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No thanks.




Ah, right. I forgot you went to an alt. school. I had to go to one of those for a week in Jr. High cause I got suspended lol

mmhm, it's kinda like how when people say 10 years ago I just assume 1990. Stuck in that y2k bullshit or something. But yeah, it's like 2 highschool career's worth of time x_x


to be fair a dragon is probably a good lay :^)


Can I help you~?

Can confirm.

Oh, I actually meant to put that at , but hi!

I wish there were more Australians in here. Not the bipolar kind.

me too T_T


sometimes i wonder if I would have been better of just liking sports or whatever like everyone else

this is the saddest thing i have ever seen

Ah, that makes more sense^~^




hihi! ^~^

how are you

Doing well. I beat that Until Dawn game last night and it was spoopy. First vidya I've played straight through in one sitting since like GOW2

What's new with you?

haven't really felt like myself the past few days, kinda feel like I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

I still need to beat darkest dungeon but I can only bring myself to play like 2 or 3 rounds each time I play

Never heard of that game.

Also I don't know what to say to that x_x

I loved the gears of war games by the way. haven't really been able to find any good vidya that get me feeling really good lately.

oh I meant God of War. I didn't particularly like Gears cause I'm a "filthy casual" or what have you.

oh, I never played the god of war games.

I wish I had a wii U, I haven't had a console in ages and I've been missing out on some good games.

ky yourself


And hi btw the way

I wanna be rem so I can experience the exhilarating feeling of being cucked

they know who they are.
hello diggy.

So not me then?

How goes it?

going to sleep soon
been playing rust with guero test and a new friend

we got raided today but we made some new (hopeful) allies so it was chill

the friend can art pretty well, makes me think about how much I suck at arting

I don't know what any of that even means lmao



thanks you too but ill stick around for a little longer

I heard you were staying at a lady friends

tell me about her

Yeah, we were chilling from 1pm Monday til 4:30pm today haha

She's awesome. I went to highschool with her back in the day and we reconnected on FB cause of her Satanic cats and we went from there. She's super tiny and short and nerdy and has piercings and tattoos and she's cool :p

how have you been?


Excellent. No complaints. hbu?

gears was grate


were you tryna get it in or just chillin?
how did she react when she saw the new you vs hs?


I mean I totally would but I dunno if she's into that or how it would work *shrugs* We spent today basically just napping in bed and stuff. She's adorable.

No reaction. She doesn't care. Add another super supportive friend to my list~ *boops*

I am doing very badly in school because i made really bad decisions and now im too sad to even try to fix it

Welp. gg

it's so nice to know nice people


should i play that game

It certainly helps a bunch. I miss her bed. It's so much comfier than mine x_x

Is it impossible to fix?

Some of it.

Oh, yeah and this older lady at work invited me to a candle party lol. I think I've become one of the girls lol

Well, why'd you do that?

I don't know.

wow im tired nini

Austin was talking to me about how autistic it is to get a ps4 just for the ps4 only titles

the nigga doesn't understand how good games like that one or gow are


bedtime nanas or whatnot =w=



so I have a mac laptop and this feels so weird idk how to apple doushio

I was asleep and now I'm not

What a story



/s4s/ pls shush

Fucking blasted that game.

tfw no feels

we blasted it reel good. and we killed the threads pretty effectively while we were at it.

all around a pretty good time.

Thanks for carrying my drunk ass kids

I feel like shit like that really brings us together.

You play surprisingly well for a drunk.


*begs mordong to add me back*

Holy shit I tried
I really don't remember the last time I had this much fun

We tend to have a blast as a group.
Just join us anytime, man.
The group is hardly exclusive. And we play most every day.


Not really the kind of dude to be interested in stuff like that while sober but
We gotta defend that shit on hard, no scratch on the gate
Next objective

I mean, it's not.
I haven't really told anyone to fuck off from it.

I don't think we have any more objectives in the game mode.

my laptop isnt booting, at all...

