I want to be a HERO in full spandex and everything beating up bad guys and crooks wherever I see them. I know about some games letting you do this but champions online sucks and and city of heroes is dead.
there is always the old x-men arcade beat em up but i am honestly not big into X-men.
You just wish you were a woman dressing up in a tight superhero outfit and getting plowed in your pussy.
I'd rather fuck the woman in a tight superhero outfit but whatever floats your boat man.
why does she wear the spandex
Do women find that outfit comfy? I can't see how having your crotch 5mm from being expose let alone the camel toe.
Also curious, especially if it's got a custom character creator.
Closest I had was DCUO. Which had the downside of being an MMO.
Thinking about it, an RPG where you make your party from the start & give them powers could be neat. Unless it's RPG maker.
Looks like somebody didn't masturbate before making a thread
wouldn't it just be like wearing a swimsuit? I dont know how comfortable they are but they cant be that bad.
What else would a HERO wear upside down satan?
Who wouldn't? I miss City of Heroes.
I always liked to imagine a RPG about a lone HERO going from stopping petty thugs to stopping world domination plots. Probably wont happen but a man can dream.
Technically that's what DCUO and Infamous did. Matters did escalate.
Closest you can get is Fractured But Whole, but that hardly scratches the itch.
you know I entirely forgot about infamous, pretty good game but I would like a game with more customization. Making your own hero with his own powers and stuff.
OP wants to be an hero?
how many people remember this?
That kid's suicide is incredibly famous on imageboards even to this day, you still regularly see the people say "an hero."
Freedom Force and FF vs the 3rd Reich
The first game is very silver age while the second dips into golden age and pulp
The never ever sequel would have had cosmic bronze age leanings
Did they ever find the iPod?
I had actually almost forgot about that Naruto kid.
I use to want to a hero.
Now I want to BE a HERO.
I dont care about what women think
Comic books aint for women so who the fuck cares.
Remembering the "old" days legitimately depresses me.
That takes me back.
Tell me about it man. The old days were different .
People don't even remember Jessi Slaughter
Are you like fucking new or some shit?
With all due honesty though, I kinda feel bad for the kid.
Who the fuck doesn't remember her?
Why are cape girls so much better than the trash took drawings Japan makes?
hey now jap HERO's are pretty good too.
I'd love to pound their pussies of steel!
Her dad was right though -those consequences never were the same.
That was from 2010 man
That was 8 years ago.
Jessi 2010? What? i was pretty sure that shit happened like 12 years ago
probably had brain/bullying problems and they just wiped the whole thing under the rug with the whole "an hero" thing
The boob window is for comfort and ventilation. The space between a chick's breasts can get hot, sweaty and uncomfortable, and this is more true the bigger her rack is.
I thought it was there to distract bad guys.
You wanna know what else happened in 2011? SOPA
I read in one of her comics that it's because she has no logo put put there. She used to be part of the Super family, but later something happened, I don't know what, don't know Power Girl that well.
Every writer has their own explanation. Usually colored by the mindset at the time. The original explanation was that she was simply proud of her body and a bit of a show-off.
I like this explanation to be honest, it fits a super hero.
Mark Bagley once told an entertaining story that illustrates how fun comics are when SJWs have no control. Apparently the artist for Power Girl at one time had performed the following experiment: he made her breasts bigger every issue to see how long it would take before somebody noticed and told him to stop.
(It took 7 issues. He stopped enlarging them after that, but they didn't get any smaller either.)
There have been many explanations for the boob window that vary depending on how scared the current writer is of SJWs, but the correct answer for both Power Girl and the writers/fans seem to be "because that's how we like it."
Shit man are we bumplocked?