Space Thread:Chit-Chat Edition

Welcome to another Space Thread Captains,Admirals and Emperors. So gather around and share your stories,exploits,challanges and goals

So please come in and share in this great space thread.

Question for the thread, If you had to choose one character(Background,OC,Main it doesn't matter) to be your companion who would it be.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope this thread is too your liking.

Reminder that X3 TC/AP is still the only good spess game.

Lets go Halo-hunting!


This should have been OP tbh for maximum bully.

It was page 13 and I was rushing to make the new thread and forgot about this.

So how bad is Elite Dangerous still? Very bad or very bad and boring?

It's still boring, unless I'm doing something wrong.

agdg, guy here what is best fighter design?

making dog fighting game was thinking of a bit of a mechwarrior clone with hardpoints and shit.

your mom lamo
you're mom lamo
yore mum lamo

i'd like to share the fact that OP is a CIA Plot,and I'm Jewish. Basically videogames are dead go fuck yourself


This thing, Its basically what happens when you take Space Engineers away from keen. It's still a bit rough but there's at-least things to do in survival mode.

Hows X3?
Should I get into it?
It looks comfy as shit
Should I play the previous two games for something they didn't add to the third game or should I just start with X3?
Asking this question only due to the fact that the games are pretty time consuming.

Also, how do you compare it to FrerSpace and which franchise should I start first or if I should just hop between the two

Yeah hit up Terran Conflict or Albion Prelude. You only really need to play the other games if you really want to subject yourself to the story.

Just remember to save ALL the damn time and stop at points across your journey and save again. There's nothing like losing 2.5 hours of playtime on a intergalactic trade run because the autopilot failed a docking maneuver and rammed you full speed into the side of a station.

Aye thanks
That a glitch or an ingame mechanic?

thats 2010 technology

At least money was put into an actual ambitious game back then considering all the garbage that came out during that timeframe

Its a glitch, Sometimes SETA (Fast forward) screws with your autopilot causing it to have issues pathing.

Could you be more specific? Are you looking for a game with some kick-ass fighter aesthetics, an example of a really cool or realistic design, or are you just wondering which classic fighter the Space Thread thinks is the most STRONK?

Egosoft did another Q&A:

Highlights include:

Looks promising

time acceleration suspends parts of the game logic which in turn can make your autopilot retarded

thankfully most problems the game has have been fixed in one way or another seeing how it has a backlog of quite literally 14 years of modding and updates

I.. don't get it.
I don't know what that video is and I don't know what Legend of the Galactic Heroes is.



And that surprises you?

C'mon anons, if you're gonna bully me then actually bully me~

He's clearly just confused why people are memeing on that guy so hard.


Aye, thanks
I heard the game is great though, is it that generic as space fightan sims go?

That was all great until the part were it shows a post of some faggot using a cuckhan wojak meme image.

I mean they all feel like the exact same thing to me, so I'm not really someone to ask. They have zero appeal to me.

user don't be a faggot, if they're not your cup of tea and you dislike the genre as a whole, which distorts your opinion on the good games in the genre just say so.

Thanks regardless

Freespace is about as great as the genre gets. And FSO also has a ton of great custom campaigns.
If you want to see what the genre has to offer, there's no better place to do so.

But I did? It's a fucking awful genre, anyway.

Well, you're wrong

And an fucking stupid faggot anyway.

ya blew it


Except TC is a standalone expansion while AP is essentially a mod, so you have to own both.

Really the only thing on AP

Where did you hear that? To my knowledge no one is getting sued yet; theres just disagreement about who owns and controls the publishing rights of the older games. And Stardock seem pretty open and reasonable about the situation. All the sources I checked into, there haven't been updates on the situation last I checked and nothing escalated to lawsuits.

It's on their blog.

Thats old and exactly what I talked about, and not a lawsuit and nowhere in that post does it indicate a lawsuit. Also the games are back on gog now.

For anyone remotely still interested in E:D something finally happened.
3 Space ports in the Pleiades nebula (all affiliated with Aegis) have been fucking totalled by Thargoid attacks and are looking for anyone to help evacuate refugees (equip economy passenger cabins) and bring in food, water and medicines to support the rescue effort.

The stations requiring assistance are
- Titan's Daughter, Aegis Coriolis Station, Taygeta System
- The Oracle, Aegis Orbis Station, Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 System
- Liman Legacy, Aegis Orbis Station, HIP 16753 System

Keep in mind the interior's to these spaceports are hot due to damaged power systems and your ship will roast along with your modules if you do not equip heatsinks. Good luck.

AP is standalone. And while each X3 is basically an expansion, they're released as entire games.

I'm like 68% sure you could do that in Reunion, and about 92% sure you could do that in TC.

Also, I've never played vanilla AP, I just play it because that's what all the mods use. Those complex kits are garbage, as are regular statons, which is why I only build saturn complex hubs.

Okay, nevermind. That's weird that it says it requires TC when it's a separate entry in my library.

Srsly, have you fucked around with the silly stock market yet? If you have LODSOFEMONE you can say, buy commodities in Energy cells, then force a favorable market by just flying to the nearest solar plant and buying all of the Energy cells.

