I remember being enamoured with this game, and looking back, I have many fond memories of blowing shit up and getting wrecked because I was a child who didn't know better.
Post your cringe here.
Shit you look back on and realise just how shit it was
Nigger Silent Bomber is still top tier
Shittiest game coming through.
Here you go.
But to me it happens the other way around
I'd take 00s pre teen PG13 attitude that the SJW, diversity and NuMale shit we get nowadays, even the mainstream shit like the Gaylo TV ads are better than the dubstep and pop filled tryhard shit we get nowadays
Mario cereal actually seems like something I actually want and I never grew up with Sega.
Everythings so sterile and creatively bankrupt nowadays asode from a few nice ideas, many of which are not even cloae to properly executed, but I guess this is what happens with all forms of media, ans vidya hit it big and all the vultures are feeding from it instead of actual passionate people who wanted to make something new or had to make due with the lack of resources they had and actually make a quality product to shine brighter than the other garbage in the market.
I meant Nintendo, and I lie, I grew up with a Gameboy, but I didn't play a Mario game until like 1998 and never actually owned one until 2004.
That game looks fucking dope. I never heard if it. The Playstation era of games had such a unique atmosphere.
Speaking of unique atmosphere anyone remember Winback? That game in my opinion is one of the most under rated cover shooters ever and had one of the best stories I had ever seen in a game. There were so many places in that game's stpty where you were making choices you never felt mattered because the game felt linear but they dramatically changed the ending and who lived or died.
Faggot I never said it wasn't, I was just saying that the intro reminded me of edgy plebbiters.
Are you telling me that shit's not making your insides shudder? It makes my skin crawl.
Black Hole Bombs were my shit
Ah, back when Koei made stuff other than Dynasty Warrior clones.
Those were the days
They have always made a wide variety of niche strategy games that just aren't popular outside of japan.
I'd fucking love to live in a world where shit's still trying to be edgy and radical. In such a world, cartoons would still be wacky and zany and fun since those kinds of cartoons are what such a world tends to demand. Vidya would probably still be HARDCOORE AND TUBULAAAR and shit'd be fucking dope. Then again I'm a sucker for shit like that, but still, damn. Maybe it's good as it is just so we can shitpost about being rad and use it to rebel against shitty modern trends.
Back when Tecmo would make Monster Rancher and shit. I miss Monster Rancher. I'd buy a PS4 or whatever for MR if it gets released on there and it's good.
I don't have too many examples of this.
The opposite on the other hand, happened to me a lot - where I would enjoy a game as a kid, but remember it as something shitty I only liked because children are dumb, only to replay the game and find out it was amazing all this time.
I dunno it looks kinda cool
Oh, I was like that with a few movie shovelware games I played on the GBA back when. They were still kinda meh but they actually had some redeeming factors to them, and I ended up having more fun than I thought I would and felt a little ashamed of it.
Gameplay was godlike for the time, I can't help that a little bit of modern polish on the controls might make it more playable for newbies.
the first mission is Jutah killing civilians
Thats the thing though
Its the difference between Michael Bay and Ed Wood.
Michael Bay is a kike who pumps and dumps movies for retards and whores them out to the Chinese if need be, Ed Wood was actually passionate about his films and pandered to people who actually liked film.
You see this shit in vidya too, back then you had edgy marketing campaigns trying super hard to catch their main audiences and that meant everything from being gritty to shock value, but they fucking tried and they knew who their main audience was most of the time.
Nowadays if its not garbage full of dubstep and pop garbage to play it safe and appeal to normalfags its being edgy ironically like its fucking vintage or something.
At least garbage like NuFront actually uses fitting music from the movies, unlike any other original IP
No wonder more and more people keep finding Nip games more appealing, at least they know their fucking audience and pander to it.
Seeing a completely unrelated fucking remix of a music by the White Stripes, both to the franchise and theme, on the Battlefield 1 announcement made my fucking blood boil.
Fag, is a hidden gem for a reason. I played it young too, but even though it's not amazing, it is pretty good as a game. You're a guy shooting fucking bombs around, and if memory serves, some bombs had different effects.
When will the cuckchan ride end?
That's damn good enough for me. I love playing old games and seeing how they all progress and develop over the course of time as new features get added in. I honestly think vidya aging is a subjective thing, because I love a lot of old, clunky games and think the flaws can even be fascinating at times. I think I'll try and get an ISO of this game next time I get a few PS1 isos, if I can remember to do so.
