

Other urls found in this thread: face


Alternatively, anything secretarial for a city would be the same: about the same pay as you're getting now with guaranteed benefits.



I've heard "fact checker" so many times that I no longer fact check propaganda I post on Tumblr.

taking cute caps of menu screen mercy on max gfx
and curious about SD

are you cozy today?


VS Code is Microsoft going "How do you do, fellow kids?".


Breitbart is an unbiased news website.

Wait. What is the "Q" in the acronym? "Queer"? Isn't that a slur?

No. I have a job lined up 84 hours a week 7 days on 7 days off with full benefits after 90 days and trans friendly environment. Just have been a putz about my resume cause I've never written one before.

It was a bad joke. Never mind.


he won the second debate with killary clinton "in a landslide" in "every poll."

Stormfront is composed of only factually correct editorial pieces.

RT does not have a political preference.

Do people actually believe there's such a thing?

Good to know.

Oh, then get to it.
Resumes are easy and works in your favor to not add random shit as "signs of character".

apparently it's Queer.
people who identify as a political statement.

no joke

I don't even know what RT means here.

I have no character.


That is really stupid.
So basically the Milo's of the world that are "gay" like "I have black friends so I'm not racist".

Hillary Clinton helped a man accused of raping a 12-year-old, "she's seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped."


I know...

Ay girl have you been paying attention to this recent thing about new WikiLeaks? I need to get the highlights in some easily digestible format to shove up Tumblr's anus.

Yeah, here it is. :3

QIAP is fucking stupid

Asexuals included, not because I don't believe that's a thing, but that it doesn't need to be vocal.

Because the entire fucking cause was dark and absurd

Legally, the man was fine

tbh RT is pretty watchable, you just have to keep bias in mind like any other news outlet.

I've been super busy so I didn't see yet.

I just hate the further increasing minorities of the gay spectrum constantly trying to clamor for limelight when they're such a small percentage of the population and perpetually mad literally every discourse isn't about them or their specific monikers of gay.

i know. i am basically pasting lies trump has said.

she is amused at the recollections of the oddities of the case, which involve the prosecution and the judge. but nah there is no laughing at the victim. any claim otherwise is due to a cursory glance at the tape itself or confirmation bias

I'm sure I'll be able to find a good article on

By the way, they're apparently moderating the last debate, so that's good news. The bias tables have turned. :3

tbh its actually kinda nice tho

I don't really know if I need the Mercy skin as I've never played as her.
Got done with gym early in the morning and then played some OW with Subtle and Echo, otherwise just napped the day over.

I hate it too, why would you feel pride for it.
it's just something you are, and your sexuality shouldn't be your biggest identification as a person.

or direct from wikileaks
theres a lot of twitter stuff too

oh thats nice, evens it out.

The laughter was about the man obviously being guilty and her knowing it, yet still accepting the case as a favor and defending him. One example was her laughing about how he passed a polygraph test and how that "forever destroyed [her] faith in polygraphs."

Especially since the general opinion is that he won the last debate anyway.

The part where Anderson Cooper said that was pretty funny.


[shocked electrically]

Someone's sexuality is such a nonfactor in almost every decision they make and in turn the decisions others make of them.
It's just weird that there was a huge push against gays because the whole justification that someone being gay is literally every aspect of them and something about all being boy rapists.
But the vast majority of people are either apathetic of it or dislike it but not a person for being gay.
A similar parallel can be made with race relations: sure there's very apt issues to this day but it's not outright discrimination or someone's race being a perpetual factor.

Playing a perpetual victim just makes the majority not care about the remaining smaller issues if you just blame everyone else for it.

thats not laughing at a 12 year old rape victim

that is as i said being amused at the recollections of the oddities of the case

and again literally every scientific poll says he lost i dont know where the fuck you get the idea that he won

Online polls and reddit.

emotions are really high there huh

pretty much

you are correct
ur smart
thats hawt

no because polling in general is apparently unreliable

market metrics are unreliable

by what standard is this being judged on

because its a bad look anyway. being a lawyer or a defendant is a bad look

Statistics are a lie.
Representative sample sizes are lies.

Fuck if I know at this point where the denial ends.

whats scary is that this is becoming more mainstream due to him repeatedly bracing for defeat by calling into question the possibility of voter fraud

Putting it that way makes it seem much more innocent than her laughing about how the guy had obviously raped the girl and she helped him get off free.