So what are some recommended X3:TC mods for a new player?

I wish I had the patience for this game, it really satisfies my space itch, but my only ship is outfitted for exploration and that gets super dull.

Is there a fast way to get cash in the game? I really wanna get an anaconda or other bigass ship

There is usually some quick way to make cash thanks to how ungodly big the BGS is. Here is one current method I've found but I haven't tried it out for myself.

Go to GD 1192 with 4 cargo slots and as much economy passenger space as you can get. Stack passenger missions to this one planet called like LS 9360 or something, you'll know it's the one because it's to a station 1.8 million light seconds away from jump and you'll make 800k per seat. Don't accept the missions with a crown because they'll take up extra seats. Fill up, then turn them all in. Enjoy your Anaconda.

Thanks for the info, ill check it out next time I start it up.

Nah, I only play with LU, and in that the stock market is limited to company stocks, which is just completely random.

Bounce is a required mod, but other than that vanilla is fine. Then when you're bored of that, move onto AP with Litcube's Universe for the best X3 game.

Ship and cockpit packs.
Don't play without them.

Looks like this thread was heavily inspired by the last Space Thread.

I just realized something. Holla Forums archive appears to be back. We should probably get into the habit of linking old breads.

I hope they drop a colony on you.

I think I need to make my threadly shitpost about the UEF from Blue Planet Mod for Freespace 2
Just me or does each time a faction have a combination of the words "United, Earth or Federation" they are beyond fucking retarded?

Is it bad all I can picture is bad artwork of Laporte being paddled by Lopez?

The United Earth Federation from SupCom was highly competent and skilled. (And also had a glorious whites-and-japanese-only society.)

Forgot my second pic.

wew also only the Cybran can make anime real

They didn't "nearly get their asses handed to them" by the Seraphim outcasts, they exterminated them.

Your trips are sexy and I agree all xenos should be purged, but I was talking about the Aeon, i.e. the space feminazi's that need a good dicking.

How is fighting a stalemate against the Aeon Illuminate a point against the UEF? 99.999% of factions in science fiction settings would have been steamrolled by the Aeon.

Only the Cybran were the ones secretly keeping things a stalemate for the UEF against the Aeon
UEF for all their might you'd think would be able to steamroll some Space Hippies? At least Cybran had an excuse to be the underdog faction

They did. They exterminated the space hippies. The space hippies' successors, the Aeon Illuminate, were what gave them a problem because the Aeon Illuminate were their match in military doctrine (ie, the use of ACUs and on-site army construction) and possessed better war machines in general (anyone familiar with SupCom will know that Aeon were the high-cost, high-stats, specialized faction with their units generally being the best in their given niche).

It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure the only thing Aeon had going for them was air superiority and being able to hover across water.

Aeon had best air.
Seraphim had best navy.
UEF had strong, tanky units and would generally win drawn out attrition battles.
Cybran had quick cheeky units for being cheeky.

Nigger, I will fight you. Cybran has by and far the best air units.

*spams t3 gunships*

*spams ASFs with nanite missiles that can not miss, in addition to built-in stealth*

meant for

Aeon T3 gunships have almost 3 times the health of a Cybran ASF. The missiles also do shit damage compared to the gunship's missiles that do several times the damage. Sure, if you throw enough ASF at the gunships, you'll kill them, but you're gonna be losing economically like that.

I don't think the drawfag that made that pic know much about 40k…

You won't make it to T3 gunships because my T1 gunships have already killed your ACU.

Okay then.

I think it's deliberate. Sisters of Batle lust after marine geneseed.

This isn't on the level of that one guy who asked about a manga's soundtrack but it's funny.

I looked into the vanilla stock market after the user earlier mentioned it. It's crazy broken if you do nividium since there's only a few stations that will buy it, and they will only buy

Good Goyim

Aeon had best units of every class, generally speaking. High health, high damage, well specialized. They also had by a good margin the best navy due to being able to take hovering T2 shield generators (meant for land combat) out over the water. Proper unit choice was critical.
UEF had robust, tough units. Not as specialized as Aeon, not as high quality either. Good at sieges, both attacking and defending.
Seraphim were a generalist faction, with units often meant to do multiple things, for example no T2 tank, but their T2 bots were a lot tougher than the other's factions and were basically halfway in between tank and bot. Seraphim were the simple, easy to play faction because there wasn't much specialization or unit choice.
Cybran were the stealth faction. Fragile units, but really good at setting up hidden forward bases and slipping forces around. Good for assassination victories. Had the interesting distinction of having the best ASFs, though Seraphim and Aeon were generally the choice for backline airforce player on Seton's due to their double RAS on their ACU.

You know hardly any of your statements are actually true or they've already been explained in the lore though, right?
The solar system has greater industrial capacity than the entire rest of the GTVA. The rest of the galaxy was cut off from them. Don't forget the UEF invented beam jamming first and their fighters/bombers are laughably superior. They just lack beams.

Uh, the jump node got blown up. The Shivans were gone. And in the total economic collapse post-capella the hippy government literally did ensure the survival of mankind (in Sol). The Ubuntu system only presented an issue when Sol and the rest of space were reunited.

