and the waitress is practicing politics
as the businessmen slowly get stoned
yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
but it's better than drinkin' alone
and the waitress is practicing politics
as the businessmen slowly get stoned
yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
but it's better than drinkin' alone
Other urls found in this thread:
People who enjoy oatmeal raisin cookies should be put into a camp
( cup quake )
what's so evil about u?
sounds good to me, adorable plus the sounds you'll make in general will be good too
I mostly drink vodka, but I like plenty of other alcohols. rum, tequila and whiskey are my other favorites, but vodka mixes incredibly well with what I like to drink, like juice and lemonade.
so you mean moogs. if you're calling him that it means you must have spent some time in the gfur threads. hmm.
because they taste amazing you faggot.
of course, any time.
everything. I shot a man in reno just to watch him die.
muffled gagging sounds are the best.
I bet you like the taste of dicks too
my day has been empty and meaningless so far. so pretty normal. how about yours?
did you just realise you're gonna have to pay me the 60 dollars we agreed on
well, yes. of course I do.
I'm betting yours epecially
We didn't agree on anything fuccboi
it's been alright
little nippy but alright
guess you'll just have to find out.
nippy would be nice. it's still really hot here. down to 90 during the hot parts of the day. definitely starting to cool down, but that's still way too damn hot.
Cut that out I'm trying to make fun of you for your awful taste.
you're letting your unconscious attraction towards me slip out again grim pls calm down
but I don't think any of my taste is awful.
in octoboer
can confirm
cupcake's tastes are shit
*pets you lovingly*
that is the plan, mon cher
yup. that's arizona for you. that's a great webm.
You see that's just what someone with awful tastes would say.
You're so lucky to have friends who can point these things out for you
you're a great webm
it stays that warm at night too?
I am currently going through my stories of party liquors before I start buying straight vodka. What vodka by the way? Never knew how soft things felt on it. Mugen was Sebastian for a long time before he became whatever he is now. That is why I call him that. What I really want to ask is before you start drinking, what do you feel?
Looks like you already replaced Test with a new >girlfriend.
kanra talk to me. I want to say I'm sorry
ooo la la~
it's starting to seem like the one thing I have shit taste in is friends with opinions.
no, it cools down at night, more and more as winter progresses, but currently it's still pretty warm at night. I need fans running all the time.
you mean what kind? just fairly cheap stuff. it's like one step up from total garbage. because I mix I don't care much about the quality, but I care enough to make sure I don't buy the shit that's like 6 bucks for a 750ml
it doesn't really matter what stage. before, during, after. I feel next to nothing. the only emotions I really feel these days for any length of time is depression and sadness. other than fleeting moments of other things I mostly just feel empty all the time.
we're going to be yuri~ together. and you can't stop us. bump~
I only pity you for having your standards drop that low from dating Test to...that.
Jokes on you my opinions are facts.
that only makes this worse.
loco please die
You are forgiven so long as you're buying Smirnoiff or greater. Emptiness, depressionness and sadnessness. The alcohol helps, does it? How many times per week? I'm sort of asking for advice.
No sense in looking back, it's all downhill from here!
5 to 7 times a week.
it helps me feel a little better in general, yes. I enjoy the feeling of being drunk.
the stuff I usually buy is actually a little more expensive than smirnoff but it's around that price point.
the hill never ends.
I was waiting around to ask you that. Arigato.
both ways. the hill was designed by m.c. escher.
got a problem there, soto? something you want to say?
Is the hill in black and white too?
And by that I mean segregation
it was, thanks to the tireless efforts of racists like me.
It's surprising to find out you drink more than I do
Keep fighting the good fight, gramps
So us young whippersnappers can ruin it
what's surprising is how much of a nerd you are.
but unmuffled too cause I bet that's just as cute
I want you to encourage me.
that monster girl anime was great
you can't get unmuffled with a cock down my throat, there's just no way. science hasn't come far enough.
I do not know you. I encourage you to keep drinking anyway.
huh? no that was instead the unmuffled noises with a cock in your ass? what a weird world would that be if one could do what you said
Never watched it but I assume it was kawaii as fuck
sorry if I've ever offended you
damn. okay.
