at the end of the day?
why do you think they don't trust you
just relaxing on a day off
I don't know anyone with a cock I want in my ass
I feel like you're fishing for cutes
There are so many old people here
Why are there so many old motherfucker here
you'd think you'd be even the slightest bit more sympathetic then.
haha im just trying to flatter a little, i have a girlfriend already
Well we have 4 different ones and tonights was the lead manager, so i mean its always her call anyways
But Normally the other managers will usually let me make the final call on chicken
Its not a huge problem just kinda annoying late at night, knocks a good 15 minutes into schedule annd in fast food that really starts to make the line in the drive thru pile up
I'm implying you're the friend that shits on me.
aren't you 24
or something
because you are in a community with people that age and we have been here and aged
welcome to reality, you are next
ass sure, but what about your mouth
don't worry. it won't happen again.
Well, if it happens again, I'm sure you can mention it to your lead and IF THEY ARE SANE AND KNOW HOW TO DO THEIR JOB, they will listen to you.
I'm drinking and on a shitposting spree. You should look into getting a better job. Maybe something that doesn't take college but just somem training. Maybe a welder or a trucker?
That's fine with lewd things, but don't you think you should maybe be less passive when it comes to certain things? :3
The way you let people treat you obviously doesn't effect you well, judging by the issues you're taking with it right now.
Lol, what's the problem?
I thought you had a thing for your friend at least.
I have ways of dealing with it. it's fine.
Thatd be great
She kind of scares me though
Whats your day look like
lazy. going to haul ass to make up for it tonight though.
I dont drive lol
I'm pretty satisfied here
It's really easy and the pay is enough for me to comfortably get by
I enjoy the people I work with and I get all the food I could eat if I choose
I mean shit, its not a big deal, just kind of a minor inconvenience
It especially sucks cooking in the freezer when it gets cold in the winter
or even just standing in the kitchen god damn
man she is so dissatisfied
It feels strange
Not really no
He's far away and busy being an adult
i caaant get noooo
feels good being straight
im sorry, i won't confuse you then, good luck and i hope you find someone sweet
What's wrong, sweety?
It doesn't seem fine. I think behaving in a way that asserts self-respect and rejecting toxic influences is probably an important step of overcoming depression. Just saying.
whered you work and whyd you dislike it?
I don't know what to say.
Just call up the resident manwhore Soto.
I'd like to shit on you too, master !!!
Feels weird being trans and bi
It's not that, I just don't get compliments
I'd rather not get an std
You can mail it to me, I'll smear it on myself.
if there was any way to fix my depression I would have figured it out a long time ago. this has been going on for nearly 2 decades.
Soto would have to go through a lot of screening to actually get with me
i got a hearty giggle irl
thanks mate
I love you
there's nothing wrong with complimenting something you like about someone to help them feel good
McDonald's and because it just felt like shit work I guess. This was like five years ago.
Also Bart look at this pic
Look at the cookies he has
Black and gold - Pirates/Penguins/Stillers colors
He went to an Eat n Park in Pittsburgh :3
Use protection. :3
Since you were really young? Was it set off by some event?
no idea. I just know that's when I started seeing a psychologist for depression.
It actually kind of looks like one near me. I need to take a closer look next time I'm there.
nothing just bored
My nigga eatin da stillers cookies
Last time I visted PA I had two delicious things I wont forget
Chipped Ham and raisin sugar cookies from giant eagle
you ever try any of that chipped ham shit
good afternoon everyone!!
mari trompé
Hey, Kanra.
where's the ":3c"
I feel cheated
John Denver would have made a bangin trap if he was trans
Must be a pretty deep problem, then. You should still try to behave in a way that asserts self-respect, to yourself and to others. Should help at least a bit. ^^
You said you're having life problems. Are the lolis giving you trouble?
Lol, I have. That's a Pennsylvania thing? Didn't realize.
You should definitely go to Primanti's if you're here again.
new phone who dis?
lol no I was just fucking around
I'm fine right now
hard to expect that of others when I have none for myself.
phew. that was close.
Rifk drink
is that
a bar and grill?
