I don't know what to think, it was pretty confusing. Does it take place in the past? The present? Where/how will they implement the new areas they've shown? How many of those outfits are amiibo trash?
Too many unanswered questions, I'm going to wait and see.
great thread op
I have no idea what that strange weapon Link was holding is or does.
It seemed to separate into the Champion's spirits?
It comes out tonight user, so I'm sure the patch notes will be a little more descriptive.
Do you want to know the state of the world?
Zelda has DLC.
Why not?
Some concept art for the game had him with a motorcycle. This is the idea probably just being realized.
I was already in Mario Kart
That Dresden Codak guy is going to throw another shit fit. I can just feel it.
The guy with the muscle-amputee-steampunk-scientist-transhuman-Ashly Burch fetish? Elaborate.
Have you not seen this lad
He thinks he invented futuristic LoZ. He sperged out before over Linkle because he thinks he invented a female PC in a Zelda game or rule 63 Link or something like that.
That is the easily gayest fucking shit I've seen involving Link and I'm aware of all the fucking trap porn of him.
Shitton of cuckchanners banned from that shithole during events so they come here instead.
Sad part is that I'd play a game like that where Zelda was the protagonist, it could be a neat idea to play a character more associated with magic versus swordfighting. Too bad the guy who drew it is a complete faggot.
Tbh if you read a lot of his gameplay ideas it's pretty much BotW
Hate his uninspired shitty character designs and lore though
Yeah, I agree that the designs and lore are absolute trash. The concept of it is still neat though, and BOTW is a game that has a pretty solid base but just needs a fuckton of changes to make it a better game.
Well user, this is you lucky day!
Yep, knew one of you fuckers would pull this shit.
If they're going to make a Zelda focused game they could just make a OoT spinoff where you can transform into magical ninja Shiek and shank some bitches.
Futuristic tech in Zelda was a mistake
Man I'd love to see a Majora's Mask to BotW's Ocarina of Time. Same assets, same engine, just an improvement in level design, story, and focus. And in this case obviously dungeons as well.
The coolest boss in WW and the best temple in SS disagree
Has anyone ever emulated FoE and WoG? They'd probably be fair to decent games if you didn't have to deal with a CD-i controller.
No, the hit detection and lagginess of the gameplay is awful meme cutscenes aside
You totally could do a spinoff where you played as Zelda instead of Link, SJW faggots just always go about it in the least interesting way possible because they're less interested in realizing an intriguing concept and more interested in subverting male roles in media.
Zelda should be much less of a direct combat focused character. She's the wielder of wisdom, not courage or power, thus her approach to gameplay would be significantly different. You could have her game be a stealth/puzzle game, where your goal is to avoid combat arguably the smarter approach to enemy encounters and solve puzzles within giant dungeons and labyrinths, traditional zelda design could be built around these things, where her tools are more about sneaking around enemies rather than fighting against them.
But no, just give her the master sword for some retarded reason. Don't do anything cool or fun.
Well let me download it shitlords
I'm devoting my entire night to finding where you live, you piece of shit.
Sounds like it needs a rebuild mod.
Wii USB Downloader
These are both excellent ideas, having a stealth focus with Zelda's Sheikah training and running around as a puzzle solving ninja while avoiding Ganon's minions sounds fun as fuck.
So they kept the real doungens on DLC? heh
If you put your console in sleep mode it resets the check so when you turn it back on it will actually ping the server again.
It's not out yet at all. It's not a bandwidth problem.
Knock twice so I know it's you, friendo.
Make everybody want it so that they can sell it later, real smart actually.
Oh and the bike has a durability meter FYI, it's only removed in master mode
What is this webm from?
Armored Zelda was legit the only good thing in Spirit Tracks. The rest of the game was ass, but the coop dungeons were great.
Spirit Tracks actually has really good characterization and a nice OST
It's not as bad as people make it out to be but I liked both DS Zeldas so
It actually looks pretty fucking cool. I hope it isn't amiibo exclusive asian-kike horseshit.
I liked Phantom Hourglass, but the overworld of Spirit Tracks killed it for me. Having to do sidequests in the area to unlock the actual fun parts stopped me - the instant-kill trains just made it no fun to traverse.
So would Ganondorf be more of a Cuhrayzee game but with a lot more magic and slashing? Or would it be a grand strategy game with a Hylian imperialism bonus mode? where you have to fight, work with, and eventually supplant the lands of Hyrule for your own gains?
I'm pretty open to either, tbh
The only part I REALLY fucking hated was the sand temple flute trial thing. Every single attempt for fucking hours was declined because the game wanted me to do it better no matter how accurate I was.
I want to fuck link
I'm getting flashbacks, please don't
The motorcycle looks fun, I'm glad they're having a good time adding ridiculous shit to the game instead of taking it super seriously. I already finished the game, I felt my feels from the story and everything. Now I want more ways to fuck around.
I pre-ordered the DLC because I have faith in them to deliver something that's worth the price
I preordered the DLC because I wanted the DLC 1 Pack and they made you fucking buy the DLC 2 Pack to get the first one
I see you have suffered my same fate. To this day, I still have not beaten that fucking game. My DS's battery died years ago and I don't know where I put it after its battery died. I will have never beaten this fucking game because of that one old fucking CUNT.
