Why are the majority of DB fans so fucking shit at video games?

So recently TFS started doing some shit list on DBZ games, and I dared to look in the comments to see the level of shit taste that emanates from it, so many of the comments are people bragging about how "good" they were in the games because they are able to fight the AI on very hard, again, bragging about beating AI,s that are made with very easy to manipulate exploits and it made me thing about all shit these sorts of fans spew out all over the internet.
When I looked into learning some of the games the immediate first thing that I find is a majority of "skilled" play were just retards mashing buttons vs a computer opponent made for a retard like them to beat. No matter what the game be it Butouden, Budokai, Tenkaichi, Xenoverse or which ever game of what ever title the game play of the standard person is absolutely garbage without a hint of attempt to learn the game.
It's like watching a massive group of retards merge into a group and talk about how smart they are bragging about performing the simplest of feats in the games, it'd be fine if they were retarded by themselves but if you ever want to actually learn or check out one of the games you have to drive through the sludge that is these clumps of retards gameplay to find something from someone who can actually play.
I think the biggest piece that drives this are the only tutorials that teach the mechanics of the Budokai and Tenkaichi games were made a full decade after the series started and the generation of consoles they were made for passed by is a great tell at the state of what the standards is for these fans.

DB thread, talk about your fav DB games and what mechanically makes them your fav to play.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is Super Dragon Ball Z any good?

Overrated but still better than Budokai mechanics-wise.

I forgot to mention that, it's pretty good if you want something more traditional from a fighter this has good footage that is harder to find for a different reason, being having the word super in the name makes all the results fat niggas talking about the latest episode of the super anime.

Because they're spergs with no self awareness.

So basically TFS's audience is full of redditor normalfags. I never would've guessed OP.
Also give an example of the "feats" they were referring to. This whole post is pretty fucking vague.
What? The manuals and game were enough to figure out everything. Its not like fighting games are hard to pick up. Mastering them is a different story. The reason they're jerking themselves off is because its almost human nature. Holla Forums does it too sometimes but thankfully there's less merit to jerking oneself off as an anonymous person. we still do it from time to time as a community though but its usually a truthful and self-aware circlejerk rather than an echo chamber

I have yet to play it but I am extremely skeptical of this claim.

Jesus christ

It's really average, Budokai's just shit beyond cutscenes.


To explain, the Budokai games have 3 main methods of extending combos which are never actually explained in the game which are cancels, stuns and dash buffering. You will never see these used in a majority of budokai gameplay footage and the entire game focus changes around when you are able to use them.
Tenkaichi has step cancelling which allows you to buffer a dash forward fireball after every string which makes the damage you'd normally get in a combo go from 10K to 50K so it's pretty valuable mechanic but the games never teach this and no where else did except for an off handed video in offcam.
Butouden has links which you'll never see landed because most footage is just someone mashing and nothing in that game explains this.
Xenoverse just straight up has easy infinites where the guides are hard to find because they get flagged by angry weebs who don't want people to use them.

Super DBZ's neutral is much better compared to Budokais where characters like Yamcha can theoretically never lose do to how his buttons work. Super ties movement to a meter so you can only be have great movement for only a certain amount of time before you run out but you need that movement to avoid and get in which makes it feel like a fast dash around with projectiles everywhere. Pretty fun game.

I think that game looks shallow as a puddle and it's still miles ahead of anything they're requesting instead.


Because they don't want a challenging video game, they want a DB simulator.

They are mostly right. Most Art Sys games are pretty bland despite looking good and their focus on balance only makes it worse.


street fighter is a bad game

You`re a nigger.
Just like fucking make an archive of good footage and move on.

Are you pretending to be retarded or what?

I doubt you seen anything past a still of either.

Street fighter is shit.

I refuse to believe this whole post isn't bait

"I refuse to believe this whole post isn't bait" - Man with a mental deficiency who can`t read the OP and is skeptical of claims for games he`s never even played.
GJ m8, maybe OP is right DB fans are retarded.

Only fans of the english dubs of dragon ball are shit at games

Are the dubs really that bad? I only know the jap cast from super since I got into DB from the manga age's ago.

