#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Monster Lair Edition



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>Belgium Declares Loot Boxes Equal to Gambling, Vows to Ban Them: archive.is/jM4hL
>Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: twitter.com/icejournalism/status/906948110789877761
>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc
>#NoTatsukiNoTanoshi Updates: archive.fo/VO3Jp archive.fo/EiaPi


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Archive of previous bread



Remember to headpat your blades. Also message their tits so they grow bigger.


These Toasting Croat memes are getting really spicy

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:



- archive.is/izjJW

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt
Fakku 2101-2200: Out but no File yet, someone please teach me how to explore in catbox.moe

Info & feedback welcome



Don't tempt me.

I believe your image 100%



Anyone have the original vid?

Reminder that there is an article making the rounds between journos to throw a smokescreen up for NISA saying Falcom would still like to work with them. The truth being
For anons who are afraid NISA will be handling future Falcom IPs, don't worry. Things are looking up.

I want source on that

I don't know, to be honest.

Oh yeah, everyone keep in mind, they've pretty much lost Danganronpa.

Pretty funny how people claim that him killing himself is an admission of guilt when it was clearly about the point that he isn't a war criminal than about the sentence, since he had already sat through more than two thirds of it.

Will Usher - "Shinobi Master Senran Kagura: New Link's Smaller Boobs, Covered Outfits Causes Concern"


oneangrygamer.net/2017/12/destiny-2-bungie-promises-better-rewards-not-xp-following-scandal/45675/ …


Mombot when?

RIP Brote Ampill, you're in a better place now.

Doesn't that men they will be more desparate to get their grubby hands on Cold Steel?

There's that too. NISA will soon only be handling anime translations, shitty japanese games from nobodies, and NIS titles.

Speaking of which, alot of people keep claiming pizzagate is debunked. I'm not seeing any evidence of that.

fucking hell what a shitty world we live in

Sure they're desperate, but your forget it wasn't just the translation of Ys 8 they fucked up. They promised a simultaneous PC release. It's still not out. It's been pushed out if Falcom's fiscal year. Nips don't care if the translation is good, but if you mess with their profits…

It's unlikely Falcom will want to work with them again.

It's an edit
Hint: it's by the same guy who animated vid related

tip top kek, there has been such an overwhelming mountain of evidence by this point that it'd be near-impossible to anyways.



Fucking women…


So, I'm watching the new Exodus movie, and I can't help but feel ofended in how they shit on Egypcians with jew lies.

I can figure that, I just don't know what is the source.

But women in Sweden are more scared than ever to report rape. There is just so much rape there that number burst right through all the fear.

Reminds me, gender studies is called "gender science" there.

Why isn't this whore tweeting in Arabic? smh

no shit,i want the original still


But user, I'm not a liberal. I'm TERRIBLE at starting conversations!

I can't even…

can anyone with a twitter account ask her why she is this retarded? And what does that fucking checkmark mean? She just a random person or someone official?

What a self fulfilled prophecy.



The Swedish government has a lottery for citizens take over their twatter account for a short time.
Apparently there is a massive list of citizens who are banned from ever having the chance because wrongthink.

>she or he

What is up with this handle?

The checkmark means the account is "verified" which they say is meant to mean that the account belongs to who it says it is, but it's ultimately just a seal of endorsement by Twitter, considering people(such as Milo) get unverified for wrongthink.


IIRC Pewdiepie was recently placed on this list.


They do this all the time with lewd games on ios/android market places. I don't know why anyone would be shocked

This is a slightly disingenuous statement.
The Swedish word for "science": "vetenskap", has a broader meaning than the English one and can more or less refer to any academic discipline.
It's the same principle in other Scandinavian languages as well as German.
(I'm not claiming that this "Gender Studies" crap isn't completely corrupt by any reasonable standard though).

There's also the fact that the definition of rape is so loose and that the reporting is done in a way that artificially inflates the numbers.
Let's say she's drunk and someone forces a tongue kiss, then sticks a hand under her shirt, then fingers her, then sticks it in. That's four separate filings of rape charges right there.


The one with one staring Dubsman and directed by Ridley? Yeah, I heard that film didn't do too well.

That's just the kikes trying to save their asses because they know the have no leg to stand on. In truth it hasn't. It's an empty "statement" the left makes anytime without proving said statement. Just empty spouting crap. Like "be ur self" or "love is love" or "X is Y" you know the drill by now. Only the most retarded empty minded soulless drone will repeat it without any questions asked.

The thing is that the movie is taking the worst out of me. I'm going full Holla Forums and I can't stop it.

I can't stop hating jews unironically as much as I hate muslims. I don't like the person I'm turning into.


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

Oh boy I remember thinking that too. You'll be better off trust me. Just don't forgot to lift and learn new skills.

It's just offensive how they don't have respect not even on their own jew tales.

I don't mind hating jews or muslims, I'm just starting to release some outbursts of shit and I don't want to delate myself as a jew hater.

you gotta be kidding me there can't be such a paradise on earth

Most people absolutely don't give a fuck about kikes. You'd be surprised how many people know what kind of scum they are.

Yes, I know it's icze4r, which is why I posted an archive and will urge you to take it with a grain of salt. That being said this would not surprise me at all anymore.

I also play the role of "idiot that supports Trump", but they know I do it sarcastically, but that I also do support him, basically ham it up about how great he is

>Agree with their point, but that companies are greedy, and combined with international bankers, we are at a loss. Proceed to then mention that 43% of the CEOs and decision makers are Jewish or Israeli in nature and let them realize that oh fuck, Jews are the greedy ones

I hate myself, I hate what I enjoy sexually, and X is X no matter how hard you claim it is Y. Liberalism was never going to work on me.

I wish MDE had a second season, i can see Sam Hyde ripping into this.

Dear Tits, Please grow bigger

t. user


That sounds tremendously retarded. Brote gave no shit about that whole thing, he was laughing hardcore. He wasn't in it to protect or support anyone or anything. He was in it to go crazy over the stupidity of real life. He barely ever blew the whistle on anyone aside from Anthony Burch, most of the time he was only part of the ones reacting; but he did so loudly and in a way that allowed everyone to laugh heartily, and so he had a ton of fans.

Hey, it aint supposed to work. Much like gommunism. Nice dubs though.

Heil'ed. Your tits will grow bigger.

Do you want Chris Chan boobs? You might get that, be careful what you wish for.


Forgot if it's posted before but nuclear negro vid.
Published on Nov 21, 2017


I wouldn't either if half my audience was 1.

To be fair, I doubt he has much to lose. Who the fuck likes his "art"?

Dobbo always did blow things out of proportion.

He has an inflated ego and really knows how to puff himself up


Direct it towards something productive. And I don't mean that in the generic "do something with your life" garbage, just do something that will both let you cool off and do something about it without it leaking into your own life. For example, I did it by becoming an archivefag prior to GG (as in, actually saving and compiling shit instead of typing links into archive.is) and it also helped fairly nicely to both remain informed and have shit to post on subjects that pop up later on. And although it may seem pointless to be an archivefag that does more than just put links into archive.is, very few people actually do it and instead choose to only save shit that gets the most attention. For example, the shill thread on /polarchive/ consists almost entirely of my posts and as I started running low on shit to put up there, I simply started compiling my own findings into OC to make up for it. Pic related

Where the hell is this shit coming from? It's lower tax rates ACROSS THE GODDAMN BOARD.

From Silicon Valley, who are all asshurt that Congress called their proposal to tax stock options on receipt instead of on cash-out "fucking retarded."


not only that but who both "likes his art" and is a republican.

her wikipedia is nothing but she is the first african american x.

Republicans can have inflation fetishes too. Not many artists are willing to draw that shit either, you got to resort to Dobby.

No, I'm not into that

It sounds like it's time to name names and present evidence!

The last tweets I saw from Brote were him laughing about Vice having to remove the wet bar from their offices because their writers are such incurable sexpests they even assault each other after a couple of drinks.