Real gamers wouldn't mind playing as Zelda but Dresden can't think of a good concept worth shit, mostly because he lacks knowledge to show that he's played any of the games series. Twilight Princess had her using a sword but threw that concept away for a boss fight. It could work, if they stopped fagging up Link and make a Zelda game that speaks of her Legend. Maybe in the future but who knows.
Wasn't there a prank years ago about a new, futuristic, almost final fantasy-style Zelda game where link rode a motorcycle?
I just want a hack and slash Ganon game where it picks up after the split timeline in OoT where Ganon took over Hyrule. You go around and conquer the other kingdoms, and the final part of the game is the Goddesses flooding Hyrule and bam, leads right into Wind Waker.
I think maybe Zelda I&II happen somewhere in there also, but I think that would be such a good idea for a Ganon game that would tie in nicely to the other games.
It's been a few years since I played it, but I got all the way to the end guy before I stopped playing (I'm damaged; if I really love a game, I sometimes stop on the final guy because I can't bear for it to end). I don't remember everything about the game, but if I encountered the flute guy, I must have gotten through him okay. Were there glitches in some cartridges?
The mic detection was a little finicky for the other flute sections, but the Sand Sanctuary one (the last one) was really hard and arbitrary. (Just like drawing the Triforce on the Temple of the Ocean King door in PH)
I beat the game but it took me like 45 minutes to get past the flute thing. Some people couldn't do it at all.
And beat the game user the final battle has a kickass song and the ending is comfy.
There is something so defiling about what he does, he just takes something established and sticks his dick into it without care.
There is something so resentful and self-aggrandizing about all his works, and especially his interpretations.
Superman must apeal to the lower class….whilst adopting a look that makes him look more upper-class then anything else.
Yeah he's very pseudo intellectual and self masturbatory and can't write for shit
His art is decent and his gook waifu is qt though
That's because he comes off as a pretentious douche bag who thinks he's better than the original creator.
Fuck off motorhorse.
His comic updates every two months, but he's not that bad
He can somewhat ape Mignola's shit, even
I must have just lucked out, then.
Personally, I've always hated any of the mic-based things. If I wanted to blow on Nintendo hardware, I'd get my NES out of storage.
Thanks for the info.
He lives on cuckchan
I'm glad this faggot got salty as fuck at breath of the wild, he's a complete retard who thinks that this is a good idea that Nintendo would even consider while not understanding that Nintendo build games gameplay first. I hope Sony hires him because he'd fit right in there.
It's not an Amiibo exclusive, it's part of the Champions Ballad, just like the Tingle outfit.
I pre-ordered the DLC because My brother wanted to play the Master Sword Trial, he died early on and never touched it again, I hope this makes it all worth it.
So when do we get to pirate it and play it on the jewish emulator?
its ok if nintendo does it?
At least the fucking Lumpy Pumpkin is a side quest in SS.
So does anyone have that Miiverse post discussing the ridiculousness of Link on a motorcycle in Mario Kart 8 (I think it then segues into talking about how dinosaurs are extinct and can't drive either).
It's just concept art, not final art. Made to see what crazy ideas and stuff they can talk about/prototype in early game development. A lot of it will get thrown out so of course there's going to be weird and wacky stuff (Eg: the alien invasion BoTW concept pitch).
Majora's Mask would have been DLC if they could manage it back in the day. Adding new content is fine as long as it's reasonably priced. It's not like Zelda is a multiplayer game where people who buy DLC get an advantage over other players.
That's a pretty retarded statement. You might want to get checked out.
Wasn't the whole dev backstory behind Majora, that they were basically going to make the equivalent of DLC for Ocarina on the 64cd drive, but someone at Nintendo thought that was retarded so they were challenged to make a new game in one year.
I think that's the what happened.
Making the spiritual sequel to Zelda 2 they've been hinting at as a Sheik spin-off would make me rock hard.
The sequel to BOTW uses the same assets and shit, and keeps the huge overworld which is comfy and easy and made for collecting resources and shit. And then there's a fucking huge underworld too, as big as the overworld. A collection of tunnels and caverns, filled with horrible fucking monsters and puzzles that are actually a part of the environment unlike those fucking shrines, and you search the overworld looking for new entrances to the underworld, and there are plenty of exploration puzzles where getting to a certain spot in the underworld requires looking at the georgraphy of the underworld to match it to the overworld geography so you know there's a secret entrance somewhere there and shit. That's the dream.
The story mode section of Hyrule Warriors where you play as Ganondorf and just royally fuck up the Hyrulean army was amazing. It worked as part of the narrative and it fucking sold Ganondorf as a force of nature that cannot be stopped too. They deliberately made Ganon in those sections OP and it fucking worked.
I remember the devs said they wanted it to feel a bit like Pacman and the insta-kill trains were ghosts or some shit. The overworld theme was catchy as fuck though, especially with that train-ride rhythm.