You're thinking about this in the most simplistic possible way. It's kind of hard to avoid being in range when GTVA ships completely control the terms of the engagement with better jump capabilities. UEF ships don't have the luxury of jumping in at the perfect range to snipe from a safe distance, they are usually the ones being jumped onto. And when the UEF is already in beam range it is better for them to close the distance, so their point defense screen can support their fighters and bombers in the attack on the GTVA ships. And what's more, ships like the Karuna can only project probably 30% of their firepower out past 4km, meaning if they want to finish the fight before the GTVA ships jump out they have no choice but to close to beam range.

Examples of when they use their range advantage: Her Finest Hour against the Carthage, Aristeia against Serkr Team, Post Meridian against the Meridian's battlegroup.

The Carthage is a technology demonstrator. It's literally the most high tech ship the GTVA has in Sol at the time. It has a sprint drive, state of the art active armor, and is testing the newest fighters. Destroying it would be a massive blow both tactical and strategic since the GTVA barely able to maintain enough morale at home to support the war as it is.

There was no such hint. It was an incredibly hard-fought "victory" that takes like 3 entire missions to conclude.

The tevs were at a huge disadvantage every single time they jumped, moron. Even at Saturn, when the Carthage had support from four Deimos corvettes and several smaller ships, they were still getting their asses kicked before the Impereiuse showed up.

The UEF is retarded but for none of the reasons you listed. It's because the elders are diverting war resources that could have beaten the GTVA already into a secret project to melt humanity in to a collective consciousness or some crazy hippy bullshit like that.

BP is greatly overrated. Nice models and visuals, but the writing leaves a "too deep for you" vibe full of metaphsical shit

What are the chances of aliens suddenly turning onto me? And generally, are automated mining systems better than mining stations with orbital habitats?

*teleports behind u*
*unsheathes microwave laser*

I want some fun space games that are not strategy games. Role playing games preferably.
How come most space games are strategy games anyway? Maybe i am just imagining stuff but it seems like 90% of it is some form of strategy games.

Niche of a niche, huh? Besides the mess that is Mass Defect and Freelancer, off the top of my head there's Escape Velocity: Nova and there's a free game based off EV called Endless Sky which anybody could download on Steam.

is space RPG really niche? I mean destiny is pretty huge.

This game has long been dead.

Millennial kids and dads in the fanbase are so easy to deceive into believing it's a quality game with progress and improvement.I swear it must be brainwashing

Destiny is not an RPG or a space game.

Only whites and Japanese, have society that's basically a fascist utopia.
Have niggers in their ranks, let AI rule them.
Dyed hair and female ruler, also good goyim to the Seraphim.
Space Jews but instead of oversized nose they have no nose.

It took them how long to come up with this, too?
If anything these events should happen on a weekly, not 6 month basis.

Yeah, that's why literally everyone playing water on Setons went Seraphim.

Most people did not play Seraphim on Seton's as navy, unless you're talking one of the shitty FAF unbalance patches, which isn't relevant. Most people played Cybran or UEF navy. UEF actually had a pretty good navy. But Aeon was the best. However, you actually had to put in the effort to add T2 shield gens to your fleet to turn it into a proper waterborne rape machine, which most players found to be too much effort. Anyone who did bother to make the full Aeon navy would win over non-Aeon players, assuming equal skill.

Unbalance patches? Haven't heard of those.

Yeah, FAF runs a different version of the game than 3603. The version they run takes a giant shit on the game's balance and integrates a factory mod to pander to casual players who hated the micro involved in properly arranging T1 engineers to assist your main factory.

Oh, I thought you meant a mod that undoes the balance of FAF.

Of course I couldn't mean that since FAF doesn't have balance.

What's it like being one of the 2 autists who play the inferior version? Do you ever feel inadequate seeing how much more active and how much more people are having fun with FAF?


Are you seriously invoking popularity = quality not only on 8ch Holla Forums but in the motherfucking space thread on 8ch Holla Forums? Do you even know where you are? You're in the niche of a niche of a niche and you still say something that stupid, incredible. How did you even find this place?

It is more popular because it is better, yes.

I guess Overwatch is one of the best games of all time then.

Nah it's currently worse then usually cause some fucktard at frontier thought that instead of making an update with it's usual lack of content they'd make an update with a lack of content and smear it out over several months so it feels like nothing is happening 99.9% of the time.
Damaged and repairing stations have a marker now in the galmap so it should become a more common event but nah Fdev will drag that shit out and a station that should be evacuated as quickly as possible will take over a week before someone there finally updates their state. That or the number of refugee missions required is a stupid amount but we still don't get any progress information on the bgs so we'll never know if it's actually a bgs action or someone at Fdev changing their state.
Such is the joys that is the quantum box for E:D's development. And I'm lost to it

You know fine well all my reasons for the UEF in Blue Planet being retarded are logical. You've just presented the even more illogical side of Blue Planet.