It's still pretty hilarious that they had to resort to the one-drop-rule just to get the first black female physicist: a woman from the 20th century who is 87.75% white and looks white as snow.

given this guy's record, it's pretty much fried air

Shade doesn't matter, a nig is a nig.

What in the fuck?! Are they total faggots now? And since when did islam surpass jews?

Is that real? doesn't show up when I search it

A bigger problem is that most artists that do the more degenerate fetishes take cues from 1940's cartoon and other terrible sources, which causes disgusting results (Such as inflation pictures having characters looking like they're an overblown Mr. Staypuff). I'm not sure how many drawfags here may take offense to this, but the people who take those commissions and do those fetishes don't try to make them look pretty (Despite how disgusting the fetish itself may be), they just make the picture as low effort as possible so they can move on and you have commissioners who will lap that stuff up.

yeah I am calling fake news. Either that or they changed it because I get different results.

After the sex junk dance, anything is believable. Too bad it's not real.

That might be why. Don't use google in general, searx and startpage are better and more secure

Pyra redesign salt is strong.


But we're stronger.


Good morning, motherfuckers.

Why trigger one topic when you can trigger two?

Toshi weighed in.

Hire me nintendo


All this fuss for a white passing woman who just double checked the math of an actual genius.

when I switch to google.com it still shows Hinduism.


Speaking of which.

Look at this. The SALT is real.

Then it's either fake news, or old news.

He's on a roll


What's all this fuss about Pyra? I don't play Nintendo games and I don't understand. Did Nintendo redesigned her to appeal feminists?

Well it did show it at one point, didn't save an archive link but I know someone else did. Didn't save it since I was fairly tired at the time, but one thing to note is that those top results in a special box are all pre-selected by moderators, since I did a check fairly long ago on the thing that pops up when you type in "define social construct" and compared site traffic. Although now you will see Wikipedia, previously it linked to a university site that gets like 200 visitors at the absolute maximum (compared Alexa rating) and it had priority over two of the most well known dictionary sites with over a hundred times the traffic.

I saved it fairly long ago and it would take fucking days to go through every single screencap and archive it.

Second pic related

No. That's why they're upset. XB2 is full of anime titties.

Well allow me to take you on a little tour, Mr. Dubs.

Aren't a bunch of the blades also men and like animals and shit?

Her design is "Unrealistic" and "objectifying"
Her tits aren't actually that big, it's just her clothes that make her look that way

Tumblr autists and low-T Schrier mad that the Japanese appreciate beauty.

SJWeebs and non-gamers are salty she has a sexy design and her tits jiggle. So they're trying to "fix" her and others are mocking them.

Oy vey, are you alleging some sort of bias?

No. SJWeebs hate her design because tits.

If anything, they're screaming for Nintendo to censor and crying about the designers being misogynist/sexist.

Daily reminder from HR to avoid being alone with women in a work environment. Misunderstandings can be easily avoided that way.

Theresa May continues to dig a hole.

But her tits aren't even exposed, they're completely covered.

That was the old version of one I made, the top right is a fake that slipped in that I saved for shitposting purposes but did so in the wrong folder.

They're sizable, and clearly defined by the tightness of her outfit.

And then there's her thighs and midriff, which ARE quite exposed.

Not covered enough. Here's a prototype for a feminist-friendly design.

Wait a second, aren't they they the group in Rainbow Six?

Oh, just business as usual then…

Are those serious redesign? They are ugly as fuck.

Found it again, one is a version below 4MB so that it would also get posted on halfchan.

I keep seeing them use the "I am gay and the tits are too distracting" card and I am all like if your gay then tits shouldn't be doing anything for you.

It seems like looking at the action instead of the tits would be an easy fix.

Oh, they're really obsessed with redesigning problematic "animu" characters, like this one. This is what Dobson made when Persona 5 was white hot. They're really that triggered.

Are any of you running a backcheck behind GG2, Bullet Girls Phantasia, or Omega Labyrinth Z? Ensure that shit's not getting a chop job?

Omega Labyrinth is being done by PQube the guys who called out NISA for censoring Criminal Girls 2. So I'm fairly certain it will be fine aside from character ages being changed which is what was changed when they did Valkyrie Drive.

these people deserve be bullied


I have no disgusted Sisko, so have a Worf.


Did dobson actually draw these ones? Anyway these people are such fucking cultural appropriators. These are Japanese characters made to look like americans, fucking disgusting.

My favorite is all these artists saying
while churning out the tumblr shit.

If I was a drawfag with any amount of talent, I'd spend all day making sexualized art of SJW game characters while yelling

Okay, enough of this shit, time for something actually appealing to the eye.

Bullshit. Most actual gay people don't give a fuck. Just like most gay men didn't give a shit you couldn't be a fag in P5. It's just fat Tumblr fujoshits trying to disguise their terrible fetishes as some important social issue like always

Those look like rejected 'little people' from a gender swapped 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.


Dorfs and anime girls are like anal sex and pizza. They're both great but I never want them mixed together.

Bullet Girls is coming west? Nice. The Vita game was super cute. Like playing an FPS animu.

Put on the dress, gook.

Even if the combat is garbage, I'm half tempted to support this purely for salt/to make a point.
On the downside, Nintendo hears their audience as well as a gnats fart.

Business is business, user. No matter what kind of overreaction came down, the fact remains they weren't transparent with Valkyrie Drive, and even got beligerant toward the non-hostile queries for that lack of clarity. Doubt they'd fuck the pooch twice, but it's still a good idea to keep eyes open.

More on to point, who exactly is publishing Bullet Girls Phantasia? I didn't think D3 had a western branch.

Thank you user.

They're (not even that) big and her outfit fits around it.

On top of that her midriff and thighs are exposed, which people were crying for the devs to cover up when she was first revealed.

Because it's "unrealistic". Or any other silly criticisms about an unrealistic anime game.

Same with the ice titty monster that has animal legs and arms, and seems to have an odd posture (pushing out her chest and her ass) because of it. They hate it because "it's not anatomically correct", meanwhile other "non-problematic" designs have huge hands or massive robotic arms that they wouldn't be able to lift.

I gotcha covered

post sexy statues.

I'm just avin' a giggle.


Didn't see them go after widowmaker from overwatch with the same vigor. I'm guessing because it's Japanese and therefore an easier target. The normalfags would fucking jump on these cucks if they went after blizzard.

widowmaker is a fucking flatty compared to either of those designs though.

I'm not so sure. They greenlit this and didn't censor it at all like XCX. Maybe they noticed that nearly 50% of their userbase is 18-34 and is 90% male. The Senran creator said Nintendo was becoming more open to lewd.

Anime titties being desecrated is no laughing matter.


She has that ass sticks out at 90 degrees and sexy body suit though. You could apply the same complaints to widowmaker that you could to that design (minus titties)

I think what's really throwing SJWs off is that her tits in game seem to be much bigger then they are in the official art.

Pizzagate seemed to have completely fizzled out. I've seen little of it on both imageboards or twitter from either side. I don't see how it could be "debunked" when it seems that everyone just kind of forgot about it and went to the next drama.

Don't forget: twitter used to immediately suspend or lock anyone account that spelled out that Sarah Butts was a pedophile. So it's certainly possible. Fuck Gel though



Once again some shitlib showcasing the most insane, first-place enraging quality about them: fucking hypocrisy.
He's literally making the guilt by association argument. You try to explain to people that 12.5% of the population commit >50% of the violent crime or that you can judge entire groups by statistics, and you get bullshit like "oppression" and #notallmuslims. But turn that shit around on "republicans" and OH NO THERE IT GOES it's fair game, guilt by association totally fine as long as it's those ebil knot seas. Goddamn fucking mental gymnastics at their finest.


Will Dobson ever cease to be a lolcow?

Damn, sexbots when? I just got out of a relationship an I'd rail the shit out of a doll that looked like that.


snouts are God's gift to mankind user.

They know that ass is the lesser part of a woman, and therefore doesn't mater as much.

Get that fleshy trash out of here. The rest is nice.

Wew didn't expect this, thanks user.

I remember there was a brothel that had some and ended up getting more money from the sexbots to where the thots got angry.

