Rumored new Portal project

Does valve even have fanboys anymore?

OP is a fag


for a moment there i read this as "Postal" and got excited

So what is with Valve cucking out its properties? Do they initiate this sort of stuff or just other dork devs?




You have no idea how these kinds of agreements work, do you?

A lot of non bloatware browsers dont support MP4.

Although I do think a webm would have been better.

I just find it ponderous, guess it's really just their brand of marketing.

Literally kill yourself.

Which browsers?

The open source ones that dont support proprietary codecs when there are open source altenatives.

Sad thing is that a third-party Portal sequel could have a shit load of potential behind it. There is still shit loads of unexplored potential with Portal (proper support for moving portals would be insane) and playing some of Portal 2's user made test chambers reveals the game has the potential for some surprisingly challenging puzzles that Valve had squandered. A game in the hands of a dev who isn't afraid to playtester-proof everything could be amazing.

I can't be the only one who got an erection

It's better than STD

Which ones are those?

Honestly, the amount of diversity in it is about as equal to all the other Star Trek series. Hell, TOS had three Jews, two of which were lead characters.

Opera. Chromium. Qupzilla. etc

If it was Shodan though…

Opera has had mp4 support for a few years if I'm not mistaken. Is it any good? The VPN sounds interesting but I've already got one.
Looks like you're right about chromium. Never heard of cupzilla.

Maybe im out of date on Opera.

Qupzilla is great because its suspiciously identical to firefox but doesnt steal your data and uses 1/10th of the ram. I guess all that extra ram was only being used to steal your data
Oh and it doesnt support MP4. Which is fine because theres no reason to use MP4 over webm.

anything is better than std
i'm quite enjoying some of the episodes

Well Valve does still have on thing for certain…

*Card-Games :^)*

Not even shovelware German core sim games have physics that bothersome

Still better than STD.

I can't wait for Portal 3 to be announced and it turns out Chel is in lesbians with a FemDroid, which they'll try and write off as some deep psychological thing involving GLADOS, but is really just an excuse to appease the SJWs andto post a rare fans-service trading card that'll jew players further.


God, I fucking hope not. The greedy kikes haven't done anything worth praising for nearly a decade.

This is ranked among the most anticipated games of 2018.

I thought nobody wanted this and everybody was pissed Valve was making a shit card game instead of an actual video game

I just started playing tf2 and love everything about it. Its one of the only multiplayer games that just feels fun to me. I can only imagine how much fun it wouldve been to play with friends closer release. How do we bring good games back?

And yet people keep using Steam.

I just looked into this after seeing it mentioned and I will have to agree. It's a fucking card game. The way people have hyped it up you would think it was the spiritual successor to Half Life

Does it have adblock?

Isn't it the new fad to have companies rape good franchises these days?


Is there any name there that anyone still recognizes?

Boy you picked the wrong time to play it
By not making games like TF2

why would they do this.

I think these half life games have a sort of protection against getting old/irrelevent, whatever the reason is. Ten years later people are still talking about the future of this series, its obvious people still want a continuation of some sort. So why would they do this? Why would they steal from a 20 year GOTYAY franchise to advertise a fucking bridge building game?

I think this new title is going to soil the HL title a bit because not only is it not aimed at the half life croud, but that it seems to take some of the best parts of HL/Portals atmosphere and turns it into a farce.
Even more, it's like they aimed at the mobile app crowd(bridge building), mainly younger people who *might* only know about half life because their friends older brother played it. And looking at the trailer, it's pretty apparent they dont have the same writers, i hope the actual game has glados behaving more like a lunatic ai than a silly peanut gallery.

My bets are that this game will either be ignored or it will suck.
And that even if it is good(ie. somehow better than the billion other bridge building games) it still detracts from the HL name and is an indicator of valves apprehension/lack of ability to continue hl/portal.

It's like this game is valve's "Halo Wars" except halo wars was about halo, it was relevant to the Halo series, and it used halo "atmosphere". The warning glados gives along with the exaggerated gesture twards the truck just seems way way out of character.

I know i'm taking this to seriously+jumping the gun, but it is kinda a bummer, like valve is dishonorably discharging HL to the trash can.

The janitors, they keep the lights on and occasionally hit the servers with their mops.

just one

From the sounds of it, he barely did anything, and now he doesn't even bother reading/responding to emails.

You can't honestly think people use steam out of love for valve.

It was booed when they revealed it at TI, anyone who isn't a shill is mad at valve for pulling this.

im not playing that piece of garbage
whats next?
Portal Tetris?

everyone that uses steam?

This image needed to be updated with mods.

Half the users are hostages.

i don't personally know one single person that wants or cares about this game
i even know a few hopeless ASSFAGGOTS addicts that play dota 2 religiously and they don't want it either

Reminder that the now infamous reveal of this shit was being made in front of an audience of dota 2 fans, ones which were die-hard enough to want to attend a dota 2 tournament, and THAT was their reaction to it.

you can't be a hostage if you willingly gave up your freedom goy

I prefer GLaDOS' voice and body.



Correction: Continue making games like TF2, but DO NOT listen to tournament faggots.

No, because Valve doesn't create anything (((they))) just serve as managers decreeing whose items will be placed in their game. VR is a failure, SteamBox was a failure but I guess that controller was alright though a simple Xbox one felt better for me.

