Not vidya

That made me laugh though, also



one step ahead of you

Is cross board linking down or am I just retarded?

I'm just retarded.

I JUST deleted my cuphead porn.

I got you covered




That was pretty damn good.


When was /vfur/ made? and why don't we send the furfags there?


containment boards are counterproductive.

Because this site isn't big enough to contain every group you might have a problem with.







wonder if anyone was actually reading.
oh well.

not really

I really doubt it

Kind of cute, actually. Sangheili gfs are cuter, though.

Unironically this

I wanna fugg that scorpion qt



why it was even popular?

Is there porn of the dog?


post it


I've only seen porn of her current series. The unicorn, a couple of the loli and the goblins.

I swear I've seen that dog somewhere before.





is this guy making new stuff?


Something tells me one of the character will please /monster/

That bug lady is pretty cute.

Traps are gay

It's one of those annoying tag-along characters that actually work out.

Fuck 343, this is the new Rookie cannon.


Is that a Brute?
That's the only fan art of a female one I've ever seen. 10/10 space waifu.


Good times. I remember that shit.


Yeah comic made by cuck confirmed

It's crazy. It's been like 13 years since they first appeared in a game and nobody has drawn them at all. The guy who does this came out of nowhere recently.

Fuck, forgot to make the net pages replies.

At least we ended up with qt elites and some jackals.

I wanna fuck a Jackal cuntboy

I mean, I know this is a LOL thread, but come the fuck on. That's just a shit tier taste is waifus.

All waifus are shit taste in waifus.

What about titanite demons?

Not every attraction to a female character means waifu. This is just lust/xenophilia.

What can I say, I really really really really really really like that image.

Should've probably posted one.


Wrong. Objectively fucking wrong.

Nice dubs, Lori.

Xeno lust is pretty strong here, it's the next step after furfaggotry tbh. When you run out things on your own planet to sexualize, you move on to space.

That's just even worse.

T'Voan is best Jackal.

But god damn this Brute is hot

The ass in pic 1 is the only good thing you posted. Everything else in pic 1 and the other 2 pics are faggot shit.

Was there ever anything with the hunters?

fucking gay


that too good for a abortion thread

This pleases my dick somehow

wan wan



Wait, that's the actual end to OPM?
I like it

That's mob psycho 100 user

These are the weirdest kobolds I've ever seen.

they're yinglets you fagola

I've fallen in love with the characters Wurtz created!


You know what I meant.

why do I find those so creepy?

I'm enjoying this, where can I find it?



Probably because the artist isn't exactly the best. Plus, they're basically furry characters like those sergal things.

tfw no cboy jackal bf

The more I look at it them, I think it's the teeth and the legs. The artist can't decide if he wants digitigrade or plantigrade legs and just draws either whenever he wants and they're so small and thin, it is just skeeving me out.

Insect-like appendages. Yellow eyes. Rabbit teeth. Vertical pupils(?). All horrific things. It reminds one of vermin. Vermin bother people, even frighten them - likely because they bring plague. They're also dangerous to women and children.
Also they're really gay and the guy posting them is a total fucking nigger faggot who sucks billions of nigger dicks every second.



Makes sense, since they're vermin people.
Just giving the sauce to the user who asked.

A clue!



Holy fuck I hope that's your OC I actually laughed out loud.

yeah those legs are just really putting me off.


mgtows are so butthurt.




what the fuck happened to LOL threads


Yeah, that seems about right.

Honestly I feel like this comic isn't cringey enough for LOL threads, but an user asked for sauce and I'm delivering.


Seriously those things are cute but also fucking make me want to throw up and tear their puny legs off.


And that's the whole thing until the next part comes out.

This is actually a pretty good comic
Too bad it's run by a furry, and the fandom around it is infested with the worst kind of furry; The TF kind.

Sort of like a rat or a spider would?

Huh, I found this on the guy's deviantart. Pretty neat I guess.

Yeah, that sort of goes with the nature of the story unfortunately. As for being run by a furry, that's sort of thing that tends to happen with fantasy settings with beast races. At least there's some autistic world-building going on.

I guess. I both of those animals are pretty cute, or at the least I don't want to harm them. These things are like a combo of a rat and a chicken. I don't know why they make me feel these feels.


Looks like stumbled down the rabbithole. no pun intended

Yeah, they're definitely strange looking.

Eh, with this scale of worldbuilding, I'd've expected a /tg/ type over a furry.
Not that they're always separate I guess.

You think whatever you're finding there is bad, check the fur affinity lot.


must be something to do with that name


that was quick

That can be a decent combination if they've got some self awareness. Sergals are a good example of /fur/ and /tg/ colliding. Just ignore the fanbase that they've acquired.

Eh, I don't think anything can top Sonichu levels of awful. Besides, those are actually alright. The first pic reminds me of some alien I'd see in the old Star Wars EU.

A common name for not understanding women as well.

Found some fresh memes OP
Thanks nerve center.

I don't mean the artist as much as I mean the artist's commenters. But, yeah, some of his jazz is pretty bad.

That image you posted isn't from him though. It's some lewd fan art that I found last thread after an user asked me if there was porn of the comic. I won't deny he probably has made some bad stuff though.

What did he mean by this?

No, I didn't mean that image like that. Rather, I think that's a pretty good one. I would probably a yinglet, honestly.
Would prefer one of them rockslugs, though.

I just realized something. That furshit zootopia B^U comic is also an anti race mixing narrative.

Only the oldest of fags will understand those epic maymays, so no one on Le Holla Forumsidya.

user don't you know? Furries are the most redpilled group around.

Recently been seeing them come about on twitter. Nobody gets them, everyone's whining about it. It's pretty hilarious. Though, I fear some folk are joining in the lot without knowing anything about it.

Feels Dsfargeg.

I still have hope.

Oh, I definitely misread your post.
You're reaching levels of /xeno/ I can never hope to achieve. It's a qt, but I don't think I could fug.

I doubt.


Feels Dsfargeg indeed.

Yep, that's definitely oldfag shit. Way before my time.

Twinkie house though I'd be willing to bet dur butter against your 2k monies.

Yeah I'll give you those.