Vidya "aging" is a viral marketing tactic designed to dismantle and control online discourse.
And sell remakes and reboots.
Honestly I think normalfags nowadays are just into something different. Who's to say normalfags back when weren't into edgy shit? Advertising is about appealing to a large group, so it makes sense that ads wouldn't be so edgy anymore. Yeah, I prefer RAAAD a lot and even incorporate a fair amount of tubularity into my lifestyle just because it feels good, but I understand that it was also kind of a fad back when.
I do get your point though. There's something to be said about artistic integrity; things nowadays that are made honestly by talented people are still rad as hell, they just feel a little rare at times. I do believe that things are poppy just because people nowadays enjoy that sort of deal, though. Smartphones and pop music keep getting pumped out for a reason.
I used to play Privateer (the space sim) back in the day. Now that I've played E:D I can't imagine why I loved it so much.
Sometimes games do age like absolute shit though. Goldeneye is a god damn masterpiece but it's hard to go back and justify playing it for its own sake when with friends. Halo for all its faults basically replaced Goldeneye in the hearts and minds if people who liked to play shooters with their friends splitscreen for a reason. It was less clunky, had better frame rates, more map variety, vehicles, 16 player LAN. Ect. The attempt by activision to revive Goldeneye was a failure and it had every right to fail because it wasn't true to the spirit of the original game. It was just call of duty with the worst bond ever.
That's a little out there for me. People just get spoiled by features and don't wanna put up with the lack of them in older games. Grinding in a JRPG? What the fuck man where's my fast forward button? What the fuck, grinding at all? Man why does this game not let me sort my inventory faster? It's that kind of shit; I've found ways around it by just sitting down and enjoying the game but it seems like a lot of people would rather just have something patched up and new to sit down with. I get that; sometimes you just want something new and fun to play, but I personally just enjoy vidya as a whole. Hell I fucking like Atari 2600 games; those damn things are rad as hell even though they're so simple and strange, in fact, I think the simple strangeness is part of the appeal for me.
When I played 007 on the N64 some years ago I had a blast even though it was a little clunky. I didn't think there was a problem at all, though, again, I believe aging to be a subjective thing.
I can think of one.
The amount of cocksuckers sucking this overrated game's dick is astonishing. Did not fucking live up to its overblown hype.
It's not unplayable but it is definitely quirky. You're not going to convince young kids that Goldeneye was a good game on its own merits. People are going to look back on Goldeneye as something that defined an era and in the grand scheme if game design something of an anomoloy.
This is weird
this is why every game should have a decent port on PC
They don't like it user
They're conditioned to like it, thats how this shit works and while I'm not going to pretend like every company was the bane of integrity and shit like this didn't happen before Halo 2 being the most known example of this theres been a constant push for sterilized safe not shocking content for ease of mass market as globalization takes its toll, why do you think theres barely any games about killing Ruskies/Chinamen/Mudslimes nowadays?
Especially with the outset of the Syrian war and all this drama over the Middle East and Russia again.
Complaints in games like Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield 4, Medal of Honor 2010, Dead Space 2, Dantes Inferno, Company of Heroes 2 only helped.
Why do you think theres been a heavy push towards SciFi and Historical games again lately in mainstream?
Its not about normalfags liking something else, its about companies pushing for this sterile environmment so they can sell abroad and get their shekels calmly with no drama despite there being countless markets, niches and demands out there completely unexplored.
That and political correctness that has also deprived us of Western tits for the most part and also helps keep shit like we used to have before.
Its why games that are made towards a domestic market first like the Japanese and some American and moreso European games are better than the mass market shit you see nowadays.
Content trends aside from consumer burnout aren't made or pushed by consumers for the most part but by the companies and people working on these companies themsleves.
I'm sorry, user, but you have shit taste.
Holy shit isn't it? I can look back on Melee and I see a damn awesome sequel to Smash 64, but I also see this game with this huge scene that's either cancer or interesting depending on who you are. It's like you get to enjoy Melee as two things if you're into it, and if not it's just some awkward experience where you either don't want to touch the game or get kind of critical and play it with a feeling of spite towards how big it's gotten. I love Melee either way and while I don't play it competitively, I think it's really fun to watch, and I really enjoy it as a casual game, too. I think Project M is still my favorite though. Fucking shame what happened to it.
