What the fuck Vols

Why hasn't Mark banned all these faggots yet?
If you're pro censorship you deserve the pyre like the kike you are, pure and simple.

The thread shouldn't have been locked, the faggots should have been banned and then bullied by actual decent human beings.

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like you just can't take the bants


This amount of double think must be hard. People are allowed to make fun of you for being a disgusting pedo, Mark's not gonna ban them for that, because that would be censorship.

wew lad, next you'll say spam is free speech

When will they learn that 2D loli is not pedo? I'm not even into loli that much, but Steam should restore that VN.

Yeah and jerking off to traps isn't gay.

Tbh sounds like you're mad, pedofag.

Fucking board is cuckchan 2.0 at this point

I was joking when using the term "nuweebgoons", but apparently they do exist, they are pedos and are fucking ass blasted.

What the fuck is this post

No idea, I thought most censorship stuff was directed to the gamergate thread.

It is, but sometimes people feel they warrant their own threads.
Either way it doesn't matter, people are free to make their own threads here as long as they follow the rules

Fuck it, I'm just gonna ask. What in the shit does "Vols" mean?

newfags get out
its short for board volunteers. the hotpockets
don't expect to get spoonfed again, now lurk more

I dunno lol
go ask 4chan

Well OP, any outcome from this event will end badly.

If we accept lolifags
If we shun them as pedos
Both are equally awful in my eyes and ruin a board as much as the respective other.
In any outcome, this place will be cuckchan or shut down in 3 more years.

How about we tell everyone to fuck off.
Starting from you, fuck off.

Not bad ideas anons. But if hotpockets censor anyone on either side, we're fucked.

no u

Stop defending the goons faggots who uses the argument of "I think that unrealistic drawings that look nowhere near real people are pedophilia" they are not from here and should fuck off

I swear, Holla Forums is going to fucking die next year. I blame cakejew.

The sane choice is to acknowledge only idiots thought this was going to go down any other way. Japan has far less fucks to give what happens to imaginary people.

Yo, I was cleaning the thread and it turns out OP was also shitting it up a bit. Either way there's a new thread up about it. but like I said, discussion of censorship and 2D lolis in video games should always be allowed. The issue is with spam and threads going horribly off the rails.

You're ok

Calling it now.

thx Mark

Your attempt to fix things has derailed the original topic more so than it already was.

No wonder board quality has sank so far

Just don't ruin the other thread by taking the bait or shitting it up with meta.

If you have any questions or complains, I'm here now, and in this thread. but don't shit up other threads.

You can always count on jews to be notorious pedo enablers.


Why are you so overprotective about fucking VN on fucking Steam?

Yeah, it was a different approach and it failed.

I agree with honestly, stop responding to their fucking bait and stop spamming threads. The thread was ruined by some faggot spammer who went ape shit over some goons rather than reporting them or coming to me directly.

please ban all goons forever

I agree it should be discussed, but there will be
My webm wont load. Oh well.

You either tough its bait or are taking sides. In both cases you fucked up.

bet you an Holla Forums premium you will die in your sleep sooner than this place

I'm not overprotective. I'm sticking by the gut, VNs are video games. I will defend discussion of video games. If you spam and shit up the thread, goon or not, you're gonna get banned and your posts deleted.

Holla Forums was never alive fellow anons.

Now you've done it.



What does cake mean in pizza language? I wonder.

This will never be true you filthy kike!

i ain't your fellow,buddy

If they're trying to ruin the thread then I will, but it's better for the board if you guys call them out.

post it here, not in the other thread.


Soft and creamy.
Probably scat with pizza.

You already deleted half of the posts in it, you vampire

listen, I am fine with them being disussed on Holla Forums because they are ALMOST video games and no one else will take them, but visual novels are no more video games then a choose your own adventure book, and thats a fucking BOOK

Post the ones that actually look like cartoons, and the podesta's room.

I was updating an user. Why would I post it here.

The thread was heading South long before that.

I like VNs, that statement is questionable.

top wew, the last switch thread proved that that's not true
at this point I'd rather the thread be "ruined" by a spammer, I view it as no different from people guroposting to purge newfags, gaffers and redditors.

Now hang the fuck on
Can you fucking make up your damn mind already?
This is why I have trouble believing that "just reporting them" would solve anything

The same way that some furfaggot posts highly detailed feet and then goes "UMM, actually this is a sfw pic its not fetishy, hehe"

So we have to call them out, but we can't tell them to fuck off because that is taking the bait. Make up your mind.

Mark, create a wordfilter for pedoweeb. That seems to be the new goon catchphrase after dis.posable weebshit

I remember him fenceshitting between Hillary and Trump. No wonder he got downgraded to "youtuber".


weebgoon too, I used it like a month ago as a joke and now its popping up in bait threads.

Are you fucking retarded? Same shit with nor.mie instead of normafag.

We're literally waiting for reports all the time. If the thread is being shit up, and no one is reporting anything then you know what to do.

What I mean is humiliate them if they're not shitting up the thread. I'll ban them if they're raiding and shitting the thread up, however everyone is entitled to their opinion

Change soyboy to to goyboy, that will fuck with reddit and cuckchan.

you'll never fit in

They are goons faggot, from cuckchan why do you think this shit started right after the VGAs where the ISP upped from 2500 to 2800?

This shit bait is made by cuckchanners and goons, either way they're both and they need to fuckoff.

Read books.

Mark we have too many newfags, most of the time they read the last 5 post or even worse they dont read the threads before posting on it at all, Those faggots phoneposters cant ignore bait at all, If you dont start banning the normalfags the newfags will never learn.


You're just encouraging people to take goon bait.

Don't forget about "cuckime."

Never heard or seen that one


There's an user who got convinced by mods that reading books is bad, and instead you should read imageboards 24/7. No doubt some apologist exists somewhere on Holla Forums.

The absolute state of other users

I sincerely hope you're just kampfyposting.

I had a long day, so forgive me for not being super clear right now.

Let me try putting it straight.

If someone has an opinion, that's fine.

If some small group is shitting up the thread with the same shit. report it.

If someone is spamming porn, report him.

These it?

I just want to see how big of a SUCKER Mark is, word filters can be funny.

Its interesting how degenerate elites have same language and same tastes as old cuckchan anons.

I've seen two or three just earlier today in the "anime that should get vidya" thread.

Looks like AYYYYs

I didnt even open that thread and I felt sorry for the user that made it.

well I would make it a little more obvious by putting his name in the name field but jokes are not allowed because mark had to disallow having an asshole to get rid of gays, instead of disallowing penises inside of assholes

Also I bet there's some esoteric language with the way the hands are displayed

Pozzed is already widely used with a meaning and cuntboy is an actual porn tag.
Never seen vagibro though.

So for every goon post, we have another post calling the goon a goon, that's how threads get derailed. You have to grow a spine and take action. Dozens of posts of >weebshit and >pedoshit are not opinions. Shitposting is not free speech.

I know what you're saying, but look at what I posted here.

can you gimmie a few hours to collect my shit

you aren't the one to define what either of these mean faggot

you really are the worst even at being jewish


It's a cruel irony.
When do you think it happened?

Ok, but heres a tip
Tell the vols to ban any anti loli shit
This is a raid, collateral damage be damned until they lean to behave.

I just banned a fuckton of people in the other thread

thank you for reporting them

Thank you for banning them
They're like a fucking plague

This. Anti-loli posting is the sign of a goon. Normal anons who don't like it don't shit up threads.

why the fuck are you going on cuckchan user?

Dear user,
Too late!

PS. Remember to take your vitamin K.