Losing control?
Whats your favorite plot twist in a game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite plot twist in a game?
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Are you asking for spoilers? What the fuck, shit thread.
I dunno. Probably persona 5 where a god was behind it all.
I usually hate twists now tbh. They always ruin something nowadays.
not really, nothing about it said it was literal god.
I said a god not the god.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Drank boozed up egg nog yesterday, was comfy as hell. Might try bloodborne after the thread.
When I cum, it feels like I'm being kicked hard in the balls.
Is this normal, or is there something wrong with me?
It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it hurts like hell.
the scene at the end of icicle forest in pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky's special episode 5.
Went walking and finished up my Christmas shopping. Then recorded a podcast with my m8s.
Bioshock when it turns out Andrew Ryan's your dad.
Shit topic, shitsu.
The best ones are when all the foreshadowing is done so well none of it stand out until you go back through a second time.
You probably have testicular cancer. RIP you chances of having kids.
How goes user
Go to the doctor
Or stop fapping so much
How goes fam
Buy anything cool?
Its not easy making a top for over 6 million days
How goes user
I know you're trying to mess with me, but I want a legit answer. My balls actually do hurt like hell when I cum sometimes. I can feel the wind being sucked out of me. It's like when you get hit in the nads with a soaring baseball.
Still not a god in any way. Just a thing the people made up.
How is eggnog, and what the fuck is in it?
Yes, but devs these days are too lazy for this shit.
Talked to the girl again. I also reverse image searched both the cosplay pic and the deleted pic and both do not exist anywhere on the internet. She is legit.
Got my dad a rake and my grandparents some Hickory Farms bullshit. Nearly bought a flask for myself from Spencer Gifts, but it was like 13 bucks.
Trump took my insurance.
I don't actually fap much at all. I'd say it averages out to once every other day.
How much do you cum?
Best twist is that you get reunited with your estranged father and he actually does care about your well being, and he approves of best waifu.
Like how often, or how much in volume?
Its like eggs and nog.
Really though its like a thick creamy dairy drink with spices in it. Goes good with rum.
Wouldn't trust a cheapie flask anyway.
What kind of podcast did you do?
Are you sure its your balls hurting and not your prostate?
How goes user
Alright. Still got a cough bugging me. got some late birthday presents of a $25 Amazon card and $25 cash, along with thirty tendie-bucks as an early Christmas gift.
Annoyed how I got to Act II in Vesperia and suddenly prior easy to acquire drops like Tortoise Shells are now rare for some inane reason. Had to send in the dog to steal one off the animal's back, and even that took forever.
Hard to believe Ghost Trick will be seven years old in the west here in a couple months.
I dunno. About a bottle cap full.
I'm not sure, what's the difference in feeling?
I spent most of the day just wanting work to be over and done with. After I got home, I just played more BB and practiced playing Hibiki more. Also work is starting to piss me off for reasons different than usual.
Podcast with a few m8s talking about Mega Man 11 and the future of the Mega Man franchise.
Dude, you need to go to a doctor.
wtf is Ghost Trick?
So eggnog is diarrhea waiting to happen? No thanks.
Why, am I not cumming enough?
I'm in good spirits today. Finally got the call from my mechanic that the reconditioning job is done on my car and hes given me a damn good price.
Now i can get back to going fast.
Nice! What you going to buy with your amazon funbux. I'm leaning towards getting a 4th onahole with the ones I got for xmas.
Beats me
Whats wrong with work now
Your website does podcasts too eh?
Only if you have buttproblems
wtf is it this time with work?
Ive never had eggnog but it probably wouldnt effect me too bad.
How does it not give you buttproblems?
If you have a DS/3DS, you need to play it.
.Nice! What you going to buy with your amazon funbux.
I don't know yet. Still waiting on my GXS DVD set to arrive. I just know it's going to get here after Christmas.
Wait, you bought three already for Christmas?
On occasion. We haven't done one in like a year. Thereā¦ hasn't been much to talk about until recently.
What if Luke accepted Vaders proposal to kill the emperor and rule the galaxy, and then they did and vader turned out to be cool guy who only wanted the best for his son.