You should check yourself; part of you seems to be intentionally attempting to obfuscate things at this point.

For me, mainly from watching the debate myself and asking neutral contacts who watched it what they thought. It's really dumb to think bias wouldn't effect the ways the polls are conducted as well, especially with how many more democrats tend to be polled than republicans.

You should be smart enough to realize that a poll like that is pretty much just like another "who are you going to vote for" poll and is subject to the same problems those are. People say the person they want to win won.

Did you watch it? :3

Who knew that a contest show about body painting could be so interesting.

it's a complex situation
but it's just, sorta sexy, you got it

Most people probably just watch it for the tits tbh.

Anecdotal evidence is all that matters.

He's just an excrement factory.

I accidentally did shit at competitive and made everyone mad xD

RuPaul seemed to enjoy the TnA whenever it was made apparent.

The image goes well with it. Is that a poop fork man that's leaking mindless vomit out of its mouth? Maybe a choice that the subconscious found fitting.

I don't know who that is.


That's a guy.

what will you do next!?

"she recounted that the crime lab had taken a key piece of evidence — the accused man's underpants, which had blood on it — neatly cut out a piece, and then threw that piece away once testing was done, eliminating the ability to do independent testing. in this case, it's the interviewer, arkansas journalist roy reed, who can be heard laughing, not clinton.

on the tape, in which reed laughed a few more times at her story, clinton can be heard chortling when she reported that the prosecutor didn't want her to see the underwear before it was presented at trial. defense attorneys have the right to see all the evidence first.

and when the judge is considering the plea deal, clinton recounted that the judge wanted her to leave the room while he talked to the accused man. clinton said she told the judge, "judge, i can't leave the room. i'm his lawyer." the judge reportedly responded, "i know, but i don't want to talk about this in front of you." again, reed can be heard laughing after saying, "oh god. really?" it's not clear if clinton is laughing as well.

at another point, clinton says of the accused man, "i had him take a polygraph, which he passed — which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs." she and the reporter laugh.

and she laughs when she recalls telling the prosecution that she was prepared to bring in a top expert witness to testify "to prevent this miscarriage of justice." the reporter laughs as well.

it should be noted that it's clear from the record that clinton aggressively defended the man and did file motions questioning the victim's credibility. but there is no evidence, including this audio tape, that clinton or reed were laughing at the victim."

that is literally not what she is laughing about. like ive told you what she is laughing about according to various fact checkers and people more educated than you regarding the subject and youre answer is no she laughed at a rape victim

and you asking your friends what they thought and gauging their response is the definition of anecdotal and you are here calling me dumb.

that is literally what youre doing man. the difference between you and me is that statistical evidence is not on your side

but youre free to continue to say what you will obviously

The fake hair is kind of just screams drag queen.

just clips
it's 3 o clock in the night everytime.
so I can't watch it on school days :c

He's still hot.

Rin confirmed for wanting to fuck a monkey while Tokai watches.

Not as a guy, though.
I'm not attracted to him outside of drag.

Probably some csgo and then get sleep.
I'm not really sure to be honest.

It's fine.
He was on a show about body painting, so clearly he won't mind if I paint him white. :^)

This got way too gay way too quickly.

and also scientific polls are reliable due to the fact the people they question are randomized instead of simple online polls where people come in to give their answer. which allows the pollster to create a sample that much more closely resembles the overall population being studied

What is you?

maybe im getting trolled

who do you play in OW?
add me pls? ;~;

Or the sheer amount of work Gallup puts into its polls ensuring that the sample sizes was inclusive to every subset of the population in relative numbers.

I just don't find any physical traits of black people attractive.
It's not something based in racism but just I don't find them attractive.
I don't really find Asians attractive either.

quick everyone post ur butts

I paint my face white every night

but thats just against pimples


The claim made was that Clinton laughed twice. Once was when she mentioned how the man she chose to defend passed a polograph test and he passed it, destroying her faith in polygraphs, and the other was when she mentioned that she had told an associate that the guy getting a guilty verdict would be a "miscarriage of justice," even though, of course, she knew the man was guilty.

And yeah, in this case actually talking to people and gathering a feel for things yourself is much more reliable than blindly trusting "scientific" polls that make sure to poll vastly more democrats than republicans. I'm also going by news sources, even blatantly liberal ones, saying he effectively used this debate to recover.