IIRC there is actual Nintendo concept art of that and they've discussed trialling ideas and shit for a sci-fi take on the series but have never done it. Aonuma said BOTW is kinda like what happened after the sci-fi time period where the Sheikah invented ipads (not his exact words).
I'm so sorry user.
Oh so he's not dead IRL, he's just casual. That's even worse.
Nope, that's not true at all. Actually both OoT and MM were meant to be on the 64DD as Zelda 64 and Zelda Gaiden respectively but then the 64DD was a massive flop so OoT was put on cart and the rest is history. Saying Majora's Mask was ever intended to be "the equivalent of DLC" is flat out revisionist if not just straight up retarded.
Why is no-one talking about how cute Zelda is in her snow outfit?
I didn't mean to call Majora DLC I meant the other Zelda gaiden i guess but I was wrong anyway.
What about all the non-trap normal cute boys who dress up as him and suck dick??
I've always wanted a story where the Chosen Hero either get's killed by Ganon or turns up missing in everyone's time of need, thus the entire world goes into despair and Zelda all alone is tasked with finding the chosen hero or has to make due of the terrible situation in wake of his demise.
SJWs ruin everything. Zelda is my favorite LoZ character but they have to be such faggots about it and just want to swap Link out with a womyn with no changes to the gameplay
user that is a boss from SM64
Will the JP DLC ever be leaked? It took months for anyone to post JP updates.
because she looks like dogshit as usual
DLC cracked and torrentable when? Cemushit and mods when?
I'd read that the Triforce was supposed to be a special computer chip at some point. I've thought of a lot of concepts for this over the years, but was never really satisfied with how they meshed together. Here are some of the things I've thought we needed in a future Zelda at some point:
DLC is fine if nintendo does it.
What a time to be alive.
Does she have Down's?
So is this going to bring us into the fucking past or is everyone gonna still be dead, like the entire game world?
What if it ends with the revival of all your friends and your fish waifu?
I can't help but bring my hopes up knowing they will be dashed against the rocks of disappointment.
The first thing I thought when I saw her face in BotW was that she had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Why even contemplate another day of existence?
We're getting really close to "old link"
Is it only for the Switch version?
What the fuck does it even add?
The first DLC was absolute trash with content cut from the main game being sold as DLC.
Looks like Nintendo watched too many BOTW Wii-U mod videos.
any more?
Who thought this was a good idea? The only way I can see this working is a Zelda based in the future.
Of course.
Shop on track pants + vodka and you will have slav Liink.
Bearded manly link would be pretty cool.
That would be cool.
Dolphins aren't fish you paint sniffing retard.
It's just a dialectal difference. Not everywhere uses the literal definition of words.
The word originally referred to any vertebrate that exclusively lived in the water, it wasn't really written anywhere it was just understood that it meant that. The sudden arbitrary noting of things like gills is a relatively recent definition and a lot of places including where I'm from still use the word and words like it the same way it was used centuries ago.
That last one looks radical, I only just noticed Link is only depicted as young in the Zelda games instead of being a fully grown man.
So sharks are fish but dolphins aren't because "muh gills"?
I rarely do this, but I'm going to have to say that the dictionary definition here is bullshit. I've heard tons of people throughout my life refer to dolphins and whales as fish. Dictionaries should be defined by how people use a word, not the other way around.
Like said; it seems really arbitrary and unnecessary to consider them an entirely different thing because they don't have gills.
Stop for a second and think about the implications of what you're saying.
If society worked the way you day, the SJW definitions of racist, bigot, homophobe, etc would be completely legitimate and factual.
Is that something you want?
What I mean by that is dictionaries used to be collections of words that the author(s) would generally define by how they were used. As words changed meaning, so did the dictionaries.
Words don't just suddenly appear in a dictionary, they form through natural usage. To randomly define a word in a way most people don't and never used seems pointless to me.
I'm not a burger so I don't know how common those words you listed are but if the vast majority of people use them that way and have done so for over a dozen years, then that's what their effective meaning is.
I hope this bait. Dolphins and whales are mammals you fucking mongoloids.
I'm sorry you have a mental disorder tripsman.
Does anyone have DL links for either DLC for CFW?
That's because SJWs don't care about things being fun, their only mission in life is to find things that other people like and ruin them.
Fugg. I remember back in 6th grade I would autistically describe a Zelda game with motorcycles and shit. Now it's fucking real, goddamn.
I also came up with something similar to Days of Ruin's CO-unit concept, fugg.
Thank goodness no one listens to retards like you.
If we liked SJW would they kill themselves?
I don't see what it would bring to the series. Seems like a gimmick to turn heads.
BotW needs an underworld or something. Just running around on the surface feels somehow incomplete if you get my meaning.
It needs fucking dungeons. While Zelda has had great overworlds, the meat of the games has always been the dungeons and their puzzles.
This is why I play games. Fuck realistic games. Reality sucks. I play games to get AWAY from reality. I don't want my hobby reminding me about how I can't motorcycle up a mountain.
That too. Aonuma seems to wildly swing between too much dungeon or not enough. Skyward sword was one big dungeon but it was terrible because of that. Atleast botw is fun.
Nope. Damn, I was on the fence about BotW, but I'm really leaning towards "into the trash".
