♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Will play with Lexi for succ Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Will play with Lexi for succ Edition
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Oh. Fair point. I didn't mind him.
probably not to make you never get kids.
you're soooo fucked in this game if you don't get any
he was a d-bag
but i think the issues is the writing was just fucking terrible
just fucking trite and shallow like all japanese writing
i am hero
i want to be the strongest
Yeah the story was pretty fucking garbage. I couldn't even get through the game because I hated it.
the upcoming game looks shitty too
oh gee another fucking magic crystal
makes me want to bash my head in why are these games being made
what's up
those are tiddies
ban all women
ban all nederaad
Every Final Fantasy being made now is fucking garbage.
Good morning, love.
Rem's hands.
dude i cant hyped for any japanese anything
other than death stranding
ban all posting
ban all existence
I can't really get very hyped for any games nowadays.
Also I am taking off for awhile, give Squash my apologies for bailing as soon as he showed up.
Hey, love.
death to all mankind
i am hyped for civ 6
You cant boot the scoot, spitter if troof, so raise the roof... otherwise u dun goof
Harambe would understand no matter what we chose.
Yeah, this
Rem's armpits.
Harambe succ cawk in hell
He's too good for us.
Also get in call.
Your fetish has been acknowledged.
im a mod again
"if Trump's words were put to music and rapped by Lil Wayne, or Kayne West or Missy Elliot, America would be paying to download it on ITunes. The title would be #GrabHerByThePussy.
The outrage from a nation who listens to filth for entertainment is laughable"
All I ever wanted was to have been born female
But yes
J-Jodan desu yo..
Anyone joining me ro rifkdrink tonight?
Or do i need to go full retard on my lonesome
You're right, Emilia probably has better armpits.
what retard made that quote
Subtle's fetishes - "Rem's armpits" appended.
[judging internally intensifies]
Can't argue with it tho
Says it all. The amount of raw hypocrisy is really sickening.
she's been in my prison for 58 years
do I release her?
are you being ironic
No. Seen shit like that myself too.
Guess it sucks when you run for president but thats really the norm these days. Everywhere, by everyone.
tbh trump cheats more than your average multi-million dollar rapper
also rappers less of a creep too
If not Steam what do the cool kids use now
I ironically love Missy Elliot
I wish she had a song called "grab her by the pussy"
so you think that a musician should be set to the same standards as someone who wants to run a country
execution seems to do
I had MSN.
It was good.
Isn't Line that weeb version of WhatsApp
Guess every millionare pays their taxes fully all the time. Offshore is pretty much non-existant these days for example
Oh wait
Thats the only thing yeah. At least he is honest tho. Always. I'm lovin' that
Never even listened to any of those.
Yeah, but Kirino stickers tho
Wait what
Are emoji deprecated now?
its a good meme
the train wreck is incredibly riveting and that includes the mental leaps people are making to defend him
I'm afraid as fuck to watch the debate today.
He will be destroyed
Oh its a nigga
Is this some kind of Rihanna shit? Pop?
oooh, fatass rap
make america grab her by the pussy
dude i am almost afraid too just on like a: "oh this nigga is gonna get creamed what if he cries or something this is embarrassing" sortve way
like i legit feel a little bad
imagine being a woman and getting pussygrabbed by the donald
Same. Its like waiting for an execution
Only Zuckerberg can fuck up this badly
Why did I not know this
i can only imagine the fucking panic attacks he is probably having
don't you just love piers
Yeah, they should have gotten rid of the Kuroneko stickers to make room for more Kirino stickers.
Poor Ikt ;;
Calling it quits for tonight would be wise
Which means there is no way he will do that
Aw shit nigga, this will be bad,
Oh u
Everybody here uses WhatsApp anyway.
Ayase stickers where
interesting they are talking about getting him off the ticket
but it seems too late for that now
which im sure hilldog is happy about
I mean Kyosuke-kun picked her so it must mean she's best girl.
There were like, 6 in that screenshot.
