I give up

Who else has given up

just on how stupid people are. How stupid Americans are

I just don't know what to say. I give up.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/ApophthegmataPatrumTheSayingsOfTheDesertFathers/Apophthegmata Patrum-The Sayings of the Desert Fathers_djvu.txt

Sounds like Bordiga is right up your alley, friendo.

Is there a name for this state of spirit? To be utterly depressed and heartbroken with the rest of mankind and the state of the world, yet to desperately yearn for a way to improve their life and make the world the beautiful place it could be?

Yes, it's called leftism

Fantasy, ignorance, and simple pleasures are the only good things in this wretched Earth. You can conceive of a better world than this, so live in it as much as possible. Eat yummy things and dream about fairies and rainbows.

I didn't ask for the opinion of a virginal chud neonazi


same fam
Just embrace stirnerism to purge the more depressive spooks and try to live a quiet life. It's all we can do.

you must keep up comrade

Find some leftist groups, talk to family or friends. You aren't powerful enough to destroy capitalism alone, it takes an entire populations state of mind to change.


i want to die in a revolution
i don't even care if it goes awry

i just want the tedium and the stagnation to end, maybe for my life to have been a footnote somewhere in proper history instead of a statistical data point in the neoliberal era male suicide crisis.

Thankfully atleast that is possible for the modern left during these dark times.

A revolution? Now? I don't think we're on the same planet, boss.

Live for us, we love you.

Remember, your side is the one that WANTS society to be organized around the whims of the average wagecuck and shit kicking peasant. You actually wish to EMPOWER them! The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Yes, we want it organized around us, and you.

You as an individual. You have no right to set standards on others you fail to meet yourself on a basic level.

Politics is not your playground to throw a tantrum in.

every prole is stupid except me

leftists are more likely to be depressed and/or have a mental illness

That does not make them wrong. In fact, wouldn't that put their complaints about society in a more grounded area?

Most intelligent people are bound to have something wrong with them, but ultimately what drives the left is not a need to strike at you but a need to fulfill the resource needs of both of us.

just laugh when the trump dupes get their pensions cut, their social security and disability cut, the retirement age raised to fucking 75, austerity, jobs coming back but companies hiring as little as possible etc… its going to be a fucking mess. Probably going to get into a major war because war is the health of the state. They really did use good propaganda though, they used massive fear porn operations and classic blame the immigrant for your problems garbage.

The Rojava revolution is awaiting you comrades.

At least with Trump in the white house my guns won't be taken.

Not their whims, but their objective material interests.
Their whims are the product of the bourgeoisie's superstructure.
This is really basic shit.

AnCap is the way my elitist friendo.

Not even American but yeah I've given up too

I don't think leftism is for me. I'm too distrusting of other people and I've no desire to fight really. Never got involved in anything political and have no desire to do so.

Will have to get a job soon. Wish there was someway I could brainwash myself into becoming a mindless robot that submits to capitalism and stops struggling.

You should blame the immigrant and the capitalist

Both are harmful

Not me. I'm still going to make a workers co-op one way or another.

This is the exact time not to feel that way. Get you ass out and reveal your power level, we have not to lose but our chains.

Why fucking bother? It's pointless. There's no escape from capitalism.

There wont be an escape with that attitude, get your fucking shades on, your ice picks sharpened and your Soros bucks ready. Where were going we wont need bosses. Get hype, Blair is going to jail, Half Life 3 is getting released, fully automated bisexual communism is coming.

I don't see it happening, ever. It didn't after WW1.

That, and my ideological development and time spent observing leftists is leading me to think that the left isn't going to be successful and doesn't deserve to be successful.


But also leftism

Well now your just on some self hatred shit. You can just sit on the side lines and blame everyone else for the the failures of the thing you want.

itt COINTEL/polyps/ trying to demoralize people from accelerating class-consciousness with petty bourgeois cynicism

do u even know what accelerationism is

Capitalism will continue to go through crisis after crisis, we will see opportunities for revolution in our lifetimes. Right now the US state is in terrible crisis, leftist organizations are growing at the fastest rate in decades, and more people are identifying with socialism.