When i visit I'm usually up around newcastle, wampum and uh
People change their tone when you show a bit of backbone.
im going to cringe out loud if you don't stop quoting me in thread
c'est un vilain mot
who that
i'm ooble guero's friend
hi babygirl
It's an "almost famous" place that puts fries and slaw on sandwiches. Pretty good. And yeah, they also have beer.
I do not care what people do.
just cringe inside out and cease to exist
I'm 19, 20 next month
that's better.
I am my own cringe factory
its ok guise im here... its time to stop enjoying things
...stop it this instant
i like not linking posts and seeing how many people just assume im talking to them
you know that means you aren't only attracted to girls
had a good day?
my birthday next month too
BD, I use the term backbone too. I have for a good amount of time. YOU CAN'T COPYRIGHT IT JUST BECAUSE WE TALKED ABOUT IT ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You probably even got it form ME and don't realize it. Also where do you think I quoted you before? You implied I did multiple times.
Stop being such a NARCISSISTIC ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this your first time posting?
do you want to get raped hard or soft
awww man coleslaw is SOOO grossyou enjoy it?
i love you erio
Men are gross but I kinda want dick in my ass and to be fucked like a good little girl
of all the people to tell me not to be narcissistic too
haha not to worry
I don't enjoy anything
did revy disappear to go shamefully masturbate
where does the hat end and the hair begin
pretty rare niche
Oh, you seemed to be kind of complaining about it earlier in the thread.
-hugs tightly-
lol me either
im sorry but i dont speak frog
nope. I just say things that pop into my head.
You are drinking?
water, yes
like a pleb
i miss garEE sometimes
invoke him.
statistically someone had to.
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GarEE
only sometimes
tfw no trap gf to fuck the brains out of every day
Mick Jagoff
whats up sammy san
guys what brand of alcohol do i drink and spin around in front of a mirror of three times to summon a garEE
...and here I thought i was the only one
nm, making supper... hbu
Whatever sillyy~
Same gurl
Oh please, Grim. Go cry more, you whiny little bitch. We were getting along just fine on MSN every day until you bitched about an anime not having a translators note for a phrase they had explained hundreds of times through the series already and I called you out on your stupidity.
You have to be the whiniest little faggot I've ever met.
Who's that?
jager.. obviously
Something that just screams "desperately overcompensating and repressing homosexuality".
Yeah, Jager works.
He's coming.
jager tastes like piss and disappointment
but if you drink enough youll wake up with your dick in a dog... not that ive even done that
Well I meant to grab a fiery loco gordita crunch for dinner but I missed that chancec so I might end up biking out to walmart of something for some microwave burritoes or some fruits or something later
what are you eatin bby doll
the niga from the rolling stones lol
or your dick in a HOT DOG bun
I suppose.
wait, it was a hamburger bun
HAHA that does kind of look like Dallas doesn't it?
ravioli lol
especially with the mustache yes
I haven't seen Dallas.
speaking of dicking... i have a date tomorrow
It sounded kind of familiar but you changed the last name to "jagoff"
You fuckin jagoff
-cuddles warmly- :3
how old is she
youre the bottom right?
She's of age r-right?
It doesn't have a penis, right?
She's at least under 16, right?
Whats it like going on a date haha just curious lol
in all fairness he's the definition of jagoff
I've never actually been on a proper date
im happy this place is still here
The echo text makes me think jews are involved.
I thought you said a girl fingered your butt once
What's troubling you is just the nature of his game.
What's sex like haha just curious lol
revy knows of my affinity for the bottom... no need to retell that
of course
add 20
vageen parts and bewbs
ty... gah these (you)s this feels amazing
terrifying and exciting all at once
idk if getting a suppository is equivalent of a date
and idk that was pretty painful
If thats what buttplay is like idk if id be into it
Dick in the ass kinda hurts
I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's okay to be the bottom but just don't be a pushover faggot like my dad.
Lmao. You didn't mention the context when you posted about it before. You've never played with your own butt?
ive had some good fucks and bad fucks
It will never die at this rate.