Now that the job is done, where do we go to drink?

Really shoeing it in.

I feel left out. Sad face

I say down by the river so we can shoot shit.


Ok, Luka.


You guys hyped for this newest exodus coming in?
fucking end my life

i know, but why?

:( mean




as dead as my soul

Implying you had a soul.
God doesn't make trannies with souls.
Oy vey.

you did pretty okay bro

band of brothers, brother.

explains a lot tbh


I feel like i made frens with OW

you didn't. we all talk about you behind your back.

we hat u

the fuck is this nerd

Can't go on tho
Later chap

sleep well. drink lots of water or you'll hate yourself in the morning.

tfw you hack the hack and go to deep and it all backfire on you and youre hack now
p.s. selling csgo cheats that actually rat you in the process. starting $15/month

Makes sense. :(


Are they quaking

I started taking my psych meds again. risk of kidney failure again be damned, not like I remember it happening the first time.

Hah that filename. S-stop am not gay!



[sad wolf crai 🐺]

oh by the way, would you like me to find you a better Loreiel tripcode, revy? like !Loreiel

\ ^w^ /

don't make it fucking gay

But i said n-no homo

no. you didn't. not nearly fast enough.

What will my pasta say???


your pasta will say nothing. because pasta does not talk. you idiot.

fuck computers man

not all of us are as disgustingly degenerate as you

nearly 200 zominac kills as hanzo, this brawl is fun as fuck

UwU but my chvch

literally what

go to bed

Ur kiling me, dreyfuss

you aren't in my bed though

my only response here is


did you even check?

Im blogging


yes, it was cold and lacking in a cute cups to fuck cuddle

stop that. stop that right now.

huh. well that's weird, I know amazon sent one your way earlier this week. it should have been there by now.

Whatcha gonna do? Report me? They can't unrape you.

I'm gonna die from lung cancer when i'm 30.

Battlerite is also the funnest game.


The first one is an L and the second one is an i

I miss cancer sticks.

toying with my love

I've associated smoking and video games together.

Now I have to smoke whenever I play Battlerite or else I get mad.

It makes me better at the game tbh.

yay you're here in time for bed :3 c

Go to bed.


/reports u


see, I thought the way I put it was weird. I'm very drunk. so you want me to look or not?

that's because emotions are not a thing I do these days.


get fukken rekt

Same what?


I'm used to this one
If I ever want to change it I'm perfectly capable of looking on my own
But thank you

it's only 2:30 come on
YOU go to bed

sure sure, just curious since I look for trips any time I'm not on the computer.


it's only 12:30 come on
YOU go to bed

well that's too bad, I would emotion a cup as much as I'd do lewd things to cups all dressed up pet like soooo

W-what's it like? living in the past?

maybe someday I won't be totally dead inside.

I am NOT living in the PAASTTTTTT!

one could always hope


Maybe I'm just...from the future???

hope? ha. good one.

Probably something like that.

Go get in bed.

maybe I do, what then nigga?

heh jokes on you kid
I already am in bed

just further proof that you are very silly.

I have crippling depression

zero fucks given, still gonna

I have osteoporosis


zero fucks? that doesn't sound like you at all.




what kind of ciggarettes do you smoke

it's the only time I won't be giving you tons of fucks


Das preddeh good

I vape semen.

I am the meme necromancer

The correct spelling is Memomancer.

such nefarious actions will not be tolerated

Memer gear??? Was dat????

3-dimensional memer gear from Attack on Meme.

how many fucks would you say you'd normally give me?

Ill give u fucc

fucc off

Wall memea has been breached


Pls succ

succ off

what's a gime?

Good like with your gains.


24hour gime


Suffering succ'er tache

Just bought a midi wew
Impulse buying

hey there cuties

I was in a game just like 40 minutes ago where a mercy saved the entire thing with a 5 man rez. fucking fantastic.

Mercy isn't as terrible as I first thought

yes she is.

Cake stop mean

I just played a brawl where two people quit early on.