Please don't give up hope, communism will win

This my friendos

Don't surrend your future just yet

it gets stronger after every crisis
its an inhuman death machine
identifying with a political label doesnt mean shit
says increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year

Geez, I wonder who's behind this post.

who is jimmy heather-hayes? google doesn't show anything, that fascist piece of shit

did the thought police remove your grammatical thinking as well?


check my dubs btw

Yes, I do hate myself. I'm not even sure what I have to gain from communism at this point.

I just can't be fucked to fight for something that will likely end up with me castigated, purged or shot for being a straight white man.

lol you're all dumb
just stop browsing imageboards and read zizek .

people have been saying that for 170 years at this point

we're still nowhere fucking near communism. capitalism has been remarkably resilient and durable. fascism nearly destroyed the ussr. all socialist states except maybe one have crumbled. and none of the attempts at socialism are particularly appealing.

it's easier to submit

becuz urrrrr sooooooooo smart! XDD!11!!111

grow the fuck up

We live in a world where a fucking controversy over videogame reviews set forth a political movement that helped get a reality television star with no political experience elected as leader of the most powerful country ever to exist.
Meanwhile I'm sitting on my gaming PC in my white neighborhood in New England, muh privileged enough to be able to watch this Lynchian nightmare unfold and not think about the repercussions.
We deserve this.


what is IDpol?

"Here I'm a pessimist"
Zizek on everything.

well it'll probably happen

i can see it happening, given the way the jewish led extreme left has been going for some time

The thread's intent is basically Holla Forumsyp memes. Psyops can't be any more obvious today.

Have you seen the state of the far left in the west? More people think Bernie is socialism than even know who Karl Marx is. Have you been to places like r/socialism and normiebook 'leftist' pages? it's all idpol all the way down, these people aren't comrades who want to seize the MoP they are liberal SJW idpolers.

not a Holla Forumsyp. just being honest

Than tell them the difference or go jack off. Possibly both.

Have you ever even talked to normies? they REEEE brosialist at you and then just ban you so you can't say anything back

It's clear that people who shitpost purely to make others feel as hopeless and unconvinced as they are while having done nothing or very little to change that are just as dangerous as every other idiot.

The rest of internet and real life aren't r/socialism. I can count the amount of extreme ESS-JAY-DOUBLE-UUUUUUU I have met on one hand and I live in California.

A lot of people are self mischarachterized "liberals" because the overton window has shunted socialism out of the conversation. In that environment a small amount of info that leads them in the right direction makes all the difference and I have seen this happen with normal-fags on a regular basis. I'm a neet with less charisma than Chomsky and I can still get people to consider these things.

At some point you have to realize your helplessness is self inflicted. The world is bad, but a bad world reflects a lazy uncaring populace and whether or not you mean to contribute to that you're.


when you have to start a debate with a capitalist defending liberal with the point "no I don't support the USSR, that was state capitalism and not socialist a the workers didn't run and own the factories" every fucking time and then all you get back is "muh no true scotsman" it gets tiresome. I know I'm lazy and shouldn't have my will broken that easy but these people are wilfully ignorant and on so many layers of ideology it just seems futile to talk to them about it

theres tens of thousands of extreme IDPOL shrieking warriors here… at the very least, dafuq u smoking on

Your impatience is your own stupidity.

we've been saying "any day now" for 170 years, how long do we wait? Just after ww1 was the most revolutionary time and it didn't happen then and it doesn't look like it will happen now either considering the shit we have to cut through with Idpolers appropriating the left

Jesus christ Holla Forums don't you have any reading comprehension. That's LITERALLY what the OP is about, you're not adding any new insights here.

