I'll open up with one since this surprised me.
Yugioh Forbidden memories 2. On the surface level it's just the original game with characters changed (Bakura is the main bad instead of heishin as an example) and the story plays out the exact same
But the real good changes come in the actual game.
If you played the original FM it's that but with everything made much better and appealing, simply being able to play with multiple variants of deck other then just dragons + thunders is such a great piece of work.
ITT Games with hacks that improve the original
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean cheats as well? In that case, any game which requires you to grind in order to win (e.g. EO, Disgaea, most other dungeon crawlers, BD, etc.)
Do retranslations count? Breath of Fire II is probably the single most extreme example of a game with a good story being utterly ruined by horrific
and the retranslation patch fixes both that and the annoying bugs.
Earthbound with improved modern controls.
Pokemon Red gbc conversion.
I wish there were more gbc conversions and recolors in general, but the only one I like so far is the Pokemon one. I can understand that it's hard to pick colors when limited by both the hardware and any tricks the developers used that make coloring shit harder, such as reusing tiles. Still, it's pretty cool compared to playing (normally shitty) remakes and total conversion hacks, so I hope we see more in the future.
What, i think the normal ones work completely fine, what did change?
And suddenly single player mmo plays like a proper video game.
It just makes it so you can press one button to talk or examine things, since most shit in the game essentially gives you "You're supposed to talk/look :^)" (like "Who are you talking to?") when choosing the wrong option and my autism makes me want to choose both options just to see what happens. Not necessary at all, just speeds it up a bit.
The Maeseon hack fixes the horrific balance issues of the original game and is compatible with the retranslation.
What hack is this?
Wait a second, you can already do that by pressing L.
Fucken how.
Snorederlands 2 is only remotely playable with hacks that increase the drop rates.
Enjoy your grinding for shitty 1/2048 drops from every single duelist and the shitty villagers throwing out 3000 ATK monsters within the first ten minutes of the game.
Its quite amazing.
This, but i'll asume he also made some events automatic like selecting key items and using them at the proper place / person, to avoid believing the modder was less than smart.
There's so many for FFVI (SNES) that I don't even know where to start. I think there's one big patch that rolls up the dozens and dozens of bugfixes into one, can't remember though because it's been so long. There's also one that gives you permanent Sprint Shoes, which basically means you hold B to run like any other RPG. FFVI is such a broken mess that it's definitely the best example of this kind of thing. IIRC one stat didn't even function at all in the original release.
does anything like that exist for the first game?
FE8 essential fixes patch. A lot of it is hacking related but some of it make FE8 a better experience regardless.
(Physical) Evade did not contribute to evasion at all. Magic Evade contributed to both instead.
Seems to always be the case with translations. It's not hard to guess why, just fascinating to see.
Pokemon anything that unlocks all Pokemons in one single game, bonus points if it makes the game harder.
Complete randomizer are fun too.
Also playing anything else rather than Fire Emblems is fun.
find me this FF6 fixer, I'd love to replay the game in a more complete form
Pokémon Crystal Emu Edition.
Perfect Dark/GoldenEye 1964 emulator bundle with 60 fps and K/M control.
There are patches on romhacking.net if you look under Final Fantasy III.
The quality of life improvements hack for Links Awakening DX makes the game a lot less tedious.
I'd play with Yua's back mountain
Out of curiosity, even if both are compatible, which would you apply to the rom first? Or does that even matter?
Haven't heard of anything like that for it, no.
In that case, from what I remember, it was Capcom's sheer laziness with the GBA port that prompted it. In an era where some other companies like Square had begun to take the opportunity with rereleases/remakes of classic JRPGs to revise the English scripts, Capcom just lazily ported the existing, infamously bad English script from the SNES original to the GBA port. Cue three years (at minimum) of autism from one fan to do what Capcom wouldn't, giving English audiences an actually good script after so many years, and release it freely.
But no, it's not always the case with fan-translations. Most are indeed more labor of love for the games in question, as opposed to doing it for profit, but some fan-translators are still faggots. Brigandine: Grand Edition suffered badly, for example, and there's been worries over how the translation efforts for the games Iwakura's handling (including Fate/Extra CCC) will turn out.
There is Breath of Fire Improved, search for it on romhacking.net
Nice Windows XP, resolution, & size you have there on that clipped cap.
Love it when modders release cover [box] art describing their hacks:
One of my fav.s is hyper.metroidconstruction.com
Personally tried to update the website on my own, but Begrimed never endorsed[saw?] this
Like PKMN FRO in ?
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Castlevania Aria of Sorrow has a lot of weird translation issues that were fixed in a retranslation patch. It's mostly just enemy and weapon names, but there are also a few item and ability descriptions that either don't make much sense or are completely wrong, without the patch.
Do you have any examples? I remember some Soul descriptions were pretty vague.
The dead warrior soul says
when what it really does is let you interrupt your own attack animations.
Oh, I see.