So this came out, a crowd-control early-access pixelshit game...

So this came out, a crowd-control early-access pixelshit game. I have a feeling that this is liberal propaganda judging by the description
>As the world’s economical crisis deepens and inequality tears the very fabric of society the discontentment of the masses manifests itself in violent public disturbances and civil disorder.
Here's the IGG link so you fags can try it out for me.

Im interested

Good goy.


You can beat up antifa guys and even shoot them with sniper rifles

Shills don't learn do they?

Keep getting the Failed to initialize Direct3D error. Any assistance?

Some of you faggots will call anyone a shill

come say that to my riot shield

i hope mohammad crashes through your house, kike

Did the developers have a spine to let you slaughter civilians?

Are you being ironic right now or legitimately this dense?

How do you live with youself user?

Hope you enjoy your bitcoin miners goyim

Proof or gtfo

You can kill as many of them as you want

Wish that was like a strong rule in Holla Forums. But GamerGate made videogames political so there's no escape unfortunately.

There was no escape before, gamergate just made you aware of it instead of a useful idiot.

Anons have been reporting it pretty frequently. I got one myself with the new Rome DLC.


It's legit. Straight from r/The_Donald to your computer.

Felt like a pretty boring flash game to me, I dropped it when it started to run like shit because why bother dicking around with the settings. Seems like they went out of their way to be inoffensive as possible and for that it's pretty damn dry. Did the other thread for this fall off the board or something?

gatorgade was the response not the cause

My bad. I meant the Zoe Quinn fiasco.

That scream was dubbed in, look it up

the only thing I believe in is that you're a faggot who doesn't belong here, fuck off from this entire site back to .pl and don't come back, also consider suicide.

Also bump for rioters, although I have to admit the game feels terribly unresponsive. Sure they aim to keep a genuine feeling of chaos, mob mentality and what not, but thus far it feels like a mess if anything.

Police are like trashmen.
They make sure garbage isn't polluting the streets.
And they shoot niggers as well as beat up antifa.

IIRC, it was advertised at RTX or Rooster Teeth Exo (Rooster Teeth being a very liberal company based on Austin), and the trailer featured rioters, as well as a Donald Trump-esque looking figure sticking out the top of a limo shouting and pointing, before driving away in fear as the rioters draw closer.