It's been a while since we've had one of these threads.
For anybody unfamiliar, these threads aren't like normal webm threads. You only post gameplay or gameplay-related webms. No memes or non-vidya webms allowed.
Post speedruns, glitches, whatever. Just has to be gameplay.
Gameplay webms
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually, what we had was high quality gameplay videos. Those are typically long and can't be webm'd.
Post something that isn't boring as fuck, yeesh.
I've played vanilla FarCry 2 and can't handle it every time
Do you play with mods user?
Any you could recommend?
I replay it once a year with Dylan's Realism Mod, and it's pretty fantastic. Stick to Hardcore mode (not Infamous) and you'll have a solid challenge without it feeling unfair, and with the mod both you and enemies die quickly so you won't run into the shirtless niggers are actually made out of kevlar problem that vanilla has.
Thanks lad
How about you just post your fucking webms in the existing webm thread? Or are you such an attention whore that you're afraid you won't get your (you)s if you post there?
Did the incompetent fucking retards working on Aleph One ever fix the 30FPS lock, horrendous mouse support, godawful FOV and the lack of weapon hotkeys?
Afraid of Monsters is a shitty meme mod and I would not recommend it.
Cry of Fear, on the other hand, is quite fun.
What a fag
DM:MM is still the best FP/RPG.
It's awful. Outside of the retarded "boss fight" at the end, Nightmare House 2 is what Afraid of Monsters should have been.
dark messiah has those same flaws as afraid of monsters
DM:MM has insta-kill physics kicking, and a ton of interesting ways to dispatch enemies. ZOMBI, on the other hand…
Its slow but not shit, scales things decently unlike Cry of Fear which bigger scary things just pop out of nowhere regardless of hwere you are
Its a fucking hospital,l half the time with no lights with twitchy fuckers trying to kill you you going outside of it feels like a safe place.
It oozes atmosphere
I'll give you that one
Boring shit with no atmosphere, a poor mans F.E.A.R despite some nice ideas and I actually like the first mod despite being extremely basic.
I love that, since it actually kept things tense versus just repeating the same old HL1 zombie tactic. Walk down a hallway and maybe a doorway gets smashed open with a little screaming knife monster chasing you, or you open a door and there's a giant ghost bitch that will make you eat a bullet if you don't break line of sight or quickly kill her. AoM had none of that.
user please. You can't say the lazy, ugly hospital that's worse than They Hunger's hospital in just about every way is "good atmosphere" and then shit on NH2 which is a straight upgrade.
situationally, if there's no pits or spike grates, kicking isn't incredibly useful. much of the time you're damage sponging your enemies to death.
user there's large falls, bottomless pits, deep water, fire, prop traps, and spike traps everywhere.
except when there aren't. there's plenty of levels in the game where environmental traps aren't present. Even then, it's not exactly a great defense of the game play to say you can just bypass the damage sponge enemies by repetitively kicking them for cheap easy kills. Usually when you have to rely on a single mechanic to subvert the rest because the rest are too ineffective it's a bad game.
It's a bad game.
There's not. Pretty much every "tough" non-boss enemy is in an area with some kind of hazard.
You could stealth kill them. Or destroy them with spells. Or just kill them with your sword. Hint: Don't play Source engine games on Hard, because all you're doing is inflating enemy HP and damage.
That's just like, your opinion, man.
it's a bad game.
Even without traps all over the place, it's still good to throw in a kick every few power attacks just to keep dudes off balance.
Have you even played the fucking game?
Only if you're after a good shooter. F.E.A.R is good combat with forced horror segments while Nightmare House 2 is good horror with forced combat segments.
The difference is that in Cry of Fear shit like that is scripted while in AoM due to the limitations of the engine they worked around it by putting them into corners and dark lit areas, same with the enemies, you played Cry of Fear first didn't you?
NH2 doesn't have good atmosphere, it has some decent writing moments and one nice custom enemies but the Horror part is fucking crap and barely memorable, the twist and its asnwers to the girl is also fucking garbage and whole SWAT team only made me want to be one of them instead of being forced into a shitty narrative in a game with barely any horror or atmosphere.
You want to talk about a straight upgrade?
Go play Underhell Episode 1
Yeah, totally situational
No, kill yourself you haven't even played it
Between the obvious sleeping zombies and forced as shit banter between the SWAT members the only horror part I can remember is the one where you're stuck in a warehouse full of labyrinthic shelves and a big chunk of zombies, otherwise everything is either wardrobe spooks or straight action.
Fucking Get a Life had better horror aspects than NH2.
F.E.A.R had genuine tense moments and created tons of tropes and trends you see today in horror games and AoM is tense at all times with twitchy fuckers which might come out at any second.
I really need to play AoM coop with Sven, played Cry of Fear Coop campaign with a friend and it was great, especially when the fucking chainsaw guys started appearing.
i had a good laugh
We both said "the area's clear" at the same time lol
Insurgency is full of people who are far too serious. Have some good old fun, user.
