Work retail in a majority white town (90%+)

Did I do the right thing?

Did you let them rail your girlfriend to?

This is Holla Forums, nobody here has a girlfriend
That's also cuckoldry, and in this case Philadelphia, which is illegal



Considering Call of Duty is a Playstation game now, it doesn't matter that much. If anything, you saved two basketball americans from buying a useless brick.

yes, you were polite to customers, which you get fucking paid to do.
now go write your goddamn livejournal elsewhere

What is it like to live in a country with black people?

I personally think you should've told them to go buy a ps3.

They're called sonyggers for a reason

I also suggested it would make a good media center for movies and music, since I don't know what Xbox does for that and assumed it would be some proprietary MS store bullshit or something

No, you didnt do the right thing

You have to be on alert at all times around them. Keep track of them in your head while pretending to not notice them. And be ready to get out of there in a hurry if they start to chimp.

Excellent example, I got off the metro the other day and was walking to the stairs. A random nog comes up to me, gets in my face (I'm wearing headphones btw) and shouts about 10 unintelligble words at me. I turn slightly to the right and walk past him, mentally preparing myself to get tackled from behind. Thankfully he continued on, but it's a great example. They are violent and unpredictable.

why would two normalfag niglets end up on Holla Forums?

You mean you don't fucking know? Holy shit, you're even more clueless than I first assumed.

It's hell, they steal shit, shoot people. and people make excuses for them. Niggers have stolen my car and shot my brother I now have to be armed in the neighborhood I grew up in because niggers started mugging whites there only bright side is maybe now the retards that think we're all equal in the area will change their view The whole time this is happening I have to hear the NPCs bleating about white privilege DOTR when?

Demographics of this place isn't as white as you would like.

You can save your redditor urge to 56% it up here, fam. I'm just asking why two normalfags playing normalfag games who are an extreme minority on imageboards and the internet in general not to mention the united states or any western country or the US which dominates the internet, would end up on Holla Forums.

t.Holla Forums

I live in a black majority area way down south and I've honestly never had any major issues with them, white trash are the ones that start shit the most tbh. Everything is pretty much live and let live, you don't bug them and they won't bug you; but if you get in a really sketchy area you'll be fine as long as you have a dog or somebody with you. Of course this might be a south thing, I don't know how much black people up north chimp out on a daily basis.

If it's Gamestop you better kill yourself.

Most people know what they want and I only have to unlock it for them. I can usually bullshit my knowledge without lying, like I can go from a question/prompt they have, I just can't explain all the features and pros/cons

Why would I care about consoles?


Looks like taking your own life would be unnecessary

get back to cuckchan, nigger.

Yes, and NO.
Yes, as the PS4 will give them more entertainment than the Microsoft marketing platform.

And, NO, as you should tell them to fuck off, and save for a good PC, like the real humans do.
Also: feel lucky to have a job, but always aim higher

You should keep living so they can't claim the insurance policy they've taken out on you.

I'm part time, I don't get benefits but work 40h weeks. Back down to 24h in January, from the 12h I am "guaranteed"


You should've sent those niglets on a quest to find that secret walmart underground railway system. Niggers love those "underground railroad" quests.

nah fam

The correct term is "amerimutt"


You type like a nigger and here in St. Louis, where there are more blacks than whites, the niggers commit more than their fair share of crime. They come from the neighborhoods on the north side that they ruined into the white ones just for crime.


translation: niggers cannot be trusted and are opportunist criminals. If you travel alone you will turn a corner and suddenly find yourself outnumbered and surrounded.


Having lived in Florida for 6 years and New York for most my life it seems that niggers are more docile in the south than north. It's the cubans and mexicans that are the real animals in the South.

Niggers are probably afraid to act like niggers in the south, because of the very real possibility of getting lynched.
Niggers in the north know they can be niggers with complete impunity

According to these charts, it's mostly violent black-on-black crime. Sure, you'll get robberies and stuff, but it's much less likely to happen to you if you're white.

These two are right. Southern niggers don't really chimp as much as you think they would. Might just be that the rent isn't too damn high compared to the north but I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They smell worse and theres that weird as shit with gold in their teeth but they seem polite most of the time.

congrats, you did your fucking job you under-appreciated shit

This. I don't understand why racists have to get so hung up on black people being criminals when the vast majority of crimes committed are against each other. Blacks likely don't effect y'all in any meaningful way like

who thinks a black person saying something to him and being in his personal space is the same as shanking him or some shit. calm down and enjoy the ride you spergs. Southern blacks also make god tier food so whatever

I've been harassed repeatedly, jumped and robbed by niggers while growing up. Libtards are right, racism is taught. Niggers taught me to hate niggers.

Salty butthole.

back to >>>Holla Forums

Gold jewellery and implants can be used to pay bond if they get arrested; cash is usually confiscated

I laughed so hard I choked when I saw the picture I've uploaded for the first time.

That's fine I guess OP.
You just made some literal sonyggers, but they seemed alright from the way you made your post.

Most crime is intra-racial, but niggers also commit disproportionate amounts of interracial crime against whites. Furthermore whenever they face consequences for doing anything wrong they act as a unit to lash out against literally everyone and everything around them.

Care to share some stories? I'm curious to know where you were living to get fucked over that much.


They might commit more crimes against whites, but the amount of racial crimes between blacks and whites are minuscule.

Care to elaborate? You're being pretty vague.


because while their black on black crime rate is their biggest statistic, their black on anything else rate is also way bigger then other races.

Do you honestly think that just because a bunch of degenerates do horrible things to their own people that it won't extend to others if it suits them?