Why did Digra/Darpa fuck with video games?
Why did Digra/Darpa fuck with video games?
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Video games are developing into cultures, and cultures are inherently political so CIAniggers and the likes will try to control it.
Thankfully, we fought back.
Imagine if SJW weren't fought back and accepted as the norm.
More control over society dipshit, how ignorant/retarded are you if aren't new.
Why do you think? It was an experiment to see how far they could take their social engineering, working in tandem with the ESA and journalists to turn the gaming audience into literally consumer-sheep who just throw money at them for low effort addictive garbage
i don't know what had happened if nobody had paied attention to them, maybe they would remain in the shadows and continue with their shit as they do right now. Or maybe they needed this shitstorm so they could manipulate the many usfull idiots for their agenda. I don't know, maybe gg was a psy-ops because no matter what, the actually truth about gg never reached the auddience of video games. As if it was controlled.
and yet, there happened zero change.
as if they wouldn't already controlle the mass.
which is still going on.
Videogames are a medium where the left doesn't fully control the narrative and DIGRA was looking to change that through propaganda/grassroots change. Worth noting that DIGRA is not controlled by DARPA, though they did recieve funding from DARPA for one of their projects that was really creepy and would get the government's attention, but that is how accademia is. DARPA has their fingers in a lot of pies, and conflating the two organizations like many do is just cringy.
Still, DIGRA is ironically a lesser evil by intent useful idiots since they are mostly just a bunch of schollars, but at the same time they are far more damaging as they lend a paper thin layer of credibility to the insane rants of less intelligent social justice nutjobs and point them in the right direction as to where they can do damage.
This. You might as well ask Holla Forums why the Jews do what they do. I can only imagine how DiGRA reacted during last year's election night and again during NeoFag's implosion last month. They might still be up to some kikery, but I hope we'll live to see the day they go down for good sooner or later.
SJW were big-mouth since the beginning, things would have been worse if their views are normalized and everyone start to cater to them, or else.
Change already happens, we delay the process into letting them into going warp speed.
The comic and movie industries are what happened when consumers just mindlessly consume and ignore SJW.
So, do you faggots wants to deep into this matter?
'by intent than the useful idiots
They were trying to turn videogames into the modern high art industry. Basically you've got famed curators and critics with college education determining how good and "artistic" a game is and how much that game is worth. Boom, the curators and the devs make money,
could you continue, also, do you have any links/sources/etc.?
don't hope for that, this is why meme's exist but nobody so far started a meme to kill digra or darpa
well, that didn't work very well. Even so normalfags aren't aware of the gg happenings, they still didn't bought 'sunset' or 'nomansky' almost nobody so the devs didn't get to the shekels at the end. So consider sjw had remain in the shadows, making video games into shit trash, nobody had bought them. End of video games.
I wonder, was digra plan to kill video games? What is it that they fear from it? As far as i know, they where a lot into brain/pyshic/mental shit and stuff. Maybe they found something they immidily had to kill because it threatened their existing. I don't know, maybe video games can breake CIA Mk Ultra programming? Maybe brintey spears played to much half life 1 and thats why her programming broke?
Considering how it's mainstream to mock SJW on Youtube, SJWs have no choices but to remain in the shadows.
oh shit, was just making fun when talking about britney spears.
you want to know when she shaved her head?
the fuck?
DiGRA's plan wasn't to kill video games, but to use it as a medium to spread their feminist and Marxist propaganda like how academia, movies and comic books have became over the course of 6 decades. The reason they're now resorting in redefining terms like gameplay(their journalist footsoldiers now calls it 'interaction', I shit you not), player(because game is toxic) and rewriting on how video games SHOULD be(with the likes of The Lesbians of Us, Lesbian Is Strange, Gone Homo, Tacoma etc) is for them to take control. Remember on how suddenly traditional art was all of the insults when impressionism was the fad(and still is today), that's their objective.