Odyssey doesn't seem too bad in the respect, relative to BotW and the rest of the shitty industry anyways. The only content accessible via amiibo cancer are costumes that are easily unlockable in game and "help items" that are basically cheats which ruin the fun anyways.
I think everyone was expecting there to be new areas to explore, not some more shrines and some quests in the same overworld.
Stupidest quote I've ever read, so first pic is "beautiful art" and pic 2 is ugly?
Then why would you play this?
Even fucking GTA 5 with its cancerous microtransactions has more fun bikes than this mess.
It needs to be fucking refueled despite running on magic and falls apart anytime you do a big jump.
So it's actually worse than the horses, then?
It can be summoned anywhere. Its basically like the power armor in Fallout 4. Not happy with just copying Skyrim's design decisions, they went ahead and did it with Fallout 4 too.
I hate the day the (((market))) stopped rewarding manual skills. What a fucking shame.
I find the last one pretty cool too
I always imagined a zelda game which goes even further with realism in terms of graphics and would add gore and shit like that like limbo. A grim horrific world in which link gets murderd in the worst possible ways.
I don't think it would be smart to make horses obsolete, plus it's a fucking bike what the fuck are these asians thinking, worse than some fucking fan mod tbh
So Samurai Jack?
Who ever drew that should be ashamed.
you dont even know how that meme got started fuck off
What meme?
I thought we simply didn't want to give youtube clicks and therfore money?
Also, just post the hooktube link in here.
Link in a future setting has been something that's been wanted to be performed for a while now. It's supposed to be "Past, present, future", but the stagnating nature of nintendo as a whole has had them stuck in the past and any "future" elements (robots, machines) are excused as "long lost bullshit of the goddess, even though it's a fucking robot".
for once they said it's the shekians not muh goddess, so it's a step sorta?
ods are they'll get out of it by a future zelda thing being a spin off. that zelda invasion looks nuts though and I'd play that.
There is one hentai with an exact copy of that nu Zora girl in the game, forgot the name though since it was in Japanese runes.
But why
I am not a fan of modern games or modern publishing practices but this economically illiterate meme is retarded. 90% of the problems of the industry boil down to the bloated cost of development thanks to Graphics whores and fags demanding voice acting. EA is and always was irredeemable but to conflate them with the entirety of the industry to promote "class consciousness" leftist propaganda is gross negligence.
marketing, you retard
That is literally how languages work and change. Prescriptive language almost never works, at least not for long. He's being retarded, though, because the archaic meaning is archaic for a reason. Nobody educated has called cetaceans "fish" in English for hundreds of years. He's arguing that dictionaries should explain words the way that they're used, but ignoring the fact that they literally do that.
You are retarded. The inflated cost of marketing is due to the bloated cost of development. Its to ensure a return in investment. The more risky th investment the more they need to spend on marketing. Seriously when will you leftist fags learn how basic economics work? Have you ever produced anything worthwhile in your life?
Daily reminder that this game is mid budget and 30$ and has really good graphics and production value. Marketing is over half of AAA western shit budgets nowadays
nah, fuck of tameem
user its garbage. Imagine if they spent that budget on producing something with GAME PLAY as apposed to spending it on "muh Graphics".
You dumb peaces of shit only prove my point.
nice false dichotomy fag. Its as if you don't prudence anything and just want shit given to you for free. You kinda seem entitled as if you believe yourself to be gods chosen people and too lazy to work for a living. Maybe sending you to a labor camp will sort (((you))) out. After all arbeit macht frei.
I love how nintendo introduces the same jewish schemes as everyone else but later.
It's like they're evil-retarded.
so basically theyre making an official release of this?
These memes are stale but I appreciate the dedication
Someones should make usable guns and add in sam hyde as a player model.
Why would DLC people already paid for be still locked behind amiibo?
Gonna repeat this question, please spoonfeed me friends
I did minimal research and found how, I apologize for acting like a needy newfag.
Feel free to bully as needed.
It’s easy to understand when you realize how the mind of a leftist works. They’re not “pro”-rights of minorities, animals, women, impoverished nations, or any other cause for the disenfranchised behind which they claim to rally. Note that they always blame some successful, dominant group in society for the ills they oppose and seek to punish that group on behalf of the supposedly disenfranchised. It is not and never has been about helping the downtrodden rise.
It is about destroying the successful, the effective, and the independent members of society. Not because they are doing anything that actually violates the rights of others, but precisely because they are successful, effective, and independent. Their sin is not some act of violence or fraud, but the mere state of being healthy human beings capable of sustaining themselves. Rand called this “hatred of the good for being good,” and it embodies the soul of the modern left, or at least its useful idiot arm–SJWs, environmentalists, occupy, white knights, etc.). They will side with anything that is anti-US, anti-white male, anti-capitalist, and anti-Western. Kaczynski made some comments on this tendency among leftists that were somewhat insightful, but I recommend reading Rand’s essay, The Age of Envy:
Today we live in the age of envy. Envy is not the emotion I have in mind, but it is the clearest manifestation of an emotion that has remained nameless. It is the only eminent of a complex emotional sum that men have permitted themselves to identify. Envy is regarded by most people as a petty, superficial emotion and, therefore, it serves as a semihuman cover for so inhuman an emotion that those who feel it seldom dare admit it even to themselves. That emotion is hatred. Hatred of the good for being good. This hatred is not resentment against some prescribed view the good with which one does not agree. Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgement. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable.