I wish I was you, I played the beta and all I got was a stupid badge with a date that reminds me who much time has passed since then. It was good back then, simple too. Even the class updates were alright and fun. The addition of boxes around the Halloween update of 2012, I want to say, was weird but the game kept going.

What killed it was when Valve started hiring so many women programmers who just went to the community for goods and only had to duplicate a few source files to put a new skin in or whatever. The TF2 codebase by Current_Year+2 must be obscene. Further I bet nobody at Valve now really knows how to program Source Games from the basics, that's why Valve has been using Unity because those woman programmers took classes on it.

Did anyone ever buy Ross Scott's Noesis tutorial on making Machinima?

Are you trying to imply that makes things better?
Valve is fucking selling out their franchises to random devs now.
Even casuals are beginning to hate Valve due to all the Jewry they're pulling.

they disabled the fucking ratings lmao

The comments.
I had a read at some of the lower ones and apparently the like-to-dislike ratio was about 1:10 before they were disabled.

What I'm saying is Valve licensing out a virtually completed IP to someone isn't as bad as pretending it was supposed to be portal 3 or some shit.
Realistically there'd only be a portal prequel considering portal 2 was an ASSPULL THAT THEY HAD TO CHANGE THE ENDING OF PORTAL 1 TO EVEN MAKE SENSE

Is it just me or are youtube comments becoming self aware as of recent? Seriously I feel like I'm going insane sometimes when I see comment chains like that pic.

almost like Portal 1 was its own well built, self contained game that ended at the appropriate time and didn't need a sequel

Don't be silly Quad Damage.

ungoogled chromium doesn't have this problem.
I can play the mp4 just fine.

Chromium has MP4 support, you retarded nigger.


Alternative reply:
Yeah kinda like
How gameplay wise there isn't really a reason to make a team fortress 3 and on a concept level it's still a solid fun game 10 years later. Same could have been said for CS:S, CS:GO only really existed because Valve were too lazy to port CS:S's Dilapidated code to Source Multiplayer 2015


wew, I'll never understand why people over there white knight multi-million dollar corporations

Because they have an emotional investment in the company, it's just another form of fanboyism.

I'm surprised this thread isn't more active
I was hoping to see more screencaps of butthurt Portal fans

Pretty sure most portal fans are apathetic about the "series" at this point

T. Portal fan

You're quite wrong, YouTube is full of immense rage and I'd be willing to bet the Steam Forums are also like that. Not sure why nobody here seems to care about this.

Google what cuck means you fucking retard, jesus christ I can't handle the children who do not even know what this word means and just spout it out of either the real context or the meme context given to it by Holla Forums

We'll I'm glad it's getting backlash. Maybe just everyone here no longer cares.

Might as well post more rage.
I tried searching plebbit like was talking about but most people seem disappointed rather than angry.

Cool your jets cuck.


The guy who wrote Half-Life left the company awhile ago, that combined with his statements about Half-Life and Valve in general sent the gaming world ablaze for a few weeks.
What he did was release the entire story for what was meant to be HL3, basically confirming his lack of faith in Valve to ever release it. A lot of fans of the series resigned to the fact there probably won't be a HL3. Valve now knows that people don't believe in them anymore so they're doing shit like this to capitalize while their old series are still relevant.


Hey maddox.

Well at least we know what the numbers looked like before they got blasted.


That's exactly what an inflated card game market needs, another card game! I mean, it can't be as bad as RuneScape's card game…right?

Why are you talking about STD? The screencap is from The Orville.

It depends on what the video is.

God DAMN you cucks are sad.
Something worse existing is not justification to enjoy a lesser evil.

did they ever fix the servers that crashed on the 1st of January and blocked everyone from playing?

I played a couple months ago and the servers worked just fine. The game almost made it an entire year with a semi-active community, I give the Dota game about 3 months.

I think you're underestimating brand recognition there, even with the backlash it got.

Eh, the Steam Workshop's been around since 2012 - almost six years ago now.

Fuck Valve. They are a hollow shell of what they once were. They became addicted to easy shekels and lost their way. I honestly believe they aren't even working on Half Life 3 and are just hoping people will forget about it. It's not like it would even be worth a fuck if the [current year] devs made it.

Already confirmed. The NDA expired this year and the plot got leaked


I'm so happy to see this, fuck Valve and their vidya. They could of had it all but no, they had to do bullshit VR/Kinect crap, SteamBox literally sideways PC, and no new single-player games ever.

even valve fanboys are coming out of the woodworks to call valve out for being sellouts.


Why is buying your wife a pressure washer a bad thing

Pressure washer got me

What in the fudge was that?

I liked it

Come on, OP.
Did you really think they'd make a new portal game before making HL3?
oh wait

No they have hat scalpers.

So retarded shit for retarded people?

portal1 was good
prtal2 was shit
hopefully there wont be a 3rd

What about portal 2 was bad that couldn't be said about 1?


It's like 2009.

Portal Prelude was made 9 years ago


Because you're supposed to get her something she will like on her anniversary instead of buying yourself something you want and giving it to her as a "gift"

The vanilla game fit on a single DVD, probably with room to spare since I think the Orange Box put Portal on that disc too.
TF2 in CY+2 is 20gb.
Sauce? If so, LEL.

Le cake is a lie amiright?

The most recent version of the Source engine won't run HL2 properly because of the "improvements" that the TF2 devs made to the engine.

user at this point it's just a generic pejorative term, the word has long since lost its actual meaning from overuse