Small vidya joys
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the hell is wrong widcha OP?
I'm fine with /scurv/ing (much less so if the devs are good people) but that's not something you should derive joy from
Your life though I guess
That's definitely one of the best vidya feels.
Reported for Reddit spacing and being a crossposting cuck
Seriously you fucking faggots are like the crossfit of videogames. We get it poorfags, you vape
Is this a Freudian slip, or do I not know english very well?
That's always the case. Copy protection is a self-serving racket full of crooks worse than the pirates they scare publishers into fearing. If a game is genuinely good, and the development team is righteous, then a pirate may purchase the game as a show of support. If the publisher is shit, or throws in with the Copyright Cartel, then they'll never convince the pirate to become a buy-rate. Look what happened to Sonic Mania for PC. Denuvo is like herpes. Excellent protection because NOBODY WANTS TO BE INFECTED WITH IT.
Speaking of fucking scary DRM.
The game doesn’t exist was an extremely well-made game.
here's some info I guess
You are correct on the grammatical error. However, I can’t see why you would think the typo came from subconscious feelings.
Sims Kinky World
Typo it is, then.
incase is a porn artist.
Fuck off Jenny
really makes you think.
Incase is a porn artist that specializes in futa and some of the best shortstacks.
Yet he has never done futa and only does traps and jew midgets.
Kill yourself.
Speaking of pirating, if any of you niggers have Origin installed, here are some Dead Space keys. First is for original, other is for Dead Space 3. Someone gifted me them in Steam chat but I don't have Origin installed for various reasons so first cum first serve.
Picture unrelated.
This is retarded.
That's new
man is sure love it when my trap is getting fucked by a mudman
Don't blame me because Africans have higher intelligence, larger penises, better constitution, and in general are superior to Cuckasians.
There is no standing law is Africa.
You know I'm pretty sure that's more of an artist reason (contrast of skin colors) than because it's a nigger, it's usually more obvious when it's intended to be a nigger.
Ah yes, the recent contrast argument. Listen here, cuck. When you do that its doesn't require to be to a degree as such to be a mudslime/nigger/pajeet. And its also should be bronze, not mud brown.
Feels good to not be a social parasite and support the efforts of hard working creative people that just want to share their love for the medium and get paid far less than they should considering the amount of hours and thought they put into their work vs. people in other fields.
Pirates these days are gay, they don't even kill people anymore.
It was probably intended to be a nigger because I downloaded this off a tumblr blog, and I think the artist was black IIRC.
Debating the white nationalism of fucking traps.
You are stupid on multiple levels. Levels so vast that even a common drunkard could see.
Consider being less of a faggot.
fair enough then, I can actually see it now I look again. I have seen other people sperg about shit when it's just a tan guy though, but this one seems more legit.
You are right, I am white, but I doubt nips would like that shit as well.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums.
Stop being a dumb shit. They all die of aids anyway.
Why even bother? Have you no pride for your races' accomplishments?
Fuck off back to the center of the earth, I'm drunk as fuck but I can argue better than you. You are filth writhing around doing nothing.
Seems I have started a fight to see who's more autistic. Here's a different image to calm you both down.
How about not putting mudshits in my fictional porn, eh? They are so fucking shit they transcend fiction and can even be put on clean slate unlike traps, since 2D traps are nothing like 3D traps/faggots.
You should stop, clearly you aren't of age.
Hell, you're going to
But what if Satan is actually a trap and his punishment for me is to fuck his ass for all eternity?
Your shitposting is weak as weak as your love for women. Easy pussy is an oxymoron. Go forth and be a a real man. Conquer that which will ruin you, knowingly, with a smile on your face.
Where are you getting this from? I said ass, not pussy. Yes, my love for women is weak. In fact, it's nonexistent because women are fucking shit and cute boys are superior in every way.
Being a faggot is a dead end, Your memes will die with your flesh.
Probably better that way to be honest. You will die as you live, an intellectual dead end,
He mispelled it. You both don't know English very well.
postal 2 is such a good game.
Are you retarded?
you have to share some of this pornz for me to judge
games that time the time to implement inertia
*cough* Ultima Underworld *cough*
take the time*
christ I can't type when I wake up
No he was clearly referring to his good friend Justin Case.
go on >>>Holla Forums , answer is there.
Fun fact, most pirates back then were privateers HIRED to fuck over companies of another country. The white skull on a black flag was basically a sign to ships that "We're here for your shit and nothing else".
Red skull and crossbones was basically "Prepare to get fucked nigger"
The social parasite is you, on this site. Go back.
Install away then.
did you never hear of the jap vn that would open any minimized windows, take a screenshot then upload it to your facebook?