Total list of changes is a couple of to be fair tolerable to good minor scenes that explain more of the backstory and current stories of the town, but ultimately go nowhere, the ability to play songs any time you want (2 per ingame day) with three new songs, where only one of the new songs is actually worth it. At most two new animations, and no other changes to the main story.
Their responce to the criticism that the demo games they released two years before launch were better was to literally just include them in an extra menu.
Other than these nothing has fucking changed besides more polish but it just shows that it doesn't matter how much they work on polishing this game when nothing changes story-wise.
The game is still the same disappointing mess that isn't even fun to talk shit at, it's not cringeworthy like life is strange so it just ends up being a mixture of boredom and disappointment.
I can't even get mad anymore, I should've expected this, but I didn't.
I know the warning that the game is just more boring won't work so here's a link to save you the trouble, stream it faggot.
Night in the Woods Director's Cut
What was the original game then, did someone else make it?
I played both demos and liked the aesthetic and the music so I ended up buying this.
I downloaded it but hesitated on playing before I heard it was utter dogshit by everyone.
Is it still worth playing for the things I liked from the demo or should I just grab the music?
The self contained story, comfy snow sliding, and lore from Lost Constellation and the character discovery, group interactions, lore, and comfy with friends from Longest Night are gone, only apparent in small quantities. The game cares more about the character development of a character that refuses to develop more even with friends than anything else, and not in a good way. Also the mystery of the demos is just gone, and I say this as someone who never heard of the game until it came out on IGG.
Give the soundtrack a listen though, it's damn good.
More like a night with my wood
It's not even been a full fucking year and they release another edition of it?
The only redeemable part of the game was the mini game that was an actual game and the alligator bea.
I got you
She was the only character that acted like an adult and call the cunt of the cat out on her behavior, which is later undermined by her apologizing for her behavior when it's clear the cat fucked up again. Also why the fuck make porn in the game's artstyle; it's not ugly but it's sure as hell not attractive.
But is May still a horrible person filling poor Beas life with more bullshit than it already has with an overall story that runs out of steam in the final act and just ends?
Because i liked a lot about the game in terms of music, use of colour in the art and some of the writing in part 1 but it felt like they ran out of money or ideas for act 3 and just kind of gave up.
That's theboogie for you. He's into vore, cum expansion & cock bulges.
He's a fucking faggot and this game blows more than OP.
What's this ga-
user, I don't know what to tell you, except to put it in le garbage.
I see.
How can it be a director's cut if one guy made it?
How do you cut a game anyway? There's no editing step in video games.
Is it just another case of people being confused about not being in the movie industry?
In the case of video games perhaps there was some sort of technological handicap or a time restraint, sort of like how the RE directors cut let you use the analog sticks.
Does mega download contain soundtrack too?
Nah this is a free update to original, not standalone. Doesn't seem to make the game really worth it though.
Nope, sorry, just the game.
Awww shucks.
The soundtrack is like the only legitimately great part of the game, with other aspects either sucking (like the big plot) or niche (like crocodile goth gf).
That can't be the case for Night in the Woods since it's barely been a year since the first release.
I never said it was.
There's a copy in the share thread. V-OSTS.
Thank you, I even forgot about V-OSTS and share threads!
Does anyone have those screenshots of that one user who datamined the game and found their dialog system used emoticons for their emotions?
I get the feeling that would be brilliant if they had more than 5 conversation animations.
That's not really new or impressive, considering Paper Mario had unicodeesque things in its dialogue boxes for font effects.
No I meant they used like o_o/ if they wanted the character to open her eyes wide and wave. It was some shit, I don't really remember anymore. All I do know is that there's only like 4 animations that they use and they have poor variation.
Hey he used a different fucking style for once, cut him some slack
Which Paper Mario also did. I don't think games have animating dialogue segments individually since the mid 90s.
Paper Mario wasn't entirely dialog based, you talked to more than three people, and also attempted to convey actions onscreen. In PM if a character knocked on a door, they'd get close to the door and some smoke effects would come out. In NITW when a character knocks on a door you hear the noise then fade to black.
Same tools different users, showcasing a tool used badly isn't me shitting on the tool existing.
If the writing was less pretentious and forced and the text bubbles were bigger I'd consider this the new undertale. Something to enjoy in private and never tell anyone about. But as it stands the game is like someone from tumblr telling me their boring day to day lives, pausing after every sentence other word.
I'd hate to say it but I'd probably like NITW if it had some form of combat, even done poorly. Combat does good to hide a game's flaws, I only shit on NITW because the one aspect that had me going didn't go anywhere. They had full on out red herrings with hallucinogenic gases and mine explosions, but they leave it for the gay theory crowd and explained nothing, which is terrible for a mystery game.
Combat if interesting enough usually distracts from how empty the story actually is, and they try to hide it with minigames and setpieces but it doesn't really work.
And even Starbound did that with dialogue text, putting :D in chat message makes character laugh and :( frown
BAAAASH THE FAAAAAASH [Proceeds to beat up old scruffy goatman in a coat and two trash cans in a JRPG battle]
Exactly. While I don't think combat would work in this kind of game, some kind of gameplay would've helped. I think for story driven game having the story focus on relationships and drama is shooting yourself in the foot. I want mystery and intrigue not who high-school drama.
So why do we care?
Should have moved it to the right a little bit, now it looks like cyclops
Now that I think about it, are there any games that deal heavily with the Fair Folk? I don't mean just borrowing fairy tales motifs and aesthetics, I mean actually dealing with the Kindly Ones as a central part of the story.
