Freedom Planet thread

Freedom Planet 2 just got a new gameplay trailer, its looking really good even if the music is subpar.

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lol no

I guess Sonic Mania is furfag shit and Megaman 11 is weebshit.


Lieraliralrirrrirererly sonic

Isnt some of the designs done by a guy that drawn Holla Forums waifu ?


R8 the soundtrack (WiP)



If it's got fur, it's gotta burn.


Devs also teased alternate costumes, dunno if they will go through with it or not, but that's neat.

Wasn't the second game artist changed because it was too lewd? The first one was actually pretty good, but the devs can go and fuck themselves.

Sonic is indeed a furry character and Megaman 11 looks like shit.

All in all, it looks nice. But I'm still not too keen on the new sprite style.

Ew, it looks even worse up close

I liked the first one. If this comes out for Linux and Without DRM like before, I'll give it a go.

That actually looks really good.

The devs drink kool aid like it's water, but that's not why they changed the sprites. From what i remember from the greenlight discussion page, the reason not-sonic and friends are mostly different is because the original characters were just sonic OC's they fucking bought from deviantart, and they don't want SEGA up their ass over it, so they're trying to distance themselves from sonic comparisons, or something to that effect.

Going to need source on this one.

Lilac was originally a hedgehog prior to being turned into an alien water dragon, hence her curling into a ball. She makes a cameo appearance using her hedgehog design in a Sonic After The Sequel level (Storm Station). It's easy to type in and search.

Okay, what stupid shit did they do?


Pic related.
The original artist removed it from their DA, but still left the follow up:

Ziyoling work at galaxytrail it seems, at the end of the latest trailer he is still credited as holding the copyright to the 3 main characters.


I'm mixed on the voice acting. As bad as it is, it reminds me of Mischief Makers for some reason.

shit taste indeed

please no story mode
if i have to endure that shit again i,ll blow my brains out

Wasn't there a classic mode that skipped cutscenes?

Yes. However, have they finished adding content to the first game?

Iirc they're adding it to the sequel instead due to the original's engine limitations.

What was wrong with the story mode?
Besides some of the obvious things. I like hearing other peoples perspective.

It's a Deviantart Sonic fanfiction with long and usually irrelevant cutscenes voiced by amatuer VAs you'd expect from a fahnny abridged series with a tone that edges on childishness and extreme violence

Seens less "sonic-ish", in the sense of looking more detailed and less of a ripoff or re-sprite to look original.
The style is too apart, but hope this translates to the entire game for consistency.

Are you guys masochists? Why are you even playing that?

The voice acting is shit and I want an option to change cutscenes to text doot, but there isn't one

I hate that a series can't have anthropomorphic animals without furfags shitting it up. Anywho, looks good. Absolutely going to play it.

That's like saying a game with an anime style is shit up by weeaboos.

True. I guess I just have to roll with the punches.

was music a strong suit of freedom planet 1?
dogger looks like a lot of fun to play, panda woman would be cool if her play style werent that of a meathead just brutally murdering everything she sees. call it a bit presumptuous of me not even having played the first game, but the mechanics of this game seems to lie more with interesting platforming and exploration, not slaughtering goombas.