Try it. Its one of my favorite things about xmas
Because I don't have a pussy stomach
Nah I bought 3 of them this past year
Thats true. How big is your website? Make any money?
Rip me then.
Only if Vader seriously deeply regretted his shit then fine.
I hate milk though.
Even from cute girls?
Decently sized. And fuck no. I've spent a few grand on this ever since I've started working here. Not all at once, it's been several years.
Sup guys. Didn't do crap today.
Same tbh famallama. Then again, I never do anything.
Only if she had big enough tits where it woudnt uncomforable to drink from during sex.
DS had a good library. Might want to at least consider getting one and a (compatible with your model) flash cart, though last I checked Ghost Trick was by no means expensive. Honestly shines as a great example of what Capcom can put out, if they give enough of a shit to quality-wise. Also, while I hate the medium myself, I've heard it has an honestly good mobile port, aside from it splitting the game into multiple purchases.
Seriously though, while I wouldn't give any game an outright 10/10, Ghost Trick is one that comes the closest to me.
Well in Dark Messiah they all talk shit about your dad for being an evil deity and whatnot. Then you meet him and he legitimately is going to give the main character all the power and make him the ruler of the world, no tricks. He even says encouraging words about Xana, the girl who lived in your head.
You need to start taking bribes or something
Sounds comfy.
Did you at least play video games?
But you hate milk
tl;dr poor communication between technical support and the marketing team leads to marketers leaving important info out regarding internet speeds are customers get really butthurt when we point this out
You dont get to drink from an aras tits everyday
I've gotten review codes and interviews before. That's about it.
Whom else uses 32chan? I already know at least one of you do.
I'd be pissed about paying for supposedly fast internet and getting shitty net instead too
You could if you really wanted to
Think you will get free copies of MM11?
Im working on it. The lesbian cake will be mine.
That's depressing. You don't do anything productive with your free time?
A little. I played Dead by Daylight with a friend for a bit. Wish I could go outside or something but I can't till finals are over.
In short, no. In long, noooooooooooooooooooo.
I don't use anything but here. Though I find I open threads very infrequently these days, and post even more rarely.
I'm a fucking neet what do you expect?
Make her induce lactation
Lame was hoping to mooch one off you
I'll make her lactate when i put a baby in her.
Get a job hippy.
That will take forever, make her get a head start so we can get pics
Society needs NEETs to keep it functioning
It really doesnt, mate.
How so?
Good things take a while
you reddit-tier circlejerking faggots should come up with more constructive topics for your threads tbh
You're getting thrown over the wall when it's done.
I was just thinking about how I'd love to have eggnog or irish cream made from cute girl milk
Wrong. The best things are instant
If society was actually worth participating in, I wouldn't be NEET
I get depressed if I don't get some fresh air once in a while.
I know that feel bro. It wasn't a good feeling for me but at least I played a crap ton of vidya. Things were better when I was just a kid and didn't have a worry in the world. I would just play and watch yugioh all day.
Maybe for you who never had to work for anything. besides, i sexually get off from challenge
Buy an air filter for your room
Hey I worked to go to nippon this year
Dude, i love you, but cmon now. Dont blame everyone else for your situation.
breast milk alcoholic drinks would be worth trying at least once, for the novelty
I think Thursday I'm gonna see if my friend is willing to tag along for the city trip plan. He'll be done with exams by Wednesday, so he'll probably need something to take the stress off of him.
Been playing vidya tho.
I have a headache so im going to bedm
I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just saying. I'd rather not work a shitty job just to make some jew richer while half my paycheck gets taken away in taxes to take care of laquishia's 8 niglets.
Cya next time user
Well right now half my pay check is getting taken away in taxes to take care of a NEET and his 8 cats.
Besides, there is nothing stopping you from starting your own business and becoming your own boss.
see you next time.
I only have 1 cat and have never taken government gibs in my life
Whoever is enabling your laziness is footing the bill then. Really, they are getting double fucked. First by the government, then by you.
What's the longest you have ever slept without waking up or being interrupted by someone or something?
This is not lewd, also I don't know. I don't remember how long my last naps were.
