
It turns out hiroshimoot was hired to datamine 4chan, and put fucking bitcoin miners in the source code the other day

Other urls found in this thread:

What a faggot.

Pretty genius tbh. Why didn't Jewt think of this? The Samurai is literally out-Jewing the actual Jew

Heres the cuckchan thread i found it on, and apparently cuck/g/ is enfuriated

No shit.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Even after making a thread about the site being a massive bitcoin miner. Do you have actual mental problems?

4chan is for cuckolds anyways, good

Suck my big fat cock, this is a news story. I linked the thread so we can laugh at the cucks


Everyone knew gookmoot was bad news.. but this is the kind of shit that triggers an exodus. It's also time for Holiday breaks to start up. We're about to get skullfucked hard by a massive influx of annoying little faggots and cuckchan rapefugees.

And as always, the OP is a flaming faggot
off yourself.

Archive it you stupid retard

Holy shit your new is showing



It wouldn't surprise me, but that's just a mess of obfuscated javascript that could be doing anything.

moot just didn't hang around long enough to see javascript miners become a reality. He would have done it if he were still in charge.

Holy shit fucking do it for me then nigger, instead of bitching about it

Because OP is an obvious newfag from halfchan who does not know how shit works around here

you fucking cockmancer, go away and never come back.

Who cares, most of us left that shithole like 4 years ago now.

Oh, and of course the thread is fucking nothing "New Story" my ass posting some generic ranting thread. Holy shit you are cancer OP

The least sinister explanation for this would be for targeted ads to match the user with people already known to an advertiser's database.

There's a lot of money to be made in metadata.

Pay attention, you dumb nigger. Their shitty users are going to start coming here now that gookmoot fucked up again this soon after the whole NeoFAG incident.

We left in 2014 for a reason.

you don't belong here

Does it really fucking matter? Holla Forums is completely destroyed by redditors and zero effort paid shills.

OP is obviously one of them, his shitty thread is self-evident of this

Oh no! what ever will we do!
Calm down faggot the secret club is 4chans bit not ours. People acclimate or dont.


I just thought you guys would want to know so you could laugh, but i guess youre too fucking autistic to appreciate it. Never change Holla Forums

I otherwise wouldn't give a shit, but I've lately found myself back on cuck/a/ because ours is so godawful. Guess I'll just have to take extra precaution.

Honestly this thread is more suited for Holla Forums or /sudo/ not Holla Forums. Holla Forums too I suppose.

Is your autism forcing you to click the link or something


cuck/a/ is fucking awful, esp since the last 13 months or so it's rapidly increased in shittyness, as well as the halfchan overall

This thread is already on Holla Forums. Holla Forums will just ban him for being cancer. Honestly he should've posted this in the GG thread

Didn't they all bail to the smug bunker around infinity next?

Oh come on now thats some fucking shit-tier bait if i ever saw it.

Who would've thought? Where are the video games though?

Cuckchan faggots have degenerated hard in the time since we've left. They're ruled by SJWs and niggers for mods, their users are largely reddit and tumblr spillover, and they've been overrun by paid shills and shitposters and government agencies for the past several years. It cannot be overstated what a bunch of cancerous tripleniggers they are now.

Its to protect mouth-breathing retards like yourself from clicking on bitcoin miners and sharing the cancer to other mouth breathers. Lurk moar

report this faggot.

Even worse when you realise that Hiroyuki's datamining was directly linked to NT technology, which is Jim's shit. Jim has by proxy datamined 2chan, now 4chan and is likely datamining 8ch.

Holla Forums was right all along

Can you or someone else post the code you have to type in uBlock Origin?

I sometimes visit 4chan just fap on /gif/ and when I'm feeling high, /d/

Well, that's great. I still went there for /toy/, mostly just for Lego General. Where the hell else am I supposed to go for Klocki discussion?

This, see you fags in the bunkers.