Yeah. The GTVA had fought the Second Great war and got their hands on more shivan tech.
Not to mention terrans+vasudans in an arms race to catch up to shivans, should by any logic outstrip anything Sol had, given how peaceful Sol was.

Also, UEF not having beams makes little sense given that the Lucifers cannon was left on the Sol side of the node

just make anything you like and add an engine on it, for maximum realism, add two engines, one on the front and another one on the back.

you are thinking to small, user.

what happened to The Mandate-kun?

well, they wanted to release that damn game in xbox and wanted the console market

WHAT? I completely missed them say that.

>what happened to The Mandate-kun?

I'm still here living in shame and disgrace


You know there is a way to redeem yourself right?
What you do is dress up like a little school girl wearing children's panties, then bend over a chair and let anons take turns spanking you with a paddle. Once you are reduced to tears you take down your panties and throw them into a crowd of anons. Whoever catches them gets to take you home and treat you lovingly as their daughter for a week.

These fucking things are so amazingly broken.

This is Empire At War? What mod?

Alliance mod, so far the only up to date versions are on the guy's website or steam workshop. Has so many units that galactic conquest has unit filters, and space skirmish maps need you to build extra structures to buy most units.

It's okay, we all are.


Are the *silly cows* ready to be made into *special sauce* for the *happy town*?

500$ donator because i wanted to make a faction with you guys here. My shame is real.


Any of you guys played Star Traders, I like the Trese brothers, they behave like real devs and their Templar game was pretty fun. As of now I am waiting for X4 now that ED is a complete and uter failure. I only wanted a nice Firefly simulator.

anybody have the completed 40k princess chart?

It ain't fully completed yet. Krieger-chan a best

Star Traders actually looks really good, I'll probably be buying it pretty soon, so I'll report back on whether it's worth it.

Okay, faggots, I have a request and hopefully one of you can help me out. I'm looking for a fanmade campaign for X-Wings vs TIE Fighter called "The Path Not Taken". It's old as shit, the author's page is still up but all download links are dead and my google-fu has failed me. Does anyone have this, or knows how to get their hands on it?

I never gave mandate any of mymoney, but was planning on buying it soonesque after release, if not right at release.

Seriously, what does a man gotta do to get a decent mountain blade clone in space?
I just want to raise an army of mercs and take over some backwater planets, build bigger ships and take on whatever empire is running the show.

Would anons be interested in a Freespace gamenight? or Sins, or Empire at War, or frankly any space related gamenight?

I'm interested in Sins since the last time I played I had a shitty rig that couldn't handle 4 players with max fleets without dropping to 10 fps. I'm curious how my new one would work.

How do I get into Aurora?
I love the idea of a glorious spreadsheet simulator, but whenever I start it I lose interest within an hour. It's just too much garbage that I don't find important in the beginning and it feels that half the gameplay is just sifting through shit I don't need because micromanagement
Hell I love when the learning curve is steep but if I wanted to read wikis I'd do exactly that and not pretend I'm playing a game

You could try Distant World Universe or Star Ruler 1.

Anyone knows where I can get Surviving Mars?
seems like they went on a dmca rampage and taken down torrents every fucken where
on the topic, whats the rundown on similar builder/management games like that?

r8 my idea
You have to manage the resources on the ship as well as fend of attacks

I'd play it. It'd work well with a side-on view and with the asteroid only starting out partially hollowed, like where you could play it as a slow, horizontal version of SimTower where you would also occasionally start running out of air or get attacked by aliens.

you inbreds do realize that FAF has an option to play the vanilla version over their infrastructure natively right?

Its not even out.

the imagination of the gods,
see not a mere row of a ship and its statistics, but imagine the ship in its entirety moving through that region of space, see the lives of every crew member inside while they are going about their daily business
now zoom out and see your vast empire, each interaction between the ships, people, organic
now look upon your homeworld, bustling with activity and life
knowing your every slight influence can affect every life of your starfaring nation…
imagination, let not the computer compute, but your brain

Also forgot to mention you have to deal with mutinies

Wait, we have Chinese anons here?
I thought the great firewall kept you guys separate from the rest of the world.

That's not chinese you dip, it's obviously koreen.

It's äll möönspeäk tö me.

who /starsector/ here
Is Blackrock Driveyards canon yet? I want to hunt pirates in my Desdinova without having to wait for BRDY to update with each new release.

I'm conflicted on Empyrion.

I looks fun and way more complete than Space Engineers. But it also looks like much of a grind.
How's the multiplayer?
Can a bunch of people get together to build a ship or a planetary colony?

Are there any VOTOMs games with english patches out there? Or any Dougram games?

I can accept the Chinese one, but the Korean one, is unforgivable.

See, I knew it was thai.

I have Thai relatives, not by blood though

that's pretty much a standards for all sandbox. you can't just reach the top like that, it would be meaningless.