This is actually a very good point and interesting post. Thanks for clarifying and correcting me, user. Shit has been really corporate lately, hasn't it?
Motherfucking Goldeneye.
I tried to play it again after finding my old N64.
It's absolute shit. Even for the time it was shit, I just didn't realize it because I had never played a proper FPS like Doom or Duke 3D.
*Patrician taste, actually.
And no, you can brown-nose this shit game all you want. I'm never touching this disappointing crap again.
Goldeneye is about as good as Quake 2, you need need to play it with the 60fps m/kb emu.
Bathrobes villain no one cares about
And to counter that I just started playing it again after years thinking it was shit and I'm amazed at how good it is. Doubly so when you use this control scheme with 1.2 and make it play like a modern game.
I had this and Perfect Dark 64 when they were new. I liked PD64 and always thought Goldeneye was shit. It bugged me how Goldeneye was treated like the pinnacle of perfection for years on the internet when PD64 did everything it did but better and was still just a trash console shooter.
Vidya is bigger than Hollywood right now and we're seeing a culture war thats about as big as the 60s a great part thanks to the recession, recession of which also completely killed any standarts in vidya, much like PC in Europe and Nintendo in the US created them after the Vidya Crash, and centralized a great deal of vidya and IPs in a bunch of bigger companies like EA/Activision/Ubisoft while smaller ones completely died out.
Shit like Social media giving fan input and digital distribution kind of balanced this, though with all this political shit and aforementioned culture war it got only worse.
Thats what hes talking about though, playing it on the N64 where it was originally an exclusive.
I don't think I could play Turok 64 ever again, especially after playing both Remasters on PC.
Backtracking to find all the shit you need would probably just make me leave the game in frustration especially since the maps are fuckhuge and labynrinthic which still makes it a pain in the ass to navigate despite all the modern comodities of wider FOV/No fog/better res.
2 more than 1 though, 2 is much too linear compared to the first one and makes finding shit in the backtracks even more unfun than they have to even with the sparsely positioned teleports.
Everything except the character dialogue is trash.
What, the Emperor is back?
I just realized my entire life has been shit
No, the not-Emperor copy who is killed almost as instantly as he appeared.
Say what you want about Disney, but they sure know how to build a villain. Even better is that the guy who killed him got beat by Rey in the first movie. Talk about tension!
took you long enough.
Fucking do it and stream it on cytube
Well yeah, you could count the good console first person shooters on one hand and three of them would be Time Splitters/2/FP. But the point is that Goldeneye doesn't have to be absolute shit, since you can play it at 60fps with m/kb and it holds up remarkably well.
Such a shame they never did anything better with this.
I played Doom and Duke 3D at release and still thought Goldeneye was great. Even 100%ed it which I remember being legitimately fucking hard.
And never will.
~Love, Microsoft
you take that back, bastard
Scratch that, you can almost count the good console first person shooters on one hand. Time Splitters trilogy and Metroid Prime trilogy.
The kikes' pale imitation of Sheev
user I…
replace it with Darkwatch and Killer7
Smells like shitty localisation to me - not in the SJW way, just in the insanely cheap 90s kinda way.
Here's the original nippon version, though I don't know japanese.
I like the cheesy translation. It's campy and fun and incredibly oldschool, and it's something you really can't find anywhere nowadays it seems.
Did I ever say casualize?
I said tighten up the controls so the player doesn't move like a spaz, not make the game easier. Learn to differentiate.
Does everyone forget Duke Nukem Time to Kill? I loved that game.
Don't get me wrong, I love how campy it is, but the edginess sets off red flags all over the place nowadays. Shitty localisation was a massive thing in the 90s, and it's making its way back.
I remember loading times being something bearable.
Holy shit was I wrong.
Would the airport level of modern warfare 2 be more less controversial today?
Emulate at 1080 with k/m you tard, the games aren't that bad.
You dribbling faggot, Silent Bomber was great. A hidden PS1 gem.
Probably more, because of how common it is now.
