What's your top 5 platformers?

What's your top 5 platformers?

Retro and new indie shit included. Recommend 5 games you think excel in some area and more people should try.

Honestly, I really like most platformers, but that's the only one that really sticks out to me.

Now does it mean only pure action platformers, like Sonic, or does it include action-adventures like Metroid?

1.) Mario 3
2.) Mario World
3.) Mario 64
4.) Rayman
5.) Sanic

Yes, 3 out of 5 are Mario games, they're platforms so I don't know what you expected

Why not both?

Mario world did literally everything better. There's no need for 3 when World exists.

fuck off

Is this really a general consensus among underageb&? I think its fine, but then again, it could just be because I grew up with it.

I started on the Atari and followed games since then. Mario 64 at the time was incredibly impressive but it's replaced FF7 as the worlds greatest circle jerk. People act like it gives you a blowjob when it's really just okay these days. People took the formula and did better with it.


Not sure if this counts, I don't know what genre this would even fall under. I want more games that are like this. Imagine New Super Mario Bros if Mario had a full fighting moveset.
Amazing soundtrack, isn't piss easy.
Same as last one
I just like this game, I think it's underrated.

Sub space emissary is fantastic. It's a shame the idea is dropped. Smashes controls + the new customisation of skills would make an amazing game. Megabyte punch does something kind of similar.

Try Pac-man and the ghostly adventures.

In no particular order, while being a hipster and ignoring games I think are a bit too obvious.
Tropical Freeze
Rocket Knight Adventures
Adventure Island
Mischief Makers
Taz in Escape from Mars

Tropical freeze played like shit.

It just went on maybe a little too long. The labyrinth part was a bit tiresome. A more concise SSE would have been great for Smash 4.

Your mom plays like shit.

Personally I like Mario Odyssey

The most casual genre of them all

Excellent taste

No particular order

Just because platformers are more fun than your neogeo roms, does not mean its casual.

1. Crash 2 and Spyro 2;
2. Crash 3 and Spyro 1;
3. Crash 1 and Spyro 3, Gex 3 and Medievil 1;
4. N, Spelunky original and Super house of the dead ninjas;
5. Elastomania and Koumajou densetsu 1&2;
6. Earthworm jim, Castlevania rondo blood and Castlevania x including SotN
7. Other castleoidvanias and N+.
8. SMB and Sonic generations.

Jumpman is a notable mention.

If it's casual then go and get all the golden skulls from 1001 Spikes or beat Manic Miner at all. I'll wait.

Mario 64 is still the best 3D Mario, because it's the only one that had a focus on actual fucking platforming. Sunshine's Flood invalidated nearly all challenge, Galaxy's level design rarely had no focus on any of Mario's more advanced moves, and most of Odyssey's moons were just "get transformation and go to place". It had a ton of sequence breaks but never were they outright required.

Anyways, my top five would be, in no particular order since it's hard to compare them:

As for more obscure things, I can recommend Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams, though I have seen some autistically screech at that one for some reason. I just thought it was solid and the world shift mechanic is beautifully done.


How so? The fluddless stages in Sunshine and most of the Galaxies and 3D World had more tight platforming. A lot of 64 was running around open areas looking for red coins, or trying to perfectly line up a canon shot, and stuff.

Fun fact, it was made by the same people that made the new Bubsy.
What could pawsibly go wrong?

All of these games have had exploration, and that's fine, comes with the territory, but you need to have a balance. The floodless missions were the only ones that required any platforming skill, and the only ones that were challenging at all in that game.
Galaxy's platforming was better, but still far too simplistic. Most times it was just "hold direction and press A".

3D world I'd agree with, but that's basically because it's a super linear game with Mario's movement completely stripped back.

I just want a decent balance of exploration and platforming. Every game gets the exploration, only 64 got the platforming right for me.

I meant that it had a lot of optional moves that you could string together to perform sequence breaks, but the majority of these moves were never utilized in actuality, aside from the most basic jump and roll.

1. Umihara Kawase
2. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
3. Goemon's Great Adventure
4. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
5. Gravity Rush 2


The only platformers I have ever liked.