You know what isn't real? AN ARCHIVE GOD DAMMIT

Surprised the second and third pic doesn't trigger uncanny valley.
Whatever that thing is, I need it



That's why I want to buy instead of rent. They'll take my doll waifu over my dead body.


I'm a bit surprised places don't use it as a way to get around prostitution laws. Either open doll brothels up in places where it is illegal or use it as a front for actual prostitution.

Pretty sure you can buy one for a good amount of money. Shipping will fuck you hard though- since it's basically sending you a human body.

Would be interesting to try one out.

I'm not even sure how it would work. Do you have to use a condom with the doll? Does somebody come in and clean it out between customers? Do you just go in with the last guy's nut still in there?

Probably. Just rinse it down with alcohol or something and it's good to go again.

is there any blade that happens to be a 2D brown girl?

What's the name of the statue and who made it?!

She is such a fucking retard.



Probably, cleaning it out will take a while and might not get rid of STDs, and nutting in another guy's nut is pretty gay.


I hope they're thorough. I get weirded out using my toy twice in a row without cleaning it. I can't imagine what it would be like if it was a stranger's cum in there. I'd feel like I was being cucked, maybe.

See, if I have to use a condom I'm just gonna fuck a regular whore instead of a doll. Part of the fun of a toy is that you can blow inside.

No thanks.



You could have a cavity that you could replace the fake vagoo, so you could cycle them out and clean em etc…

So orgies are gay then?

What a qt.

Yeah, especially double penetration

I think the one that opened up said that they clean and disinfect it in between uses. if it is removable it could actually be pretty fast or have several oniholes that you cycle though as they are cleaned.

that's the good stuff


Hmm, I think I've seen this blade design before, I think it's in Vagrant Story?! Correct me for that I'm wrong fellas.


It turns out the herd, that is, /int*/ is composed of:
Literal faggotry everywhere.


no anime black people are actually diverse not a monkey with an afro.

it looks a bit like an 80s anime character

Sure are a lot of people who want to fuck statues in here.

I think the artist is the same one who did Code Geass.


What's up with him? I used to follow him on youtube but he kind of creeped me out with how much his father's death affected him. I'm not saying that's bad, but the dude started uploading videos titled "my fathers ghost appeared to me" or some shit.
So whats his story. I know he was involved with GG at some point.
sage for e-celeb i guess

Statues were the original VR porn.

You could say it makes them…



And, for the ladies and fags.

Well, that's new.


Greeks and Romans were just proto-anons with no internet. Does someone have the picture with the Roman graffiti that was just ancient shitposting?

I honestly don't get it, what's the point to jerking yourself to a stone.



Is it that worse than jerking to a drawing?

It's like 3DPD without any of the things that would make it appealing.

Honestly seeing this shit was weirdly profound to me.

Nigger wot? It's the opposite. It's almost all the benefit with none of the drawbacks.

Wet cloth statues are the best. JUST LOOK AT THOSE WRINKLES ON THAT CLOTH

Every fucking bloody damn time I get popular for making fun of SJWeebs I get so many of them showing up to prove my point

at this point I kinda expecting you to call me out whenever I posting
We must stop this gay shit before we start to fuck each other.

very good, i have ascended the benis

Even more evidence towards Kimishima having a hot dark chocolate fetish.

If the statue is painted well enough to be convincing, then it's probably alright. I just don't see the sexual appeal of statues since they're 90% 3DPD made of rock.

Drawings tend to look more appealing though.

Sticking your dick into a rock doesn't sound like great sex

Alright, I have to ask, does anyone know what a 3D Asian trap even looks like? Anyone have any pics (Be sure to provide at least one pic with the benis showing)?

Who says you're gonna stick your dick in it?




That's when the good shit is just beginning gook
I don't think any of us mean anything by it gook, it's just all in good fun to tease you since we all like you so much, in a non gay way of course



It's brotherly love.

I must have missed the extreme mansplaining this. Back story?

False rape claims?

Peter Coffin should know how much they cost. Ask him.

What cloth? It is all statue, baby. The talent to create such illusion is much appreciated when compared to most modern art.

Don't you like benises being rock hard? spoiler pic related

Oh fuck, what ever happened to Ohio user anyway?

pic related

My dude, one of the main reasons I am here is because SJWs are trying to take my lewd away. I think you'll find that's true for a lot of us. I do not give a shit about most moralfaggotry. I want to be left alone with the things I like.

is this furry pornography?

Been thinking about SJWeebs.
Don't really understand how someone can convert to social justice and remain a weeb, then try to force things like animu to conform to their ridiculous ideology.
The transformation would most likely destroy everything they originally loved about animu to begin with.

No, but it makes me hard.

Not without best girl it isn't.

No, but this is.

Big breasts and fat asses are a gift from the lord, user.

There's a screencap somewhere on how this applies to Goons who like anime but I think it applies to SJWeebs as well. It's something like they're embarrassed that they like it and it doesn't fit with their ideology since they don't believe in the ideology 100% so they instead try to warp anime so that it's less of a "sin" for them to enjoy it. If anyone has this screencap as it applies to goons please post it

KRIIIIIIISTINA is flat though

But Kurusu is flat. She's very cute though.

Thanks bruh

Are you anons from burgerland ready to be comfy? I smell hitpieces against Xenoblade Chronicles 2's character designs REALLY soon.

But Steins Gate has a much cuter flat girl in it

While Mayuri isn't flat, she is still the best girl



I get the same result, I think it might be due to your location. It's not fake news.


People always go for this joke, but Ruka actually is a girl for part of the show…

Why'd you reply to ? Mayuri is a girl

But so is Rukako, she's best girl (male)

Have neither of you played Steins;gate? Ruka is a girl in one of the worldlines.

Well obviously, but Ruka is mainly a trap, so that's the joke

You mean tomboy.

I took a minute to add "there are christians" because I knew there were atheists in this thread. Your response is not surprising at all.


Banana Nazi's writing for Milo now. Also, Jesse virtue Singal's been accused of "respecting" "women", which is probably why he killed his Twitter.

Why does she look like she's designed by one of the code geass character designers?

No more Twitter meltdown from Singal? I'll miss those.

Saw SJWs saying something about him being "transphobic"

Honestly it's the furry stuff that turns me off more that anything else.

That's good! That's what we want!!
Expose the SJW to their audience. The sooner they realize they are a pest, the sooner they realize they are a threat.

Only for a week, apparently. Because all these motherfuckers are addicts.

Its called Venus of the Ass was Fat by some roman guy

Drumpf is finished for sure this time!

Why do you do this to me, Holla Forums?

I think alot of them are entry level weebs that stick to shounens and popular/meme anime, hence why the too shounen compliant morphed to "too anime". These people would watch these shows and play these games(xenoblade) not because they like them but rather for geeky e-points.

But there are also fags like is talking about who are people who loved anime but want it to be more appealing for their peer group so they themselves can be accepted for liking this by their friends, that one fuwanovel guy that did a report on an eroge comes to mind.

And then you have the tumblrite sjws that are eternally salty that anime and other otaku media (visual/light novels and manga) largerly targets the native japanese male audience witch is was pandering became a buzzword. The contrarian nature of the anime community towards otaku media is a massive fracture point that the sjws abuse to this day.

Because we're becoming one


I'm a white male,what is my punishment.

This. Its always an appeal to authority or trying to get people to like what you like instead of being an adult and just accepting it is what it is. Most these people grew up when Anime was readily available and there wasn't a large negative stigma that came with watching anime during the VHS era.

Don't worry, user, it's okay to be white.

Aras will force your dick inside them until you beg them to stop.


Going to a furry convention so you can sabotage it

I have a feeling that's not a girl in that suit

Keep it up and I'll include big tittied aras into the mix.


Whenever I manage to forget about fursuiters someone has to come and remind me they exist. That spy is pretty fucking cool though.

Fursuiters are like trannies. prove me wrong.

what the fuck is an ara

You're probably right.
The shoulder are too wide, and a woman that fat wouldn't be so flat.