D-do you want to kiss and hold hands and s-stuff? >///
damn someday im gonna hurt a girl
yah.. i love being on bottom
well no I'm pretty happy tuggging on my FAT DICK
its interessting to think about but I mean that was just a finger and it was pretty bad
Idk how hardcore gay pornstars take multiple black 10 inch dicks at once
I remember when I joined, every other week grim said the place was dying or dead
all this shitposting... it fills you, with some kind of noun
We're all dead
this is Hell
it's alive cause I'm back.
guys that are secretly pussies like being on bottom with girls
if only
I actually think it was livelier without you tbh
Quit turning me on
Nice solipsism.
Probably fills me with cummies.
I like the ring to that.
I think you don't know jack shit
dont be naughty test unless you're ready to face the CONSEQUENCES
Whatever feels natural. ^^
A finger is nothing; just use a bit of lube.
I liked that meme. Wish I still had the cap of when he said it would be dead by a certain date.
Be nice to Spoilers, he has deficiencies
stop liking my fetishes!
No, I can't face consequences, sorry.
Which leads me to beleive people who enjoy anal sex are masochists
It felt like she used lube because it was cold and sloppy feeling
When you make tranny porn or whatever
i like doggie too, but damn that bottom posish
lame, i was really looking forward to this whole OTP thing panning out but i guess it really is one-sided and unrequited
when you stop "nezi posting".
The shitty thing is anal mostly just feels like you need to take a dump
It's supposed to go away after a while but it's still just the weirdest sensation
Don't encourage this.
Idk, nothing I put up there really hurt me as long as I used enough lube and was careful at first.
But my self-buttplay days are over.
Try pegging at least once.
says the one that said it was dead every other week, I'd say you don't know the difference lol
I like the meme of ytse being an autistic amount of mad at me over my avatar
I already have that stupid "avatar shipping" going on with Goggles whenever I post Accelerator.
make it stop
hahha what
Fish's dick was posted earlier.
I'm just pushing him to his inevitable conclusion
now you've got other people to do it for you huh ;3
Times change, Eva.
Is that why he seems to dislike you? I was just wondering about that.
It's so smol
thats okay i lost most of my collection on my other laptop anyways so id fizzle out quick
A trans girl I ditched on a date started doing porn after that
It's such a weird feeling to watch someone you know sucking dick for money
im disinclined... altho the "accidental" slip into her pooper is on the table always
I'M NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tell her i have money lmao
link the porn lol... ima fap to ur ex
Remember to always use lube
I'm not saving it so here you go.
Don't get too excited.
me neither lol
uh, no, i've been here for about a week.
oh hey look you got mad so you instantly went to that, go figure lol
yeah he said I was dirtying it from the poster that used her before, then when I said no he got mad and the moment I brought up it was all over his autistic feels toward a fictional character's image he was all "it was a prank bro" now like grim it's passive aggressive land
if erio was a loli id do things to them that would make Grim say HOT DAMN
Tell me about it
Sama is the only attractive guy I've seen from animus though
Grim is pretty ugly imo
I don't have the link and I think her porn name is Emy amethyst or something.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand saved.
tfw not an attractive guy
Is this what rock bottom looks like?
been there done that
i ordered pizza for lunch and then went to work. work was okay, i met my grade 3 teacher and we got to talk and stuff, besides that i cashed out and now i'm home!
I don't know what you look like
I've saved much worse.
i havent been called ugly too many times but sometimes i have a major jewfro
you wanna make a group suicide pact
idk how to live without fish thinking I'm cute
i think ur cute
What? I meant you getting strap-on in the pooper. Very different subject.
MGD's violated anus says otherwise
Oh. Where did you meet guero?
Is that Louise? It's just an avatar Darwin used when he was pretending to be a new person, lol. He admitted this later. Which was weird considering things that happened that I won't bring up.
yeah totes dude
Samas really mostly attractive in a daddy kind of way
Colbs is the girl being held btw way.
Why are you saying my name
dolla dolla bill
my 3rd grade teacher was a hyper christian who made me stand in the hallway because I said holy cow a lot
bad times
If i say ur cute
ur cute
i have never had sex with a male or female LMAOO
dont think your loli super powers will protect you erio-chan
But u still raped poor MGD
Don't involve me in ur pedophilia
My loli super powers protect me from everything
Looks remarkably average
That's one of your better pictures too.
I rape everything in my path
Thre is no escaping from my cum ropes of justice
if thats wish she needs to consume my semen