Though, I think I made it clear to you last night that I don't really see a reason for polls to effect my mindset and actions either way, and I'm not sure why I keep letting you pull me into this stupid argument. Why do you want to have the argument? Do you not feel secure unless you can push your belief that the psychopath is going to win this election on others?

Honestly, I don't usually find black people attractive either.
Asians as suuuuuper hit and miss with me, and it's more for the miss than the hit, by far.


You seem to care about the facts.
You got my vote for mod.
What do mods see?

can I have mod

how goes the political argument

where to grab laptop board schematics?

I mostly just like fair skinned white people, which I am.
I dunno. I just prefer my own traits. face

Moogs is defending someone I know he believes to be a piece of shit from previous discussion. Oddly, he seems to have gotten more nervous as election day gets closer, even though he insists she has it.

Mostly just Zenyatta, D.Va and Junkrat.
I'll do that, but I don't play that much in NA.

You ever, like, shake a guy's paints, and take a drink of his water bottle, only to find out there was no paints, nor any water bottle, and you've just been giving him a blowjob for the past few hours?

I feel like the Trump voters are going to do what the Bernie voters did. Just not vote. He might lose it just because of that.

I dont have bad acne
just a pimple every now and then like any young adult or teen.

hate when that happens

Nah that's just you

Just a couple times.

heres the thing

like if i were cherry picking one poll that says trump lost id understand. but to have literally every single scientific poll say otherwise is dumbfounding honestly

ill point you back to my previous post where i said that isnt laughing at a 12 year old rape victim

then you dont understand how a scientfic poll works im sorry

it is frustrating to see people disregard evidence that disagrees with their world view with a smile.

i can see your id history meaning i can see every post youve made under your current id

I wouldn't say I have a type, but if I do, it's pale skinned, vibrant red hair with bright green eyes and light freckling.
Because nnngh.


I rarely every got pimples or acne even as a teen.
The only time I did was always in an eyebrow and those hurt like shit because any movement puts pressure on them.

Isn't that the user that constantly changes ID though?

not listed
i need brd files for the 8560p, im gonna have a go at tracking down this god damn no power issue

a concern is that with hillarys polling numbers so high her supporters might not go out to vote due them believing its in the bag.


Any idea who that is

I had it terribly at like 15.
oh man that was the worst.
some people still have it though and that's awful, this one guy omar from my student council's ear looks burned but its just acne, feel bad for him cause he pretty cool looking

drunk user



It's like some weird aversion to reality or hard metrics because they don't support your beliefs. I mean, it happens all the time but it's rarely on such a universal scale.

I mostly just prefer fair skinned women. Hair color doesn't really matter to me other than a dislike of redheads. Even dark hair colors are nice on fair skinned people because it just contrasts for a pinup look I like.

Those people whose faces are so heavily scarred by acne is just gross and sad.
Like, you know it's not their fault but it's still gross.
The only scar I have on my face is a cm long line above a brow and that's from running into a rail tie sized piece of lumber when I was a kid.

Idk, seems like Hillary's more concerned about turnout.

Ultimately you're trying to wiggle around a technicality. Laughing about choosing to take a case and getting someone she knew raped a 12-year-old girl off free overlaps pretty heavily with the idea of "laughing at a 12-year-old rape victim."

I've seen the samples for polls myself; many more democrats are polled than republicans. It's really silly to think bias wouldn't effect something that's ultimately run by humans, especially when it comes to such an extremely controversial issue as this, and the group that happens to come out on top in the "scientific polls" is also the one that seems to have heavy control over the media et al.

But again, arguing about polls is silly. We'll see what happens on election day.

Feel free to keep circlejerking with the delusional serial bullshitter for validation, however.

wish male makeup was more accepted tbh
its gross to have acne all there and other unfairness things. so why not cover up and have a fairer skin?

tokai a fag

I missed this. And that makes sense. I watched most of it on Youtube the next day, though. :3

This is just post-irony.

You can get away with using light foundation to cover up things if it's that bad. I've known people who learned to do so from their girlfriends for unsightly blemishes and not as something they do just to do.