Is the spy /ourguy/?

Also that wolf Megaman is pretty funny

That depends, do you mean otherkin or fursuiters in general? Because that would be like saying cosplayers are like trannies too. Which isn't necessarily wrong.

The ones who do it outside of cons. I assumed that was what you meant by fursuiters.

can you archive it? And what's your location?

A fursuiter is just anyone who wears a fursuit. And either way they just look bad, let alone those who are also otherkin.

Because she is.

East coast USA. I attempted to archive it, but since archive.is is based in Russia it's not displaying the card: archive.is/2QFqh
The card is taken from the 3rd search result on that page.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a coordinated strike next week from all the big gaming sites. There's a reason why XBC2 and Persona 5 before it are heavily targeted. They weren't done by people in their camp. Notice how nobody complained about the cleavage or sexy characters in Fire Emblem Fates? Or how the people who were calling for Persona 5 to have more diverse body types didn't say anything about TMS: FE and its cast of skinny characters. They treated what happened to Fates, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions as a victory (despite the fact that nobody bought the latter), and to have XBC2 come out and not be tainted by people in their clique means a loss for them. Just look at that Kotaku review that infers that it would have been better in Treehouse's hands and how that falls in line with the coordinated attack on Persona 5's localization. They'll most likely throw around what little clout they have in an attempt to make the game fail so they can then turn around and blame its failure on the game not being done by their friends. With any luck though, the game will sell well like P5 did and prove these people wrong. We're probably about to see a lot of lashing out in an attempt to regain power, and the best thing to do is mock them at every move, and of course, if you liked XBC2 let Nintendo know. Don't let the fags complaining about tits be the only voices they hear.

I get the card too in midwestern
US. Its strange how google doesn't display results from wikipedia or any trustworthy source but from some malaysiakini site. Malayasia is a muslim country so of course they would put islam first but why google displays it as the first result is suspicious

bring it


Girl Ruka is kind of a turnoff.

Why not model all female characters off this person?

You have the option to give feedback, maybe you can flag it as fakenews.

< "[lxbran] has been suspended"
>About to post YOU SHOULD HAVE ARCHIVED WHILE YOU STILL COULD, but on a hunch, type @Ixbran into Twitter's search bar first
>Thanks to someone else getting it wrong, it turns out to be an upper-case i in the username, instead of a lower-case L.

Due to your laziness, and that near-miss scare, I'm gonna bury you with archives of this goalpost-moving degenerate idiot until you choke on them.
archive.is/g0IH0 | archive.is/5eIv1 | archive.is/j8HJ5 | archive.is/ngGMa | archive.is/OZlcU | archive.is/Vfjg4 | archive.is/EPGHe | archive.is/CUBWz | archive.is/tdVLY | archive.is/iuAAG | archive.is/xozOK | archive.is/Nld3v | archive.is/DExSU


I think it's just Google's algorithm being terrible as usual. Remember when they had a card calling Vivian James a hate symbol?

Already have the first time this came up, might as well do it again.

that game doesnt have any censorship?

So it appears.
Do not expect good acting, but at least the writing should be faithful with no visual changes.

That's good to hear.

So has xenoblade 2 actually got any censorship?
or meme localization?



tnx goyim

the same behind Monogatari series?

Making porn is just a stepping stone in Japan

I thought Holla Forums was finally dead and gone, but was suspicious of the name similarity between Mewch and Freech.

The hell are they cucking about nowadays?

Another newspeak to be added to the lexicon, fellas!

Body hegemony!


Wow, the amount of salt from xbc2 is off the charts. I really can't believe how hard they're going after it

To them, there are only two kinds of beauty, "my beauty" and "problematic beauty that must be destroyed at all costs."


But anime is so greatly exaggerated that only a crazy person would think that it's somehow a realistic beauty standard. What person looks at an anime babe and goes, man I wish I had eyes the size of grapefruit.

Apparently tumblr likes Jojo now and they're fine with it, is there a single guy in that anime that has even a remotely realistic body?

They will sit there and tell you women are literally brainwashed and domesticated like animals because they don't agree with the hivemind. Honestly this to me is one of the most insulting things I have ever seen and I would probably loose it if someone tried that on me in public assuming I was actually a girl same thing with calling non left black people uncle tom.

Thanks to them, Treehouse will take care of all localization from nintendo now.

If the Twitter character limit was set to whatever the tweeter's IQ was, I firmly believe the world would become a better place overnight.

Then plenty of people will complain about having someone spamming their mentions when it's just Moviebob trying to write a single sentence.

That wound is still fresh

Not really, Twitter is making the world worst by conditioning its social media addicts to think simple ideas that aren't too complex. It's intellectual neutering, these people are now stupid because they can't think of concept more complex than 140 characters because they use Twitter too much. Hundred of thousands of tweets in 2-3 years is not healthy,

I wish that there was something we can do to counter it, I shot NoE an email but thats it. How are the normalfags reacting to this debacle.

Well, Araki drops the super manly bodies by Part 4 and by Part 8, they all look like the kind of people that would browse tumblr anyway.

Thats the point user.




Censorship looks like a hard no. I haven't seen any memes yet. Granted it's like a 100 hour game, so I haven't seen everything, but there haven't been any yet.

Yeah, though the "we're building something new" part is something I hadn't heard.

I stand by my point


You either hang around some extremely masculine women, or every man you've ever seen is built like a brick shithouse.

I think he means Phantom Blood/Battle Tendencies JoJo

also known as The Best JoJo

The change from Hamon to Stands was kinda weird an unexplained tbh.

stands were supposed to be hamon powered at first, then he just kinda ran away with it.

Wow, the new Mummy film was actually enjoyable. Not as good as the previous iteration, but I'd like to see where it goes. Also, why is it films are becoming more like TV series, meanwhile TV shows are trying to ape films?

Hi, new friend!


Really doubting this user.

Part 4 I can somewhat see where you going at, but the rest of the parts don't exactly fit into that criteria.

Are you braindead, user?

A laugh/figure of speech by certain anime girls. Usually genteel ladies remarking on things.

And for some reason the GG thread thinks all MILFS are aras despite them being two very different things.

That explains it then.

Could you elaborate?

First, there's not going to be another, second, get some taste.


I don't have a source for this, but a friend of mine said that the reason Stands were introduced was because the author realized that Hamon was a purely linear system, meaning that battles will eventually devolve into the sort of shonen bullshit you see in Dragonball Z with new levels of Super Saiyan and power levels that should be impossible, so he introduced Stands so that battles can have multiple dimensions and therefore have multiple ways to win other than "I'm stronger than the enemy!"


Basically, yeah. Orginally Jojo was concieved as the three separate parts. Part 3 was supposed to come second, but he decided that brining Dio back immediately would ruin the impact. So he Put the Aztec gods in part 2 instead. After this, the threat of Dio was going to seem pretty inconsequential since Joseph has just killed fucking gods, so he introduced stands to prevent power creed.


but then he would've had to have a cool stand and be a hamon master. He'd be too OP.

sweet mother of christ what have you done to that poor innocent milf

was meant for

sahgay for doppelposting


Not an Ara.
Not an Ara.
Like in

These are all mothers. Some milfs are Aras. Not all Aras are Milfs.


This new firefox browser is a piece of shit. Who gives a fuck if it's fast if IT CRASHES THE FUCKING TAB EVERY TIME I TRY TO GOOGLE SOMETHING OR CLICK TO REPLY TO ANYONE ON Holla Forums

Anyone know a decent replacement? I'm sick of this shit.

This music gets me pumped.

Im not getting that problem.

There's a new firefox browser?

I've been using Vivaldi. Seems to work fine.

Joseph is already super OP though.
Jonathan Joestar
Joseph Joestar
You could make a virgin/chad meme out of this.

Jonathan is the Chad for believing in the power of JUSTICE

Palemoon and Icecat work fine via W7, and Vivaldi and Iridium work fine via Windows 10.
So far, W10 has been an utter bitch for me to handle, but I want to use it for one more year before I come to a conclusion as to how shit it is.