If a child wants to get good grades in school, but is unable or unwilling to achieve them and begins to hate the children who do, that is hatred of the good. The nature of the particular value a man chooses to hold is not the primary factor in this issue (although irrational values may contribute a great deal to the formation of that emotion). The primary factor and distinguishing characteristic is an emotional mechanism set in reverse: a response of hatred, not toward human vices, but toward human virtues. To be exact, the emotional mechanism is not set in reverse, but is set one way: its exponents do not experience love forever men. Their emotional range is limited to hatred or indifference. It is impossible to experience love, which is a response to values, when one’s automated response to values is hatred.
So why doesn’t the left just make their own characters? The same reason they don’t make their own games, movies, television shows, culture, or anything else. It’s not about having the thing they want (like a gay super hero), because it isn’t what they really want. They want to take away what white males have. To degrade, destroy, change, or outright steal what it is that white males have and enjoy. Again, look at games. Literally anyone can make a game, write the story, create the characters, and design the system. And they could do all this and make the characters they want to see in the game, be it a “demisexual polyromantic amorphous genderfluid transotherkin feminist” or whatever other mental illness they invent, with the exact type of “game” they want (i.e.: no gameplay, no battles, just point and click or watching a movie). But it isn’t about having that thing, because they don’t want to play games or read comics. They just want to destroy the thing that white males like. You notice you never hear this about rap music, thug movies, or gang culture. Why is that? It’s not about letting these groups (queers, trannies, women, etc.) be able to have something that appeals to them. It’s about destroying the things in which white males participate. It’s why you see white male characters being the ones constantly changed. Thor became a woman. Ice Man became a faggot. Spider-Man is a nigger. See any women becoming men? See any blacks becoming white? Nope. It’s not even anti-white at this point. It’s entirely anti-white male.
The alien invasion is what eventually became the “ancient sheika technology” of BotW. Link and Ganondorf were going to team up to defeat the aliens at one point.
Good taste. Now for more text. Remember in school when teachers would tell you that non-European cultures, morals, and values are just as valid as European cultures, morals, and values? That’s cultural marxism. The idea that there’s no absolute right and wrong, no real concept of quality or standards, and that everything good and beautiful that the European race has built should be torn down because African mud huts are just as good. When you go into a museum and see it filled with really ugly, poorly drawn/sculpted garbage that somehow made it into a museum despite having no technical quality backing it up, simply because something something message something something jewish bullshit–that’s also cultural marxism. Cultural marxism denies true art. True art is always, in a technical sense, beautiful. Even when true art depicts something horrific, such as the painting Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan, it is still beautiful in its rendition, a glorious display of technical mastery and understanding of the physical world.
Degenerate “art” has no technical skill or competence. It is grotesque, not in the sense of the aforementioned Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan, which is at once grotesque and beautiful, but rather grotesque in that the Jewish artist simply had no competence and no technical ability, and so rendered what mere scribbles he could and then tried to justify it as art after the fact. I don’t care what they call it. If not ‘cultural marxism’, call it ‘anticivilization’. Call it “Sid Meier’s Academic Adventure” for all I care. Just don’t deny that it’s happening.
And Ganon was wearing a fucking Metallica shirt
Yes, run away, little leftist. Back to your magical fantasy land where everyone is equal and shit is worth as much as gold.
Way to solidify the statement.
You’re right; the only possible use for gold is in Monster® 23k gold-tipped HDMI™ cables.
Oh shit, it's out? Guess I'll dust off my Wii U gamepad and boot up Wii U USB Helper
Doubt it'd be a 40-year-old. I thought he'd be a mid-to-late 20s guy living in a shitty social and economic situation. Old Link would make for an interesting game though.
Doesn't sound half bad, actually. Maybe a little less cartoony, but a lot like that.
I can refute some of your arguments (like "leftists don't make characters of their own" even when most of marvel capeshit originally started as left leaning jewish stuff like X-Men) or ("leftists ruined star wars" which was blatantly anti-nazi and had black characters and new age philosophy even in the OT)
But I can't refute your general aesthetic preferences because they're subjective and un-falsifiable. The notion that art has to be "beautiful" isn't objective. Good art is about creating meaning in a meaningless world.
I still hope they make this some day, it would be so good
I feel like part of the appeal would be the internet freaking the fuck out after them doing such a radical thing
Now that we know they planned it it's not as novel
I don’t recall having presented any.
This is a dialectical falsehood.
Not by the definition of the word, but let’s apply your theory to an example. Picture 1 here:
What meaning is derived therefrom?
Implicitly, you did. Here:
Don't be pedantic
It also says "works produced by human creative skill and imagination" and "creative activity" right there famalam
Do you know how dictionaries work
I never said that all shitty 2deep4u art is good art, although that piece is still aesthetically pleasing decoration.