Theres nothing more retarded than pubbies on Insurgency, holy fuck
They're all braindead and most get points for being twichy cunts and playing it like CoD isntead of the objective.
You don't know about Resistance and Liberation user
You can thank the rampant 85% steam sales for all that.
I remember before the summer sale in June there was unspoken coordination and teamwork. Even a few regular players who played every night.
Now it's just me alone often trying to carry the team of new players, rip.
Maybe OP doesn't like Holla Forums bullshit, ever thought of that?
Be quite you normie.
I know this is preaching to the choir, but goddamn I can't take it seeing AAA shits like CoD not doing shit like this when fucking millions are dropped on it.
reload a second time to get 1 bullet in the chamber
But yeah It's quite sickening that an indie team made such a decent game.
They better not fuck up Sandstorm
Mid mag reloads should also do this shit, its amazing that there are still games which try to convey autenticity and still can't get this shit right and that doesn't unbalance games.
Its already fucked and HIV positive
is that some racist mod? plz say yes
Man, I miss the old sound fonts. Each developer would have their own way of talking to sound chips and would create unique audio for their games. Tell me you can't hear Turtles in Time in that Gradius clip.
Nowadays everything sounds like generic orchestra trash with uncompressed audio because why not? What else are you gonna do to fill in a BluRay?
I love it when games have challenges like this.
This one was actually pretty Shit, but it was still good enough to get a gold time. which was a bit odd since the one for MM1 was much more strict.
I guess they didn't think people would be clever enough to use the rocket board to skip everything
webm autist, you were told last time to go back to your room with your juice box
Why are you trying again?
Are they… actually mad about this thread? The shitters who post non-vidya webms are getting upset?
Nah the webm autist has done it several times in the past
"This thread is gameplay only, no non-gameplay webms"
Ended up with his thread being filled up with stuff like "THIS IS THE TRUE AND HONEST WEBM THREAD" etc
Aren't webms a Jewgle thing that can connect to the internet at any time (((they))) want thanks to malicious coding in the very base of format itself? Hmmm. I think that's why the extreme hater anons were talking about only using mp4s, but who really knows eh?
Anyhow, you are right user. We should be converting all of our gameplay vids into mp4 and posting them instead of posting shitpost mp4s. I suppose the only problem is that I haven't done much of that and I don't know of any opensource programs that will convert X to MP4 that isn't malware-laden. Last I checked anyway.
Part 1
I didn't ask for your shitposts I asked for an explanation, but I can see you non-vidya posting idiots are just idiots as usual so all that's left is for you to have some decency and go to your own thread. Thanks.
That's actually a very interesting point you have. Maybe if you could download the emulator and game, and play a save state, you could effectively watch an intro like the webM for probably 500kB.
well you can just use ffmpeg from cli or a bash script if you really do not trust even stuff like Xmedia Recode which is only a ffmpeg frontend
Part 2
Wouldn't it be nice if the filesize was bigger? Nah we gotta keep posting those Mario cart and DPS playing Black Mesa webms that bloating the 8ch servers
So it turns out that shitty FPS AI is actually fairly realistic. Reminds me of when some dipshit on my team sees someone get killed in a long range firefight then immediately runs over and takes their place, thus also getting shot. You know that's a dangerous place to be, you know the enemy has their sights trained there, why the fuck wouldn't you attack from a different angle?
That's not AI
Part 3
git gud
I know, I was referring to the players acting like shitty AI, thus making it realistic as a joke.
Part 4
Wow, what a giant faggot you are.
i could never get the hang of those really long upside down slides
There is more than just one person asking for these kind of threads. I asked just a few threads ago if someone would be interested in a strict gaming only webm thread, and I was told to fuck off. But as it turns out other people are interested in this too.
That said, link to previous webm thread
Guilty. But still, even if I had played AoM first, I think I'd still be in the same position. Nothing about it impressed me, while CoF just blew me away.
I've tried a few times, and inevitably the game crashes not long after starting and wipes all of my saves. Haven't had that problem with any other source mod, and found threads on their old forums with people having the same problems, but no solution. It was one of the first games I tried when building my new PC, since it didn't work on my old one either, but no dice, same problem. Maybe it just doesn't play nice with win7/64, who knows.
The guy in this video died like 2 years ago in real life.
I gave tangledeep a download, shits kinda fun. Pretty simple for a rougelike, but its charming.
This was a stealth franchise once.
I can barely remember F.E.A.R.'s horror moments over the banging intense shootouts.
No… It's just a meme mod.
again with the fucking 16MB 30 second webms
jesus nigger learn to webm
Again with the cuck who does not criticize the fuckwits uploading non-vidya webms, bloating the servers and preventing any hope for the filesize limit to be higher.
12 Black mesa webms and 12 Mario cart Webms posted every thread, every 2 days.
dumping my shit
Marathon always had a massively shite FOV, that doesn't look so bad, what gives?
