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Webm Thread: Mega Edition
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Wow, early twice in a row.
Hey buddy you got some sauce on that song?
I don't know. I just got it off this thread once. Sorry. I need to organize and name all my webbums.
here you go my man
Thank you kindly.
god damn do I love some good bantz
Does anyone have the recordings from the C&C tournament from last weekend? I need bully material.
Just vampire my shit up.
I've seen this one so many times and I still don't get it
Read Emergence by ShindoL
It's amazing how long it just keeps getting worse but never quite to the point of bullshit, which makes it much more engaging than your run of the mill "subject unwilling girl to x fetish" story. This is not a good thing.
Holy fuck.
What's the source for these? They're pretty good.
no, stop.
The real reason why the Genesis was so successful.
I've been trying to find this webm, its not vidya related. I forget the name but is a music video with 2 anime grills, one has one of those wind up twists on her back and the other is shorter and blonde. They play rock, paper, scissor and the robot ones hand flies off. I forget the name of it. It was posted way back and I never saved it, its fan made obviously. Thats all I have to go on and its been driving me crazy. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I don't have the webm exactly but I know what you're talking about.
Welcome to Holla Forums now get out
It haunts me, some user set me free.
Is this animu any good beyond Shinobu? Because I honestly couldn't watch it because it was so fucking boring tbh.
shaft trash is boring and pretentious
she survived?
Exactly, I've seen, or rather, skipped the vast majority of, Bakemonogatari, the one I started off with, because it was boring dialogue after fucking dialogue. Like I said, the only good thing I liked about it was Shinobu, because she's a qt loli.
Was that her alive at the end?
It almost looks like she hit something metal that crumpled, maybe it took the blow. The woman didn't even seems shocked, is that just another day in a third world shithole or something?
TSF monogatari is both worse and more entertaining to be honest.
bring some music dammit
Friendly reminder that it's only been about two months since we've been able to post 16MB files.
how about no
i listen to this after i make cummies
wait for the future faggot
stop posting the small version faggot
Rise above your carnal instincts!
RIP Nujabes. ( -_-)7
why is this so badly animated, could've been great otherwise
Entertaining maybe, but unlike Emergence, no one dies in TSF, and everyone in that story is just getting fucked silly and turning into girls.
Previous webm thread
Pretentious garbage
i hate lain
You're not the only one. Utopian singularity nerds need to kill themselves.
You don't seem to understand.
I am falling
and i cant get up
Haven't seen Lain so I won't comment on that, but pretentious anime is awful. I watched (part of, as I eventually gave up on it) Texhnolyze and they were so utterly stuck up their own asses that they made the pacing as slow as a snail stuck in a glacier. And it's just now slow, it's filled with pretentious garbage scenes that are drawn out just for the sake of being drawn out without actually adding anything. It's as if they wanted to show how they were most certainly not like any of the 'mindless action' shows and went too far in the opposite direction. Their idea of saving a man from drowning would be to put him in the desert where he'll die of dehydration. I despise these shows that think they're far more intelligent that they are, and that annoying the viewer is intellectual. If they were actually competent they would figure out how to make something with depth without being far too pretentious.
So to you pretentious is a synonym of obtuse?
Because I'm pretty sure you're using that word wrong man.
Most things that are one are also the other. Nice trips my dude.
On one hand they could be "letting you figure it out for yourself."
On the other hand they could have an incoherent half formed idea and are just trying to seem intelligent by "letting your figure it out yourself."
Mystery is always appealing, so I let them get away with it.
not him but when i called shaft pretentious its like they are in their own little bubble and they think spamming of the some "style" is a good thing. Drones praise the shit out of it. you can sum up all their shit with pic related, powerpoint random words and overly detailed architectures that dont even fit with the characters.
if you want to know how bad shaft is go watch all of space dandy and tell me what the actual fuck is wrong with the 2nd to last ep of season 2.
Latian isnt pretentious. Overrated? sure but as far as that goes with what other people keep eating the same copypaste over used plots seeing something that just lets you sit there and think is a breath of fresh air.
But what about when an anime stops progression dead in its tracks just so it can deliver a 5 minute long scene where two characters are doing nothing of interest but conversing with each other, and their topics just happen to be of a serious or deep nature.
I've been watching Psycho Pass recently and I can't really make up my mind on those kind of scenes. On one hand they feel pace breaking, but on the other I actually enjoy the conversations and they don't feel like they came out of nowhere because the series isn't nonstop action and there's a lot of build up to these topics before release in these long conversation scenes.