More, it just showcases how evil the russians are
oh wait they dropped that a couple months ago, so I guess it'd just be a point about how whites are terrorists too or something
Silent Bomber came out during the late '90s, a time when it was possible to be unironically gritty, dark, broody and edgy. Look at The Prodigy's music from the early '90s. Then look at the famous "Firestarter". I think Silent Bomber could've held up if the grit was delivered visually rather than through dialogue. Look at Doom 2016. Your main character, when receiving instructions through a computer, just smashes the thing. No cheesy lines. No monologue. 100% action. It works. His disdain for his "superiors" and the demons is conveyed and it's not try-hard because it's all non-verbal. He is showing rather than telling.
Suikoden 2 for sure.
Reddit's Top 10
- Planescape Torment
- Baldur's Gate
- Deus Ex
- System Shock 2
- (you know the rest)
Reminder you are not allowed to dislike these games, because there is aready a consensus they are the best ever.
I remember it user.
Gothic? Really?
It feels really easy once you've played the second game and the expansion, but the gameplay is solid and it has a great atmosphere reached by very few other games.
I didn’t mind Deus Ex. It’s not a bad game. It’s not the best ever, but I enjoyed it. Same for Fallout; New Vegas. The dangerous part of over hyping things is that there is the knee jerk reaction of people hating it just to spite overzealous fantards and thus dismissing decent games out of hand.
Shenmue Online, glad it got cancelled and it's ideas cannibalized by the Chinese for their MMOs.
I actually found this in a thrift store recently and decided to try it again. It was nice for once to pick up an old game that I played as a kid, and find out it still holds up. There is insane attention to detail, the game requires some skill to chain together explosions so you can get the high-score, gameplay isn't too bad either and is pretty fast-paced.
It also has the most satisfying explosions I have ever seen in a game. When something big explodes, the screen shakes, the boom is loud and the aftermath really does look like some extreme damage just took place. Flames linger, metal bent out of shape and still glowing from the heat, stuff like that. When you take into account how fast-paced this game is, its insanely fun to run around with everything getting destroyed around you.
Aren't you the autist who argues there are no PC classics?
Every platformer on the Genesis
RKA is actually good though.
Mario Paint was fun as a kid, but the controls are pretty clunky now since a modern mouse would handle everything way better without the little ball on the bottom. Plus there was only one game mode you could play where you were actually playing a game, and sometimes the controls are a nuisance playing that even if it is fun in theory (that bug swatting game would have been good as a Wii game with the Wii-mote controller).
At least the game is still good for people making tunes out of the music player it has and sharing them with us.
Develop some better taste or git gud at reading dialogue.
read my post again
You do know that you can emulate it with a modern mouse or even a tablet right?
Ah yes Metal Gear Solid minus Kojima, so has N64 emulation made the game playable without that god damned square yet?
You are aware that Reddit likes almost everything, right?
Why would you want to play the n64 version when it got a ps2 port?
Nice try.
Most other Sonic game I go back to like "okay maybe it's not as great as I remember," but I can still enjoy them despite the flaws.
But I have no idea how I beat this game when it came out, This game has possibly the worst controls i'v ever seen.
How come GBA shovelware is never mentioned here? For all the shitting on PS2 for having "shovelware" the entire GBA library could be summed up with 30 good games and mountains of THQ Nickelodeon/Movie shovelware.
Though it could have been a nice opportunity for traditional SNES/Genesis-style 2D games, like they did with Ninja Five-O.
The GBA was only alive for like 3 years before the DS. And Nintendrones since Sonyfags don't actually exist.
Its the same with the DS though
GBA has jack shit good games compared to the DS since the DS lasted for over 5.
Thats a good joke
Now this is shitposting, how new are you?
I wasn't even refering about the library but the amount of shovelware which is even bigger than the GBA, besides the fucking straight upgrade model kikery
Do you enjoy pretending to be retarded?
Not an argument
List me good games on the DS before that date
Its barren like your mothers womb
If you list me Mario 64 I'll instantly disregard your post.
What kind of retard are you? The holy trinity of EBA/Ace Attorney/Trauma Center were released before 2007, Etrian Odyssey was released that January, and Mario Kart DS is better than most of what came after it whether you like it or not.
Where the fuck did I give dates you fucking nigger? Kill yourself.
I played the shit out of the PSX-era Bond games, but the gameplay was pretty shit, and those graphics just… do not hold up at all.
I wasn't sure if your pictures were supposed to be the few bad games you could think of, or the good ones.
But I'm glad it's this way around.
techno music comin up straight from pre 2000 porno
This guy.