Just kill us now familam
well I thought we were still talking about oral.
it is a good combination of cute, lewd, and humor.
is that not what you wanted?
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
you havent
that i know of
u have good taste
Given that it's monster girls I can guess it's lewd as fug
Also this thread is triggering forgotten MGQ memories.
we talk of all the lewd things we will do, top being a limiter daaaamn
WWCD? and now we know
good because I lost track
different artist. great song.
it gets pretty damn lewd at times. one of these days I'll download the uncensored version.
only limit is imagination
go forth and drink.
Maybe one day I'll get bored enough to partake in that too.
How rude
So are you going to tell me your name yet?
It's Clarice.
why would I?
story is pretty okay too, honestly. the humor was my favorite part, honestly. that and papi the harpy.
Cause I want to find out if your name really is weird or people are just making that up
Nah, thats too normal
Hey Soto
my name isn't particularly weird, or common.
It's a great song.
I chose it because of the job titles, although other choice could have been all along the watchtower because of businessmen.
and your endurance
We seem to have similar taste on multiple things. Can you handle Archgoat's girth? :3
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!1 FAGGOT PEDO ADMIN GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LITERALLY 100% OF PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE A PEDOPHILE WHO SHOULD BE DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
all along the watchtower is another great one.
could definitely be better, tbh.
It's just he has a really weird fetish of wanting me to pretend to be Hannibal Lecter as I say "Hello, Clarice." to him for hours on end.
Raisins are tasty and a good source of fiber.
b-but I like raisins though
Only old people who can't shit on their own really care about that.
*spits in your mouth*
then the only answer is to train you on a leash
Or people who care about their colon health so they do not have inside out buttholes, hemorrhoids, or anal fissures.
S-spit on me again.
Hey Soto
oatmeal raisin cookies are my jam tho
filth you are unworthy
Hi Wishah
That's also a good Avenged Sevenfold song.
They're kind of like Cradle of Filth with how they have a lot of stuff that seems kind of bad to me but a minority of songs that stand out as pretty good.
i cri evrytime
thankfully bot lane was more managble this time :3
and i got to test out jinx!
Hi Nimpha
luka play league with me
i'm lonely ;~;
How are you? Feeling better yet?
You have crushed me emotionally.
How can I ever redeem myself?
*pat pat*
i-i could play a game. I've got 2 hours before I gotta go to therapy
I'm pretty sure yours was called by countless old dudes and not a dietary imbalance.
therapy for what?
put your feet on me
Of course, all back to 110%!
How about you?
These loot boxes can eat a dick
Don't do this.
You'll just encourage him to start blogposting textwalls about how hard it is to be a tranny and do nothing.
The melody is good, but the lyrics could be a lot clearer.
Pretty much any generic 'Nam war song is great.
Neat, Deadmau5 - Ghosts n Stuff.
Loco is so pathetic
Hey Nymph
Its been ages dude
How have you been?
I kinda wish I had my brothers name
Jafet is a pretty cool name
Jafet Soto sounds nice
Sounds like something cupcake would get off to tbh
Hey Nymph
Its been ages dude
How have you been?
what's rude is not playing league with someone
Wanna play league Loco?
What is with you all and feet? I swear you're all absolute degenerates.
What are you talking about?
Though I do have an unbalanced diet, I do not eat vegetables and eat a lot of meat meaning I have to be careful to get my fiber in.
I don't have it installed
You should go meet up with him and get your freak on with him.
Dude's nasty.
thats mean way
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOPE. i would never play anything with you
i guess ill settle for you sitting on my dick
Loco plays league since when
Or is that a joke I'm not getting
guess i won't play ow with you then
i was gonna beg for you to let me be your healer
everyone except kissy replied
no I will not spoon with you
its lit my boy
tfw no overwatch
you did fun good sona!
I do not sit on dicks.
I only have sex with vaginas.
rains picking up
the more i listen to songs like it and watch the videos/movies/tv shows the more thirsty i am
it's getting out of hand.
the end of the video gives me chills every time
Loco. Please. You are smothering me.
whats that phrase even mean? ._.