You can't hate him.

Linux Master Race



I've been using it for a year and I still hate that I don't have easy access to useful stuff and the new interface is WORSE than the old one in most cases


What is everyone doing to relax? I imported some gundam vidya games to play through. I also got a shit ton of gunpla of my favorite suits. Still need to get a zgok and zock though.


For now I'm just listening to the OST to Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I honestly think it's the last somewhat decent game Square Enix has made. Tabata is a shitter who didn't even bring his knowledge from it over to directing FFXV

Oh that those silly Neofags.

Nice. I'm waiting on a MG Freedom on the mail.

It always astounds me how people actively WANT orwellian observation.

Getting some freshly dried laundry and covering myself with it for maximum comfy with a cold beer.

If you know how much shit in Jojo was changed on a whim, you'd never be able to function thinking of all the possibilities that could have come from it. Just enjoy what you got and try not to think about "what could have been," because absolutely anything he did would probably have been amazing.

I really should resume building that gunpla.It was my first ever and I was having fun with it, but the past year put a lot of my interests on hold.
As for right now I'm just playing STALKER for the first time. I can't say I love it the way some people do, but I do find it interesting and different enough to keep playing.

It's easier for these fags to Dox who they don't like.

I should bully you, but that is your taste. Just realize that acguy and the rest of the aquatic mobile suits are top tier. The new prototype origin suits are pretty good as well in HG; I really like the waff and mobile worker.

Which one are you playing? SOC gets even better later on. For a second playthough, you could try some mods.

Watching some TIHYDP's dedicated to DSP.

He can start with doing it himself.

I honestly want dsp to continue just for the TIHYDPs

I just now realized that Dobson's creepy inflation murder comic passed the blechdel test. If this doesn't prove how shitty the test is, nothing will.

And let's not start with the George Joestar Light novel… It's a cluster fuck.

SOC. I think it's the fact that while I appreciate the atmosphere and survival aspects (which is what keeps me playing) I find the everything, especially the shooting, covered in a layer of jank that keeps me from really getting into. I also wish there was more to the NPCs than almost nothing. Right now if I had to grade it I'd say it's above average, not a bad game. 6 or a 7 out of 10 for me so far. Maybe the end of the game will make me like it more.

SOC. I think it's the fact that while I appreciate the atmosphere and survival aspects (which is what keeps me playing) I find that everything, especially the shooting, is covered in a layer of jank that keeps me from really getting into it. I also wish there was more to the NPCs than almost nothing. Right now if I had to grade it I'd say it's above average, not a bad game by any means. 6 or a 7 out of 10 for me so far. Maybe the end of the game will make me like it more.

I really should proofread my posts.

So what ever happened to all those news sites Holla Forums tried making? Wouldn't that be the only true way to make an "honest" gaming journalist website?

The only virgin tier Jojo is Jotaro

But jotaro has a child.

and yet he still acts like a complete fucking virgin.

A woman was banned from seven tech groups for not being a feminist.
medium.com/@marlene.jaeckel/the-empress-has-no-clothes-the-dark-underbelly-of-women-who-code-and-google-women-techmakers-723be27a45df archive.is/vRTPp

If this happens to you, get a lawyer. Nothing else seems to stop it.

I know this is wootism, but this is savage. They're fucking on the same stable!


Blizzard did it, and it didn't change a fucking thing. Some people are just naturally salty bitches, and people either need to learn to deal with it, or risk being called a salty bitch themselves.

I don't know who any of these people are

I decided to try to make website from scratch, working good so far.

Kotaku - It Might Be Time To Rethink Difficulty Menus


The Daily Mail Takes A Swing At David Cage's Detroit: Become Human





The red flags should of raised in her head when the women she talked with refused for her to bring in men to train also. She knew they had agenda and now she has learnt, submit to feminism or face unemployment and it was other womens fault why this happened.

Let me guess, Wesley's going to be in the audience, as well.


It only makes more and more sense that they were on Takahashi's side during the Cuphead controversy. I wonder when we'll see the next time a game journalist makes himself out to be a total imbecile with only pure gameplay footage.


Could soyboys be any more pathetic?

I hope this lawsuit gets somewhere. Good luck to her.



Clean your room


That's it. I'm calling Santa to skip our home this year.

Kotaku is nothing more than a political propaganda outlet at this point, it talks about vidya even less than Holla Forums.


comics from the last threads, for those who missed them.
I've been a break on these, I might get back once the tablet comes in through the mail
I better find a place to archive for my fellow radical dudes

Hey Truthseeker

Hi Quentin

I'm happy that sjweebs are trying to hang themselves over Pyra being a fine piece of ass.

must be all that begging for a OC donut for downpour that did the job

totally not just true australian shit posting power

I thought it was about tits?

Who would win?

You know what I mean and Tumblr actually is trying to change her design?

You have no idea, they keep on vomiting garbage designs again and again.

welfarefag, because he's not a jew that wolfs down cakes.
unless he's a NIGGER, then he automatically loses.

I'd like to wolf down a cake.

I can smell the salt in tumblr's tears.

But Cake goblin has mod powers but then again welfare fur has all the time to ban evade.

>I'd like to wolf down a cake.
Bet you would

I can't.
then again, I can't eat most pastries without feeling nauseated.
unless it's kolaches or pancakes, I can eat those for days.

Cake Goblin can't handle melons in his room, that's a sign of weakness, I bet he can't even do sick skateboard stunts, dude!


Broteampill shitposting about his banning from Twitter.

Man I bet boogie’s wife is banging a beefy Chad right now, probably remembering what it’s like to suck a dick that doesn’t taste like Mountain Dew and doesn’t require you to lift a man’s fat fucking guy like you’re performing a fucking tummy tuck. A big, burly Chad is probably between those asscheeks like a wedgie. Probably snaking that butt pussy like a colonoscopy and he’s sitting on Twitter venting to everyone as if anyone cares. I legit think this man is going to kill himself


he is too spineless to kill himsef
he is just gonna continue to not look after himself

What brings this on, beyond your own twisted fantasies?

I can't fucking believe it. Fucking Young Turds said France is super racist and Europe is in general racist.

So we are getting all the scum of the world trying to delete our culture and our population and yet some american faggot still call Europe racist? THEN TAKE ALL THESE NIGGERS AND COCKROACHES YOURSELF!

vid related

val on suicide watch

You've got weird fap fantasies, Reanon… Why do you need to jack it to the thought of a woman cucking her ex with a hot lad, probably melanin-filled ? Are there things you need to confess ?

Ey, I can tolerate being told any sort of insult, but calling me a french is crossing the line.

It's nothing new. Brit/burger "islam is a religion of peace" groups have always called France a racist and islamophobic country. Once claimed that 75% of all islamophobic acts in France come from the state itself, and it included things like the veil being illegal in public schools or the full niqab being illegal in public at all. Shit like that.
Next thing you know they'll be mad at us for forbidding excision and wife-beating.

But there is literally nothing wrong with being racist.

Whether it's wrong or not isn't the question. The argument is that being against uncultured barbaric practices is somehow racist because it's a different's culture's. That's where the young turks are being retarded.

This is fucking infuriating. Did absolutely nothing wrong other than being naively fair to everyone.
I'd have half a mind to make a "feminists against women" page compiling shit like this if my internet weren't dead.

Has this spread to conservative news sites? This is definitely newsworthy.

I guess so.
I guess not.

Neither does doing so to your monitor or a peice of paper.

If you're going to use botnet10 now with spyware at least try to get Enterprise LTSB version. There isn't a 100% secure solution short of a faraday cage and offline only but it's still feasible to reduce an attack surface.

Good evening.


That sounds really lewd.

So what's her crime, leaning slightly to the right and becoming friends with James Damore?

This thot needs bleach and I'm guessing this image needs to spread more and more as days go by.

She should be happy to know then, that public ridiculing along with sales tanking due to crappy character designs in general do work, just look at examples from stillborn and lolbreakers.

Aren't the vast majority of MILFs ara aras becuase of the traits they have in common, usually being and older gentle lady with large breasts?


