Game journalist sucking at games aside. Looks like Far cry 5 gameplay very limited compared to past games for the shake of realism because of the setting. Feel free to archive for me.
IGN game journalists can’t play Far cry 5
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It's a marketing strategy so you buy the game and do it right, like what M$ orchestrated for Cuphead.
nice try shill
I tried looking up hooktube. I just gotten scat porn
Then eat the poopoo
Heh it's true I forgot this abomination was in the works
This game could've been fun if they went with a Red Dawn style commie takeover. Imagine, would've cashed in both on the right's disdain for commies and the left's hatred for Russia.
Killing Christians outside a church?
Islamic Cry 5: Call to Jihad
That's a cute sun goddess
How likely is it that the villain (again) turns out to have done literally nothing wrong?
lazy faggot
What the fuck, last time I checked there was only farcry 2.
Where did the time go?
Probably. It happened in dishonored twice
That'll really throw the journos for a loop assuming they can even play that far. Sort of like how they are confused when they feel like the South Park game is simultaneously pandering to and offending them.
It's technically Far Cry 7, there were the Blood Dragon and Primal spin-offs too.
And there were two exclusive XB games.
Blood Dragon looks the only one decent Farcry game, isn't it ?
no bully
Forgot this was even a thing. Did it bomb yet?
Journo shit aside, I'm not entirely against toning things down for the sake of realism (to an extent, of course). Far Cry was getting really fucking zany, and the last thing I want is the Saints Row trend to start back up again.
Sage for obvious shill thread though
1 ain't so bad. Blood dragon felt like a novelty truth be told. It's the type of game you burn through in a day and go oh wow that was funny and kind of alright but then you'll most likely never touch again.
If Wolfenstein 2 is sight of things to come. It might
Christ that dog looks so extremely happy and content with life.
Ubishit is in fact shit. Who could have seen that one coming?
Every time without a fail it looks like somebody who barely has any idea on how to play vidya is reviewing them…
I did like the idea of a meat grenade, but simply throwing a steak in somebody's direction should not attract a wild animal.
I would've enjoyed seeing a meat grenade that actually explodes and covers enemies in blood & guts to then attract a ridiculous animal in another type of game, like Armed and Dangerous for instance. Or MDK.
Dogs don't get much happier than the average golden retriever.
I like the part where he went up to an enemy and instantly snapped his neck like a twig. Is the protagonist fucking Doomguy?
doing nothing wrong
Вы звонил?
I swear i saged.
I liked Far Cry 3.
I thought the game was already out.
Hooktube is for retarded Holla Forums newfags who don't know how to make webms. Go back to reddit. I fucking all of you niggers.
What is this thread?
The 4-player co-op mode was pretty good. It's a shame that they never did it again in FC4.
A miserable little pile of benis.
One is a remake of the original, and the other was a followup to that remake (Expansion?). Both of them were combined into this.
Shills are known to use Tor, and you admitted to liking Far Cry 3 without even spoilering to admit that it's a shameful opinion to have around here.
Thanks for the (You).
I am not ashamed of liking Far Cry 3. It didn't blow me away, but it was OK, and I had fun with it.
Eh, I dunno why BD gets so much love, I mean, I did like BD, but the gameplay was too much like Far Cry 3, and if you've played 3, you've played Blood Dragon.
If I recall, the developers saw what happened with Holla Forumsstein's sales and immediately started trying to save face with "No no no, you guys misunderstand! The game is about the evils of CULTISTS not white Christians lol! See the nigger on the cover art? See? Not ALL the villains are white Christian right-wingers! pleasedontkillourgamemywifessonwantsanxbox" That said though, they still can't help but virtue signal. They released some video on their Jewtube about the game's "lore" and half of of it was #NotAllMuslims faggotry. They can't stop being fags even in the face of impending failure. Not that toning down the Holla Forums would help them one bit. In the end it will still just be another fucking "Clear the Outpost, Climb the Tower, Hunt Wild Animals, and Do the Plot when you're Bored Simulator." Either way, we will once again jsut get another reskinned Far Cry 3 of which the only enjoyable part will be the game's IMFDB page.
not new, but still a marvel
Agreed, makes me wanna give the Japanese Imperial Family some cousins tbh
I think it has to do with how BD doesn't take itself so damn seriously. Does anyone have that webm where the guy explains how Far Cry 2 is a survival game meanwhile Far Cry 3 and 4 (Add 5 to that list?) are toyboxes.
Far Cry 3 gameplay (gunplay especially) ain't bad + Blood Dragon is fun and has loads of ennemy to shoot = Blood Dragon is the best of the Ubi Far Cry.
I'll probably pirate it. The music sounds good, western rock esque, better than all the techno shit past 5 years in gaming.
that's the ticket. idk how shit people's taste is if they're not giving shitbergs money
I agree, it's the only good thing in the game.
The issue I have with the game is that once you unlock the second part of the island you see that the devs didn't give a shit about it anymore (empty map, duplicated outposts, boring story).
The 4-player co-op is where the fun is.
