I can only afford to upgrade my graphics card right now, from a 760 to a 1060, I have an i7 at 3.8 ghz 8 cores, but only 8gb of ddr3 ram. Is the ram gonna be an issue? I'm looking online and I feel like people are just being dumb about 16 gb being a necessity. I know if you're building a pc from scratch right now you should get 16, but 8gb for right now won't bottleneck everything else if I close chrome and shit right? I'm asking particularly for 2017-2018 AAA games, I want to be able to run them well, and PUBG, cause I know that's a ram hog.
I can only afford to upgrade my graphics card right now, from a 760 to a 1060, I have an i7 at 3.8 ghz 8 cores...
Consider suicide.
Yeah I know its a meme, I just want a shooter that's somewhat strategic for once. I fucking hated it when it was popular on twitch earlier this year. Fuck Summit1g
I don't understand it, but you somehow just managed to make everything worse.
0/10; reported for spam. You think we'll fall for this?
Alright then, suggest me a strategic shooter
Arma? There is another game I know of but the name does not come to mind. Anything but PUBG please
how do you not know this already
You best be joking nigga
8GB is still enough, except for heavy photoshop/video editor/virtual machine users.
Thanks for actually answering.
checks out
RAM is expensive as fuck right now because of goddamn Bitcoin, so just go with the new GPU, and get more RAM later if it becomes a problem, after that bubble bursts. But most games nowadays are more processor-heavy, so that will probably not be an issue.
You retards keep blaming price gouging on buttcoin, kikes will be kikes.
One more bump, besides PUBG, I should be good on modern AAA games right?
I wish mods would ban "people" like you
of course they're too busy hammering people who shit on the Switch
Thread just needs deleted tbh famalama
sounds fine user. ram is the easiest part to change if you need to anyway. polite sage because you should have your answer by now
I'm just waiting for it to 404 tbh fam