I guess what I'm truly complaining about is MGS where a lot of mandatory codec calls feel like they came out of absolutely nowhere. From what I recall of MGS1 it started off as a spy story then it stopped itself dead in its tracks going on and on about nukes, and then it repeated this process a billion times and the one time I actually felt it had some sort of build up was with Sniper Wolf.
I'm sorry my maymays are not dank enough for you my fellow, have this as an apology.
Nigga this isn't youtube go fuck yourself.
Suck my dick
how about both you jewtub posting nigger
Yeah I should really learn one of these days. I feel like a mooch.
I really got the feel that whatever you're interpeting as pretentious in the gatari seires is just weird Japanese puns that don't translate well, like half their conversations had some double meaning that I knew I was missing out on but could do nothing about.
The courtroom thing? What struck you as weird about that?
i know Studio bones allowed some guest work and directors that some episodes stand out from the normal ones but the courtroom one was by far the worse if not just boring really. just felt out of place. main cast was barely part of even Dandy didnt even talk. just felt off to me
It suffers from having the same style, Space Dandy being an exception actually since they actually tried to do something jovial instead of navel-gazing crap with a focus on talking heads scenes instead of animated shit.
Bakemonogatari is pretty much everything wrong with shaft in a fucking box all neat and tidy to see exactly how they fuck up on most of their shit.
The only good talking heads style anime they adapted was a format comedy called Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei, where a suicidal teacher not really he's just a hot-blooded emo rants about retarded aspects of society while his dysfunctional students take the aspect he's talking about to a comical extreme.
It's the only show where it's not actually predictable where the joke's going and it isn't self-centered navel gazing, but you shouldn't binge watch it because it's format. And this was back in the early 2000's where they were really just coming into the industry and actually had talent and weren't complacent then.
shaft only did that one episode in particular.
not the whole show
inb4 >streaming
Yeah I could concede to that. Pretty much the only gag was that he was asleep the whole time. Maybe he was meant to represent the viewer
I really just thought the whole thing was an exercise in minimalist softcore pornography. Each episode just had a focus on different lite fetish.
There were a couple good scenes. Like the one where ontheragi's gf(?) lectures him about his selfish kindness. I don't remember it well now but I remember that it was good.
yeah you do tend to cum early
Found some alpha footage of Skyrim. Looks pretty neat.
sick reference tbqh famalamachingchong
in a different timeline bethesda would not exist because people would finally be fed with their bug ridden re-released games.
i bought fallout vr but not fallout 4.
Turns out fallout vr is just a .esm mod for fallout 4.
Not him, but what I fucking hated in gatari were the forced meme sentences. One in two characters had a catchphrase they repeated all the time. All of them, without fail, were stupendously lame and unfunny. Literally just there for the sake of easy quirkiness. I did not like gatari dialogue at all, but this is what stuck out to me. Besides the constant visual jumping to the LN writing to pretend it's grand litterature like fucking dostoyevsky.
And I say that as a guy who loved Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.
what game?
Steep. It's no SSX but it'll do.
I've been eyeing this for a while, but didn't play it because Ubisoft.
How well does it actually run? Is it broken as fuck?
what the fuck did I do wrong
I never had any problems fps wise, but it is by a fairly inexperienced studio (Ubisoft Annecy, it's their first real game) and there is some collision fuckery. Nothing that makes it unplayable but it's there. I hear they've been working on it consistently, also. I can definitely recommend trial by pirate.
Do you use an OS which reports gibibytes as gibibytes (correctly) rather than as gigabytes? That would cause a size “discrepancy” between types of servers.
how do you pirate an online game?
It's online the way Nioh is online. You can just create challenges by recording the way you played and making an instance of a race others can play. It's largely single player focused.
i figured it out. forgot to set a filesize limit.
Good taste nigger.
Have a reaction webm.
Wait what??
All these unreal and what have you videos you see without gun models are of homosexuality. What horseshit. The worst I ever saw was an Action Quake 2 video with the screen turned so bright that it can cause blindness, and of course, no gun model.
Sitting out your ban, eh?
This was in the previous thread. I don't enter these threads often so sorry if this a popular one but I gotta know. What the fuck is the sauce?? Music even has a Radiohead-esque feel to it.
Artist is Brian, name of the video is Begin.
