If leaks are to be believed, Valve is working on some kind of survival mode for CSGO. Possibly a battle royale mode

If leaks are to be believed, Valve is working on some kind of survival mode for CSGO. Possibly a battle royale mode.


For what?

the steam market


Fuck, my bad. It's a CS:GO game mode from the looks of it.

no one cares, stop watching this valvedrone


You can't trick me




Kon-chan is a cutie. Who wouldn't want to fondle her?

fuck off already valve
at least this means they won't desecrate tf2's corpse further at least for a time

stops copies me
and stops copies me dubs as well

How would that even work within the extremely limited Source engine? They would have to pretty much build an entirely new game.

This is a good idea though, cooking something with random food actually excercises creativity and allows you to have a more varied diet and generally eat better

They'll just steal some indie team which was already making or made a survival game, just like they have done with all of their games since Half Life 2. Having said that I'd be surprised if it's better than the currently leading custom server on CSGO hosting a survival game mode. They are extremely late to the party if this is true.

Half life 3 will never come out. LET GO
Valve is a service distributer now.

Valve is trying to be like blizzard and make clones of other games. Let's see how their heathstone clone does.

Good, I am sick of this chink shit and chink shit apologist.

dota 2 is way less jew then heros
Hopefuly there hearthstone is less jew to.

Can they make a single player campaign already? The series is almost 20 years old now.

If you're going to stoop down to the level of Hearth Stone the best you could do is play the Japanese knockoff Shadowverse that regularly features real anime characters.

ohh no I prefer faeria.
I may try shadow verse but i just play occasionaly against the npc's for fun. no money spent.

Single Player? Fuck no. We can't profit off of that shit, how could we possibly sell hats, sprays and keys to you without the social aspect?

good, only HL1 was good

there's one already kind of

they're doing it for the 56%.

Single player counter strike sounds pretty awful tbh.

isn't deathmatch pretty much battle royal without the huge map

I guess it'll be more accessible given the small weapon roster and lack of prone.

There's one in CSO2 and there are the season pass "campaigns" (just bot matches in new multiplayer maps) for CSGO.



That's only because of high, fixed tickrates. Heavier client prediction and tickrate scaling lightens the load a lot.

Although unlikely, I wanna bet on a zombie survival mode similar to what existed (and still exists I think?) on custom servers, where players had to run across a map while pushing back zombies ( other players).
I enjoyed it quite a bit, the maps were usually pretty cool

Aside from the unlikelyhood of this being true. It is really really really sad had much Valve has succumbed to trend-chasing.


Awful idea, people would possibly flip their shit more than they did with Artifact.

And reported.