But it will be so much fun to see that even if SC will be released in 202X so many guys disapointed on how boring the game is.
aka: the thing that's good at 1st but become a hassel as you grind to become wealthy. ²²²
That goes for a majority of the current feature such as: functionning toilet, be abble to sleep on your ship etc… tons of stuff that are only "features" when there is nothing to do and you can just play dolls.
i still remmember when N°1 mod/update for the shitty X-rebirth was the ability to trade and take mission without exiting from your ship

²²² but it's ok, i guess you will be able to buy space loot box with space money &reputation in it with real money in case you don't want to grind :^)

I played the shit out of 0.8. Now waiting for the next release, Colony stuff seems to be coming along nicely. I've been thinking about trying to make a mod for it to kill time.

They actually made making your own faction harder.

If you want to make it, your best bet is to use NExirilien or EZFaction


Serverfag here.

Currently pretty broken by the 24 hour release cycle. Every small change is getting pushed into a hotfix and let loose upon the masses, Meaning every day I've got to take the server down and update or else it's unjoinable. Aside from that MP is much more functional then SE because they're places to explore, things to do, and encounters to happen.

Absolutely- And you can fly said ship. Some planets really need some jolly cooperation in order to set up shop - Take Skillon; Its plagued with Sand Worms, Acid Rain, Corrosive fog and its radioactive as hell - 14R/hr when the sun's up.

Oh someone talking about starsector. To bad that user dies who was trying to port ironclads. Knights templar is fun, to bad they kill my fps when I use then now for some reason, they used to never do that.

It´s obviously mongolian you uneducated burgerfuck,.

Hey anons, I've been looking recently for a new space game and came across Everspace on steam. Wondering if anyone has played it and if it's worth a pirate?

Sounds good.
And its' 50% off….. I think I'll buy.

May need to put up a Holla Forums server if there is enough interest

Yeah it's worth a pirate to see if you like it

Isn't this what the Age of Decadence devs are doing, except it's gone to shit?

Delete this

how so ?


No, I meant the devs are making a "generation ship gone to shit" scenario game.

How is that bad?

Never said it was bad. It's great actually.

Never mind I just realized I'm retarded when I reread your post.

Got the Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock today.
It's pretty fun.

just shootin sum ayys

Thingken of picking up some new spess gaymen since theres a sale and all.
Currently deciding between Evochron and Avorion. Thought about picking up Empyrion but the survivalcraft meme is too strong with that one from what I saw.



Haven't touched Evochron but It looks like Discount Elite.

Avorion is X: Rebirth with DIY spacecraft. Unfortunately you can't go full autism and design an interior.

Theres also like 40 other Early Access / Space / Survival / Open World games on Empyrion is the one I settled on. Lets see how many of these actually go anywhere.

The thread was saying Empyrion is trash a few months ago. There was another that seemed promising, but I can't remember what it was called. Also, there is no reason to buy Avorion, as you can play multiplayer on the pirated version as they have no type of DRM, and you can even play with legitimate versions. It's a pretty okay game, but there isn't much in forms of content currently.

Merry Christmas anons, though we me argue from time to time and we may not always agree, you guys are great and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

So, continuing from here a little bit
I don't how long this has gone but the enemy has lobbed about 300 missiles, lost my fucking count already, but every goddamn missile has been shot down.
Seems my investment in gauss ROF and turret rotation speed paid off really well. now the scariest part is what kind of energy weapons it has on board

go on

I forgot I had the game on for hour, so the conclusion what happened to my ships

they probably didn't have any other armament except for missiles. At least I got to test how useful they can be in single ship, and I probably start putting them on every commercial vessel from now on. Don't know how useful are in later game though

I hope Trek Wars for Empire at War gets AI soon. It's great watching the Dominion Remove Hasperat while Dukat gives inspirational speeches.

Republic at War just updated

Empress of mankind is objectively the best.
Too bad.

Avorion is a bad X3 clone, with ship building. Needs a lot of polish, just play X3

what's so good about it when SI was out and give this and goes beyon that?

aight I can see now why people like Empyrion
however there are some downright AWFUL design decisions that are a sign of severe developer retardation syndrome, such as the entirety of hovercraft mining, ascence of wheeled vehicles on a largely ground-game-centered game, and the terrible fucking critter animations

Galaxy In Turmoil? Can we talk about that video game? I am excited for it. I imagine it becoming a regular game night game here if they manage to not ruin it.

The Empress (Half cost = 20. 20 points left) Use Holy Laurels to take Comissar for free


It's now a toss up.
SoB is 7.5 or 15.
Felinid would still be 9 (no cost reducion either way)
Eldar 15 points.

Only if there has been anything new released about it bar that shitty .gif

Who was the gacha aimed to?

user, it's never coming out. I'm sorry

Manly Men


Yeah, I found it funny that Space Engineers had wheels and suspension before they had planets.

Has space engineers fallen out of favor? I haven't played it in a year.

On an unrelated note. Vaygr did nothing wrong.

Its just boring, there was never any "game" to begin with, it was merely appealing to the "builder block" autism genre. If it had some kind of missions, populated planets, actual npcs other than scripted bot ships / stations. It might have been a good game. Building takes forever on survival, which appeals to another boring genre, since your only real threat are "meteor showers" Mods make the game a little better, but the planet stuff is so ham-fisted its insulting.

That said, there is a lot of neat stuff you can do, but none of it really feels fun. The stubbornness behind not having Lasers, Masers, Teleporters, or any fun sci-fi stuff has only made it worse.