That begs the question of what can be done to eliminate them short of an actual Day of the Rope or smearing their rep/mocking them which is what Holla Forums does every time a pozzed game fails like Andromeda, MVCI, NISA's Ys 8 localization blunder. I don't think DisNod can work on them specifically like how it crippled Gawker and adapted towards Google and CNN by Holla Forums since their funding's different. Can't launch a lawsuit like Gamergate did with the Honey Badgers against the Calgary Expo/Mary Sue (which is supposed to be taking place now after taking 2 years in Canada's long ass judicial system) unless you have clear cut proof of them violating rights or doing something outright illegal.
gamergay threds exists for this
Thank God it backfired, otherwise right now we might have started seeing people paying for and defending the vidya equivalent of pics related in the mainstream.
Occam's Razor. I don't think it was their plan to kill it because of some grand discovery that could topple all their plans, I think it was to make money from it.
feminism and marxism is used to kill things, at least with marxim you kill things. So in the end, when propaganda is spreaded far enough it will kill it.
mostly derailed. And this is just one specific topic.
Long, but worth a reading.
Sorry but my source is just autistically paying attention to Gamergate at the beginning and social interactions with DIGRA members on Twitter during the #Gamergate hashtagging phase near the beginning. The info is still out there. I just didn't keep anything. If you put the DARPA connection under a Microscope it was some 1984 tier study they were doing on the effects of video games that is practically bait for the .gov sheckels. It was the kind of thing you often see Universities do for government funding, though admittedly I'm more used to seeing that kind of thing coming from STEM subejects.
The more important connection to Gamergate was the obvious one between them and Silverstring Media, the PR firm by which they were pushing propaganda onto the indie scene and gaming media. Problem is this was mostly ignored when DIGRA was brought up because if you don't scrutinize the nature of their connections, it is possible to go into a death spiral down the rabbit hole of tinfoil hattery. It is more fun to talk about DARPA and Bill Gates than it is to talk about the obvious and immediate problem.
I am a bit disappointed most of the weaponized autism went to other things. I feel like a more focused pushinto DIGRA would have yeided better longterm strategies against the left in accademia, but that would require us all to read tons and tons of boring research papers and who needs that shit.
Maybe you should rekindle that flame again and I'll ask Mark if someone will make a DiGRA sticky thread to discuss everything feminist-academic drivel related to video games. Getting people behind this project would get people interested on what's really going on behind the curtains of Western video game scene in general.
you seems well informed about this subject. You should write more and get your sources. I could imagine reading good stuff from you. With sources it could be even better. I am sure Anons would honor it.
I always thought this Digra shit was the top of the whole gg happening. There was a lot of derailing and shilling always when the DIgra topic came up. But it seems the shills are gone at least so far, for this thread
Do it!
Damn, that was one good read.
Thanks user.
< caring about this
What kind of faggot do you think I am, user?
There are a couple more facts of life that I think should be considered. One is that there are probably a dozen more thinktanks out there like it that we don't even know or talk about. It doesn't take a lot for accademics to bite at an excuse to go up their own asshole and try to "make a difference." I mean seriously, if there aren't more fruity little nerd clubs like DIGRA, that is a huge wasted opportunity for the rainbow-haired zombies. Another is that the real points of "fighting" DIGRA at this point is a documentation and counter narrative and maybe if we are lucky, a bizzare and improbable butterfly effect in accademia similar to what we saw with #Gamergate and politics. Also, what has DIGRA done recently that would ignite a spark? Its a loose end, but not an immediate threat afik. I have literally no idea how DIGRA has changed since then. Unlike most SJWs they welcomed scrutiny and for all I know some user took them up on their offer and managed to steer some change as far as I could tell. I have no idea since I haven't looked into DIGRA for at least two years.
I don't see myself writing this blog post, but I do encourage anyone interested to look into it again. My #Gamergate related efforts these days center around attempting amateur gamedev and that shit is time consuming already.
There was a story once about some artist and his friend posing as an art critic who would appraise his pieces at auctions to drive up the prices until they became renowned, anyone know or have it?
That's basically the shit they were trying to pull.