Most people grew up with DB and new generations continue to do so, can't you stop and think for a moment that maybe the game's demographic has a considerable percentage of underage people playing them?

You're implying every DB game's player out there is a retard and bashing people without a real reason, hell, the DB games are barely competitive compared to other fighting games.

If you crave for skill and competition so much why not pick up a classic 2D fighting game eligible for EVO and see how far you can make it, bet you'd get your cocky ass raped in no time.

My post was more of a jab at the people who watch the english dubs since they tend to be casual dudebros. But the voiceacting is pretty bad in the english version vs the japanese version. The only reason people don't like the japanese version is because the voices are different than what they grew up with.


Underage who bought an expensive cap card recorded from there on their expensive computer to go through the footage that you know a kid can afford? On their further cost drives to store the bloatware tier filesize that a cap card would make on .wav or .mp4 and then upload it where ever. Yeah I'm sure the majority off this footage is from a mass of kids with the resources for this.
Read again I said majority.
I'm bashing them for the shit tier footage and circlejerk they make around it.
Are you mentally handicapped? Classic fighters aren't for EVO it's always the new hotness to rake in the views.
Been there for SFV, MvC3, XRD and BB, died in the pools like hundreds of other people did, or are you so out of it you think evo is, it's just a top 32 and top 8 without needing to go through 30+ matches before that with a magic score saying who they are? Also
Great argument, guess no one can make fun of DSP or Lowtiergod, or Ijustine or that one journo from cuphead since they're not ranked no one player or speedrunner, really great point my dude, very intellectually engaging, btw nice reddit spacing by the way, really brings out your post :^)

It's so bad, sounds like his balls want to drop any second now.

I didn't say they did it good, I said that's what they usually try, in fact, that's the excuse for not having a large character roster.

Anime was a mistake holy shit if it leads to opinions this shit, every game that does your idea leads to 40+ cast games where everyone plays the same but only 2or3 are viable due to the self pushed power creep.

Can't wait for Arcsys DBZ game to come out, all these DBZ shitters are going to be absolute SHIIIIT against legit fighting game players.

I just don't want FighterZ to be another situation where it's over saturated in awful footage. like during an early preview tourney they pushed some fat anime reviewer to do commentary over someone who can actually do it and it lead to all the commentary being terribly vague since he didn't know any terminology or move names.

Censorship aside, there was nothing wrong with the dub. Fuck off.

It's because most DB fans a spics.


Remember when that one journo playing Cuphead couldn't get past the tutorial without great difficulty? Remember in Run and Gun he just ran back and forth and died immediately? There are rudimentary things a child can understand that some people no matter their age can never truly grasp.


There's a ton of different dubs out there and some of them are hilariously bad. Even the best dubs have strange localization choices that make no sense.

So, is there a way to play Dragon Ball Online yet?

I wish that was viral marketing, there are to many people in the industry who simply cannot play games and cannot learn to be good at playing games.

You can't learn when you're a literal retard.

That's my point. BT3 simply didn't give a shit about this, so they went full autism and instead of focusing on shit like balance they tried to give each character the moveset they had in the anime. Of course, at the end, all characters fought more or less the same, but you can hardly complain when almost all characters of the damn thing were included. Even Arale.

Except you can, who cares how many characters you have if they play the exact same except because of power level autism 90% of them are worlds worse than the top 4 or 5 characters because then pretty much you should only play the top 4 or 5.
After messing about with 1 character for a while you`ve literally played everything the game has to offer to you gameplay wise it`s super dull, there`s no match ups to make it dynamic, there`s no extra factor, it`s like some fancy HD karate champ except now red guy is just better then the white one because he was better in anime from 20 years ago.
Power level autism makes for fucking atrocious and boring design.

i'm racist tbh

Have you ever played BT3, faggot? They all have different moves but they all have the same input, like musous. That being said, you don't play Dragon Ball for how competitive it is, you play it to either enact the serie and have fun. Technically, Yamcha can win against Shin Shen Long, it would be extremely hard, but you can.
I just don't get it, user, are you defending Fighter Z small roster or what?