In the original Homeworld 2 plot Vaygr were meant to be the "Gud Guys"


Empyrion is better

I'm looking forward to the big Stellaris update even though I'm sure I'll just be disappointed again.

Colonies soon fellow spacers. Looks like you can use AI cores as admins, they don't draw salaries and have three skill slots for colonies but they might do something bad. Damn I really feel like this game is coming together.
It will probably be another month or two before we see this stuff drop but I'm pretty excited.

Just go Empyrion.

It really is so much better than SE.
Planets are gorgeous and varried, there's lot more shit and it's even easier to construct. (one constructor can construct anything as long it has resources - you just have to put the basics, it will auto-construct intermediate components necessary).

You starships/bases can have working kitchens, toilets, beds and hydroponic sections and other shit.

Im gonna build a hoverbike and Ill find a way to slap 8 minigun turrets on it, Im gonna go in there and god have mercy on their wretched souls

also protip: if you want to go full superfortress with your cap, slap the ground facing turrents vertically on the ship, not horizontally
the deadzone is terrible on capital sized turrents

Not anymore - In space you will now be randomly annoyed by machine gun wielding satellites while surface dwellers now must contend with cannon drones an repeated spawns of highly aggressive wolf packs with the sensational ability to burrow through three meters of reinforced steel.

Serverfag here
Problem is they're sort of fake.
Behind the scenes planets, moons, and orbit are each separate maps hosted on individual server processes on the game host.
The maps themselves are square,The east-west boundary teleports while the north/south boundary (what should be the poles) are inaccessible.
That being said the game does calculate reenty position correctly between the playfield change. The game also dynamically renders a day/night cycle based on player position on map vs star position vs planet rotation. As such flying east causes the sun to rise etc.
The devs claim that spherical planets soonâ„¢ We'll see how that works.

This, There is really no reason to do Space Engineers survival aside from being an asshole on multiplayer.

Empyrion fixes this somewhat by providing loot in NPC bases. Since you're working against the tech tree and exotic materials shortages looting/salvaging these components becomes desirable.

Will people stop posting these 3D screenshots of mileena, it makes my dick ache but I know that there will never be actual porn of her with this model besides that futa blowjob pov.

They fixed some of their shit yesterday and i played 10hours of their garbage and it didnt crash or act like garbage once.

user, that acronym doesn't mean what I think it means, does it?


Yes it's Swolecard

I want newfags to leave

It's clearly Finnish

Now instead of 5fps I get 10fps, thanks Chris.
Though 10fps was enough to visit a couple moons. Oddly enough I always arrived right when a bunch of others arrived, I guess it's the instancing system. It was interesting trying to not crash into them or the LZ at that choppy framerate. As long as I stood still, the views were great, too.

For those of you playing Empyrion - how the hell do you build a new base?

A chrashed shuttle near my crash site was my base, but I gathered metric craptons of materials and built components/blocks for a new base and went about deconstructing the old one.

Now I cannot place a new core block anywhere.

you need to build a "starter block" in the constructor, for a base I think it just consists of the core itself
then you have to place it down touching the ground
the core block itself is for taking over existing buildings

The best way to play X3 is with fuggin Star Wars mods and shit. Get in your I3 Stardestroyer and fuck rebel squidamari ships in their stupid rebel mouths. Or just do some classic tie fighter action with a full wing of tie interceptors.
Many of the iconic Star Wars vessels have already been added and voice coms+hails have their movie clips modded in for immurshun

Best Star Wars space combat game second only to the old BF2

Thanks. Figured it out a few minutes after posting.
I was trying with the core block…

Get some turrets and boolets ASAP. Bases attract drones.

I kind of want to host a Holla Forums server, but judging by faggotory encountered during hosting of pulsar games it'd likely be grief central. Lemme know if you guys want to risk it.

What are some games like Endless Space 2? Galactic civilization is kinda meh. Is Stellaris actually good?

You mean in which you genocide xenos?
Aurora and Stellaris, Aurora being ages better but doesn't look as pretty.

Yeah, I just looked through the change logs. It just seems more annoying now than before, kind of silly if you ask me.

That's actually really impressive to see, they really didn't have to go that far as to simulate that much. I'll have to give it a look.

Oh man so the Tank-eating superhounds were originally nuclear armed kamikaze dogs of hell.
The story goes that leen decided that the key to Minecraft's success was creepers and they needed to implement something similar. So they decided that these new enemies would spawn every six minutes or so, in packs of four to six and be armed with the equivalent of several hundred pounds of high explosive. They then pushed this addition out globally to all servers with no way to disable them - Overnight entire metropolises of autism were reduced to crater filled wastelands. What was once elaborate feats of architecture gave way to simple bunkers and emplacements to defend against the onslaught of explosions.

What was that mod that removed niggers from stellaris?

European Phenotype? Not that I've played it.

Will it work on latest version?


I remember we had lots of fun in that other ship building game where we mined a mountain of salt, built a base with huge fuck-off guns (that brutalized the ships of players trying to attack us for even more whining) and stole a borg cube.