That's like, 2 less than second-best girl.
Kanako only gets 4.
He really needs to get all of his shit together to stay standing.
Looks like there is no way back after all, fuckdamnshitcunts
Whoah, you actually watched that animu
I bet you don't even wanna watch eromanga sensei
G-Good? She's cute too D:
Why wouldn't I have? It was enjoyable.
we will have to see
but really all hillary has to do is not fuck up
doesnt even have to do as well as last time really but she's been focusing on debate prep for 4 days
i hope she is more gentle than trump is with those women
She's a bit of a bully though.
mechanical hard drives fucking suck
Bullying can be nice sometimes.
At least she's not yandere.
Only if the comedy value goes above demented incest
That shit is too fucked up
You'd screw a sibling?
Naah, Hillary is even more hateful than Trump but she knows how to shut the fuck up. It will be a blood-bath I tell ya, she'll go maximum overtroll right from the start. It will be like 7 hours from now right?
Yandere is cool though.
Use optical drives.
rip me
9 in my timezone
If I watch Sword Art Online does it mean I want to get trapped in a video game?
I'm sorry for your loss.
Incest is life, though.
Yeah, and a bad one at that
NGNL sequel when
Gotta spend 7 hours somehow then
Shit thats a long time
Why do I have to succ before we play??
Its wgat good girls do
I heard emily gives the good succ
ask her
succ before games so you can warm up for sucking at games
Yeah, it's unlucky that you have such unfortunate tastes.
Oh yeah, NGNL so good cause the incest is just a joke and they're only step-siblings.
I hear you are the best though
I don't give the succ.
Like Tsundere Kirino is better
Tsundere is god's gift to us unworthy humans.
She is a loli tho
Loli makes everything all right
Don't worry i'm here.
I guess some tsun is ok
worry, I'm here.
Yeah don't copy me.
Well, I guess that confirms you fap to loli scat and loli guro.
Shit man, I didn't take you for that kind of person.
Oh thank goodness, it wasn't nearly gay enough in here.
Well I fixed that real fuckin' fast.
Heck yeah you did.
I'm starting to worry that it might be TOO gay in here now.
Some? You must mean all.
Well if you leave it should take a huge drop.
I'll get my share when I ever get to watch toradora
I can't even remember the last time I did something gay.
You haven't seen Toradora?
I haven't even seen a lot! I need to get comfy to watch things.
I know what you mean. I haven't really done anything today but I can't watch anime unless I'm in bed.
Everyones done at least 1 thing thats gay though.
Hmm, nothing-nothing?
I always end up distracted and end up doing computer stuff
I played osu!, showered, posted here, I'm talking to a friend on Skype, and I think that's it.
I haven't eaten at all.
Well yeah, it was just a long time ago.
Was it with Smiles?
But you have done something gay before and that makes you a fag.
That's a comfy sunday
well, except for the no food. Shouldn't you get some?
Emma dans un sac en papier
No. I do remember it actually, it was in May.
But you've like done like 80 times as many gay things as I have.
I don't want to move, I'm under a blanket and it's comfy.
Me in a paper bag
what if homosexuality was infectious
I hate public transport
you would be sucking cock like a champ
I think that might be proper but I always use du, de, or à.
Its not my fault guys are sluts.
Line somebody to bring you foods.
I want to be comfy now.
Train > Bus
is that leafy?
I want to share an onahole with subtle !
Both are shite.
idunno who that is
But he has you.
Its a meme you dip
Ruining my avatar.
Whose fault is it then?
My friend wouldn't even come over to bring me my blanket from my room. Selfish much?
Ugggh, finally.
Girls are icky.
But you're home now
Dump them all
Everyone except for me.
Thats better.
You're icky.
I don't think I can fit.
But then who will get me food?
he's the new internet meem
But you're a guy so you must be a slut too because guys are sluts
Can't you exchange them for working friends?
That's how it works right
Hey that's a pretty rude assumption.