I'm arguing that art doesn't have to be "pleasant" or "beautiful"
Neocon anything is garbo
Irony. So is meaning not derived from Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan?
Mhmm. So let’s see what THAT means.
Don’t use niggerspeak. You’re better than that.
Against the definition of the word, so you’re objectively wrong. Your image, for example, is artistically beautiful. We’ve already covered “beauty in unpleasantness”, or maybe you missed that.
I like this one more. Reminds me of the darknut in Zelda 2 who rode the floating mechanical horse.
wtf I love paint splatters now
It has meaning in the context of recounting a historical event. It's a lower form of art than say, symbolic art that has multiple, deeper meanings.
Wtf I hate impressionists now
Even so, it would still be wildly unprecedented for them to depart so far from what Zelda normally is. If they actually went all the way with metalhead Ganon and skater Link goth Zelda? complete with cuhrayzee alien/sheikah weapons and bonkers dungeons I think it wouldn't only be totally radical, but would add a sense of creativity to the franchise that's been missing for the last few decades. UFO dungeons, alien hive dungeons, whacky power plants with magitech, the possibilities are endless.
Enjoying it but it's not worth the price, it's worth $10, just not enough content in the end, and I'd rather have a proper expansion.
Sounds gay as fuck.
That's less gay than what you posted.
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan has only one shallow meaning, eh? Hoo boy.
Thanks for being the one to take things to the next step; I didn’t want to have to do two at once. That step being ‘what is good’? Good is OBJECTIVELY DEFINED, and from this–and ONLY from this–we can derive the rest of our statements. What is “good art”? You have to know what “good” is before you can answer that.
We may, but only one is right.
While it is true that the impressionists and postimpressionists are now considered a welcome digression from the stuffy French Academy of Arts in the 1800s, it is not to say that the further you digress from old standards the better your art is. Impressionism is an example of a successful experimentation from strict realism, just as is art nouveau, and arguably some surrealism. The flaw with this defense is that it assumes that divergence from strict standards is inherently good, without taking into account the high possibility of failure in said divergence. Take, for example, this contemporary painting, which is in between impressionism and realism. It’s beautiful because it’s done right.
No, but that's the primary meaning. There are very simple associations like betrayal, regret, the pain of death– but nothing hyper deep.
Who decides that? I seriously hope you don't mean "Good" in the Platonic sense my lad
Impressionism arguably is a form of realism anyway. Just instead of the traditional type of realism which was composes and created mathematically, impressionism instead attempts to paint light as how the human perceives it.
Pic related.
Liberalism always betrays itself, and you’ve done so just now. No one decides it. Your relativist bullshit needs to stop being projected onto the world. Truth is objective, therefore good is objective, therefore beauty is objective, therefore art is objective. You clearly cannot comprehend these concepts–and I’d say you wouldn’t even accept the first three words of the previous sentence–so you’re never going to be able to meaningfully understand what is and is not art.
how about just not fucking using an IP that was built on sandwiching other IPs like peter pan and medieval chauvinsm stories and trying to hamfist fucking scifi into it like some slack jawed retard
>leftists ruined what was left after (((george lucas))) destroyed his own normalfag merchandise franchise with 3 prequels
the digression was painting technique only, key word in fucking technique Monet still fucking had principals of dynamic composition, proportion, contrast, you could throw out technique and skill altogether and throw paint on a canvas and still have "something?" if it had any composition, (((modern artists))) at one time still had 1 lick of sense left in them
Truth is objective because it can be proven. You can't "prove" something is more beautiful than another thing except for general consensus of the masses.
You forgot the other three images and the wonderfully imaginative title.
isn't this the guy who made the main char of his comic based on Anthony burch sister cause he had a boner for her?
Utter nonsense. The formatting would be fucky if I posted text, so have some images.
I wonder if Burch wants to watch his sister be fucked, too.
You've fallen for the backhanded knife of progressivism; The ruining and corruption of perfectly good concepts. Just because objectivity exists and is real doesn't mean that subjectivity doesn't also exist. For example there isn't just one objective right way to make an apple pie but that doesn't mean that therefor every way someone decides to make an apple pie is equally correct.
Subjectivity, when used properly, simply means that in many cases there is more than one way to be right. When used wrong in its corrupted form it has come to mean that there is no way to be wrong.
One person might like a traditional type of apple pie, others may like a primitive form apple pie, still others might like a cobbler, and some of us just like a fried apple pie. Regardless of all that we can all agree that the person who makes a "pie" by shitting on a pile of apples as a political statement has done it fucking wrong.
I only give a shit about one thing and one thing only. Is this DLC set post-game? Nothing I hate more than beating a game and beating the great demon lord only for the game to send me back to right before I defeated the guy and make everything I did seem worthless. If I want to re-fight the final boss, then just add a magical/dream coliseum where you can fight old bosses again. Even shit like Mario Odyssey got that right. I just want to find out more of what happens after you free Zelda, help with restoring Hyrule, rebuild Castle Town a la Tarrey Town and maybe even fight some new challenges. Instead this looks more like flashback bs.
Also why the fucking elephant guardian wasn't working.