IIRC someone mentioned how they quickly changed the code for the enemy generator to spawn more multiculturalism because up until then virtually all enemies had been white.
I am out of the loop. What's fun about the firearm entries?
Dont forget a sage. Op is a faggot.
It removed it, i have it on.
Well liberated comrade))))))
I'm not done.
Based anons doing what the shitty vols do not
shitting up the thread with sosach memes?
t. butthurt hohol
da suka
proxyhohol detected
Quality thread amirite?
This memes and images older than sosach existed. i bet common mocheparasha user thinking pepe the frog invented by russian imageboard users to.
Ukrainy is pig
Why live?
What is slav-DIO saying?
Best meme. I hear they sniffing new "Russian smell" from a closest old factory under Kupchino?
Its a old meme from 2007-2008 imageboard lifetime.
I miss when shitposters had the common courtesy of saging and reporting shit threads until they died or vols bumplocked it after all the image dumps.
Man I miss those times it was like automoderation and it worked
Then what does it say on the second line my friendly slavs?
Lear Cyrillic god damn
It says blyjad
I can't wait to see IMFDB's snark. Their pages on Far Cry games (and Ubishit in general) are hilarious.
Its worked before paid shill reach imageboard. Also Mark and a fat kike but he like simple videogames related shitposting.
He said "bitch" but with phonetic error for "abuse-language forums" for sound like "beAtch"
I plan to do so eventually, im learning krautspeak right now.
Chechen are white and based, also they have hight birth rates that can be a saving grace for falling birth rates of russia
no proofs tbh
You got a wrong board. >>>/lefty/ is two blocks down.
I'd say its thaf and cuckchan crossposting retards post 2014. is always welcome though
What comes next, white sharia is good?
Id rather have white sharia than western atheism tbh
No thanks, I prefer having yuropoor citizens instead of mudslimes opening 6 millions kebab shops.
Thank you for giving me something to do this night user.
Its dead, Jim.
Did't hear anything from lefty morons about any actual russia "happenings".> is always welcome though
You need to change 'metodichka' or i will say your Curator to stop paying you for crossposting outside Holla Forums.
Bośnia removes Serbia
What are you on about? I havent been on Holla Forums for like 3 years now and i wish somebody paid me money for my shitposting.
Both of you are an embarrassment to South Slavs.
I bet you live in Canada or California and cant think about sucking Putin cock without masturbation on "Saviour oh white race!" Yes faggot?
Who said anything about souther slavs?
Im not even a southern slav, im a western slav
Holy shit, that is a cute fucking dog.
Wrong i live in Poland and i think Putin is a oligarch faggot but at least he keeps russia straight and my country should improve its relationships with Russia for mutual benefit
Idi nahuj kebab
I have a lot of cute animal pictures.
Cute dogs
What a Slavs? Most "south" slavs are mixture of kebabs or "Ingushetian" (duno how they called on english). I consider myself Fino-Ugro mix so SUOMI!
I wish I were that slut
Just use Hooktube, niggercattle. If you don't wanna run Javascript just replace watch?v= with /embed/, like so.
Webms are for shills, use hooktube, user.
And then beats and rapes underage chikdren
Oh great more mudshits
Thats not good at all, the kike comes for all of us and the muslim is its greatest far reaching arm
Who culturally hold hands in public but pretend to not be homosexuals
Unlike Christianity Islam is globalist and wishes for a united global endevearor and the same ideology for all people even if by force
Leftists will eat Muslim cum if they need to if that makes their Jewish Overlords happy
Are you HIV positive?
>loans at 0% with transitional stage of rate matching (((inflation)))
Sounds good.
What's going on big guy, you have over 60% divorce rate
my sides
Pretty hot desu.
(((Liberalism))) is Jewish tbh
Other than that, you're right.
Dont answer to RIDF cocksucker from MGIMO. he got more money from English speaking forums.
Best Menes :DDDD
Last time i checked all the major kosher sites they were crying about muh sodomites, muh opposition being oppressed so that makes them good in my opinion
Chechens are white
Only homos find holding hands homo, do you cover your dick in mans changing room in swimming pool too?
KC tier
t. kebab
Not even >>>/egy/ this stupid.
Get out.
oh fug meant to reply to this post :—–DDDD
itz fanu don wory :—-DDDDD
dangs fob de understanding comrade)))))
Ez abways :DDDDDDDDD
happy dogs truly are best dogs
wait why were the ivans specifically shitting on ps3/uncharted so hard?
Just a Soap in eye's.
implying that one doesn't mainly inherit faith from ones parents? a coloration sometimes is caused by causation. and when the Muslim rape train started in mecca and spread to the walls of Vienna. some of the Y chromosome in particular spread with it willingly and otherwise. same shit happened with Rome same shit happened with Alexander. you fight you win you get to fuck the wives and daughters of the defeated. and in the case of islam make a happa army to do it to the next tribe over.
You have autism.
Besides the Jackal from 2 and I guess Krieger from 1 (which sadly nobody remembers) I can't think of anyone.
That Point & Click looks interesting. What's it called?