Once again, moot/hiroshima fucked up and the retards that didn't leave during the exodus are going apeshit and trying too hard to fit in. Those cunts already fucked up a thread on Holla Forums.
Don't forget to report and call them out on obvious faggotry.


And you still will visit halfchan anyways, even after nearly 4 years of shady shit happening between its staff and users, you limp-wristed queer

I honestly wouldn't know. I only visit and lurk in the Precure and Pripara threads, the only anime I simply couldn't bear to give up. Other than that, I'd rather not discuss anything at all than go to either of the cucked /a/s.

I personally think that Jim and Hiro were in on it together. When Jim fucked up he threw Hiro under the bus and took 2ch for himself.


yeah, 8/toy/ is a ghost town

Listen, there's no other big place for Lego shitposting. The only other popular forum that I know of is Eurobricks, and that's filled with old, joyless men that barely know how to use a computer.

Typically, the solution to a lack of posts is to post more, and sometimes invite others to join you.

Go back to 4chan OP you massive cockgobbler.

Never faggot

Gee whizz, who's fault is that? Its a never-ending feedback loop, because the typical user here doesn't give a fuck about toys

So what's the problem?

it all makes sense now…

>>>Holla Forums11050958
Oh wait no it doesn't

Anyone who knows their history should know hiro did the same thing on 2ch while working under jim. Also jim and hiro pretended to have a falling out then with the help of the fbi moot,and some nobodies, jim and co decided to manufacture gamergate and cause the migration from 4 to 8ch to, one, allow jim to step in with his hosting service and gently takeover 8ch by being the only way the site could live and two, to take away suspicion of the fact hiro came to own 4chan after what he did on 2ch.

You deserve to be blackbagged for being a useless degenerate piece of shit.



I've come to terms with the fact /a/ has been total garbage since moot let the IRC crew shit it up years ago and I know it will never come back. You just can't have decent conversation about anime with western fans because there is a constant cycle of retards that watch shonenshit and turn into bitter nostalgiafags that think Kyoani jewed them out of more shonenshit.

Honour posting with you faggots.

You need to go back.

Welp looks like another exodus is upon us

Self bump

The funny thing about conspiracy theories freech, is that there needs to be at least some evidence backing it up other than vague screenshots full of conjecture added by the person who took them

We'll meet again, on another site if it comes to that user

Oh for fucks sake.
Bunker where?

Thank fuck

Oh yes please


Tell me about it. I still check in with our /a/ every once in a while, and there's hundreds of replies in every shounenshit and FotM thread possible, every season, but you'd be hard pressed to get 20 for most everything else. God forbid you have more niche interests. I had to shamelessly samefag the Precure thread endlessly, for multiple real life months, just to get enough people in it to organically sustain it.

I'm about at the end of my rope here. I'm fucking starving for anime discussion with actual thinking adults that isn't ruined by hotpocketeers.

try Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

I bet you're one of those faggots that makes 10 moeshit threads at a time with umaru or some other brainless anime jailbait

Signs and symptoms of reddit

We've known this for years. OP should go back there and stay there.

Let me help you with that.

wew we got a live one here boys

Anyone in their right mind who knows of a bunker will not tell others of its existence.

Draw 2

You know what this means. The second they start showing up, post everything normalfags find offensive across the entire site until they go away.

looky here

Time to create 12channel

Lets do it


I think you mean The 12th Channel

What a sick sense of humor the universe has

Fuck your gay shit. Exodia has already been summoned.

It is sad and ironic that the men who hate jews more than anyone else in the world must emulate their actions. Seems like we may be pushed out of another home, hope to see you fags on the other side.

it's time

Is 4/pol/ still banning people for saying Priestap?

God bless this man

Nothing says the edit can't surpass the original.

Based universe

Most of them will probably just go back to Reddit anyway tbh. They use so many other things that datamine them I doubt many will even care, and the genuine users can be repelled through free discussion of things that trigger them. I think a lot of these "board invasions" are made up of bots from entities trying to forcibly change the culture of communities full of people who hate them.