What game is this?
Fistful of Frags
Fistful of Frags, really fun game. Only downside is that it is free2play.
Fistful of Frags, a wild west source engine game we played for a gamenight a few weeks ago. It was really fun but I'm told the modern versions of the game got fucked and nobody plays the older version we were using. It was popular enough that it might get a second gamenight next year, keep your eyes peeled.
Song: "Bodhisattva", Steely Dan
I was so close to hitting the entire section.
So who here's played Painkiller?
Did you know you can do this?
(Sorry for no sound, I made these before the exodus)
Not that user's fault your attention span doesn't extend past 5 seconds, you retarded spazz.
Or this?
Also if you've played Aquaria, did you know about this?
What about this?
And I doubt any of you figured this one out. Maybe I'm wrong though.
I love painkiller
you should make new webm's then
Couple of weapons has an third firing mode
Man I love 140. It's too short to recommend buying but everybody should give it a torrent.
Not enough people know you can edit the FOV.
lucky bastard
I always thought that you weren't allowed to use grenades if you wanted to get that challenge.
I want to play a game like vanquish but with motorcycle shins.
What's the latest way of make GOOD Webms?
Lurk moar faggot
Yeah, because these threads have NEVER posted non vidya webms.
This isn't a regular Webm, this is a gameplay webm thread.
Nice rapid fire faggot
Capcom put in a hotkey spot for it and it's a time trail mode, so i'm gonna use that shit.
Oh fuck off I can make a video on MGS1 where I run and gun too.
That's not how the developers originally intended it to be played, literally every re-release nowadays has some rapid fire shit to make casuals feel as if they were good.
I get that, and I have played Mega Man on a NES before, I'm not calming it's something to be proud of. There are times where relying too much on rapid fire can fuck you over too.
/r/ing a guide on how to make proper webbums, WebM for retards only makes this with best settings
Star Wars: MoTK will never stop bringing a smile to my face.
When I was young and I thought of video games in the future this is the shit I thought would be the norm.
Now Im sad
Yeah no devs really push tech anymore
How recent are these? I thought BLR had been a corpse for like 3 years now
Oh dear.
damn, fucking saved
What do you use for recording emulators on a shitty toaster?
Someone posted a few pathologic webms a while back. Did someone save them?
that can't be, the match ended
Yeah you shouldn't play it at all. Fucking shitty boats in space garbage.
Excellent post from our pure blooded Australian friend.
What's so special about this?
name 1 (one) game that has done this before
Battlefield, I guess? I don't see how this improves the game or its credibility.
which battlefield? I've never seen it
I mean the keeping track of the +1 in the chamber. Crysis is the first game that I played that did that though. The slightly faster reload hasn't been done I guess, but I don't see why it's worth the advertising. It's not like realistic wind effect over bullet path at long distances or realistic wound effects.
It's the reload continuation not the 1 in the chamber my dude. once the mag drops out of your gun, it's dropped. Switching weapons mid-reload then switching back and reloading won't have the mag magically reappear in the gun.
Oh okay. Battlefield 4 already did that. It kept track of dropped magazines and pressed bolt releases/pulled bolts, but it wasn't this nuanced.
Shit, Winback on the N64 had that. Ain't nothing to write home about.
What game is this?
What game is this?
How is the latest version of insurgency? Haven't played that game in ages
We've had these threads for years now. Lurk more.
I generally think some of the stuff in the usual webm threads could be content going to smaller boards like /a/, Holla Forums, or /mu/.
But gameplay webm's does specify gameplay only, not vidya music webms, vidya related fan animations, etc.
fucking awful.
So the Yeti beats his meat to fat girls?
Oh cool, what game is that?
that shit was fun
we should play this again
Wew, was that a modded server or a physics bug ? I can't help but imagine pilots wondering why is there a jeep flying next to them.
Depending on your connection that's faster than encoding it yourself
Modded server. They've had that exact mod for that map up since 06 at least. Your spawn point can be on a battleship that's floating several hundred yards in the air. Good times.
This just happened in my JA2 playthrough
I never chased a courier once in all my times playing SA.
why are you posting webms of ASSFAGGOTS?
Did he got same guy just like 40 times in row?
I doubt it was 40 times in a row, but two guys stream snipped him a lot to mess with his games.
why not?
I don't even get whats wrong here, is he like the ultimate in fuckers who can only pick one character?
Nevermind, the guy is a complete and utter fuckwad who thinks he's gods gift to Dota, I hope people fuck with him
What private server would we even pick?
This looks like an excellent game. Surely it can't be a mod for Q3 now can it?
xmedia recode
vp9 codec
Wait 4-6 weeks for it to transcode because for some fucking reason there's still no hardware acceleration for it
This or this with staxrip
I switched to staxrip once it got webm options
linked to the staxrip settings
what's the difference between 0 and 1 speed? Because slowest is really slow as fuck for me while 1 is actually okay.
It runs on Quake 1 engine.