Did Far cry 5 got delayed because Ubisoft got spooked by the bombings of Wolfenstein II and Mafia III and scrambled to...

Did Far cry 5 got delayed because Ubisoft got spooked by the bombings of Wolfenstein II and Mafia III and scrambled to cut out all the blatant "muh alt-right, fuck Drumpf, all white men are Nazis!"-tier propaganda that they had in the game?

Nah, don't kid yourself, that's exactly what FC5 is going to be. It'll sell well, while being accused of being yet another cynical FC3 reskin, and will be met with "7.5/10, it's alright i guess" reviews.

Reminder that Wolfenstein II won action/adventure game of the year award.

Ubisoft, caring about political backlash? No, we're talking about the people who all but ushered PC culture into "AAA gaming." It's probably just a broken and unplayable mess, although that hasn't stopped them in the past.

Reminder that the VGAs are a joke.

It's not like it had any competition.

Isn’t realsing a broken PC port political at this point?

Not like it will help it sell any better at this point. Plus Bethesda can thank EA for trying to kill off single player games for that

Ironic for the people that had pic related into their games and were trashed by SJWs for not having any female characters in Unity or drew homophoby controversies over FC4 cover.

SJWs were pretty salty that Horizon Zero Down didn't win any awards, nor GOTY despite being nominated. But then again nobody remembers it.

Didn't Primal bomb? Also Ubisoft got a shitton of flack for the past few bombs like For Honor, the Division and Watch_Dogs 2. You'd think people's trust in them would be in an all time low now.

Critically, it was another "7.5/10, it's okay i guess" game. Commercially, Ubisoft claims it "performed better than expected".

more likely because the game had loot boxes and battlefront 2 exploded because of them

Yet players eat up rainbow six siege

6 million copies confirmed.

This is paranoid bullshit and you know it. They had every chance to go that route, but they didn't

You're jumping at shadows user, don't be a faggot.

People said that before watch dogs 2 came out

boy golly, aren't you going to be a happy camper when you save up the hundreds of dollars of groceries since you'll be eating your words when it comes out.
No, it'll likely not be as absurd as we speculate it will be, but there will be clear as day references to "drumpf" "alt-white" etc. being the prime evil of this world. It'll be slightly downplayed so that the moderates won't be triggered either and buy it.

Wait. Now I know you are full of shit

Don't buy it, spread red pills about it wherever it is mentioned.
Don't play it, even for free.


Amazing Grace isn't in the bible.

the leftists intentions are clear, it's not like they ever read one or give a shit if it is or isn't, braindead normalfags will make the association


t. leftytard who never touched a bible

I will walk naked around earth if this happen.

Was Primal it's own game? Just thought it was an expansion of Far Cry 4.

Primal was pretty much a FC4 expansion that was cut down and made its separate game. The world map was literally reused and nobody payed attention.

The game at least flopped. Its down to 50% on Amazon.

t.idot that never read any book in his life

That's just kidding user. No one ever said "it will not happen" literally from day 1 when they showed the burka baker grill we all knew what was their intention.