Oh you know, got arrested for fapping to lolis but yolo they said sorry and let me out.
i suppose ill let you fuck my pussy
but im still in charge
No one plays League unironically.
That's great to hear! Now you shouldn't get sick for a while hopefully~
I'm doing pretty good besides being a bit tired.
That does sound like a hard life. I'd love to read his blogposts on being a tranny and doing nothing.
Hey man, I've been doing pretty good. Got a promotion recently, which is nice. With it I have a set schedule too which is also awesome.
Other than that tho, a whole lot hasn't changed with me.
Oh, I'm going to Mexico in a month, and the trip has all inclusive alcohol and food, so I'm gonna be getting wasted for a week.
It looks like we are completely incompatible. I am always in charge.
tfw only barely insane
fine ill submit
Grim needs to GG
Reminds me of this.
Do you ever think it's maybe a bad idea to make sad posts here?
Focus on overcoming. :3
Yeah, you usually have to read the lyrics for bands like that before understanding them. Though I think it has a good sound even if you don't know the lyrics. Archgoat gives me a feeling I'm not sure any other band does.
What you linked is pretty okay so far; kind of reminds me of Amon Amarth. :3
Nice Black Sun at the end
That urge seems to have receded for me since I'm focusing on other goals now for now. Though I do still intend to get into hunting later in life. I just can't do that in CHYNA
Do you feel like there's much of a chance for a WWIII in the next ten years?
just go full blown insane man, it's plenty good fun
especially when you don't take your psych meds for a week and start to lose your grip on reality
god dammit I knew I never should have gotten this reliant on psych meds
You have submitted too easy, I am flaccid.
what are you laughing at?
I did not make a joke or do something funny, I see no reason to laugh.
nice post grim
but I can't
I have to become a successful human bean
im sorry im eating some dank egg salad
is that thing supposed to be unbanned?
youre looking for excuses
are you intimidated
bet you even like shinobuu you fucking scrub
25 stacks at 13 minutes and 500 ms is always fun
You weren't a bad adc either.
Ironically counts too as long as there is actual playing involved.
Overwatch is fun you tard
You can go death metal, but never too death metal.
That's why I like them and Amon Amarth as you can understand their lyrics pretty easily.
The whole album Shadows of the Dying Sun is pretty good.
and at this moment...yes
it sounds weird
I honestly doubt there will be any great wars in our lifetimes. At least for where we're from. Glad to help fuck shit up in other countries to 'help' others.
I only somewhat liked that webm. wait no it just keeps getting worsethe Japs weren't meant to do jazz
I am a strong independent man who cannot be intimidated by anyone but my mother.
My mother is exceedingly terrifying when she is angry.
Are you still dating Neru?
I dunno about that, knowing my luck I'll get really sick again~
Yes this is Canada.
He said "Hey Nymph" to me so I pretended to be Nymph.
this webm is awful
aw a mommas boy
my jinx was rusty
i havent played her in months?
thankfully i got to try out SGJ for the first time~
No thanks.
I have no idea what is happening
I actually dropped the series around the time he was fucking around the underaged girl
the ops are nice tho
it does but its a good word
oh no
I don't think he's actually been arrested....has he
your navel is awful
youre gonna CUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You've seen my navel?
why do you keep bringing up all this gay shit.
this is great.
Why the fuck is this the first thing I get asked every time I show up
Well it was better than I remember it
Though my NA memories are getting a bit blurry, it's been a while.
Not counting that jungle draven, I'm so sorry about that.
Naww fuck that guy
Nigga has trust issues
You remind me of some cute irl weeb chick called Chy (Shy) who's like super into lolis, like we met at a con and started talking about Umaru since she was cosplaying her and then we somehow ended up talking about lolis and she is a super lolicon and like we were like best friends after that dude
Pretty chill girl, she's all about that Prisma Ilya life tho
I do actually
Ask Grim/Fuji/Lenko/Ian and all those leeg nerds
I would only play when I was shitfaced drunk and only chose Malphite cause he would say ROCK SOLID
I never actually learned how to play, I would just get on voice and talk shit while drunk af
It was a game itself lmao
My lil nymph is growing up
It seems like just yesterday you threw up on your keyboard and passed out
Oh nice what part of Mexico?