The left wants to empower and liberate the working people, perhaps not to the "whims" of the average worker, but to empower them nonetheless. The problem, as OP is pointing out, is that workers are currently so indoctrinated and lost that it is dubious that any such liberation will come in a reasonable amount of time.

So no, it isn't just about letting the uneducated and spooked working class rule as they are now, but to bring them to their full potential and then carry forward a revolution which alters the state apparatus to work for the working class, which will hopefully fade away to create a stateless and classless society.

I haven't met many. I live around Riverside/San Bernadino. I go to LA and San Diego a few times of year usually for concerts and political events that would attract that element and I never see them.

One time at a Death Grips show in Riverside I heard a few guys talking behind me about the democratic primary being rigged and then they talked non-stop shit about Wall Street. I was about to turn around and reveal my IWW shirt and small Bernie pin but I really needed to take a piss and didn't feel like talking. that is about the only political thing that ever happened at a non political event here for me.

Before you hate on me for Bernie, I wore that and went to his events to talk to normal fags about what we're talking about here. I saw him as my entryist way of being able to discuss this shit in area where people were already somewhat receptive to the strawman so why not the real thing. For the most part I got people to agree a worker centered society where the workers control the means of production. By being there I also would help shift the convo away from other issues and towards hating capitalism and being pro-alternatives. I didn't meet many Idpolers at his events, I mean Jimmy Dore did comedy at one of them and he isn't pro that.

What normal fag is pulling the no true scotsman out on public? In my experience most people are not conscious defenders of capitalism, they will defend it to an extent because it is what they know and ideology and all that, but for the most part they are very open to hearing correct definitions. Once the gorillions come up, talk about the positives of your own stance against those and the n talk about why they might be exaggerated/decontextualized to suit a procapitalist narrative if you feel you can get away with that.

They don't literally say "not true Scotsman" they say "yes it was communism, they said they were communists. If the USSR and PRC aren't communist because you say so then nobody is". Most liberal here are sucdems who just say "we don't need a revolution we need to vote in this guy" so it's usually the more hardcore capitalist supporters that want to openly debate and they are so entrenched in their ideology it's like talking to a brick wall

aka jewish rule over the goyim

Always the logical conclusion to everything.

when you consider their inclination towards radicalism, yes

A lot of debates aren't about convincing the person you're directly against. In some cases that is impossible, they're too entrenched for one reason or another and you just cant make head way against them. When you find yourself in that situation, continue the debate to the extent that you can, but worry about the "hypothetical third person" more than the person you're talking to. This is especially true on the internet more so than real life but it can also be true for that. The person that matters is the observers rather than the engagers.

In order for reformism to work you need the threat of something else to make the people in power care, they wont care with people just voting and thinking "things are generally good." You need the threat of alternatives and those alternatives need to be scary to the people in power. That is what I would explain at length to someone who thinks voting alone can save the world.

If by "Jewish" you mean "the working class," and by "goyim" you mean "the means of production" then yes, absolutely.

You don't find Jewish overrepresentation notable?

How about reading his post and trying to understand what it actually means instead of ignoring the points it makes, trying to gain the upper hand parroting tinfoil memes you heard at Holla Forums?

We are Monks who are fleeing Rome for the waste called Scetis.o
If you have ears to hear and eyes to see, go into the desert and weep for your sins.
The others are dead even now and know it not.

archive.org/stream/ApophthegmataPatrumTheSayingsOfTheDesertFathers/Apophthegmata Patrum-The Sayings of the Desert Fathers_djvu.txt

What Trump is proposing to us is clear: you have been starved into wanting your job back and you're going to live and work under the same brutality as the Pajeets doing your job now.
Street shitting is an America First original concept, people.

- Gramsci


I'll just leave this here.

Underrated comment


it's nothing to do with Holla Forums

i didn't believe it until i started doing my own research. jews disdain physical labor

170 years is a minuscule amount of time when it comes to history

it's still far too fucking long. i've no desire to live under capitalism for a minute longer but it's never going away

It took Capitalism longer to fully take over.


get to work