"le irony" is one of your favorite ways of asserting a lazy and baseless "no u."

i wish i could say itd be over after election day but it seems the republican fallout is gonna continue for a while longer

im also concerned again with the growing idea that the democratic process is compromised

it doesnt that is a lawyers job regardless if it's pretty or not. and again for fucks sake she is laughing about the case not the girl

then it isnt a scientific poll ive explained a scientific poll and how they are done and why they have no bias.

dude im sorry but this is the mosr ironic thing ive seen today ill be upfront

hillary > trump

Do you ever go over some just to see how people are?

you're the cute chara poster

Maybe that's my name!

You can call me Test.

She took the case as a favor, and the case is ABOUT the girl.

And I was talking about his Tsuchi's history in general. I know it's easy for you to fall back on the "irony" thing because of our current disagreement about horserace polls.


I could but then I have school
luckily i got holiday next week so I might catchup

hmm suppose thats true
its only really like out of line with lipstick etc


I guess you've been working pretty hard, then. Though you still find time to shitpost. ^^

you still really don't know who that is?

sometimes though its difficult reading one half of a conversation

and she is laughing ABOUT the case

it is my way of excusing what is pretty much stupidity

though you said something to the effect of it all being memes or something so hopefully im being fucked with

You said every poll is biased because it's conducted by humans and that objective questioning and polls are impossible because of people's own opinions.
You then asserted that your own opinion is more correct than the polls you called biased because of opinions were tainting them.

You are saying your own opinion and you asking your friends is more of an accurate polling method than sampling.

yuh, got a 7/10 for my first test.
I can do that next to my things


Is it someone I'm supposed to know?

afternoon. or, evening for you.

You can call me baby
please do

I'm Cupcake


it's just incredibly obvious who it is. you must be some kind of LOSER

well to be fair I've seen some of your posts when I'm not around and I can see why some people might have made that mistake.

I feel like the Republican Party after the election will end up shifting to Tea Party ideals with religious undertones more so than usual.

Pretty much anything more is noticeable so no.
Eyeliner, shadow, etc.
I mean, look at how you see most male actors on "red carpet" events. You can just tell when they have makeup on because it just looks uncanny or too uniform.

How aggravating.

I don't actually know who it is but messing with you is amusing.

It's obviously Cupcake.

d-dont touch me

its hard to say

i might be optimistic but i mean those ideals never really got trump above 40 percent for long

but things getting more extreme seem to be the trend

evenin', how's you's doin'?

I might get that tbh
really ruins my day to wake up and see one bit of your face grossed out.

by the way who is this new chara user?

same as always.

how are you? how was school?

Then the mystery lives on.

hehe xd

I have my suspicions but I don't care nearly enough to do anything about it.

And the case is about a 12-year-old girl getting raped, and her defending the rapist she knew was guilty.

Bias is highly likely to effect things and blindly trusting what a polls say is stupid, but "impossible" is a word you added to the discussion.

I have learned to trust me own feel for things more at this point than I'll trust polls.

Ultimately, I just don't see a reason to let the polls effect my mindset and actions since we won't know who will win until election day, and you're only eager to excrete sarcastic strawman memes such as "numbers are a liberal myth" all over threads because you have a desire to believe the polls predict what the result will be and you have an urge to push the belief on others.

It would probably be better to just focus on one thing at a time rather than shitposting while studying. :3

It's the most baffling thing about the last 15ish years.
Where moderation in politics is a bad word .

Just do the "metrosexual" thing and just use facial creams(cremes?) for a foundation.


im sleepy but fiine, cant wait for holiday.
mh im free today so just made stuff really.

I can't do that!
I need multiple things to do, focus is kinda rare for me.

naah ill see

well to be fair I don't think you know who I am but how's it goin?

I petted Test~


My suspicion was Blood-chan, but that is likely wrong and would be taken with offense if they are a returning oldfag.

Wow thanks.

Makeup in general is kind of turnoff if it's heavy on girls.
It's better when it's just a few subtle things to accent their features.

oh, that's always nice. what did you make?

I doubt very much I know who you are, I also don't care. if you're someone new, that's nice, if you're someone old hiding behind anonymity, that's also nice.

it's going fine. waiting for my mother to drop something off because apparently she got something for me. I'm guessing it's a nice shirt so I don't look like a total bum at her award thing in a week and a half.

you're the one who drinks a lot, yes? I can dig that.

I doubt very very much that it's bloodchan, whoever it is.