PSA for anyone playing Elite. After a recent CG the Federal Dropship, Assault Ship and Gunship have all had their Federation rank requirements dropped and a universal discount of 17% applied to them. This also stacks with Li-rong's univeral 15% leaving us with a discount of 32% which will also affect the base re-buy cost of your vessel.
So if you already have any of these 3 ships make sure to strip any engineered modules and rebuy the base ship at discount to get a permanent lower rebuy. If you're feeling lazy you can buy all 3 of these ships with the max discount at these stations.

Marshburn Station, Kadi
Lowry Ring, Lalande 4268
Ray Hub, LTT 10823
Levchenko Terminal, 65 Kappa Tauri

I recently came into acquisition of Starpoint Gemini: Warlord. Have I done fucked up?

what about imperial ?

There was a CG result like this when the new Imperial Empress came to power ~2 years ago, no luck this time.

Holy shit this mod is confusing. Good but confusing. I expected building empire as warhammer imperium faction, but instead you get already created empire that builds itself as soon as you hit the pause and loads of fleets appear out of nowhere. Not to mention i am not even familiar with base Stellaris and installed it just for this mod. I am going to have a bad time with this, counting how it fucking lags too.

This is one hell of micro management, especially with all those fucking rebel fleets. I am glad that autobuild works with it, but i still have to paint all sectors with hundreds of planets by hand to create war zones. I don't even feel any "gameplay" from this, just slow painful decay and waiting for next minute of lag.

Which X game is the best in the series?

Albion Prelude.

rebirth with mods

Give several reasons why

Rebirth has horrible reviews

Already covered earlier in the thread

X3:AP is the latest version of X before the rebirth redesign. Playing the other ones is literally playing the same game with less features.

As it looks from the interview, egosoft still don't seem to understand their fanbase.
I mean, what kind of argument is "Too many ships" when the most popular mods add more fucking ships?

That's because it's horrible. Mods only give it a barely passable functionality on gameplay alone.

Alright I guess I'm going with TC.
I played XBTF and X2 as a kid, should i buy X3 and support jewsoft or have they gone full retard?

What? I missed that then since a good part of the changes go directly towards what people want.
that teleporter shit is retarded though, I hope people complain enough so they take it out

No and it actually gets worse over time

Why is TC alone more expensive than the bundle?

because youve gotta be retarded not to buy the bundle in the first place

My Empyrion experience so far:


I now got a sla- … indentured servant to guard my ship

When TC had just come out I bought the X Superbox (which includes everything up to TC) at fucking gamestop for half of what the standalone costed. Egosoft just has some weirdass pricing policies.

What planet did you land on?
I couldn't outdoor farm on Akua as it gets down to about 4c during nightfall and kills all my plants.

I just bought X3TC
You may now bully me

A Slav?

Good choice user. When you get used to vanilla check out the Xtended mod.

I won't bully you over good taste, user.

Why do you want bullied over making a good decision user? If you want spanked just ask

Instead of him, I'm going to bully you over that thumbnail.

Could be.
He just stands around. Not much worth as a guard.
Perhaps I should have bough-…hired an officer.

Akua.. but random seed popped a slightly different plane I guess.


b-but he did spend more for less

I bought the war pack

Is XRM ( the best mod for X3? Are there any good star wars mods?

Theres 3 major total conversions for X3:AP
Litcubes Universe

Mayhem is a pure combat focused campaign mode. XRM is the MOST mod for X3 , Litcubes is the overall best mod for X3 as it is essentially X3.5.

The community is mostly split between XRM and Litcubes because while XRM is basically a soljanka that doesnt change the base game much, Litcubes is a complete overhaul of everything. Litcubes features every QOL feature ever and slows down combat significantly, forcing you to use fleet formations instead of simply engaging M2s and winning while in a Hyperion without backup.

pls go and stay go

Interesting For a while there they had fixed layouts for the main planets.

XRM is vanilla+, meaning that it adds a whole bunch of stuff but you are still playing the same basic storyline and universe and it is also compatible with many other small mods and scripts.
The biggest mod by far is X-Tended which is a whole new game using the X3 engine in the vein of nehrim/enderal for oblivion/skyrim but still keeps the lore of the x-universe and the same gameplay elements. It is largely incompatible with most mods but you can check here for compatible scripts:

X-tended has an AP version. The only two issues is that a variable needs to be changed in the globals.txt file to make use of the improved OOS combat and the turrets on some capital ships don't work by default due to scripting changes, but that can be fixed by using any of the big turret scripts that everyone uses.

To all Captains,Admirals and Emperors out there I just want to wish you all a happy new year and I am glad to be in a thread with anons such as yourselves. Also a toast to all those anons who left us last year.

Thanks user. I agree and wish you the same.

Dammit. Can't find some rare ores on this planet.

I'm surprised how less grindy his game is than similar games. And at the same time…not.
You mine fast and a single large deposit can be cleaned in a few minutes, giving you buttloads of materials. At the same time, you need to watch your O2, food and you have a lot of different metals/ores. A hospitable planet is generally rich in basic resources, but lacks in rare ones. Couldn't even find them in the mining guild or the space station in orbit.