It's plastered on the screencap you fucking moron. And I link the tweet who posted it first for posterity.




>Enjoy playing support in League of Legends
I don't know why the fuck they think I would ever invite someone to join me in this game.

Can tell she uses herself as a reference for most of the girls she draws.

No it isn't you faggot. Pay attention to which of your posts I'm responding to. You did not link or archive in the post I'm responding to, nor did you or anyone in the chain of replies attached to it. Does not excuse it.

I know how you feel, that's why I refrain myself from playing MOBAs, even on breaks playing RPGs.

My bad.

The worst thing about MOBAs is that it's a gameplay experience you can't get anywhere else, so I can't just fucking quit them. But they're all so awful on a community level.

Nice trips but odds are you'd probably enjoy being a healslut in any F2P MMORPG.

That's because it's proresufag.

Being a support in a MOBA is wildly different from being a healslut. A healslut is just one of about 5 different ways to support. MMOs don't come anywhere close to the fun of a MOBA support.

Sounds illegal or gay. Possibly both.

I thought they fucked up her ass/tits ratio so bad, one user pointed out her ass was inverted?

Source? :^)


Hunting Putin will have their pelts

It was just her pose in one picture. It's just kind of flat, not inverted.

What exactly am I looking at here?!


Seems like their "gamers against the alt-right" event was a tremendous success.


SJWeebs are disingenuously circling a picture of Dahlia/Tsuki around (first pic), that's either taken at a poor angle, poor pose or a bug, while insisting that she stands this way normally.

There's a big differnce between pic 1 and 2. I think it was a bug.

Question about XC2. Are there any blades that are cute /fit/ girls with fist fighting style attacks?

Closest one. I think.


Wow, this faggot's arrogance is off the charts.

I think it's simply that the tweeter idiot took a picture with her phone of her screen and it made the proportions look silly. Sometimes adds a slight fisheye effect if it's zoomed in.
Moreover don't forget the character is meant to be rabbit-like, so her hips being back like that is on purpose.


Yeah, it's more than likely a glitch or a bad pose.

She looks "normal" in other screenshots, it's just that she's not supposed to look entirely human.

Anyone screaming "anatomy" and "realism" really just wants to ignore that fact.


I'm fine with it.

Doesn't count unless there's visible abs or she's wearing a traditional fighting outfit.

i got this one. maybe not as fit as you'd want, no?

kinda want to do a big write up on the game but i want to wait till i'm finished and not half asleep from playing it all day.

the gist of my thoughts is that i find it interesting that they tried to counter the fact that the localization shat on everything japanese about the last game by making the new game extra japanese so that it would be difficult to localize it out (and boy do they try).


Shit, I only saw "with fists". The last pic doesn't fight with fists but I think she's fit.

I hope it rains/snows.


Yea I had to ask people to provide me with other pictures of her and they did

SJWeebs getting pissed at me for simply pointing out that they are sharing a super selective screenshot to be autistic over

they seem like the people who'd protect their tweets if someone screencapped them or stole their art. Tumblr refugees

Well yea that already happened


Practical clothes can be good too but it's nothing to kvetch about like they do

More like (((practical))).

Anyone who says shit about practicallity does really mean to talk about wearing a burka or other shit like that.

So 6 hour game, but someone managed to get it done in three and a half hours playing in easy. Nice fucking protest there you faggots.


They only advertised to their fellow antifa commies, even with some shilling by Vice, Buzzfeed and several others, they didn't get people to attend.

It doesn't look like anyone there even cares about being there


Something about the anatomy here looks off to me.

Full title is "Boycott Halal in Australia? No Way!" because cultural enrichment.

Here's a hint: She's not real.


What dirt have we collected over the past 3 years?
Dedicated thread in >>>Holla Forums832413
Dump info there so it doesn't get lost in the rolling 2d softcore thread.

I'm gonna smack you user

I hate these people.

Look that frog cuck that sucked off Maya Kramer on stage commented.

Still a spineless cuck.

I have to admit, I don't particularly care for the floaty boobs part of her design (They look more like missiles), but that's my only complaint. Adding some gravity to them, or having something like this would have been a bit better.

They should have just hired Raita, and everything would be ok.

Unrealistigly thigg

No one said anything about fantasies or jacking it, I just really want Boogie to either kill himself or go full Punished Boogie1488

Do it feggit.

They think they are so clever, when really they are just nonsensical.

Yep, still funny when he made fun of neogaf though.

Time is running out for BuzzFeed, Mashable




Reminder that firearms registry leads to confiscation.

Even here in leafland where we have relatively strict gun control laws we saw through that gun registry bullshit and shot it down.


Goyim pls, it's $CURRENT_YEAR.

Post is dead, what was it?

I am pleased to see that a lot of people are calling out having Felicia Day host the awards.

as much as weed is cancer I am not sure how this would hold up in court. They have not been convicted of a felony.

Spam link.

Sprinkle some cocaine on the guns.

Remember when in the 90s ATF fought against the neo-nazies by shooting non neo-nazi women and children?

I'm so glad that everyone's tired of the Geek and Sundry clique inserting themselves into anything. It's almost as if being a bunch of annoying cunts who proclaimed themselves as the "king/queen" of something and constantly talked down to everyone makes people hate you.

i hav the best idea
replace Felicia with anita

If they give up their guns we will know if whether or not pot makes you surrender your guns.

Notice how they always use the same exact screeshot of the tits that has the model glitch instead of literally any other screenshot where she looks find?

They're afraid of boobs.

Public ridicule is a good way to stop these people, so i guess she's right.

I want to die and have a stroke, should I watch this?


dodgy link

well then maybe these kids shouldn't have gassed all those people back in the 40's

Holy shit, Archive's search function is fucked.

First picture is a glitch. The rest are normal.

She's not supposed to be truly anatomically correct, either. Her arms and legs are animalistic. Her legs especially make her posture different. She also has a tail.

I have a fetish for missile tits, I suppose. But Raita would've been a good call.

515 favorites

That's still too high


Does that mean this thing is a microtransaction, or are the tapes the microtransaction?

use "site:archive.is YOUR QUERY" on google, sometimes you can find stuff that doesn't shows up in the regular search

>"you couldn't be anymore wrong that consoles aren't a microtransaction!"

….How the fuck does he not understand the term MICROtransaction?

Reverse Occams Razor. He's not stupid, he's shilling.

You know your argument is shit when buckley already made the same argument.
I can't find it, but it's a guy refueling his car and talking about how microtransactions is dumb.

He has multiple times shown that he deliberately plays dumb and/or misinterprets things to break up discussions and muddy arguments.
He is the poster child of arguing in bad faith.

I'm pretty sure $400 is not micro

Thanks, user.

Alright, good to know for the future.

Yeah, basically. Remember the time he dodged the question "if two cars had the same value, but one had busted A/C, what would be the better deal" with "well, what if I don't like A/C?"

And yet he's indie gaming's biggest PR personality. Kind of shows the state the Hipster Clique left the place in, honestly.

Words are losing their meaning.

he's just vlambeer pr guy afaik

If this man was gunned down by niggers I would not shed a tear.

Oh my god, these people need to learn when to take the L.

It's the same song and dance act that Burch and the "localization" shakedown scam clique does.

Looking at the list she's one of the presenters. The rest includes tv or movie celebs that I either don't care about or barely heard of. They'd probably be happy with any attention getting outrage reaction at this point to hype up the shit.

So what are the chances that Nintendo will listen to them?

Did any of the mainstream press do any hitpieces on the game yet?

IMO it can depend on which aspects of nintendo you are talking about. NoJ, NoE, or NoA. All of them have their cons and they are the closest thing to a Disney brand for vidya. With all that imblies. But one of them seems to have more ideological cancer than the others.