I've only showed my dick to like two people in this thread and thats pretty low.
Did you just assume xir gender?
You started it.
Yeah, I think so. Bring me food.
Coincidentally I've shown my dick to exactly zero people.
Yeah, sorry.
I don't feel like.
You think girls like to be sluts like guys do?
So whats wrong with your dick?
My room is cold as fuck. Booting up my heating right now.
You turned it too personal.
You're going to get replaced.
It's so tiny that it's practically not there.
I thought I was going to die.
custom sack
I heard Mordins are pretty slutty.
Should have gotten a R9 290X
Who's the lucky servant?
I only called one person icky, you called 3.7 billion people icky.
Is bag, not sack.
I don't know where you keep getting this idea from!
what did his chin do wrong
Thats absolutely pathetic.
How do you live with yourself?
His chin? He doesn't have one?
By being a strong independent white woman.
It's true
When are you gonna make the swap?
23 years ago.
Oh you be silent. You do nothing but defame me with your bestiality scenarios.
Tell him to get your blanket too
drowning in makeup?
Precisely. Yours was specific whereas mine was not, you savage creature.
Well at least you waited until you where 18.
it ran off somewhere
Yours was overall more insulting, though.
I already got my blanket though. And I got good news.
I really don't wear much anymore.
I didn't actually.
Good thing I have plenty of hot chocolate then!
Can I take yours?
but why not?
Good news?
I want to shower but the bathroom is freezing cold.
If I can move in.
I thought you were not even a girl. People keep averring so.
Alexis, you playing OW?
Oh I wouldn't do it any later than your early 20's .
Oh, well... I'm a girl irl btw way ok?
Please share
You constantly show me pictures of german shepherds and rottweilers and telling me how much you wanna lick their buttholes !
Can you really cast stones here?
i believe both of you
Ooooh, that's great news. Enjoy the meal :3
post face. you got more than one thing to prove now.
You're a bit too late for that, sir.
Fucking oishii
Quite far to travel from here to your studies !
Naturally, miss SwagOverload420
Nothing wrong with going abroad though
What's the stuff on the left?
No one will ever believe you.
You remembered :3
Thai chicken
I believe him
Yeah I probably am.
I'm gonna go get some chinese food.
Oishii af
Shower now.
Good choice, enjoy yourself my dude.
Desu told me
Waah everyone's leaving!
Takes a ton of planning here at least zzz
Naturally, I'm there right now
Things like this make me lose faith in humanity
The truth is already out mordong
that was private dude what the fuck
Did you have a good time at your parent's?
You sorta deserved it for using asshole instead of ass pussy.
I want to share an onahole with you
its a tailhole
maybe later
Hey, wanna share an onahole with Desu?
Why would anyone want to have a tail?
Are you propositioning me for someone else?
anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white
man i dont want one dont ask me
Yes, actually.
fufufu~ Then we can dress up as touhous together and kiss
It's just one of those things that sure, fetish and whatnot, but the logical aspect of a biological tail seems so off since we don't really need it for balance or anything.
but which touhous?
BBC is a codeword for British Broadcasting Company.
i imagine it's just aesthetic appeal
like any other fashion accessory
Big Black Cock news!
As you can see, he doesn't need a lot of help
Touhou is shit though..
I went to the mall a few days ago to get pants and there were two hambeasts in the courtyard with like the anime-esque ears on the head and animal themed hoodies.
It had to be a joke.
you're shit and bad at dota and a smelly neet with ogre feets and dont talk shit about touhou
Why do only two of the triangles have the angles drawn?
But it doesn't look like he is having much success.
Or is this just how you guys dirtytalk?
its always the fat ones
gg I hit a nerve
This is the only thing I can do
There was some "club fair" thing on campus a few weeks ago and there was an anime club that kind of baffled me: it was like five girls and none of them were particularly hideous and average by all standards with one being fairly attractive.