I don't believe either the polls or what I've gathered provide proof, or that predictions are really worth much discussion either way. People afraid Trump will win will of course cling to polls that say he won't, however.

Don't you think that's maybe something you should work on? :3 Does it really work out well?

ive told you every context for her laughter for every time she laughed. and again your answer to it is no she did this. so im not going to continue this if youre going to disregard what i say

i really do hope you snap out of whatever this is

if its any consolation any other candidate could have probably brought her down and she isnt looking at a likely 8 year run

extremism is growing everywhere even in america

growing up i was taught that a lot of struggles were over. but the growing ease of communication and social media in general have helped shed light on a lot of perceived unfairness. it shouldn't be as surprising that this has been reflected in politics


for some its quite bad yeah
especially with fake eyelashes etc

just project stuffs, about a village.
iunno I dont feel a drive this day for school etc just really want free time.

iunno how I could fix it really

that's normal. all you want when you don't have it is more free time. but what would you even do with it?

The fact you are saying people in support of Clinton are dismissing anything to the contrary while simultaneously dismissing anything that doesn't support Trump because of nonexistent but perceived biases just makes me think it's all a joke.

tee fuckin hee~!
why was I ever user

my dove, you are the reason I drink consistently~!
got any upcoming obligations or are you free to do as you want?


I am impressed, until I got home it stayed on I figured somehow someone would do something

see statements like that make me think that my suspicion of who you are is correct.

mostly free. a week from friday I'll be going up to utah with some of my family for my mother's award thing, but after that it's back to a big fat load of nothing.

well I like the busy stuff of school, makes me feel useful.
but now its all a lot and a lot of the same.
so I want a break, eh I wanna play games and hang out with rin and watch movies and series and be lazy etc.


do you get a winter break from school?

yuh but now its the autumn break.
winter is longer and nicer cause festivities.

the thing from last night

im lost

so you're currently on a break? how many more days?

You claimed that it doesn't matter who you are.

nooo break starts monday, then itsa week.
I got school tomorrow and friday.

It's kind of funny to look at elections a century prior between Taft, Roosevelt, and Wilson.
All three of which were...mostly the same.
They just had different means to the same ends. The political cartoons, debates and press on the election was fairly brutal but at the same time, it wasn't utter malice for the other candidates and shooting your left foot to spite your right.

if you forgot it's fine

oh oh. well that's good then. only two days of school then a long break. you can do it.

you should use that time then
at least some of it for something that you'd regret not having when you're busy again


well the race has really brought down people general opinion of politics

i really believe there need to be some restrictions. set allotted budgets. maybe not threatening to unlawfully imprison your political opponent

its just too vague for me to catch on

Insider with a proxy, perhaps.

I don't make a habit of doing much of anything, regardless of how busy I am with obligations. my free time is always wasted, and that's the way I like it.

ur mom with a proxy, perhaps

I told you the exact two contexts of when she was clearly laughing, both of them being at points in which the defendant's obvious guilt in raping a little girl but her defending him and him getting off free anyway was implied.

There's nothing to "snap out of;" you're just bending over backwards to defend someone you know to be a psychopathic piece of shit for some reason. At least you'll probably stop doing this after the election, regardless of who wins.

I guess it would be pretty hard,

Again, I definitely have a sense that Trump won the debate, but I ultimately dismiss any predictions either way, because there's no reason to let them effect my mindset and actions. You keep ignoring this and trying to keep this purely down in this "let's try to guess who will win the election a month from now" argument.

There is no reason to trust anything. You care so much because you have this instinctual urge to induce a belief that things are definitely going to be how you want them to be, even though the result of the election has yet to be seen.

The internet's anus must simply be stuffed with pro-Trump memes until the end.

I just want an overturn of Citizens United, campaign donation limits, actual campaigning limits, and the outright banning of lobbying.

but anyway, you just have to practice I guess. :3

Have you ever tried meditation?

Is this more irony?

thankyou thankyou

oh i also wanna buy some stuff for my room to make it cuter and cozier

but I tried it a lot but I can never get my head into it

eh no

Did I say Trump is definitely going to win, or anything close to that? You're being far too heavy-handed with your lazy "irony" meme.

sure man


but you know that

such as? more stuffed animals? mood lighting? scented candles?

you said he won the debate

Scoot stop getting people banned that isn't suppose to be banned.