Weasel words. "I am just comparing something mundane to something that fucks your wallet, but technically i never stated I'm defending this".
What real solutions do you mean, exactly? I'd love to hear what you think should be done about it, because you spend more time complaining about people complaining about these things than offering any real solutions to this problem you badger on about.
At this point, I'm lost at what he's trying to say. So because some games launch on only one console, buying a console is no different than a game like Battlefront using lootboxes, pay2win, or cosmetic DLC? He spends most of the article talking about this, but he fails to make a connection between the two like they are comparable in any way.


Somebody tell this guy about Gamergate. He doesn't know. The scandal has been ongoing for 3+ years, all of the commercial media is STILL lying about it and no one is telling the truth. People were allowed to question the Fusion GPS report. They clamped down harder on Gamergate.

This guy's a defense analyst. The Saudi, Qatari, etc connections are right up his alley. Ask him for his perspective on the Concordia, WHOOO, and 552 threads and anything else we've dug up in that area.


Every fucking time.

Am I the only one bothered when these people keep using avatars of things I like? 9Volt is ruining paper mario for me, this retard aims to ruin Hollow Knight. I know this is a very stupid complaint, but damn.



Honestly, I think they do it precisely to piss people off.

More like "people are willing to save money and purchase X to play Y? LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE EVILS OF CAPITALISM!"

Why can't he sit there naked? He's already playing the game with hookers.

More importantly, will hookers play games with me if I pay them to? This opens up a world of possibilities for me.

I think some have rules about doing non-sex things for money, which is retarded. I'd totally pay a hooker who would otherwise be nothing but a dumb bitch and make her play good vidya until she's competent.

It isn't really, but this user is correct: The reason they entirely do it is to piss people off. Now the choice that we're offered is that we can stay mad about (Which results in them winning), or we can just move and tell them "Not my problem" and tell them to "Piss off".

That reminds me of a joke someone said that if you need someone to talk to, it's cheaper to hire a hooker than a therapist.

You can, cucktaco tried it archive.is/qdz8w

Or they could of hired this man

That right there tells me he's talking out his ass.

I don't even want to have sex with them, I just want someone to play vidya with.

Why am I not surprised.

Uncharted 4, Forza, GoW4, CSGO, DOTA, TF2, they all have micro-transactions. His points don't hold up.

Unsurprisingly, at least one of the people calling out muh soggy knees in Xenoblade does NSFW commissions.


this makes me angry.
he didn't even post it under "fandoms"



Further proof that only cancerous retards like bkub.

She has to go back.


This is the one I'm having a riot about. Does she play the mezzo-soprano and the C melody?

So has anyone reported him yet about those "how to invade the white house" tweets of his?

I knew the fucking ayys were behind this.

I'm not a burger. I can't report him.

Someone save her before its too late

Why did none of his kids have chinese names?

I warned you it was gonna be tumblr's new jojo

I believe american chinese have both an american name and a chinese name, just to 'integrate' better.

I believe middle-class and upwards mainland chinks do that too.

Minesotta yes!

To be fair, there are some 100+$ microtransactions in games.
Consoles still wont count as microtransactons because they are required to play the game at all.

Mega Man 11 has just been announced.

Along with a Mega Man X collection; both are for PS4, Xbone, Switch and PC

what happened with fusion?


This getting announced doesn't even excite me. If Half life 3 is announced, that wouldn't excite me either at this point. They took way too long.


That 2.5D artstyle is horrendous. It reminds me of Mighty No 9

It looks like Sonic 4

Just reminding you that Cultural marxists are planning to turn all white males into sissies for watching anime

Subreddit related reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/

Stop watching anime or it will turn you into degenerate tranny!


Part 3 of the metal gear story based off a dream I had.
might or might not continue it, depends if I have another metal gear dream.

You already posted this once this thread fag

Someone quickly explain something to me, why games are no longer allowed to use the red cross symbol anymore? Are there any legal reasons that are preventing companies from using it, or is it just publicity reasons?

Because the red cross has started to claim copyright against everyone who uses it.

The American Red Cross owns the trademark and is extremely litigious on the use of it

I'm willing to bet that the 2.5D transition is actually a jab at Inafune, like they're saying "we can make a better Mighty No 9 than you can."

Now keep that in mind when you think of what ostensibly that organization is supposed to be all about. They're some of the worst fucking jews because they shekel grub while claiming to be all for helping people, simultaneously using the fucked copyright/trademark system to take down anyone who uses a simple red shape.

Could people tell the company to piss off since it's such a eric symbol?

>such a generic symbol?

Their reasoning for doing it is retarded, too. That "overuse will dilute the message." What message, the "if you're fucking dying in a warzone, look for the Red Cross" message? I thought that was what your organization was built on.

Oh yeah the red cross are a bunch of faggots, they take everyone's money and use it to line their pockets like the worst jews.Then when a disaster strikes they don't give away supplies and aid, they sell supplies and aid. They really disgust me moreso than most "charities"




Wait a minute, is that the kid whose dad tried to get that guy who does free Photoshop requests on Twitter to airbrush away the imperfections? You know, the one where the guy just straight up went "what the fuck is wrong with you."

I don't care. If it's not Mega Man Legends 3; I won't care.

What exactly are the lewds encouraging, in your estimation?

Hmm. I am anxious for more Mega Man, but they could so easily fuck this up. IntiCreates did a fantastic job on their Mega Man games.
Despite everything, I hope it's good.

Guys what's with those shitty comics with the copypasted faces and no jokes? Are they ironic? Is it a new meme?

You remember the guy on halfchan who made those anti stoner comics? it's him. That's why barely anyone replies, he can't ID samefag.


It's either Truthseeker or this guy from halfchan who's name I can't remember.

you mean Quentin?
Quentin was a nigger who hated fun and cool skate stunts

You aren't doing a good job at fooling people.

fooling people at what?

Didn't Quentin get v& for threatening to shoot up his school?

Yep. What's he do now anyway? Is he unemployed now?

He make radical videogame comics here now

Capcom cancelled Mega Man Legends 3
>Anounces Lost Planet 3
And, that is how Capcom killed 1 (Almost 2) of their IPs. I refuse to believe the problem was Spark Unlimited because of the signs leading up to release showing that everyone involved knew it was going to flop.

Also, on an unrelated note, how much do people think MM11 will bomb? I don't mean because it will be a bad game, but because Capcom has burned so many bridges that people have ultimately lost trust with the company.

my comics are nothing like Quentin's.

Why and for what reason must he grace us with these comics?

As much as I fucking loved Ex Troopers, I'm still salty that they killed MML3 for it instead of just making both games.

You're right truthseeker, I was just kidding

I don't follow this thing but what's happening with Boogie? Niggas keep putting him on my feed and I'm really tired of all the


Someone posted a picture of his wife hugging a large, handsome, muscular black man who she is definitely just platonic friends with. Now mean internet trolls are making fun of him.

do you want the clip for future use.

Religion of Poos

Yes I do. Thanks.

Whats in the drink?

Bullzamen. Carbonated cornsyrup. The tears of haters who just don't understand the enlightened neutrality of an e-celeb. Plain wate- I'm just kidding. It's soda mixed with crisco.

I thought she would be plutonic friends with Boogie instead, considering the fact that he is a fucking planet.

Yeah, that's why you threw the entire gaming community under the bus over fake death threats, right, Boogie? That's why you tried your hardest to cater to Anita and cried when it wasn't good enough for her, right?
I really hope people realize that Event was entirely in the right by calling Boogie an opportunistic troll, this learned helplessness act is getting really fucking old.

Is Slavoj Zizek a meme? I read a couple of his things and they seem like total hogwash to me.

Boogie's wife is leaving him and he has thrown himself into the magic the gathering drama.



yes, it's a meme because he's a bogus comminust, dude.

It's a Holla Forums meme, his autism is entertaining but the retards actually take him seriously. When he isn't talking about Marxism, he is largely talking about dildoes and anal insertions.

I used to think he was just a coward but now I see that he is trying to be a male professional victim.

He's not a troll, but yea, it's manipulative. Hell you can tell from that meltdown stream, he revealed secrets about his wife and forced her to contact him in the middle of the stream because of it. That nice guy shtick is just an act, a fallback for when he's called out on his shit. But yea, he's a victim and it's all Drumf's fault.