I think the only thing people associate you with is the down syndrome dude.
True suffering.
I just wanted to make you feel uncomfortable
Idk, I usually care about lyrics a lot too, but not as much with Archgoat. Obviously I prefer to know the lyrics, but the sound in general just gives me a nice gravity feeling that's hard to explain.
What about Behemoth? :3
Did you see the stuff about Putin warning that WWIII is approaching?
Idk how much water it holds because I haven't cared to do my own research.
Anyway, doesn't hunting help with that urge you have at all? Though, I guess even killing people wouldn't make it go away. There's always that thirst for more.
I have no idea, probably not. It would have been on the news.
Yea, that's me actually.
Prisma Illya is god's gift to anime.
in my head it just sounds like the word: "Yet."
ty for playing video games with me though!
:) made me happy
even tho that first game tilt me with their 5 nan camp bot on my ashe ;~;
had to hang back and play catch up most of the time..
wow dude
you realise how impossible that is right.
like feet
late reply
My list of anime to watch is very small so i'll get to it eventually surely
add another E!
no problem luka
are those kinds of arrests that rare
I do not
Do you get sick often?
lol that was like 3 years ago.
It really doesn't feel like it has been that long tho.
Going to a resort in Cancun
Says Loco who sent me dick pics. Lol.
I'm not saying you're the down syndrome dude just you're always auxiliary to him.
those are PRIVATE LOGS
Loco stop trampling on other people even if they have shit taste
let them enjoy themselves
dick pics?
Loco has literal shit taste. Look at their pursuit of Sabrina. Case and point.
I mean, it's not wrong.
Jesus christ no one asked for this.
it looks so sad
No one would ever ask for that
When is fish gonna OD?
lmao good one Emma
Holy sht time flies dude
How long is your hair now?
Also nice, you gonna fuck any spics out there?
whats your handle again?
is this supposed to be ironic
Just a random dark souls 2 webm.
Them bees again?
Ah, well then.
That fast tempo reminds me of Amon Amarth a bit, not bad at all though.
What would you do if it wasn't?
Scoots is always serious.
sona is comfy ez mode poke to win~
even though im sure you could manage on your 215 ping
apparently when i adc = we win.
when i support = game is struggle
weird huh?
grab em back the boypucci
work on your csing skills
and gimme a hug
I'd off myself
I watched the movie yesterday and I was cringing
this is a circle jerk thread
Wouldn't use that word but I like Neru, have no reason not to. Things that bother you just don't bother me, but it feels pretty meh, that being the first or maybe even the only thing for people to associate with me.
It's like league of alcohol simulator.
putin seems like a great guy and all but come the fuck on
it does yeah. even if i don't kill anything it feels great to be out there living on skills alone. sure i'll bring my cell phone but once that dies i'm fucked and i only usually use it to listen to music at night.
it's not a want to kill people.
sometimes i wonder what people think when they look at my groups on steam but then i remember everybody i have added on their is a degenerate
also irl friends never give a fuck and i sometimes find them in them lmao
I cannot wait for Hillary to winfor America to become Great Again.
I am deadly serious.
aiite nice knowing you
for a second i thought that was ampty
I haven't played league in a year and a half an I never made it out of bronze when I did play
who wants to play some league?
It has been a constant migraine.
Wow I even I was silver
I wouldn't know. I imagine it'd at least be on the news or wikipedia.
Mmn, nyuu. Usually only once a year ^^;
echo my love ;;
Eh... as i said earliar
"i haven't adc in months, rusty"
so duh~ i already kno
jus outta practice yo
i've usually found myself doing better on jinx tho, compared to most adc's
strange but nice.
jinx is exciting
ashe is also pretty gud to me
echo my love ;;
echo, thats it!
hi tp i think
And you getting TP's dick pics.
For...some reason I don't want to know.