In no particular order
DKC: Tropical Freeze
Super Mario World
Super Mario Odyssey
Kid Chameleon
Clockwork Knight 2

They were supposed to be secret moves to let you fuck about real hard and get to places you weren't supposed to go and break the game. They might've never been outright required, but if you're not braindead, they're incredibly useful.

this is so freaken good, holy shit, I haven't played kirby in like 20+ years and this blew me away

Spelunky occupies all the top 5 slots.

Yoshi's Island will always be the best platform I have ever seen, but never had the patience to sit down and complete. What a pity.

(Coming from someone who used to complete Mario 3 daily)

in g*d's name why

t. newfag who grew up in the handholding infested 2000s. I don't usually throw pearls at whines, but you shitty kids should be aware that when platformers were great in the 80s, kids learned vidya in the arcades. Where difficulty was top and a few mistakes meant losing IRL money.

In no particular order
Super Mario Bros. 3
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Jazz Jackrabbit 1
Megaman X3

I liked Freedom Planet well enough. They did a decent job on the "Saturday Morning Cartoon Trying to be Edgy to Appeal to Preteen Boys While Also Getting Past the Censors" type narrative. Not exactly Sonic but a welcome break from Sonic while also having good art and (mostly) good music.

Super Metroid
Super Mario Bros. 2 (doki)
Elevator Action Returns
Metal Slug 7

Knuckles Chaotix :^)
Donkey Kong Country (GB)
悪魔城ドラキュラX月下の夜想曲 (SS)
ミズバク大冒険 (PC Engine)
Gimmick (FC)


1) Super Metroid
2) Super Mario 64
3) Super Mario All Stars + World
4) Rocket Knight Adventures
5) Magical Pop'n

Even kids nowadays can play and enjoy Mario 64.

Like who?

Dustforce DX
Castlevania 1
Mega Man X
Super Metroid

Have you considered that maybe Mario 64 is inferior because it's been out done by other games in the genre which aren't just Nintendo's constant rehashes?

We're not comparing Mario 64 to all the Mario games. We're comparing it to all platformers. Mario 64 has been outdone in every possible way.

How can Mario's basic combo even compare to a platformer like Devil May Cry?

are you brain damaged?



What was his fucking problem?


So, you've never played DMC then?

From memory, those were terrible in DMC3, there weren't a lot and it can be cheesed with the double jump ability. The collision detection in ledges didn't help either.

I don't have an image retarded enough to post and associate it with you, but I hope this will do.

1) Little Big Planet
2) Little Big Planet 2
3) Little Big Planet PSP
4) Super Mario World
5) Klona PSX

klonoa is one of my favorites too

▫Mario 64
▫Rayman 2
▫A Hat in Time
▫Banjo Kazooie
▫Crash Bandicoot

▫Super Mario World
▫Rayman Legends
▫Sonic Mania
▫DuckTales (NES)
▫Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts

So you haven't played the latest Mario where you control tanks?

Filler segments that controlled awkwardly, that no one liked.

That's Bayonetta.

Just do it now and dont sleep till you win

What's your favorite anus gape game? Pic related.

Fuck off, stupid niglet. I've only played and completed the game recently and the praise it is worthy of the praise given to it.

I mainly play combat platformers when it comes to that shit. I'd have to think about it as I can't remember a lot of platformers i've played

1. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
2. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
3. Tomb Raider II
4. Rayman
5. Rayman 2

Which one? Just the original 2006 flash game? I haven't played it in probably a decade or so but if it's actually worth revisiting I'll have to have a look.

Donkey Kong 1,2,3
Super Mario World
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Megaman Zero 2 had great platforming too

Not Jaguar Busby? Wtf mang?

God bless you, you beautiful bastard.

That too.

The level design in World are hallways compared to Mario 3. 3 had more secrets, more challenging levels, unique powerups and a map design that had more secrets and doesn't have you trudge slowly to the next stage.

Yoshi's Island is definitely in the top 5


It's not even okay, it's overrated shit.

you are proving your status as a nigger. Go play the fun game kiddo.

Pics related and a tire between Mario 64 and sunshine


Hows my taste? I haven't played a lot of platformers.

Mario 64DS will be always superior to Odyssey.

You can't save on fucking Mario 3, unless it's the SNES version, then I agree.

Bretty gud user