I don't think we need to read a bunch of papers to figure out a better long term strategy against this type of threat - we just need to consider what worked last time and what didn't work last time. Gamergate worked wonders. Gawker went down in flames, Zoe Quinn is hailed among some as "the reason that Donald Trump got elected," the credibility of Games Journos is trash, and Vivian James still remains symbolic of video game culture as a whole. This is because we did almost nothing but say "we are upset about this, we will do everything we can to nuke your wallet" and the journalists scrambled to stab themselves in the dick over how there is nothing to be upset about.
So, why did this work?
1) We attacked them in an effective fashion - we struck at their funding and prestige. These are the two things that allow these people to have control. Without money, they cannot speak. Without prestige, none who hears their voice listens.
2) We defended in such a way that the above doesn't matter for us. We don't need money to speak - our platforms do not demand it! We don't need prestige to have the ears of those we convince - our message is clear, simple, and true!
Every tactic we employed was done to further the above two things. Operation Disrespectful Nod, exposing their mailing lists, talking about the issues? All of that was the first thing. Keeping ourselves anonymous, refusing to name leaders, organizing on imageboards? To make the second thing true.
The strategies that kill those who act in complex ways are simple. The left behaves in complex ways.
Dont have it but I remember it. Basically a jewish/laundering scam to inflate prices via word of mouth and using nepotism/connections to "verify" the value as an investment and making money from nothing
ok, first of all, get the gg tag out of your head. This is only about digra, might be that gg started to draw attention to them but gg is way more than just the fuck up of digra. you know; corruption, agenda driven dickheads, false narrative, etc
Like this thread, it is just about digra and their involment into the video games scene. With anons like you it should be easy to draw attention to digra again, you said it yourself
and the way you write with all your knowledge can draw attention to it,
so stop with the faggotry, know your power and how to use it.
Also, nobody said to write a blog. Fuck the blogs, everyone knows nobody is going to read it. Just drop it here and there will be more people reading it, for sure.
We didn't see shit. All we witnessed was Gawker getting fucked by a faggot with a lot of money and the left embarrassing themselves in a very public fashion by doing what they always do (but this time being arrogant enough to boast about it).
They likely gave up on it because it got compromised. They'll just build up another little clique of "experts" to kvetch about what games need to do to be accepted as a mature artistic medium. The end goal has and always will be to disseminate leftist propaganda through games, because that is the only goal a leftist has in their heads.
How about you punch yourself in the face a few times? What kind of faggot uses hashtags?
Oh yes, lots of discussion to be held in a thread full of spam and shitposting that shouldn't even exist at this point because goyimergate is dead and has been ever since you faggots exiled Holla Forums from it for MUH PR and let it be controlled instead by ecelebs and trannies.
dohoho, no, we saw shit. We saw that videogames were the newest form of media to be taken over by the Jews, so that all information that gets into your head is filtered by them first. We saw how they were using their media channels to push poison designed to kill the west, and how much power they were prepared to bring to bear against attempts to stop it, power that goes beyond any single country. We learned we were fighting against a white genocide, and that we have to stop the Jews.
They attack us every fucking day you blithering idiot. Or do you live in a bubble and don't notice the endless and vicious propaganda against the West, whites in general and white men in particular? It's not just games, it's everything.
Welcome to the 6th century BC newfag.
When the time inevitably comes for round two you know their play is going to be to try to assemble controlled opposition leaders for us. Or more likely subvert one of the ones who have since built their fame on the back of their involvement in GG. Sargon always seemed the type to be ripe for that kind of subversion, but it could really end up being any of them.
Round 2 is already happening. They're pulling sites from the internet. stormfront and TDS were the first to be attacked, and they'll attack us too at some point. They're also building 'fact checking' and various ways to third party themselves into conversations into browsers so they can control you even on sites they don't control.
they became the alt-right
Wait, this isn't the goober thread!
< look at how much I care
Start hoarding real knowledge (specifically history, philosophy and religious books from before WW2) before they cut it all off at the source.
shills detected