Demon Souls

Why is this game very dark? I thought Dark Souls would be a dark game but Demon Souls is a darker game.
A very souls like experience

Because You're the demon collection souls

because the game's shittiness is correlative with its darkness.


Like I'm playing the game and it's very dark, I cranked the brightness to the maximum and It's still a dark game.

Demon's Souls had better story telling than any of the DaS. Everything in the universe of DeS made sense and was all linked together through the notLavos monster. It also made sense with how the world outside of Boletaria worked in reality while in Dark Souls everything is extremely vague how human society operates or even how the Gods society operates.

It's tone and atmosphere. Dark Souls is a dark fantasy through and through. Demon's Souls becomes fantasy, but actually feels grounded at the start since it takes only one exception. It's more like a medieval-gothic era setting that went to shit in a horrifying way. And that air of horror is kept up when you see how destroyed each part of the world is.

There are also no friendly characters that can fight by your side early on, like Solaire. The only one who stands a chance at fighting the demons is you.


If you mean by summon then yes but Ostrava is the first friendly NPC you meet and can help you clear a little bit of the area.

Isn't Ostrava in the second part of Boletaria?

He is, but Ostrava is very different to Solaire: Ostrava is on your side but he's a burden. His AI is designed to play very defensive - just watch him fight solo, he will rarely strike, often have his shield up and roll. Second, he can die for good, meaning the player must protect him I had a hard time keeping him alive in 1-3 because a slip-up meant we were fighting six knights at once with our backs to each other. He doesn't help you, you help him.

Secondly, Ostrava is the only friendly character who hasn't been captured/killed; you only catch him in the second. Every other character is down for the count or in the safety of the nexus.

What would a KH-Souls crossover look like?

The plot is somehow more comprehensible

Unmitigated cancer, probably. Can you really say with a straight face that Kingdom Hearts is good?

user I think you might have drain bamage

sage tbh
no seriously, fuck off with those threads, i've seen too many of them


KH combat after unlocking lots of abilities is insanely fun tbh.

So any of you faggots actually plotting a big get together for the game since the servers are going to die in February?

Sage negated, bitch nigger.

So I'm going through it for the first time because I got extremely bored in Dark Souls and I thought that by playing Demon's Souls I could get into Dark Souls. I must say, I have almost no intention of playing Dark Souls now because I like this game that much. I might go back to it to see if this game helped me git gud. But, as for a question. I have no idea what to do now. I've beaten up to 1-3, 2-3, 3-2, 4-2, and 5-2 but I'm stuck at where to go now. I don't know if I should just finish up level 2 or to push through the other ones. I've got Miralda's armor while I'm wielding a giant fuck-off of a knife and the Lava Bow.

balance it like it wants you to, the game makes use of a black fog effect in some areas to obscure your vision.

2 is the mine area, right? Finish that, the archdemon of that stone is easy you might find something nice too if you're world tendency is the right amount

Playing emulated right now so I'm actually hoping for a server emulator instead. That way maybe some actual DeS newbs like me can play together.

I can give free pure bladestones and whatever else, including monk headgears.

Except it's not. It gets even ridiculous when in DS3 the world is basically being destroyed by a big crunch yet apparently there's human kingdoms out there that still exist.

Compare to DeS where Boletaria is a just a post-apocalyptic human society

I've been leaning more towards finishing level 2 just so I can get his soul for the spell, which if it's the one I'm thinking of, is OP as shit. As for World Tendency, I'm pretty sure mine is at white. I don't think I've died in human form in that world so I might go for pure white.

To set the mood and to hide the low textures of PS3 game. Also, the story is about a dead kingdom that has been taken over by demons and monsters. You, as the player, get trapped in to the Nexus. Now you have to kill everything and, in the end, choose to put the Old One, that is the cause of all horrors, to sleep or to rule as the new demon king.

Still DeS is one of the best games ever. It was multiple genre definingly good. Not a lot of those around.

I think that's just how things were with the fire fading.

I hate dark souls because it sticks very different maps straight up next to each other.
It's like they meant to do zones with themes, like in demon souls, but instead of making you teleport to them they're all clustered.
Fuck that.

The Soulsborne games are just a poor man's King's Field.

You're probably thinking of the right spell then.

I normally don't like when people ask this in Demon's Souls, because it's so open and varied in the way these levels can be approached. But if I had to choose for you? 2-3, 4-3, 1-3, 3-3, 5-3, and then back to Boletaria Palace.

Thanks for the recommendation. I've been getting BTFO by lazer ghosts/claw bitches in 4 and I've been getting pummeled by the giant club fuckers in 5. The swamp of fucking poison doesn't help

lasers are magic damage

Cloudstone shields and learn how to sneak, my dude. If you rolled a grill chara then equip the worm-ridden clothes and bring a fuckton of lotuses for the swamp. And prepare to cry. A lot.

Swamp is easy if you picked noble.
Picking noble makes so many things easy.

5-2 is a hike that I am so, so glad exists in gaming. I've not been made work or stay so patient for a long time. It's not too much, even, that'd be a ridiculous exaggeration: for me, it's just right. Miyazaki said he wanted the valley to convey natural evil, and he did it. The designers clearly wanted a level that stood out and would be memorable while being good, and they did it

magic makes the game easy, fuck magic. Go knight or go home.

Is it true Switch is getting Dark Souls Trilogy?


What the fuck even is this post? Fucking redditers holy shit

The only reason that enemy was even remotely difficult was because the terrain prevents you from being able to just strafe around him like everything else.

It's almost like they designed him for the environment he was in.
What are the odds?

The entire reason lorefags love dark souls is because everything is kept as ambiguous as possible and their imaginations can run wild.

I never really understood what makes someone become a black phantom. Why didn't Ostrava just teleport to the Nexus like you?

Did they turn off the servers for DS? RIP

Man, these comics are nice.

Which is why you never level it up.
It was handy being able to attract these mobs where they were more easily killable, or just using sneak spells and going around them.

Cause your TV sucks. Half the levels are outside and bright as hell.

Demon's Souls servers are going down end of next February. Ya got two and a half months lefts.

I liked the storytelling nature of Dark Souls in that you picked up the lore through legitimately interacting with the world in NPC conversations and item descriptions instead of just having everything explained through a cutscene.

Sad that DeS is losing its online component though. This is why I hate games needing online dependence - the inevitable server shutdown.

I've owned Demon's Souls for years and I still haven't cleared it. Someone please bestow upon me the motivation before the servers die forever.


No way, it's shit. Play Severance: Blade of Darkness instead.

Turns out if you can't see shit it makes seeing horrible graphics that much harder.

So the entire premise of the genre is that you cannot cancel actions? Is this called difficulty?

kys faggot

It truly is the Darkest Dungeons™

Did you break your controller there?

There actually is a title drop in Demon's Souls, and I'm astonished it isn't memed on more. Talk to Freke before going to the Old One, where he urges you to kill the maiden in black so the two of you can take all its power.

"You will gain the power of a king, and I knowledge beyond imagining. The Demon's Souls™ shall be ours."

The game is littered with meta references. I like that Miyazaki decided to have fun with the game instead of trying really hard to be super duper serious. Shit like a literal Demigod that could possibly have stopped the entire scourge was just hanging out in a crypt waiting for some random asshole to smack him a couple times and that the dragon just sounds like they took some intern and had him make rawr sounds into a microphone. And that there is a couple of god fist weapons that say "Big M" in the description. The times they say the words "Demon's soul" or "Demon's souls" is in the triple digits. Pic related literally says "Take your precious Demon's soul."