It was really jarring.
very suspicious
There is one way to end it permanently
You're so considerate to him.
never speak to me or my wifes son ever again
I'd like to think I'm a considerate person generally
Wow congratulations
Dw I won't
also it's humid as fuck
fuck arizona
time to go move to fucking alaska
So you let him do lewd things to you because of how nice you are? :3
I imagine it's what it'd be like to go to some furry convention and it all being well adjusted individuals.
im removing you and won't add you back until my wifes boyfriend lets me
i assume they are gross in other ways
you may be going loopy
that's odd.
Something like that
It has to be a joke.
The only conventions I've ever really been to were gaming ones and it's admittedly conformation bias but it was mostly just fat dudes that smelt awful, since the events are always in the summer, and incredibly creepy to the few females that were there.
So I'd just assume any more austere fandoms or conventions would be worse.
Ecchi hentai baka sukebei
everything is slow
just in general i assume pretty people are somehow scummy in other areas like personality and morality.
i think id hate an all around pretty person though so who knows.
ive only been to a cooking convention when i went to culinary arts school. highly recommend it
stop being slow
im not slow momma said im special
life is slow
why does life have to be so slow
There are people that are well rounded and decent in every regard; you just have to really be a hypercritical dick to fault them.
Was it like chefs and companies trying to promote their wares or restaurants?
You should just kill yourself already.
discord is comforting
anisise milk feels kinda spermy
maybe i made it wrong
of course
being with friends
Why do you have to make everything gay?
i do that naturally
lot of free samples
What's the Discord to hang out with now
I have Animu Circlejerk and "My butthole" and they both are not active
its because youre doing nothing with your time
what even is life though
as fun as any game
and funner when freinds + games
it's my main happyness now.
:) i get to smile.
hi angle guy!
not mine
it's a graveyard now.
biscof is the best
Nice. There's a pavilion at a farmer's market I go to that has that on like, the first weekend of every month. It's pretty nice because it's professional chefs that some of them you can just give whatever you just bought and will incorporate it into what they're making.
that sounds really cool actually
Just like /aneki/.
hey weird user
"Every penis should have a mouth to live in." - Donald Trump
hi strawberry person
Subtle said she wants to let me give her a rimjob...
im the guy who forced himself into your steam friends list remember?
The traditional gay/hipster parts of downtown are always best for that kind of shit since they try so hard to stand out since some "quirk" of whatever it is, be it restaurant or even just a store, is pretty much required.
i have the same thing. like deer burgers and shit like that
Oh yeah, happy Turkey Day to anyone Canadians around.
no u
Fucking lit.
too many
stop gloating and leave
Don't you mean, quit goating?
ill rephrase
fuck off
happy thanksgiving
I've eaten deer a lot since plenty of people I know hunt but it always tastes off if it's ground for some reason. The texture just isn't appealing. Like in any deer sausage. The game-y taste isn't bad but the meat's texture just seems off.
ive never eaten it. im not really eager to try new foods
I'm taking time away from my family to shitpost
Have a good one guys, if / when you eat the bird
Hi Darwin
whats up
Is Luka in it, just sitting in the corner and never saying anything while he listens to other people talk?
isnt thanksgiving monday
grim what is you're discord
i'll prolly just go to mc d and grab a jr chikn for 1.65
suck my ass
when is the next game so you can all go away
Pretty sure thanksgiving is never on mondays
Chill out, George.
Elk is better than regular deer but it's fucking expensive.
Any "wild" meat like that has nothing offputting about it, it's just a cultural thing of seeing it as either unclean or just not accustomed to eating.
Hello, Emma. I hope you are doing well.
she'll talk to me
but she won't say hi to me
moogs pls
my personal one?
Hi Grim.
@Darwin What the heck?
U mad?
idk any you use for shitposting
itd be easy if you werent all so grating
i will settle for chicken
Hi Ikt
nani ?!?
Hi Squash, it's Emma
What did I do?
Why are we grating?
If you say so, Wash.
i changed my mind btw i guess she really hasnt changed much
oh well
It's uncharacteristic of you to say something like that
"Broaden your horizons" or whatever that expression is.