....me and the other guy won anyway


there was no backfilling? that's nuts.

Baka brb traveling

about 1 per hour for every hour, yeah that

sounds a little exhausting, to be honest

probably but that's why you save them all up for weekends and just go all out for the entire time

so I just get nothing during the week days?

Jackrabbit for about 15 seconds and then be unable to get hard for the next few hours.

Fucking sluts

typical man.

Good thing i'm not typical.

only if you're bad, if you're good it'd be far more often likely I mean you do have a cute redacted

you definitely aren't. because the typical man isn't a total faggot like you.

what if I'm bad?

given how fast you pussed out last night, you don't even get a pump in you fag


I can't tell you that, it'd ruin the fun and surprise!

Wow, looks like The World's Biggest Faggot Competition in here.

then my first goal will be to be bad.

Got me good.

What does a vagina feel like?

tempt fate, see how sore it gets you slut

slow hours.

I dunno. I like a few kinds of soreness.

It must be. Waiting for the good posters to turn up.

like a vagina, you should know you are one giant one babe

you might enjoy it, to a degree hart

it's funny because there are no good posters

I'd enjoy it even more if you took it too far.

The single funniest and most haunting realization.

Are you calling me a pussy? Oh no

define too far cause this is getting like blurred liney

well about 80% one the rest is still normal person, life would be awkward if you were fully one :^)

defining it would ruin the fun


then be a bad girlboy and we will see, bae

SUCC me Daddy

sounds like a good plan

Nice one.

I've been completely and totally ruined.

the things to do to such a cute pet! also that outfit wew

no no mister wayne, you don't have my permission to be ruined only when I wreck your giant vagina only then do you have my permission to be ruined

no idea what you mean. I'm just picking pictures at random.

I've you tried to touch my vagina I would literally break your jaw.

what a fucking RETARD

I'm tired

Chris-chan please go.

nothing nothing, I won't bug you with lewd details of putting you in certain things

don't worry, first I'll break your soul then your vagina

don't you mean "I've" tired


highly suspicious...

Ban is a retard.

What are you gonna do? rub your neck beard on my soul until it breaks?


you'll look great in them, don't you worry your little head silly

not inaccurate but shhh I'm trying to smash that giant pussy

this only makes me even more curious


I don't have a neckbeard, with how much squash spammed that image I think that would've been pretty obvious but I guess your clitoris is just in the way of your eyesight that's alright I don't blame you

Do you know what Cupcake and Cato look like?

Do you want me to post it?

I would prefer you don't post my picture.

cupcake yes, cato no why do you think I've done anything with cato anyway?

I almost don't care, almost.

He said you did in the thread but I think it might of been a joke.

I can't control anything you might do, but I thought I'd throw my input in all the same.


Which picture of Cupcake have you seen?

Is it the old one?

He doesn't look like that anymore.

yeah tbh the only one I've been actually even trying with is cups for reasons and honestly it's pretty lame that you strike out at him in this way over me making jokes at your expense really lame

for novelty use only

neru can you post your "don't stop" wemb?


Looks like the grind is on.

I've already opened 4 and got nothing


nigga and it's just the start

thanks fam

This is suffering.

Thanks for being my moral compass but i'm pretty sure I don't care if it makes me look bad or if its just the wrong thing to do.

at least I can afford to buy everything I want with coins if I never get any.

dont stop dont stop dont stop

it's weirdly fun to watch

it's less your image and more just lame, like be as petty and shit a person as you want but at least have the sack to keep the correct target

Alright for you,jew.

no u suc me

I'm not a jew I just don't like spending any money ever

But I don't know anything about you and I have all these pictures of cupcake and his butt.

a ridiculous number of people have those.


So then post them in the thread.

I love audio webms

I will not do this.

kay? and regardless of your skewed opinion mostly based in some really retarded attempt to attack me through this what would that ever effect of how anyone especially I see cupcake?

saw this one posted the other day and rather enjoyed it


If everyone has it then it doesn't change anything.

