Serious fucking question. How many JRPG's have a "World Tree"? 75%? I wish someone more autistic than myself would break down the stats.
The World Tree
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RPG fantasy worlds have always been a conglomerate of a bunch of concepts from legends slapped together. Sometimes in really chuuni ways.
What exactly was the point of this thread? It's barely worth making a thread for.
And a grand total of zero of them are done in the way its inspiration is.
Too many.
Wish more fantasy settings would be fucked up as to "UPDATE MY JOURNAL"
I'd say its worth it as it actually discusses video game settings. Unless you want to create another waifu thread or some such bullshit. In which case you can fuck right on off to reddit.
The Etrian Odyssey games are the only thing that come to mind. I don't know what games you played, but most of the RPGs' I've played have no World tree.
Front Mission
A handful of SMT games
Lost Odyssey
Trails games
Parasite Eve
Ni No Kuni
I can keep naming off RPG's I've played off of the top of my head, yet I can't think of hardly anything with a world tree. I can think of the Roda tree is Ys, but I don't know if that counts.
I think you're overestimating when you say 75%
World Trees? Try counting how many JRPGs have airships.
Legend of Dragoon had this. Bonus: It also had 108 species of creatures. 108 is a sacred buddhist number
Try counting how many RPG's have swords.
It comes from Yggdrasill in the Norse mythology. Tons of RPG stuff comes from Norse mythology, not just that.
Well, because every story is based on older stories. If you want to learn something about mythology and its history, you can start with these.
That looks like a horse.
What the fuck?
Airships kick ass, though.
Thanks for reminding me Berserk is still in hibernation.
i dont know, but its one of my favorite tropes
It doesn't really matter anyway
Berserk hasn't been good since the Conviction Arc.
Why does it seem that Japanese have a hard on for Norse mythology as opposed to Greek and Egyptian?
Its the most mainstream game with a world tree, and the only one I played, unless ff9's life stream counts, and maybe Tales of Symphonia but I can't remember.
Because its really close to D&D Medieval fantasy which is directly inspired by it.
Also Dragons Dogma has a shitton of Greek mythology and asthetics mixed with the standart medieval fantasy shit.
ff7's life stream*
Lots of r sounds, wood and boats.
Because they're based off of real life.
they think apocalyptic scenarios are cool, which isnt untrue. ragnarok
Mount Olympus (secretly was a tree, but none of the scholars know that)
All of these things that appear in myth and legend around the world are based on trees. You stand on the ground? You ever get taller? No, you don't, because you're a fucking manlet and don't understand the world of trees and probably can't even bench press your body weight.
Fuck you, OP.
And how do you know that? You some kind of demigod?
What is wrong with world tree myths?
Ethnicities all over the globe have them.
Trees are cool anyway.
World tree is a motif, not an archetype. Archetypes are human exclusive.
They at least have Glory of Heracles, though hilariously enough for a western-inspired series it never got cleared to be brought over until the fifth (and apparently final) main game, leaving the rest of the series to be fan-translated.
I know for sure FFIX has one.
I think Jade Cocoon has one.
Warcraft 3 had a world tree
It's coming back december 12, check /a/.
Only for it to die again at some point, so nothing new I guess.
Tales of Symphonia for sure has a world tree, as does Tales of Phantasia.
Surely not
easy there, reddit.
I mean technically everything is formed by the same laws of physics, but what are you talking about.
Thanks for the book recommendations. I'm reading stuff on this topic right now.
Fractals are a function of physical laws. Rivers, for instance, are not capillary systems for lorkhan.
i want to fuck a river nymph
You nigger wasting those pents.
RIP this thread.
Top wew
Faxanadu for NES was the first game I played with a world tree.
The world is a tree in an evolutionary sense, so it's not surprising that it appears as often as it does.
What are you talking about?
Firstly, they're not wasted on qt river nymphs, and secondly, it's quints you utter plebeian.
Nisu desu ne.
As for Golden Bough, I only red the first edition (with consists of two volumes). No library in my country has even half of the third edition (12 volumes). So I am either stuck with digitalized version (witch I hate) or spend 500 USD and buy it abroad.
As for Mask of Gods, you can get your hand on these more easily and the topic is in highly concentrated form.
This is bait.
I would say its something in japanese culture with nature preserve-ism, lots of them revolve around the concept of world destruction through pollution, and the mana tree being your main nature god
and btw, which one is that?
Humans evolved from apes that evolved from monkeys who lived in trees for millions of years.
We observe the world with certain presuppostitions which are built into our biology, hence why we identify trees as, "the world," and home.
and also, none of you youngfags mentioned this
simbly ebin
Also I archived the Finland thread
someone for fuck sake, at least sauce me OP's game
there are way too many gigantic flying mythical beats in these games for me to know spot on
Wow it's almost like they were all inspired by the same thing.
If you consider yourself any sort of RPG aficionado and you haven't studied mythology at least a little bit you are a fucking maximum pleb.
all mana games have the mana tree in some form
god damn it