Well I cut it real short at the start of the summer, but it is a decent length now.
Probably not; I don't think the Mexicans live on the resorts, prob gonna be more white people there.
slow mo?
things go by in a weird way... i kinda can understand... i tried oceiana a few times... but i had a stable enough connection that it felt pretty alright still!
Oh well that's good. I'm about the same.
You'll be fine then~
If you don't know that after reading my replies to tsuchi you probably wouldn't recognize it anyway.
Then there's this shit.
I don't want to remember.
Maybe I should do something overly dramatic to establish a new kind of reputation.
someone please just stab me to death
with a dick?
I wish someone would. Then I wouldn't have to make these posts expressing my loathing for your stupid face.
There are hill shills here, friend. Dark times. :(
But yeah, caring about the recording when Hillary actively tried to cover up her husband's rape victims is retarded.
You haven't listened to Behemoth before?
Anyway, listening to that one now.
Yeah, I still have to make sure to do that living in the wild thing some day. It probably is reasonable to become self-sufficient in normal society first, though.
It's the animal in you fighting to be let out. We all have it; it's just stronger in some than others. :3
If you don't get diabetes from how sweet this is then you're a shitlord
give chicken
Are you doing this gay flirting intentionally
yeah, well it turns out i didnt read your replies to tsuchi
Wow, migraine much
geeb rabioli
Just do what everyone else does and fake leave to come back as a fake new person.
dont be passive aggressive
I have already left and recreated myself 3 times. My last identity, EVA, didn't fly so good.
Weren't you banned? What is this miscarriage of justice? [laughter]
Pretty delayed but playable, I think I'd just look at a frozen screen on oce.
Ah, well now you know.
I'd be feeling retarded just thinking about it.
Still luv u
Follow the Goat, gurl
i have served my three-day ban
jfc why
I think you just have to shred any and all sense of shame.
hey guize new poster here
Oh, it sounded like it was permanent when someone told me. What was the ban for?
i guess i am okay with you too
It was spam. Do not try to deny it.
nah dude you can totally get away with it like 1-2months out of the year if ur gud
it's all good fun to me. felt great when i was hunting with my dad 3years ago in january and we had heavy snow drop on us and we thought it'd be a good idea to "wait it out"
it just kept getting colder and showed no signs of getting better so we had to basically dig ourselves our and walk for a few miles in it. i'm sure i've told you all about that before though
This too is quite spam-like.
test, shut the fuck up you manlet
false reports are also bannable scoots please chill
That sounds pretty lame.
I started enjoying my sense of pride in my absence.
Would be a shame to drop it now
Oh fuck, my balls are quaking bitch
I liked the way you pushed the enemy laners away giving me space to work my farming~
shame i missed a few skill shots ;~;
had to stay bot a few times to keep the wave from shoving into tower, thankfully you roamed good-like.
those first two killz were awesome tho
ur sacrifice was not in vain!
fucking REKT
Seems like something you'd do. :3
-huggu- :3
Ever wanted to try the Australian outback? Seems like a wild place with monstrous beasts.
oh. hey tp i listened to yankee hotel foxtrot again recently and actually liked it this time. surprising
posting my balls on /oat/ because they quakers
she had no reply
i mentioned not appreciating the patronizing
too busy crying in the shower, I suspect.
Hot damn. Memes are life.
In his cut offs
yeah actually i do. i'd love to go to africa and russia too
there's plenty of shit that wants to kill you everywhere./
bebop confirmed for sick deviant.
yea. summerteeth still kinda sucks though.
I mostly only give e-hugs when I have a genuine urge to. I'm drunk; it's why I'm posting. And I've been in a sort of cuddly mood in general lately.
How u
Sounds fun. I'm not sure I'd care to actually go out of my way that far, though. Alaska seems nice enough for hunting; it's kind of what I view as my ultimate destination for now.
Back on lunch break. Sup?
I love being meercy for daddy. It makes me feel so dokidoki.
Engaging dokidoki stream as they smash the nasty widowmakers and meis.
Daddy is so gud.
so i give the good succ.
The bee movie?
Nah, heard of them but never listened to.