I don't know, I feel like style-accurate porn has a greater chance to be interesting and pass off as being official.
If the alternative is generic furry porn I'll gladly take something less appealing.
Also, from the artist's point of view it's a good way to try new things and most definitely a fun exercise. See
because this game has been shilled constantly for the past week due to the gay awards and the like and got an update that lets us mock it.
also the chance that someone might stream it again would be nice.
That was a joke
Doesn't make it less true.
theboogie might be a faggot regardless but it's fun to try new things.
But pointless if you aren't going to improve
I guess.
Daily remimder that is from the same creative minds that brought us this
You know, it's a surprise the game is almost decent with fags like this aboard. You'd expect the game to be irredeemable trash but if you changed a couple of aspects the game would be a solid okay.
I can't tell if that means he has lapses of making something actually good or if he bogged down the other members of the team. I assume the latter mainly because the animations in the game still suck and I doubt he's much better at writing.
Should I watch maat and woolie play this game?
it looks like tumblr furry trash
No, again the game is boring. And they'll probably like it, most streamers who stream this game know they're going to like it going in
But what's it about, I don't want to read the thread.
Do you want a summary of the game itself or why it's bad?
The game IS irredeemable trash. The part that actually works is the aesthetic, but you'd have to build that again from scratch if you wanted to fit that in a game with actual gameplay. You could take the Kickstarter trailer and make a decent game that fits it, but that's a whole new game and not the Night In the Woods they released.
The game they made is the worst thing a game can be: Boring.
It's really just kind of boring from what I've seen
I think they wanted to go with this messed up story book feel but a lot of the characters are really unlikable and the dialogue is poor
It feels like a high school alt chick's idea of a cartoon if that makes any sense
It's about an insufferable alt cat chick who drops out of college and comes back home to the mining town she grew up in, to reminisce about how all her friends actually matured without her and how all the stores and malls have closed for good.
So it's basically like Life Is Strange, except with even less of a plot.
I remember the first time I saw that trailer, I thought the game was going to be about some teenage kids solving a weird, possibly supernatural, mystery in the woods outside their rural town scooby doo style.
The demo games didn't help, a fairy tale and showcasing the interactions of the characters made me think that they were going to have all the character drama during the adventure, not instead of.
Yeah, they do touch into being more of a "let's investigate this mystery!" in the second half, but BARELY, and with a weak payoff. Most of the game is just running around the same town repeatedly every in game day interacting with every person/thing because that's all there is to do, it only changes this part up by making the town get slightly bigger over time.
What a flaming faggot he is.
The game opens with Mae, a rare example of a completely unappealing cat girl, having dropped out of college and and arrived to her small mining hometown in the dead of night. She slinks to her parents' house and sleeps. Next morning her parents want to talk to her about why she dropped out given she'd be the first in her family to go to college, but it's a sensitive subject so they give her some time.
"Some time" turns into a week, then another week, then another week as Mae meets her childhood friends, runs around town, bothers people, and generally acts like a shithead who never grew the fuck up, because she is and she didn't. The gang is composed of Beatrice, a goth crocodile who helps run her dad's hardware store and the only decent character in this whole mess; a forgettable unfunny dog; and a forgettable faggot bear. They all have jobs, but Mae doesn't get one even after her parents lean on her to fucking do something since she wasted tens of thousands of dollars of their money.
The gang finds a dead body on the street, Mae encounters a mysterious stranger in the dead of night and begins having weird dreams, and a couple other things happen which give the player the impression there may be a supernatural element at work or a mystery to solve. I can't say I know if anything comes of it, because I quit after a dozen numbing hours of puttering around town, rubbing Mae's face on every interactable object, and having scenes with Beatrice only for them to amount to nothing.
Vid related was my breaking point. It loses all pretense of any meaningful decisions in the dialogue here, and what SHOULD lead to character development leads to nothing because the writing is so awful.
Look, I'll be completely honest with you: I flunked out of my first year of university because I wasn't ready for it. I sympathize with someone overwhelmed by that kind of academic and social pressure because it can do a real number on your psyche. But I got a fucking job over the summer and fucking did something with myself, and I didn't have a trio of quirky friends to help me adjust.
You want a similar game that's actually good? Play OneShot. Don't look up any footage, don't spoil yourself, just find a recent torrent (it was updated earlier this year) and play it.
They're not really alike other than the fact that they both star cats.
Oneshot is an example of a good story based puzzle/exploration that isn't shit but it's not like NITW which is just drama/exploration/disappointing mystery
Well, Beatrice sure told Mae how shit she is as a person too bad that she stucks with her for the rest of the game
They're both not-quite-walking sims with light puzzle elements, is what I mean. I hate to compare OneShot to tripe like NitW, but the broad strokes of the genre are there.
I'm always disappointed when scenes like that aren't followed by a fitness montage of one character actually fucking doing something and changing.
I love how they talk for like 4 minutes about personal issues but don't actually mention anything in particular, Mae makes no attempt to understand Bea and Bea just gives up being annoyed at Mae because she read the script
It's character drama and nothing else really. It ends pretty much mid-conversation and resolves jack shit.
you can pirate from bandcamp don't bully me
five bucks they're going to charge again for the soundtrack to get the at most 5 new songs they made
UGH, can we like not talk about this game
I dunno man that guy has dubs you only got singles.
Yeah, but does he have a pair of these?