Games where the happy/good ending is the non-canon one?
Games where the happy/good ending is the non-canon one?
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Real life.
I'd argue MGS, but that depends on how much you hate Otacon.
so deep and meaningful my friend, put me in the screencap btw
Silent Hill 2
Shadow Hearts 1 and Covenant have a wierd loop going where it goes SH1 bad-> SHC good -> SH1 good->SHFTW
legacy of kain.
Metro 2033
Max Payne 2
Everyone knows that Payne 3 never happened, and even if it did it was handled by an entirely different writing and development team so it's less of a sequel than Alan Wake.
Shit, I came in this thread to post this.
Still, she died and it's canon.
I know, isn't really epic?
If you want it to be.
Like I said, the game never really got a sequel by the developers/writers, so you can think what you want.
Koudelka as well, albeit it's never canon (same with the very bad ending).
Spec Ops the Line and Silent Hill 2.
Speaking of Koudelka, the author Edward is based off of is great. Everyone should read "Bride of the Man Horse."
Call of Pripyat revealed that the "good", canon ending to the first STALKER was actually the worst ending, and caused the zone to fall into chaos and begin expanding out of control. The actual good ending would have been one of the non-canon "bad" ends, joining the C-Consciousness and helping them control the zone's growth. Does that count?
You have a serious case of headcanon.
Considering the people who made the sequels also had headcannon that's not saying much.
XCOM Enemy Unknown
The commander managed to get fucked before he even researched laser weapons.
It isn't headcanon when the people behind the third game weren't behind the second or first.
Metro 2033.
You cannot get the golden ending with such shit skills, faggot.
Max Payne 3 was decent, if poorly written
I actually don't debate that, 3 was meh-good tier area if you ignore just how godawful the loading screen BS was.
Problem is it's still following up on 1 and 2. If you had called it "Man on Fire the game" I would've loved it.
Also, ignoring sequels because they're made by other people and are visible steps down isn't tumblr-tier disorder, it's knowing a Silent Hill after 4 isn't worth paying attention to, Halo after Reach isn't really Halo and Star Wars post-Lucas is worth ignoring completely.
Follow creators, not the IP's they can't hang onto, user.
Fuck it you're right, we're getting the bad ending.
Does it count if the happy/good ending doesn't last very long and things quickly turn to shit so hard that the good ending might as well not be canon?
If so, then Chrono Trigger.
Drakengard 1 is the best example of this, of the 5 endings, only one you don't destroy the world.