My mercy suc is best
tfw no pet lion/tiger
I probably won't unless I get invited to go with someone or I suddenly have a shit load of money dropped on me with a lot of free time.oh wait
Alaska seems nice for it. probably the #1 thing I'd be looking forward to but also fear is bears.
thats adorable
midling, distracted
The 'tisms.
Im sorry. The what now?
Settle down whores
From who though?
Dont make me spank you.
I could just leave.
pls no
Is it just like a circlejerk between three dudes all saying the other is a bigger gay whore?
Thats what i thought.
+1 Old Dog likes this post
I am the biggest gay whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also just like how much wilderness there is, and how little light pollution there is in most of it. And I kind of like the cold. I wanna get a snowmobile and a husky. :3
Hm, yeah, I guess bears are something I have to consider there. Well, as long as I have a gun with me, I can just shoot them, can't I?
Nice filename
I meant in general since we haven't talked in like a month or something. Gotten a jerb or anything?
i am the biggest whore objectively
Considering i was the one who statigized us through hard mode you would be one to laugh.
Blood chan was a pretty big whore.
how about you know that I think you did a great job leading us to victory
Hang yourself.
i used to have very obnoxious filenames around 2012
i was into scp at the time
I still haven't unblocked them
*wags tail*
yeah i'd probably get off on that
Squash, I am getting gud at Tracer...are you p-proud of me?
Thats funny. I refused to add them.
in general...up and down. not yet, but started looking again.
it's more fun to add someone and then block them
you little shit, get back online and fucking talk to me. you know who you are.
I am too lazy. It just makes more people to sift through when i want to talk to someone.
I got POTG twice in a row... again... i always POTG with tracey.
pew pew
I just wait for people to talk to me first.
Learn to butt emote the cam for potg.
She was just a tease to most people.
I remember. Your personality was pretty different in general then.
Same gurl
Look for something adventurous like what I'm doing; at least that way you won't get bored easily. ^^
Same really. I dont talk to many people.
He was not good at even that really.
i have pretty much no light pollution where i live since i live in the middle of a damn desert lmao. not much here
that sounds like a good life right there.
just learn what to do for each and do your best and everything should be alright. if something is going to attack you and you fear for your life you can always kill it, kinda like how you can kill people for the same exact reason.
also if you can't source your own food and youre going to say, die, you can always kill any animal and eat it without a permit/license and if caught you can just defend yourself on it. not like they're going to tell you that you should have let yourself die for the sake of that animal being alive
I am a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people fucking suck.
Some fucking cunt did that in competitive earlier. I died.
I want to get good as mai and do that for guero.
is fast food adventurous
symbols have been compromised
i suppose so
Its the only reason to play her
I've been playing mei way more lately. she's just insanely good.
That and the exquisite accent.
She is. I dont like her that much though. Id rather get better at support now. I think ive gotten good enough with zen ana and the nigger.
Mei good? I was testing out heroes I never have played. I have literally never Mei.
Joy mate. The reinforcements have arrived.
those are the main supports anyway. mercy a shit.
she's a-mei-zing.
She has her use. Im waiting for the sym rework to bother with her.
hey use is servicing the real players after the game ends.
Da cavalreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is 'ere
do ho ho ho ho
I wonder if I need to do more offense related focus. Considering I am so fucking gun(g?) ho.
What if i wanna play other thing though please OW
P much. Ana is my fave though to play. Zen is my fave character after road hog.
She just has an annoying aura in general, lol.
I guess that actually makes a pretty good excuse if you just wanna live out in the wild for a while and live off of what you hunt, although having to go to court and stuff would be inconvenient.
I just casually use "gurl" with a lot of people; I think the ones who react like that tend to be the most gurlish. :3
Maybe you should aim higher. ^^
If you're aiming for fast food, then there's like no excuse for not having a job already. Pretty easy to get hired at those places.
I liked your Scar avatar. I wonder if you remember at all. :3
I would recommend getting good with soldier and tracer.
she's such a good hero though. backbone of any team she's on. just fucking deal with it.
zenyatta is my favorite after junkrat.