How would I know, i stooped going to cuck/pol/ because 8/lefypol/ took over cuck/pol/

This literally isn't true.

I think you're confused, last time I was on cuckpol is looked like it was just a lot of tumbler and reddit normies invading the board

Youre fucking retarded, 4/pol/ is nothing but reddit and leftypol arguing anymore.

/int/ is actually a better Holla Forums now

leftycucks seriously have no power there. Some might do the occasional shitpost with meme flags but it immediately gets derailed hard. I will say that there has been a shit ton of redditfags that came in and unironically suck trumps dick and genuinely dislike NatSoc and support CivicNat. That's why everytime I visit I post some redpills in their containment threads to save some.

That's what we're suppose to fucking do anyways. Keep dropping red pills and absorb the shitposters and lurkers.

t. phoneposting cuckchan nigger

8/pol/ is much better

Hardly, especially after the elections

Trump is god MAGA, join the alt-right
Trump is a deep plant Jew, the alt-right is a term coined by commies, jews and fags. Real Natsocs hate Trump

Tell me which is better

Parroting some cucktuber's speculation.


They are both idolizing trump.

It's much less chaotic and shitposting, which is comfy. Keeping things focus is good. cuckchan is literally filled with shills that post threads about anti-Christianity, anti-white ethnostate, and just about anti everything while promoting shit like race mixing and e-celeb cancer.

However, seeing as they have the larger numbers, it means that they can get things done if they want. Trump election and IOTBW being prime examples. They are like a bull, big, powerful, but needs a mastermind to direct it. That's where 8/pol/ comes in.

You can make 4/pol/ bring more attention to gookmoot's kikery by writing a decently made thread with some shock value and direct info. Link it here and get it bumping. Similar to the kraut threads.

Oddly enough you'll get snippets of decent anime conversation here and even on Holla Forums from time to time, as long as the goonposters aren't around. Unfortunately western anime fandom is cancerous as fuck, to a point where any decently sized community starts to turn into MAL or r/anime levels of retardation.

Since fucking when?

8/pol/ knew he was a fucking deep op from the beginning. They got the most despicable "White Male" to be the president, in an effort to make people hate white males even more. The funny thing is, hes not even white, he's a fucking jew and the worst possible corporate schlomo you could ever imagine. His entire fucking cabinet is full of jews. The WHOLE THING WAS DESIGNED TO MAKE WHITES LOOK BAD.

It was fucking calculated. Our literal only hope is if Trump dies and Pence takes over. I voted for Trump, just for Pence.


It's true. You can even get some pretty good discussion on Holla Forums, the designated shitting board, from time to time.

I haven't ever been on the community sections of MAL, let alone having ever been to any portion of reddit, but I'm starting to think they can't be as bad as 8/a/. You'll still trigger the pocketeers if you don't watch your language, but at least on those sites it'll be upfront and honest about what it does instead of hiding it behind flowery language and false pretenses ("we're just trying to make /a/ good like it used to be!") At the very least, you'll get some manner of discussion, and something is better than nothing.

Remember when faggots actually thought Hiro was better then Jim and were actually siding with him in some legal dispute nobody cares about?

pozz 4/v/ mods pruned the thread.

comfy Holla Forums is never coming back is it?

trying to use an imageboard on a phone sounds so awful

Thanks for (((correcting the record))) nigger

nice to see downvoting is here as well

Nigger, are you fucking retarded? How did you not know this? Wipe the jizz out of your eyes and check my digits.


There is no greater joy than taking a shit while shitposting, or even laying down. Its a pain in the ass to sit up in a chair and type irrelevant, inane things with 0 meaning hour after hour. The phone poster is the smart poster.

This entire post is fake news.

The election opened up as a matter of "this is going to fucking suck". Holla Forums initially was leaning one of a few ways - the libertarians wanted Rand Paul to get through, a few memers wanted Jim "I Killed a Man" Webb to go somewhere, a couple were thinking third party, and most just didn't give a shit and were going to write in "Ron Paul" or "Adolf Hitler" if they even voted at all. Predictions were for a Jeb Bush v Hillary Clinton match-up for the general election, meaning one of the shitty families would get through.