16 hours after staying up 50+ hours straight
2 days 2 nights for a lan party.
I got no ill will towards you, mate. It's more concern than anything else.
I've got a general life plan, its fine
That would be the end of bioshock infinte where you are the villian. How's everyone tonight?
Tired and wanting to die.
Awake at 2:49AM
I'm good. Parents went shopping and I put in a huge food requests so my fridge is filled to the top with great shit.
How goes user
You fat fuck.
I see nothing lewd.
I fucking hate that shit.
I'm more skele mode than anything user
Hope you put that plan into practice. What is that plan if you dont mind me asking? What do you see yourself doing at age 40?
Correction, i'm retarded. I stayed up or 2 days and 2 nights for a lan party. Reckon i slept for at least 16 hours and felt like complete shit.
It's the transition to death that's the issue.
My grandpa owns a few chunks of land and rents them out. When he kicks the bucket I'm going to try to convince my folks to give me one. I figure a tiny place on it, some solar shit, and my general cheap habits from being NEET for 8 years means I can work for a few months a year to be able to afford to live there easily.
If you say so, satan.
What makes it so difficult and how do I make it go by faster?
You better put some meat on you then
Cool music.
Sounds pretty solid actually.
You better fatten up somewhat ritsu for the coming storms.
Why do you hate being the villian satan?
I'm ok. Learned how to make parts of soap recently.
I tend to lean towards wanting to be a good guy.
Working on it, just made some taquitos
Why only parts of soap and not full soap
As long as you can cover taxes that would make you at least not homeless. Not too bad, mate. Better than most in your situation who are just ignoring the problem.
There was an episode of DS9 about this problem. Quark needs to die but he doesnt want to see it coming so he hires Garrak to kill him when he least suspects it. Laughs were had by all.
Darzamat do melodic death metal. I found them while looking for more bands like Bal-Sagoth.
Bal-Sagoth are effectively Warhammer the musical.
You gonna make sure of them mr satan fail dubs?
I need to read more to learn how to make the rest of the parts.
I'm not ignoring anything and there aren't any problems. I'm happier than 99% of people and live the comfiest life.
Why soap anyway
I know, that's what im saying. You're really very lucky and lots of guys who are NEET are simply ignoring the future.
I wanna be able to live like you while being able to maintain an income.
be a twitch streamer
I've always been a planner so
Give in to the NEET life.
The question both of you need to work out is what's superior. Sloth and contentment or work and satisfaction.
What if it doesnt work out though. What if your parents dont give it to you?
Back up plan is building a tree house in a random undevelopable mountain here next to a stream, setting up a mini hydro electric system, some solar, and just stocking up on food once every 6 months using food stamps.
Basically the NEETs version of going innawoods
I wouldn't pass as a twitch streamer. I've friends say most of my humor is dry humor or I come off as a robot.
I'd go NEET if I could get away with it tbh. I like money, but it feels like work has become less satisfying than usual nowadays.
Jesus christ, that's called squatting, and your artificial dam will get you fined by the EPA. That is a really bad idea. DO NOT SQUAT INNAWOODS for long time or you will almost certainly run into serious trouble. You dont strike me as the fighting kind and there are going to be vagrants who will want what you've got and they are going to take it from you.
1. get part time job, save for a few years
2. elbow grease
3. vid related
4. ???
5. profit
Just take a break for a while
I don't think that'd ever happen at the top of a big ass mountain. Maybe a hunter would find my camp
Also I wouldn't dam the stream, they make these crappy portable hydro electric fans, I figure just setting a few would be able to charge up a big battery for a while.
I could live like a king in nippon for months on that though.
You also wouldn't be able to do any of that until SHTF or you would get waco'd. Getting fined is the least of your worries if you are self-sufficient in every aspect.
I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow.
Cya next time fam
I guess everyone is working tomorrow or something.
Guess you never seen deliverance then. Anyway, all the land belongs to someone, either a private land owner or the state. If you squat in a state forest you got 50 thousand lawyers to ruin you. If you squat on private property you got 1 guy to sue you, but you could also be shot.
Sleep snug, mr roboto
I'm here everynight and you guys all ditch me. Pussies the lot of you.