Looks like I'll have to build a small warp-capable mining ship and hop to another planet to get muh minerals.

Same here user. I hope for a good year and may the anons who left us find joy in Valhalla. I love all of you magnificent bastards.

Hanging out with you deplorable shitposters is an unforgetable experience.

If only Hotwheels was here.

Made me giggle there, mate.

SVs can only hold enough fuel to warp 15AU so trips with them are one way. Make sure you bring enough crystals to reload and return.

I fucking hate this image. I hate the fact that these ugly fucking horses and a nigger are giving you the stink eye like you're some pile of shit that they look their noses down on. Fuck these ugly broads and their audacity to judge me with their ugly fucking faces. The STINKIEST bitch is probably just going to fuck the nigger anyways, and she's judging me. only chad doesn't judge he just wonders why the party stopped man he's about to get his dick wet

So i started playing X3AP yesterday and after some intergalatic handrubbing with my favorite race, the teladi, i am now sitting at 22 million credits.
What's a good beginner ship to buy for some space action?

I never thought about this user but you're right. That picture is actually rather disgusting.

buy an elephant to use as a home base

What's with all the Baneposting in LOGH? I seeing references to Masked Men, Hotheads, and flightplans. Hell there is even a CIA in it.

How do you raise rank with the faggot splits without grinding in zyarth's stand?

youre playing vanilla so the solution to all your problems is called Universe Traders
they make you free money while grinding your rep for you


Empyrion is so much better looking than SE it's not even funny.

So many more blocks and ways to paint and decorate. Even the pre-built structures and ships are great.
And they all look functional.

I've been playing some Empyrion lately as well. Tried the HWS server on multiplayer too, and it is one of the single greatest servers I've ever seen in a sandbox game. I think I'm bored of it though since I don't do PvP. Enough players for a functioning economy is nice though.

Cool lookin SV. What is it?

its a tier 1 prefab that you have from the start

Which is best among these?



I wonder who could be behind this post

How is the first Endless Space? Is it still worth playing with the sequel out?

Nah that chad looks pretty judgy

I don't think so.

Haven't tried multiplayer yet
A clan/group to troll the server would be nice.

springblossom a best

(nice digits)
Sequel is a lot better and doesn't have gamebreaking bugs like how you can be stuck into diplomacy that you don't agree to. However sequel does have ridiculously broken pirates to the point nobody can advance outside their starting systems and this include even the hardest AI's which the devs are incredibly stubborn about. They only bothered their asses to do anything about it when they got a mass of negative reviews during the steam free weekend.

I want a space rpg where you are transformed against your will into a little girl

Hey, buddy. The mental institution is that way ->

time to join the xenon and wipe out the universe i guess

Yup, AP is shit in that regard. It deisables all TC missions.
You're better off with TC


I hope you haven't stockmarket like a bitch.

I remember having a 100.000 credits and 1 hour later I have 100 mil credits.

Problem was, no one sold the massive cannons shooting those starlike projectiles for my M2 terran motherfucker.

Had to debug it in.


Is X3 anything like Evochron? I'm not too familiar with space games but found Evochron alright mostly because of its overall comfiness and the cockpit view even though it's lacking in something.
Other recommendations would also be appreciated as long as they're first person/cockpit view sandboxes

Is there are any tactical space games like Star Chronicle? You know, space chess, but with better quality than this mobile looking shit.

Trese brothers are fucking legends. Been playing the Star Traders: Frontiers early access and so far its p fun. Every ship encounter devolves either into me getting bullied mercilessly or me bullying some babby smuggler from a rival trade clan. Fuck xenos, and fuck the black market. I keep getting burned on the save fails and all my space cocaine gets confiscated.

I started my conquest of the universe by killing the other xenon so they know whos boss
I will be the only xenon in the universe and no one shall stand against me


Nothing fishy going on here


So? They're the two extremes of human government. Most countries finding themselves in a big pond with unclaimed resources tend to resolve for massive xenophobia and Imperialism, it just makes sense from a survival standpoint.

If that's too boring, then you probably don't want to be human. That said, I like it when there are 3-4 human sub-factions that you can choose from, but are in-game ala EvE. I don't like when they make "pirate" one big faction however, I like pirates that you can deal with and pit against each other or hire, ala Distant Worlds.


What's Roman Reigns doing in the Farscape Zone?!

John Harris cares not

Time to purge the universe of all life

Its like you want propaganda in your mind all day every day.

It's like you want the xeno to exist


Go fight for democracy somewhere else you circle loving hack.

Lol I hear ya. Pleb-tier spaceship design XD

yeah nah, you're a cunt

And you presume that the spaceship in isn't meant to operate in an atmosphere as well as space why exactly?

What does LOGH stand for anyway? Legend of Galactic Homos?

Did they seriously take Space Hulk Deathwing off the PSN store?

And you are doing 135 m/s on fith of a throttle in a capital…




The unlimited tune-up bug/cheat?

You can have a light fighter with more cargo capacity than a freighter

In somewhat related news:

Hey guys, made a new thread since this one is approaching the end.