Because like 90% of what you talk about is lewding cupcake and the other 10% is fighting with everybody.

If it even had a 1% chance of E-cucking you I would of done it.

Its my fetish.

Disgusting catboy trash

of course subtle pops out for cute traps.



N-No I just happened to get back from class this instance

I totally believe you

can't really cuck me unless I'm dating him and given that isn't apparently going to be a thing see my commitment issues versus his claiming to be dead inside you can't get your little clit off to that and this is all just smokescreen to hide the fact that to attack me you tried to call cups ugly

so extremely sleepy I should bed


took me a second but then I laughed.

don't forget your toothbrush first.

no he is


Ihad not lost my stuffs that hard in that long modern memes are great

Who would even like trap catgirls anyway..



I feel that's a title someone like you would hold, given all you do is attack looks of others it screams insecurity neckbeard comments, trying to call cato and cups ugly

I love the galaxy note 7 stuff.

you. you would.

Are you fucking with me right now?

Are you sure you've seen him?


just going to avoid the call out and return to your past opinion? that's alright, I would too if I was some goblin of a thing trying to insult other's looks over the internet cause I can't think on my feet

I never got this sleeping with the sirens vocalist meme.


yeas I will go tootbrsh I suck and bearly accomplished anything today well I tidied and had food and reset ranked decay and some other stuffs but overall nnnnn I have been useless the past few days

that's normal. brush good. sleep well.

No i'm just actually shocked about what you said.

fucking GROSS

yeah what's new

ban him

he shodul take hrt and become an trap

He asked you not to post it.

delet this

And Darwin probably asked you not to do a lot of things as well.

notmuch else new


did you get all the teeth even the back ones?

and I'm actually shocked about how much of a pussy you truly are, here I thought you were just lame as fuck but you just go and surprise me further

I just am a trap.

And nothing makes me happier.

Can always make tomorrow better

this is a filthy filthy lie.

You really are full of shit.

and in just a short time the ass pain and explosion of anger will come

short haired feamaels are very cute

my life is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

But I tell it to myself most days :c

I will do it tomorrow

people say that all the time rationalizing to themselves being lazy and stuffs but

Ireally will tbh

craaaaawling in my skiiiin?

it's important to tell the lie to yourself at least. it's the only way to make it through most days.

you really didn't need to do anything. it wasn't a big deal.


plus now he's probably going to just spam it


Cute picture.



you said not to so by him doing so he broke a rule, I really had to plus someone needed to slap him with something cause clearly his parents never did

lonely :(

if he spams it his ban will grow very rapidly as spamming is against the rules too

Sincerely good for you, that's a good attitude

Sometimes it can be nice to know you don't have to do anything, nothing to worry about

Wanna OW?!

I see, I see. well I'm sure he's going to learn his lesson. he seems like the type to be mature about things.

hungry...actually not really, I had some chicken a few hours ago.

the only thing I want to do is die~


Oh yeah and Goggles cheated on Darwin with me for about a year on and off.

Goodnight I love you guys.

This is getting depressing.

I guess I could before taking a nap.

you got it too?


I would use pastries as reward/punishment but I eat them regardless so thatdoes not work

only willpower will

nana too

that's why looking at my posts is a mistake.


What halloween brawl achievements are you missing?

😑Moshi Moshi Desu😑

to behonest with you he seems the opposite given but when I get on later if sebs hasn't just undone the thing for the fuck of it since usually he just doesn't punish aside from sci I'll remove it, unless he's evaded

well guess that just upped the time

don't you want me to be happy?

yes. that was what I like to call "sarcasm" when I said that.


how's it going?

A year is incorrect. Fuck off, I've already told him.

Yes but
While also alive

neko neko chan

so you don't want me to be happy. I thought we were friends...

who is this cutie?

But how does one not look at all posts?

Haven't finished it on Hard difficulty and haven't finished it without the gate taking damage on medium and I guess I need to play it as Hanzo still, if the last McCree didn't count.

alisa, from OniAi. very cute.