All animals are tasty.
wild guess but names starts with an sc?
Explain your reasoning.
I communicate that to HIM quite often.
Changed your mind about wha?
Fuck if I know, Goggles does it too when he's here.
He enjoys it as background noise, allegedly.
Wait, what?
four or five or something days ago i thought wish had changed a lot but i now realize i was wrong
still seems like a huge bitch
There should be some unwritten rule that if you're in a Skype, TC, or whatever, you have to actually be participating or else you're kicked.
It aggravates Squash for some reason.
My interactions with HIM are very pleasant and I wish him well regularly.
what was your name, you might have the wrong person
This. I don't like it when Luka does it either.
All these unquoted convos
no i definitely do not have the wrong person
im sci
Squash made it a rule, so you're on the same wavelength.
The loneliest ones enjoy idle chatter as it comforts them.
Shitposting? I don't shitpost in any of my discords
okay that one is just perfect, saved like fuck
Are you jealous that he talks to me more? :3
He's the best.
I envision it as being among a group of friends and having some random eavesdropping, even though it is another person you are familiar with.
The Grim one, I have no interest in your normal life.
are u laughing because i thought she had changed or because you disagree
It'd be the same as going to a party and literally just sitting in the corner staring at people.
No, I am content with our frequency of communication. I do, however, have a desire to play League with him more.
What if they are just shy and do not feel like talking yet?
jfc you are annoying
yeah now if they'd only give him like double the german voice lines already
yeah thats what my mother told me but what does she know
I've never played League with him ;;
Jealous? :3
It's our God given right and responsibility to eat every animal.
A bit, yes.
Rodhog needs love more.
Well that's obviously the actual reasoning
i thought we were all supposed to be vegans before eve fucked that snake
you want desu to give you a rimjob?
voice is scary
aha. my steam friends list is too full of weird people I don't know.
I want Subtle to give me a head pat.
Then don't voice?
He did say he would teach me how to play Counter Strike though
I will not call you.
According to Genesis at least, nah. Creationism was that everything not human was created for humans to eat or use. Eden had animals.
I don't
♥ maki
I'd settle for a few more skins for him and zarya then give roadhog his snoopdog voice line if it hasn't already been implemented and I haven't seen it yet lol
huh wonder where i get that from
That's fine. We don't have to call every night.
oh, no, i mean sci is my cj handle. i deleted u long ago.
i thought you did
I'm just waiting for a skin that has less covered up.
He plays that too? What a nerd.
You distract me greatly.
i think luka is just scared you will bully her for having a deep raspy voice from years of smoking
dont worry, it had nothing to do with u. i just didnt want to have so many so i deleted all the people i never talked to
You never are the first to hang up.
I guess because it's always just referred to as a garden and the story of being able to eat every fruit but the particular figs/pomegranates.
Mhm, he mentioned that he plays it with his friends a lot and that he uses osu! to warm up for it.
Lewd af..
I still barely know who you are though.
were you that math dog or something I don't remember
I want Subtle to give me a 250pp play
Luka also gets bullied for not talking, so...
no i remember it from sunday school. and apparently animals didnt eat each other either? i dont know fuck that church.
Who are you two even talking about
Nothing had to eat really in Eden.
I presumed he used cigarettes for that.
I forget we are talking with everything that is happening.
i dont smoke
Cigarettes to warm up for video games?
There is a new thread
He smokes between League games. I dunno.
You have a lovely singing voice though.
im not using that thread
no furries allowed in my thread
i already said i didnt want to be there the damage is done you cannot try to retake it
just let me rewrite history this one time
Genesis has him saying that every animal is man's to rule and that every plant is there for food. It doesn't really specify that they can exclusively eat plants.
It's intentionally vague like all of the "mythic" parts of the Bible where it's not really a fault of translation but that it's just vague to begin with.
Sci why are you posting pictures that make you look like a pedo
mugen said it not me!