Has a couple of other videos.
is this some new pasta that I missed?
You're a good man, user. Have a snake drinking some water.
A whole anime episode in a webm (although it's a short anime). I think an user tried to do this some time ago with this exact anime but he didn't do the whole thing, and the file size limit was lower.
If enough anons care I'll do the whole thing 1 episode a day.
Do it
why only one a day?
Anons, I need a game to to distract myself from the failure I am and I don't feel like playing what I usually do. Any recommendations for PC games that I could sink my time for the next months?
0x40 hues got hue-er?
i fucked around with the maker and ended up with that
Whats the context of this
I arbitrarily picked the rate.
And don't mind the fact that I forgot to clip the ending off the audio, it'll be fixed on later episodes if there's a next time.
I've played windward with friends recently.
Worth it while it has novelty value, it's not really a good game but it's different.
That one time Kenshiro came across a village of orphans and punched their well so hard that the water came back.
WHAT FUCKING WIZARDRY IS THIS? Or is VLC just THAT incompetently coded?
Never mind, but what you did is still pretty cool.
The original is 3 minutes 34 seconds long.
The webm's video track is 3 minutes long. the webm's audio track is 3 minutes 34 seconds long.
I removed the last 34 seconds of the video because they belong to the ending, but I forgot to do the same to the audio.
I encode the audio and video separately. When the video is done I repeatedly reencode the audio and mux it into the until then video-only webm at slightly different bitrates so I can get a file that is as close to the file size limit as possible.
Telling people to use MPV isn't just a meme. Even MPC has its fair share of issues, for instance every time I play something with subtitles on MPC the subtitles play 1 frame early, which is really annoying.
Seriously, whats up with these soy boys being turned off by boobs?
Was that like ten seconds into a JAV?
I'd blow my load too, they're mostly shit. The women look okay but sound like screeching chalkboards.
You've already answered your own question.
Wait I meant I blow my load quickly to them too as the actual sex makes my ears bleed.
It's mostly feminist over-socialization and high estrogen levels, user.
It's shit because whenever you get ripped, masculine characters they're gayer than a picnic basket.
Some might argue flat is justice, but not me
if the art style didn't look like it came out of sameface a1 pictures and character designs wasnt made by someone who literally draws porn maybe it would have been okay even with the over done tropes in the dialog. game comes off as a generic Chinese cartoon rather than a xenoblade game. but hey sex sell and you cant refute that it doesn't work. its their own choice to piss off over older players just for new people to play for wank material alone. pic related.
then did this show stop being funny? I remembered it used to be funny.
I mean… just like everything else reddit loves it's full of leftist bullshit. The political correct leftists own the entertainment industry.
maybe it was never funny and I am just now realize this.
What happened is that you just got brainwashed by nega-SJWs. Have fun considering the most incompetent warlord of the XX° century your hero.
are you genuenly mentally retarded?
It was funny, first couple of seasons. Sure, it's got the generic archetypes you listed, but the banter and some of the situations were fast paced, fun and unique (to a degree). Then it went to shit when it decided to rely entirely on injoke memes and pointless references.
That there's a whole new level of retarded.
You can keep telling yourself that being triggered at the mere sight of a black 2D chacacter isn't being a right-wing SJW. That's cancer you're going to have to deal with.
hahahahaha so you are genuenly mentally retarded!
go back to Holla Forums
the absolut bankrupt mental sate of libshits everywhere,can't even come up with their own acronyms let alone memes
Glad I never watched it
You're missing out.
And you're giving me a god damn brain aneurism.
not an american
i remenber this
dont suppose you got that one with some guy slapping his imouto's butt
i don't. any story?
Don't bother, this place is filled with retards these days. I miss 2014
black women are the worst, I fucking hate them. What kind of a beta faggot do you have to be to love that kind of shit?
What's the second webm from?
Since the original videos are now unlisted I'm giving you this one, it's from the Robotnikclaus series.
Don't bother: you have to be retarded to fall for their cult, you can't redeem them.
Now I do agree that not every brown or black person is bad, but even you have to admit that this black nigger in Archer is fucking annoying as hell. Right? That said, the fat bitch is annoying too.
sorry user
It's a dildo factory user who the fuck do you think works there?
Nigger I'm not surprised it's just funny.
Gamers! is so baased
Why don't they just point the camera at the serial number?