I just scan for those sweet sweet (you)s



squash, jack, nezi and I managed to beat medium without damage and then hard. it was really tough though. took a long time. a lot of fun though.

sucks that he didn't even have the balls just to play with me, I guess people here really are desperate for the upper hand regardless of how to get it

it is going decently, you?

thank (you)

what am I doing?

on the internet you have to snag victory however you can, I suppose.

I'd take a wild guess and say this is a huge L in his case but if he sees it as a W all the power to him lol sorry he went to be a bitch toward you over me

Keep sci banned.

yes she is

pretty good
i just got home

no worries. my own fault for sharing things with people I didn't know when I was extra vulnerable right after my break up.

she doesn't show up until more than halfway through the show though. you might not enjoy it.

If you Unban sci you are being a fucking retard.
Ban Pedos

I dun even wanna watch it

decent day out?

it's fine though, you're still a good boy!

good. it's a terrible show.

I am at least one of those things.

I think you are both so stop being silly

Hugging me now

And, for the purposes of enlightening others, Cupcake is literally the worst.

but what if I am neither?

doesn't seem like that is what I'm doing. when did that start?

It's about to start

But there might be interesting stuff going on.

I don't really know how 2 Hanzo.

I've been trying to soloque it, but no luck.


but you just told me to stop


no no, you definitely need all four people for the best results. we needed constant communication while we were doing it on hard. it's nuts.

I am okay with that bae

oh my.

all that I care that you be in specific is happy, so I will keep working on that in little ways too

That was something different :c

Gotta suck that dick hard, kohai.

you've set an impossible task for yourself. sorry.

you wouldn't want a hug from me anyway. you'd just end up depressed.

Snipers seem so useless.

You never know.
I've given up on it now.


just get a nice four man team going and you'll get it with some practice.

I'll fuckin accomplish it, I don't accept failure from myself yet seem to be ever so forgiving of it in others weirdly

we're always hardest on ourselves.

and it will help me find some way to even make you the tiniest bit happier

anything is possible, I guess

I'll make it so


its cold :(

we shall see

well with that attitude, yeah

I'll warm you up

you will see

see what

please im shivering

I will make you happy somehow cups damnit, not right this second probably though cause I need some sleep before work get in my bed already

you can join the bed fun, there are warm blankets and two other bodies of warmth

too far to reach, but I'll be there in spirit. goodnight spoilers.

Warm thoughts.

he is rather upset with me

i should never have put my sweater in the washing machine

someday! night cupcake hart

oh fair enough, long distance hugs to you though! night!

it has been so far

I have much better ones to watch


I'm really not.

hart hart. sleep tight.

in other words anime with tons of lolis.


i dont have hot drinks

okay good

I don't care if they have lolis in them


when you hack the dev and then he hacks you and the hack becomes the hack of the hack and you can only feel this song

I'll hack ur face

I'm not

sure. sure.


if you don't get gold healing as mercy you just really really suck

hangoverr whoohooh

you didn't drink enough water.

Almost had it, RIP hopes and dreams all 6 feet under now.

i dropped a glass and i'm just going to leave it there

you'll get it. just keep trying.

plus it's just good aiming practice.

YOU didnt drink enough water

this is how it ends

I drank plenty. I'm not the one with a hangover.

caek stahp



and its fiine now cause aspirin started to work

can it end sooner pls

Rolled 1 (1d2)I was told I will be alone tomorrow up till Friday

go to portland
stay at home and hack+drunk

why on earth would I lie? I'm the one always telling you to drink water, don't you think I probably do it myself?

go to arizona.

breaking muh heart

sea men

just sit it out

Also, Loco, you should atleast acknowledge my message you shitter.

on earth huh
but america is located on neptune

I'm not going to suck your dick.


explain how I have done this

that is a lie.

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

Well, I guess dad is going to see if he has a tumor today.
Exciting shit.