You keep saying she.
i dont
Im looking to join a comp team as a dedicated healer now that i understand game shit.
I'm very in touch with my feminine side. please respect my pronouns.
But I wanna play OTHER heroes
I'm not ready for this kind of commitment
That probably killed a lot of the fun from it all.
Really enjoyed Strelnikov's papers though.
for what reason? i just sent in a couple apps over the weekend.
then play qp and stop being a fukken pussy
I am already having pretty consistent success with Soldier. Tracer needs more work though.
Still feel noobish with her.
Soldier is so versatile though.
we should duo que with you as ana and me as rein.
i don't think they would let you get away with it like that. pretty sure you can only kill if you're seriously in a life or death situation. you can't just go killing something every day and store all the meat for a while and claim it as such. they can and will fuck you over for that because that just becomes poaching.
QP is literally awful though
ah christ it's like halfway across the county
76 is basic. Easy to play. Tracer takes more learning.
I still haven't gotten the hang of her, honestly. I don't think I'm physically capable of getting good with her.
Alright. I feel im a good enough ana to carry heal.
Fucking kill youself fish
Really all the other classes bore me.
Don't be a twansphobic bigot.
There the bitching continues unabated
Also tracer is fun Especially when you get behind the team and they all scramble to kill you but then THE JUKES and then you die anyway
Fucking kill yourself gilligan.
Trace is more satisfying when you GG
I am going to have to smooth out some plays and get good with muscle memory on the zibbety zoo and weee wah functions of her powahs.
I keep derping and forgetting about the recall/pulse combo move.
Youll get there. But you need butt potg
I hope oneday.... one day... to make you proud... To be able to satisfy you with those fine Anglican cheeks.
I do.
It's not easy having the memory of an alien supercomputer that's come to enslave humanity. :(
What do you mean? You want feminine pronouns? :3
I'll use them with you; don't test me.
Because working fast food is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I guess if you're planning on going to college again, it's an okay temporary thing.
Alaska has really loose hunting laws anyway, doesn't it? I'll still have to look into that more.
God be willing.
yes, it's fine. it'll be character-building or something.
Allahu ackbar.
I need to start screeching that more. It may add focus.
Though I was howling earlier. Not waoo but laughing.
Me and the opposing reinhardt were duelling on NambunanananananannanananannanaSAVANIA and both kept charging each other off the map.
Shit was so autistic.
I'm not sure it was for me. :3
Delivering pizza was nice, though.
I should for being a white male and oppressing literally everyone.
i just know i was polarizing
Back to work.
It's funny because he's a potato.
Kids play place.
Not that I know of/. I know that if you're native from there and I mean actually native then you can pretty much get away with it as long as you're not massacring them but other than that idk
also a minor exception for people who have had their family living there for something like 120+years and never left.
till later
would you like a sci'd of fries
yeah I fucking suck at tracer but she's fun
do it nerd.
I love autumn
Hey babe.
i love autism
aw fuck
Nothing. Got my new set of tanks. Lost a friend. All the good stuffs. You?
Idk, I just saw you when you posted in animu threads, pretty much.
I guess I just have to pick the right season.
I think I'll get into growing crops and stuff too. But that's all distant future stuff.
Do you ever crossdress? :3
She is one of my designated QP heroes so at least I can have fun even if I'm awful
so like winter or a couple months of summer lmao
have i told you my plans on this?
working on this
what do you mean
youre fortunate
Gonna grow my own food and filter my own water. SO I cna be a free and unshackled citizen of my own libertarianism.
yeah. anyway i'm gonna take off, cya
Yeah, same
I sometimes forget you draw a lot of stuffs.
And just lost a friend I thought was a friend but apparently wasn't a friend. Shit like that.
Seems like a good window. And I don't think you have.
You should be Moogs Classic again for a while.