What? The whole thing was as shallow as the intentions. hell it was fucking stupid from page to page.
why would you upload a panel of soyboy anglos trying to be funny?
Practice for encoding large webms.
And I do find them funny.
That's one ugly onahole. Geez!
space dandy is a bones show you stupid faggot
The fags who calmed all Trump supporters where Nazi's got his show chanced? Wonder why I do not care?
These weren't half bad, good stuff.
Gaze into the mouth of madness
One of the best scenes of that anime indeed.
Which is a shame because it felt like a consolation prize to a better series.
anyone else know the webm?
guy walks into imouto's room, she's lying on her stomach and chats about some mutual female friend (?), then he points the camera towards her butt making 'boop' sounds as he goes from poking to slapping her butt, to which she goes quiet and says " x does that too"
who knew there were onahole reviewers
Homoeroticism is always present in any masculine environment. In the gym this phenomenon manifests itself in the form of gymbros calling out for daddy on hard lifts, slapping each other's ass, and making lustful comments about each other's bodies ("miring gains" in slang). The more dedicated you are to weightlifting, the more you must immerse yourself in this culture and it's gayness.
That OP is fucking great and it makes me want to watch the anime. Is it good?
its a decent. the ost is amazing
Episode 2, now with no audio fuckups and subtitles added after downscaling.
This anime is 26 episodes in total by the way.
I never did catch the joke on what the opposite of attacking would be. Guess I'm a normie too
My best guess is it's some fujoshi yaoi shit - as it's later hinted in the episode. Like top/bottom.
Since he mentioned it while talking about all the yaoi crap drawn about him I guess it's a dom/sub thing, with a defender being a sub.
All those redditards, 9cockgaggers,imgDUURs and other communities thinking they're not normalfags because they know some memes that aren't posted on facebook, I hate them, I truly do.
What game this be?
This is fucking great. Anyone know the song?
Nevermind, I got it.
I wonder if this webm works, though
Why did nobody salt that street?
it's a side effect of the 2+ years of intense,continuous liberal salt mining that has occured that has left them all tapped out.We may have to start considering colonisation of other planets to meet our needs
I think it's House of the Dying Sun or something like that, can't remember for sure.
Shes so orange…
House of the Dying Sun
If you look closely you can see that the very last truck that crashed was actually salting it while it was sliding down the hill.
Unfortunatelly it only covered like half a lane, so they would just need to sacrifice 3-4 more trucks and theyll have the road covered
this happened in the usa? Thought it was russia.
Looks like somewhere in quebec "Banque Nationale"
You can import your own music, light patterns and images. A lot of people have created very nice packs so far. You can download them on the 0x40 website.
I think you have the wrong idea bud.
nah it's knowing you can't debate someone who makes sweeping generalizations like that so you make some back and watch as they act like BLM going "but that's not ALL of us!"
Despite that song tumbling down the same path as Guile's theme, that was really good.
The fuck is this gay shit?
The defender is the sub, but that was the wrong answer to the question, so what would be the right word to use to answer that?
This thread was going pretty good until it got derailed into Holla Forums-Anti/pol/ back and forth.
Its been happening on and off since summer, user. I thought it would stop too.
"catching" and "receiving"
"attacking" and "defending"
Salting trucks couldn't do it since it's a steep hill so they said fuck it. Usually with shit like this you get a crew to salt it by hand but they obviously don't have the resources or manpower for a single street fucking hell
I agree.
Not the voice I expected for Hank honestly
Never ever
First time ever that a dub is better than the subs.
Huh, he doesn't have the ridiculously deep voice I'd expect. He sounds more like Lupin III to my uneducated ears.
SEGA refuses to do anything with JSR, but will put Beat's clothes in Sonic Forces.
ayy does any of you vatniks know the source of this music?
Episode 3.
am i the only one who feels completely dead and empty inside everytime this anime is posted?
Yes, because it's and adorable heart warming series? Then again if I really think about.. you start to feel depressed knowing you'll never have a hot waifu who appreciates you for the degenerate piece of filth you are… fuck…
nu-drum n bass all use the same 3-4 drum loops that are far from the original break. its actually kind of hard to find newer stuff that isnt same wither it be a drum loop or the samey melodic drives
What game is this? All I get is High School of the Dead
man that shit is fucking gay
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken, Episode 4.
I've switched to a higher quality source.
I'll also repost this episode on the next webm thread.
Whoever makes these is the best.