I literally spoke to you like ten minutes before bed last night about it lol

hehe xd

My younger friend irl who's actually a uh
'african american'
thoguth a cople montsh back trump wass going to win'
I bet him 5 dollas on it hahahza

which part

you remind me of test. but he passed on long ago...


Rest in peace.




More or less.
There's too much money keeping politicians afloat for them to ever cut off their money makers, regardless of ideology.

I don't know when it happened but you used a random proxy that got someone banned who comes there regularly.

I already have all of those!
like blankeys!

the ban you daft punk get it get it? daft punk? don't judge me

Oh, in lewds? Hahahahahahaha stroke of genius right?

Definitely an outsider with a VPN. Which is why the changes.

No regrets?



oh i c

He was like adorably small to just carry around like a kid.



It might help if you have problems with clearing your head.

This is what was quoted. I'm not making any claims over who will win the election.

Though yeah, I do have a sense that Trump overall did better in the debate, but I'm not engaging in any excretory urge to push that thought on others. I'm simply saying predictions aren't important to me.

Overall, the "irony" meme was characteristic overreaching.

It seems like he actually is sort of getting more of the black vote now. A lot of them like when he displays traits of a stereotypical boss nigger.

Trump is gonna win California.
I feel it'll happen.

I don't know who will win California.

you absolute dork

only if he had a (D) next to his name

its again an excuse for you id take it

Can I get a Ouiji board to resurrect loli Test?

what i do

sheeit I dont like either of them but itll be nice to be like AWW SHIT I TOLD YOU SON I TOLD YOU and then be like NAH I DONT EVEN NEED YO MONEY
when shillary takes it

forgot and forgetting is obviously sinful

My memes are one in a billion

What's an excuse? I'm just being consistent with what I've said. You don't have to jump to the defense of every manipulative meme that sides with you; that just kind of discredits you.

Wouldn't you prefer Trump over an irl MGD? :3

wait wait wait

holy shit

ive been a bad boy, father

the idea that you are being ironic or trolling us. it would be a good excuse for you.

yeah im certainly the discredited one

The CORRUPT DNC would not have allowed him to win as a democrat, not his ideals.
Because the only thing against Trump is the media and not his own words.

the dream is dead like test

don't you already have a bunch of those?

I don't have many regrets, weirdly enough. but I also have about zero hope for the future being anything more than mainly existing.


have a ncie day guys

Bring him back from the dead.
Alternatively, find a new midget loli.

you too bard.

You too.


Time for liver abuse.

there is no way to replace that which was lost. loli test was one of a kind.

Later, Bardo

But you'd never be able to replace my winning personality.

nini bard

don't fucking link me with your filthy british links.


More of it doesn't mean he's getting the majority of it. You're being far too triggerhappy with the

[exclamation that implies it's dumb]


Ohh, you were falling back to the "lol ur just trolling I guess" thing. Got it. Not really relevant since the claim being made was that me saying someone is trying hard to induce a perception of who will definitely win is "ironic." I'm simply not making any claims as to who will even probably win.

And yeah, it does kind of discredit you when you stretch things too hard.

I'll get the belt

fite me

hey there you liverpool sounding mother fucker.

Who else can we just pump full of hormones as a replacement?
Tokai is like 6'6" and pales in comparison.

I'm a lover not a fighter.


Winning personality my ass.

Why haven't you killed yourself?


theres no room for pacifists in this world, only the strong survive


ill concede he moved from 1 percent to 3 percent.

im stretching things too hard


test's sister. she'll have to carry on his legacy.

you couldn't sound more like a beatle if you were literally a beatle.

because some people seem to prefer my being alive to not. in spite of how depressing I am to be around.

so come kill me.

wew lads

Probably a better drummer than ringo too


Test's sister is nowhere close to the girl Test was.
This sucks. I want my money spent Test's hormones and dresses back.


you shut your mouth, he had a lot of heart!

I have a great personality.

;3 2 days.


Kill me.

lol, yeah, as thomas the tank engine

great... for a block of wood

The stretching accusation was more about defending the "irony" meme, but I guess you kind of realized it was silly and flipped that topic to being about "trolling." I forgive you. :3


can we just round these people up and put them in camps?

Don't worry they have the most PoC character Winston

how the fuck did you even

i'm jelous.

This can happen?????

Way to be a racist asshole.