What's the deal with current marxist being total degenerates? Do they know the meaning of "get a room"?

Because it's the opposite of the "oppressive christian white traditional patriarchy".

Why get a room when a major thing you define yourself by is something you should do behind closed doors? :^)
They're political furries.

That makes sense actually.


If a layman like me can see he's full of shit then why the fuck is he "the greatest living philosopher" or whatever lmao

It's rare for it ever to NOT be an act, since most of the time it's just a way to overcompensate for insecurity. Someone that is insecure and acts like a cunt is never going to succeed so really it's not that being the underdog has made them humble, it's that they have no other way to success outside of taking the initiative to change themselves. Think of it like this, if someone is willing to destroy the one thing most valuable to them, that thing being their own selves, would they really feel that bad to get rid of something they are less attached to?

I actually believe there are nice people out there. The thing is, they tend to be really boring people, and don't advertise it.

Commies, the answer is always commies, they shill their politics using "intellectuals now", and call those they don't aggee with "nazis" like they do with Jordan Peterson.

brb sleeping

because you obviously haven't been keeping up with the times, the greatest living philosopher is now Jordan Peterson. Don't you dare criticize him bucko, sort yourself out and donate to his patreon, if you have anything against his opportunistic self promotion you're just a pleb without an IQ >200 who simply doesn't get it

I never watch the guy but from the limited amount of things I've seen from boogie, superficially he's got this "jolly good natured nice fat guy" personality going, and then anytime some drama happens or shit goes down, he's trying to get view and attention from both sides by not committing to an opinion, flip flopping on things, being a passive aggressive little bitch and essentially always trying to play the victim card. Like if you took one of the whiny, bitchy damsel in distress SJW personalities and made them a disgustingly obese faggot who complains about healthcare, that's boogie.

I really wish I had recorded the stream where Eventstatus straight up confronted Boogie in 2014. It showed that you wouldn't be able to get through his thick stupid skull with a hammer and nails.
I can't find a VOD of it anywhere.

Marital shit. His wife left him and she’s obviously fucking someone else. I mean, Boogie is so fucking retarded that he thinks his wife doesn’t like sex. That’s worse than getting suckered into the “open relationship” shit. He’s been venting to his fans because he doesn’t have any fucking friends to confide in, but it’s apparent to everyone that he’s a manipulative cunt disguised as a jolly fat guy. I sincerely hope this ends in his death or banishment from the internet. He always tries to agree with both sides, only to have neither like him. Fuck him.

I don't think he's genuinely that fucktarded, it's something he tells himself and his fans because he wants to believe more than anything that it's true, because he couldn't handle the reality of the situation. Deep down, there's no way his instincts aren't telling him what the real deal is, he's just suppressing it hard as possible.
Man, you remember the shit he pulled back in the heyday of gamergate? it was like september of 2014 or something and he kept trying to pander to the "gaming journalism is shit and oh man look at all this harassment I'm getting from these supposedly pro-tolerance people" and then he's turn around with "oh man would you look at all those ebil trolls taking advantage, GG needs to condemn them, no one should say critical things of Anita." Back when people pulled hard for Sargon of Cuckkad like he was some hero faggot. Those were the days.

That one did get a chuckle out of me. I don't believe he is as stupid as he portrays himself or whatever the fuck "character" he claims. It's a manipulative act.
Nah, the only sides he really agrees with is whatever gets him the most clicks at any given moment, and when it's proven wrong he does his "I'm just a neutral can't we all get along". The people who still believes his act and even defends it are gullible morons or actual disinfo shills. He's a neutral in the same way eating a whole stick of butter is healthy. He isn't and it's not.

the guy is trying to be friendly with absolutely everyone, he doesn't deserve to be accused of doing things "for the clicks", that's totally unfair, please don't bully him, I agree he's naive and a bit dumb but he's genuinely hoping to bring everyone together, as idiotic as it is :(

You forgot to put your :^) flag on.

I really like the poor fella… I feel sorry for him. Boogie had a hard life. He doesn't deserve a tenth of the shit he's getting. He really just childishly hopes for everyone's best, even from people who despise him. I wish he'd just finally get some balls and face up to his bullies once in a while.

Digging a bit I found archived threads discussing the stream I'm talking about,
Apparently it was supposed to be uploaded to youtube by blackpreon, but it either wasn't or has since been deleted. Whatever happened it's not linked in any archived threads I scoured.

Halfassed dig attempt I know but I need to go to bed.

You understand that's how a lot of scammers work you over right?
No he doesn't. If he really truly does, the way he's doing it would be as psychopathic as wanting telescammers and overly trusting senior citizens to get along together, because WAAAH THIS IS WHY DEVELOPERS DONT LISTEN TO US WAAH oh the developer threats were faked? Well then heh let's see what other drama can profit boogie then.
And screw up his own meal ticket? No he needs the so called bullies, that's how his dog and pony show act works. NuclearNegro fucking called his shit and called it accurately.

Do you really not see what he's doing starting that stream and forcing his wife to call him? It's a very low and dirty play.

Sure; he's badly depressed and frail. I'm not saying he's doing good. I'm even admitting he's wrong. I'm merely sorry for him and can't help but like someone who so dearly hopes to make everything better for everyone.

I refuse to believe this isn't bait.




Has it been that long?

I still have an incredibly small piece of hope that something will come of Red Ash.

All of that nice, friendly shit is learned behavior plastered over his true, pathetic, manipulative self. That’s the honest truth, user. No wonder his wife left him

Dubs of 6 on the 666th tells truth.

You can only feel sorry so many times for someone until you start being sick of their shit.

Boogie may not know it but he's an emotional abuser. He preaches "be nice to people" but he guilt trips and he's passive aggressive.

He probably does that to his wife and she gets nothing but stress out of it.

Now who could this guy be talking abo-

What the fuck is wrong with Minnesota

Remilia is cute!

Magic the Gathering Drama and how he's getting shit on from "both sides".

The marital shit is ongoing speculation/drama and likely a contributor but not the main reason why he's melting down on twitter, that's still mainly MTG stuff.

new bread ready at 700 or page 13 title: Konpaku Yomu Edition

Bideo Games

Get ready for some salt

inb4 some activist judge thinks they can override the fucking Supreme Court.


I agree, 2hu is bideo gaymu.

I think you meant to write Konpaku Youmu Edition.

touhou is nice gaymus, but I suck at bullet hells, so I'm not able to fully appreciate them for what they are.
Easy mode is for niggers, either go big or go home.

I missed a U didn't I, no homo.

Sounds like a job for Hawaii

Easy mode cucks you out from good endings in majority of games and makes attempts for 1cc worthless.

His wife finally left him? When did this happen?

I can't wait for that tasty fresh bread

About fucking time Crapcom did something with MM that wasn't a complete insult. Too bad it reminds me of Mighty No. 9. Now give me MML3 you slant-eyed bastards.

Why am I not surprised?


I'm not so sure about that Jim, coke sniff commie has no problem getting promoted by the MSM. Cleanyouroom guy when he does get mentioned in the news 9 times out of 11 is portrayed as a goose stepping nazi.

Is Inafundme still coming out with the mango and animu series featuring what's his number again? :^)

Ellen D has been trying to reach out to kids more lately. She even made some kind of deal with MLP to give her a self-insert as one of Scootaloo's two mommies and something about a tranny horse. Also why are rich amerifats so obsessed with little boys in drags now? They're worse than the netherlands and sweden at this point.

Unlikely considering what a trainwreck it was.

So what does Digiorno's Pizza have to do with Mambo No. 5?

You don't remember the pizza explosions?

Good morning. So we have no bakers?! Then I'll do a quick one. What do you think?!



I didn't follow the game at all, I just remember it bombing.

Baker is right here


Goodbye oldbread I'm crying crying crying over (You)s

Barn door is closed. No more
new bread
new bread
new bread

new bread
new bread
new bread

Just as I said. The thread's still up on /pone/ if you wanna know more.

You missed out on a lot of funny shit and butthurt then.