Of course; I said otherwise. What isn’t true is that “all is subjective,” just as “all is objective” is also false. The scope of what is and is not objective was not the topic, so I ignored it. It’s just that truth, therefore good, therefore beauty, therefore art is objective.
Just as there is no objectively “best” color. There isn’t even an objectively “correct” color to use in a given artistic work, even if the subject is realistically portrayed. What is objective, however, is the means by which that color is used.
That’s basically every single Nintendo game, user. It’s also how BotW works right now, so you could bet that it’s not “post-game”, EXCEPT they’ve said you’ll be traveling the world with Zelda. Now, the whole damn thing could just be a flashback (probably is, given that the champions are alive), but since Mario Odyssey actually has a “success” setting (meaning post-game is actually post-game), maybe they’re finally changing things up.
Shit, I meant “I never said otherwise”; I added to the wording of the sentence without following the meaning back.
I'm aware of this being the standard for Nintendo games, but considering how BoW was breaking a lot of the norms, I had hoped it would have post-game content considering the open world nature.
Fuck I hope so. But the flashback possibility is what I'm truly dreading considering I hated all of the champions except Mipha. So getting more of them is irksome. Their future successors were far more interesting tbh I just wish Mipha had still been alive considering her Zora longevity. Would've been nice to have her as a romantic option like Peatrice from Skyward Sword.
The train in that one DS game I let them slide with but what the fuck man
I don't know what the fuck you could possibly be talking about user. Are you saying newer games are better?
Here's something on the subject of the last image.
I'm surprised even these cucks managed to get something right for once.
You massive fucking faggot GTFO.
Only way this could be sensible lore-wise is if this motorcycle horse was a recent invention by the old sheikah geezer in the light house.
Because Nintendo loves to double dip.
I was thinking opposite of BoTW, which would be Renaissance Hyrule where you are an outlaw because Ganon worms his influence into the nobility and military.
It's okay when nintenshit does it
For me one of the best sets of levels in Hyrule Warriors was when you got to play as Ganon with this kickass music in the background on the sand levels.
God damn it, this is retarded in the best possible way.
It would probably work much better as a Cuhrayzee game, or otherwise mostly combat focused.
As said, Hyrule Warriors gives you a damn good feeling of his presence and power by combat focus. Perhaps combining it with a sort of military strategy would work (like how you bust into a barracks and flex your "Join or die" and get a massive army bolstering), just to separate it from the norm.
Explain seals, walruses, manatees, and penguins you actual mouth breathing mong.
finally, an user that gives a fuck about thread quality
Well, the first three have got to be mollusks because they're just big slimy blobs and, as for penguins, birds are supposed to have feathers in order to be called birds and they have fur. I'm not sure.
it gets me every time
what a bunch of bullshit with no facts, pure cancer.
Isn't that the boss from the super mario 64 pyramid mixed with that head/boss from star fox 64?
been there. done that.
Ganon would be a Legacy of Kain like slasher, mixing basic swordfighting with plenty magic and transformations.
? just use wii u usb helper retard
But Link reappears again and you never see how the people, the Royal Family, Hyrule or Zelda deal with a rampaging Ganon with no hero to save them. It's just explained in exposition and left alone.
Link didn't really reappear in WW. They just found a really good substitute.
yeah I know that's something I really like about WW link, he was just a kid trying to save his sister but you know what I mean. The "Hero" in the green cap for all intents of purposes still came back to clean up the mess.
WW was something. It ended like fucking bladerunner.
They had citations in the fucking video, faggot.
I think youre getting close to the realization that Zelda is a pretty fucking useless person as a character in the series whos incapable of being much a plot device
it could've been done in less than 5 minutes. and without
or bashing you over the head with "metaphors"
They had one job. Though that being said, I would like to see what a cyberpunk or jetsetradioesque Zelda game would look like.
I read that picture more in line with "the moment something is perfected is the moment everyone will try to do something different to be 'original' rather than trying to make something technically beautiful but that might pass as clichè". But then I remembered this is just another (((nosy entrepreneur))) talking.
Let's get a game where Ganondorf puts on a Metallica shirt that gives him the power to rebel against the Hyrule Art Academy, and Link has to defeat Ganondorf by restoring integrity into the world of art. Link would wield The Master's Brush and have to restore quality to all the "art" Ganondorf would create, like expressionistic paintings or grunge albums. Meanwhile Zelda is useless as usual and frequently makes updates about the situation on The Ocarina Post until you prove to her what quality art is in the end.
It's been said a million times about tumblr 'art', but those noses are an abomination and ruin what could've otherwise been decent..
there's no sound for it dipshit
The bike is convenient and kinda fun
The DLC boss song is baller
New dungeon
When you get the bike you no longer have anything else to do with it
The DLC boss is piss easy and boring
All those fucking trials are a chore
More past memories, only Mipha one was good
Have to redo the Ganon bosses, this time with shitty thematic gear, because making new bosses is TOO MUCH FUCKING WORK
So basically The Protomen but with Zelda? I'd fucking take it.