Then Trump announced himself. There were a few early adopters who went for it just because it was hilarious, but they were the minority. Really, the Trump thing had absolutely zero ground until the first debate - if anything, more people were looking at Carson, and Paul probably had the largest group. Hell, even Webb had more support, even if it was clear he had no chance with how fucked the Dems are. But with the first Republican debate, people liked Trump because of how much he was pissing people off, and how much

Well, that's one part of it. The other was that there were a huge number of threads. The memers began to pick up on it hard, and the front page was plastered mostly by pro-Trump things, if anything. The God Emperor meme wasn't born yet - that came a little later - but the first sparks were being made, and newfags ate it up, thinking it was how to fit in. Some LARPer posted an image of a credit card, and this meme that the Trump kids lurked Holla Forums was passed around.

Eventually, Reddit flooded in, and that was the end of it. It was actually kind of amusing. I remember watching the Paulfags from the first debate trying to point out "hold on, they literally gave him the dumbest questions and the least amount of airtime", only to be drowned out by the shitposting as much as their candidate was by the media. Meanwhile, Trump knew exactly how to make the media cover him, rather than practice the idea "if you ignore it, it'll go away", and Holla Forums went right along with it.

Yes, there are people who have said "it's a fake out, he's a Clinton plant, etc." from the very beginning - and those threads were drowned in shit-posting and people saying that those threads were an attempt to discredit Trump.

You can try to revise history to match your personal feelings, but those of us that were actually there - or, more appropriately, were there before, and got to see the whole process - have a very different story to tell than whatever bullshit you can cook up.

Fuck Trump, I legit only wanted Mike Pence. I voted for Trump assuming hed be assassinated, and Pence would become president, fuck this gay earth.

read less Holla Forums
read more MPC
stop jerking it to anime
you're welcome

What is the appeal of samefaced 2D borderline honeypot characters with blurred genetalia and highpitched voices?

Hentaifags are so weird…

Don't make your dreams be dreams user. You are the dream you make.

I remember the first thing that really got our ears pricked for what Trump might be about is somebody dug up an old clip of The Apprentice where he fires somebody for referring to himself as "White Trash".

My hope was that Trump would just barely get second in the Republican primary, or get rejected for Cruz, while Sanders would turn on the DNC, making a four-way political struggle that would make for a permanent end to our shitty two-party system and possibly a civil war. But neither of us got our wish, did we?

Oh trust me. Because of everything I just described, I have.
Honestly, Holla Forums hasn't been good since early on. Before the Holla Forums split-off there used to be enough contrarians to make for the occasional debate, meaning arguments were better off. The election hadn't come up yet, either, so there was a lot more discussion of political theory.

You're right. That, and the video clip of him at the Obama Dinner where they were ripping into him, and he looked absolutely pissed off. That was before the memers started really picking up.

So you just enter that string and you can browse the shitchan again safely?

every single general is the lowest level of garbage though. i suppose that makes sense though as half the board is there trying to learn english via shitposting


This shit will engulf the entire web before all is said and done. Normalfags think bitcoin mining in javascript is
They do not understand the implications beyond that. They'll spout some bullshit about how it stops ads when they refuse to run script or adblockers and will be content when ads are included with miners. That said, if I owned cuckchan I'd run a miner too, anyone still left on there deserves to be taken full advantage of.

It's okay I'm here now. It's okay I forgive you, we all forgive you for all your failures Snake.

Honestly, you're right, maybe Hiro isn't so bad. He saw the reddit and tumblr fags invading so he exploits them, and the good old boys got the fuck out of there while they still could.

Nothing of value was lost.

Kill yourself you inbred spic nigger faggot.

Only in Canada and UK. Stop spreading unnecessary panic.