Well, time to get uber british and main tracer all evening

that's why we need to pump her full of hormones. she has the dna inside her. we just need to coax it out. also she's even shorter than he is, so it could end up being a win.

fucking lol

why would I have that?

don't be retarded

the world would be a better place but sadly no

WOW racist. winston dindu nuffin

Because daddy blizard hates me more than i hate sym

I actually drink because you talked about how you drink. I understand it. It's really soft and warm. How do you feel about that?

To me apparently. I was p pissed


I'mma do it

have you got any of the others yet?

im waiting

Oh shit I'm sorry, I will give myself up to the peaceful mobs

Winston was a good boy

Let me get drunk to forget the pain of losing Test and to lower my standards to go after his inferior sister.

I'm a firm believer in the healing properties of alcohol and crystals. I chill crystals in my freezer and use them to cool down my drinks and it gives me spiritual powers.

Ana junk sym and like 2 others i cant remember. I have most all of what i want now.

I don't know where irony ends anymore.


start with your prime minister.

he was in church just minutes before a gang of white cops shot him while he had his hands up.

you'll need to get insanely drunk, but it'll get easier over time.

nani ?!

Back to work.

I live the Rude Life to the max. You have not even remotely been right royally ruded yet.

good get going ya jabrony

get your ass up here

I think all I'm missing is Junk Road and Reaper, massively lucked out and my first box was witch Mercy lol

he has no real power so he'll be towards the end

I'll destroy my liver just to forget how much it hurts to lose Test. :(

you're british so I just assume you're always being rude.

Work hard


ill bring the lube

It is a natural state.

if you want it yeah you might wanna

yeah but I hate him

I'll join you. these wounds won't seem to heal. this pain is just too real. there's just too much that time cannot erase.

I'm implying he was literally on his way to the police station to bring them cookies and bibles and talking about the good word.

so you admit it.

On one hand I wanna know just how bad your alcoholism is so I can compare but on the other hand I just wanna enjoy my own alcoholism.

It's Mr. Cupcake and Mr. Bastien. You people are the most interesting posters by far. You are also both sorta messed up. So I wanted to learn from Cupcake because he is sorta funny and dark and idk alcohol is nice and I'm drinking it more than ever.

Old lady Nanny Cuppers

Good morning.

Time to down bottles of aspirin to help numb this pain.

Fucker deserved it, to be honest

Luka, you're five years older than Cupcake.

I admit nothing.
suck my cawk

you come do some things with your mouth and then we got a deal but if this goes south we have to both chew on cyanide but shoot ourselves anyway then forever have people thinking we survived somehow

I drink almost daily. I wouldn't consider myself an alcoholic because I am fully capable of not drinking. I don't feel a compulsion other than my own enjoyment of being drunk. I am aware that this could change at any time, but after how much I've been drinking the past few months I just don't think I'm predisposed towards actual alcoholism.

who is mr. bastien?

NANI ?!!!

I'll down this whole bottle of children's tylenol. I swear I will, don't fucking try to stop me. I'm one step closer to the edge, and I'm about to break.

hello goggles. feeling better?

I didn't know about this, but I bet it was a white man's fault that he had such shitty cookies.

actually I fucking love oatmeal raisin cookies. when they are soft and warm...nnng



this plan is getting a bit complicated.



Please do NOT get erect to cookies.
Cookies are not for that.

Unless they're peanut butter cookies

All I can think of is the .webm of the dog barking but his butthole in sync to his bark.

I'll even go inject some marijuanas to help get over this heartache.
Test was too young.

+1 to wall

hi cuppy

no it's called planning for the future and face fucking you but that would be sooner

that doesn't sound like me at all.

that isn't what I meant you fucking weirdo.

just be careful not to overdose, you might turn gay.

hello grim.

maybe we can do that part of things and let the rest of it all sort itself out.

why not?

I'll just be like everyone else and find my way to Narnia.

What is it that you drink? The stronger one. I understand the enjoyment of being drunk. I understand how that could change at any time. Just not right now, because it feels really nice and preferable.

Mr. Bastien is Sebastian St. Claire.

Hey, you're the one who likes oatmeal raisin, weirdo

toss out all the christmas presents you find on the way to the back of the closet.

because I am cold hearted and evil.

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A little better. Thanks for your help in sorting my thoughts out.

how was your day