Don't you get the bike after clearing the dlc?
the bike is the last thing you get
You know, I really wanted a Zelda game where Link and Ganondorf start off as best bros from childhood. It'd be something like Ocarina of Time, but instead of being raised as a Kokiri, he'd be raised by the Gerudo alongside Ganon. As young men, Link would be to Ganon like Siegfried is to Reinhard in LotGH, though their friendship would be sabotaged by zealots including Zelda, who are concerned that their friendship would bring ruin to Hyrule.
As for gameplay, it'd be more focused on horseback combat as much of the game world would be desert. I'd honestly also want a boat like AssCreed 4 because the Gerudo's are pirates and we don't have enough pirate games. It'd also be cool if you could have a small band of five or six thieves (all Gerudo women of course,) but that might be too gimmicky.
I'd take it a different direction and go with a tragedy of fates kinda deal, where Ganondorf reluctantly gets twisted into being the King of Evil by destiny bullshit. Also, Link wouldn't be adopted into the Gerudo; rather, Ganondorf would be adopted into Hyrule. At the end, Link's courage falters for the first time ever, as he can't bring himself to finish off his best bro.
I thought that at first, but I felt that it would be too predictable.
Honestly, I don't think that would work. Ganondorf is supposed to be the king of the Gerudo. They wouldn't just let him get adopted by Hylians.
So as ridiculous as a motorbike might seem at first, it's really only silly because most fantasy games are set during a medieval era. Why aren't there more fantasy games that incorporate scientific innovation? With the ability to conjure power, why wouldn't it be harnessed? You have franchises like Bioshock, Dishonored, hell even Star Wars, but the "magic" isn't intrinsic with the technological development of their respective societies (with the exception of Star Wars I suppose.)
The only game where she wasn't was Spirit Tracks actually.
How about this;
>He goes and kidnaps zeldo because fate and shit he also finds out the Shieka were stomping out Gerudo to prevent a new king from being born and that's why he's got no mommy
>golden ending only happens when you got 100 of whatever the mcguffins were wakes up Link to the Shieka's fucked up plan of stopping the cycle
>just before final battle, you get a new weapon your wooden play sword
>bonus true final boss fight where Dorf fights alongside you
The potential is there.
This is no longer Zelda at this point. Fuck this shit, just make an interesting world with even more interesting gameplay mechanics around traversing it and set the player free. BoTW fucked both of those up though so it likely won't happen and they will probably double own on story elements because that's what normalfags want.
The problem with any "open world" is that it largely boils down to "nothing to fucking do". What should have happened was a large overworld that lead to very distinct places (dungeons) that were very nicely built.
The problem comes when people want sequence breaking or a lack of sequence; every dungeon then has to be passable with your basic tools/abilities. The only way around that is to make an optional and super hard method to get through an area without a special mcguffin, and if you do that, then again, you need a boss who can be defeated with basic swordfighting/tools.
They really should have just made it like the original tbh and made traversing over half the difficulty. I mean the "puzzles" in the original game were usually pretty simple. The difficulty was the unusual enemy types in them.
You're retarded, video game production costs have only lowered over the years, the prices of AAA is only dictated by their marketing costs you fucking moron.
Also most videogames today are shit, and your represantation is retarded, the closest thing the second pic should look like, is an ugly modern art mosaic, which would be completely soulless shit compared to the left picture.
You fucked up nigger.
Hipster art will never be good.
Well hipster refers to many didn't definitions to many different people. Many people would consider Holla Forums exclusive to hipsters only.
Time for bed.
True, but that goes to most Zelda characters that aren't Link or the villain.
So to cut down the fat: a game where it establishes a pre-existing non-hostile relationship between Link and Ganondorf instead of like the other games (could go a step even further a show that All Three of the Triforce wielders were childhood friends with each other). It's an interesting set up for sure with potential, and could go to humanize Ganon's motivations like Wind Waker did literal fags with their cancerous shipping shit are going to jump all over that though which would be annoying to deal with
Nintendo has always been jewish, you retarded nintendrone.
Actually, gta 5 bike physics are one of probably 3 things that are fun in the whole game, and they're still heavily flawed.
Zelda has no fucking story, you cocksucking faggot. “Link is Hero. Zelda is Captured. Ganon is Bad.” That’s the only fucking story it has ever had. There have been over a dozen variation on it already and they’re all still Zelda. Link had a sister. The world was flooded. Link had a childhood friend he loved more than Zelda. Link and Zelda were the childhood friends and loved each other. ET. FUCKING. CETERA. The plot that user came up with is just as much Zelda as any of them, EXCEPT IT’S ACTUALLY FUCKING INTERESTING.
so basically Dishonored: Hyrule edition
Fucking hell, all I wanted was some post-game content. I'm still mad because of the final cutscene. Fucking assholes, don't set up a cool premise and then just dick punch the player by booting them back right before the final fight anyway. The DLC isn't even good outside of the bike, bunch of recycled content and more shrines to do. Great.
After the last dlc, what did you expect?
I have a idea for a Zelda game
in it you-
When's the mods for faster motorcycle with infinite fuel and a special Eurobeat OST when on the bike? Or at least a Kamen Rider themed OST.
There's already a Den-O mod with bike.