Bye u pedo
i do
what happened
id just argue more
Old Moogen was a horror.
im tryna either pay people to grow the marijauns or maybe even grow it myself
for profit only. i ain't smokin that shit
used to quite a bit. maybe if I ever decide to get more clothes. lost all mine in a car accident.
you are awful.
god damn spiders man
thats probably the one thing i dislike when it starts to get cold here. spiders trying to come in my house
i go to put some glass out into the bin outside and these big ass fuck spiders are like hey bro you look warm and jump on me
fuck you
How do you lose girl clothes in a car accident?
Do it. Be unshackled.
Oh yeah, I think you mentioned something like that. Why aren't you smoking any? :3
Seems like an odd way to lose a bunch of girl clothes.
gif for Grim
probably have. if anything i might make my own wax and experiment with that sometime but i'm still looking at real jobs for real niggas
this is preferable
Are all of them of that chick yours?
And just politics.
I was moving from cali back to arizona. all my stuff was in the car when we got hit.
Its happening
this isnt my creation
what i am working on is fan art for a friend who made these characters
I like the nazi....
do you want to talk about it
All my friends are idiots
Meh not really. Just sucks. You think you know people but you never really do.
And you have to admit that the nazis had fashion down.
Werent the uniforms Hugo Boss?
yes i talked about it yesterday even
these things should never drive people apart
I still don't really know the specifics of how it's consumed in wax form.
Wasn't it kind of fun, though? :3
RIP girl clothes :(
A true tragedy
Just get a sugar daddy from the internet to buy you more. :3
Pretty much everyone is in some way.
Oh I know it bb
You too~
i am a pr0
just come over
All idiots are my friend.
there are better less mean alternatives.
They were the fucking tops, baby!
And yeah, I don't know man. I don't even know anymore.
How does someone makes friends that aren't meanies
Build robots.
are you offering?
It's alright, love.
maybe it can be resolved
Okay but where the memes at?
I honestly don't care enough to even try. Why should I?
why not
Life is suffering. Why bother. Robots and car accidents. And that fucking lying Ted.
Because I have too little time and too little energy to try and keep people in my life that don't want to be there.
u just want to shoot me :(
You seem kind of the opposite now from how you say you were then. What changed? :3
That wasn't what I was thinking; aren't there a lot of people who want your boipussy?
Maybe when you're on hormones and I'm on a white privelege Chyna salary. :3
I'm just imagining a scene where the truck driver got out of his truck and looked at all of your girl clothes strewn about the highway and had a moment of "wait, you dress like a woman and dismember hookers you find at truck stops, too?!?!"
Welcome back erio.
time to leave.
Thanks gurl how u? Your Tumblr is kawaii, by the way. :3
My Tumblrs aren't kawaii. :(
alright. sorry man
id like to think i outgrew it
Episode 2 of Brave Witches is streaming in 10 minutes (20:30 UTC-4). Anyone who's interested, hop on in.
please stop spamming here
It is pretty much how I feel about a lot of people lately.
I woke up had bwakafeast checked youtoobs and fanfics for updates and is tim for reading
posting blogpost so I commit myself to actually reading likeI promised yesterday instead of watching youtoobs all day
Why are you looking at it!!?
you need medication man
Unless they have made medication that changes the world and the people in it, I don't think it would help me.
i think you know youre more likely to be in the wrong than the world
and i know youve had problems with this and a lot of other things medication would help with
Maybe it was puberty hormones. I kind of realized lately that I seem to have puberty hormones going on forever.
Your e-rep will be forever tarnished if you don't follow through.
Because it's on your profile?
Yeah but what are you doing on my profile?
Aaaand nope. Nope nope nope.
In my old age I am coming to trust myself and my thoughts a hell of a lot more than others.
Suck it up, buttercup
could have been that
i was very angsty
still am
but maybe i am used to handling it
thats a little irrational
Take a concrete pill and harden the frick up.
It is either that or continue to get fucked over by everybody.
But what would he complain about then?
Idk, e-stalking you?
It takes a strong will to control one's own high energy.
it doesnt need to be so black and white
You can't say that so nonchalantly!
I want to go home
If you go home the system has won.
Seems to be the case.
maybe you just need some time
For what?
to calm down about it
you can just say no. hmph.
good one tsuchi
I am calm, love. I am of sound mind.
this thread still alive?