Have you ever played BT3, faggot?
Yeah like your taste it`s shit.
No they have variants of the same 3 moves, energy blast, barrage of energy blasts or cut scene attack this is the main area where power level autism hits since characters later on can do 23 health bars worth of damage with a single hit while others maybe do half of one. Did you play the game or are you so blind to the copy and paste.
Yeah but the game designs Yamcha to be objectively worse instead of that just being what happened when 2 different characters varied traits are compared. In Budokai 3 Yamcha, Cell Jr and Bardock are considered super top tiers with Shin Shen long due to the traits that make up their moves and leads to more entertaining matches when put up together, on a anime fan level it`s funny that Yamcha can even fight him in the first place but it`s now still fun for both players since there`s an equal footing and lol you picked this guy so I have an overall massive advantage by default.
Of course you don`t you`re retarded, you think a game should be designed around having characters fight but then just because of the decades old source material toss out any idea of taking advantage of such a diverse cast just have them all follow the power rankings of the show removing the point of a majority of the cast.
21 characters with more to be revealed and confirmed 6 later on is small?
BT3 for gameplay variety if you dissected every character to make only unique ones only has enough for like 4 different characters between the lot of them so the amount in fighters which can make 20+ seems pretty good, but wait you`re retarded just put a different coat of paint on another character and it`s a new one to you isn`t it?

Most are niggers.

Fucking christ, what a waste of perfectly good naked apron. Delete it.

Goku's JP voice is literally dog shit. I don't care if you "stay young at heart and innocent". Your voice won't fucking be a granny's from childhood to adulthood.

Next thing you will say is that Third Strike was the best of the mountain of shit


The worst part is, every dude in his whole fucking family. Goku, Bardock, Goten. All just Gokus from a different timeline. And Gohan's there too, I guess, he sounds like the same rasping heap of shit but nobody gives a fuck he isn't even relevant anymore


There had been FOREVER ago. The game is dull as dishwater after you do the first couple missions.

Yeah, most of the fanbase is composed of dudebros or complete spergs, which isn't a good mix.

Tenkaichi 3 is still the best Dragonball game, no matter how much you cry about balance.

It has the most solid and enjoyable gameplay by a considerable margin. Nobody gives a shit about tourneyfags.

Please kill yourself

Yes, it's quality over quantity game wherein it has fewer options than the Budokai and Tenjaichi games, but in return it tries to actually be a balanced fighting game.

This is how I know you haven't played it. Kill yourself, fag, you're full of shit.
Because Yamcha IS worse in any media he is and the fact that he came up as so in Budokai 3 was more of a fucking coincidence than actual game design. You're praising an accident, which is what most of the competitive fags do in any game they come across, along exploits and glitches. Yamcha is bad in BT3 on purpose because he is bad in the anime, it's as simple as that, and that's how it should be, it sounds way more rewarding to win against Shin Shen Long with a character like Yamcha than relying on fucking exploits and tiers.
Pretty pathetic, mate.
Compared to the 70 characters of BT3 making a total of 160 with all the transformations, yes, faggot, that's fucking nothing.

If you're 12.

>he says as it took (((Schemmel))) almost a decade to not sound like he's talking through his nose.
Who let reddit in?

Holy shit, kill yourself.

the majority of db fans are niggers

So I was curious about the censorship in the Dragon Ball Fusion game and someone uncensored it and restored the stupid sticks back to swords in the US and EU versions. That being said, is Dragon Ball Fusion any good? Here is the link: 3dsiso.com/showthread.php?281353-MEGA-Dragon-Ball-Fusions-Uncensored-Uncensored-2-2-0-Update-(US-EU)-(Region-Free)&highlight=uncensored

Nigga you're straight up retarded

They are pretty accurate compared to the official ones.

Power levels by default are fake news, literally confirmed to be full of shit in the radditz fight where Goku and Piccolo quadrupled their ratings during attacks and again when Ginyu took goku's body for a large amount of output to be lost.
You're posting the equivalent of a click bait article except this is by V-jump Niggas need to learn the new cancer which rules the DB meta which S-cells niggas, Toriyama literally added midichlorians to dragon ball and these are what determine efficiency at going super and also any race can do it now which is why there's golden Frieza now

They're wrong for a different reason. They called it fireball because it represents a basic projectile in a 2D fighter. Basically any projectile that acts like a hadoken from Street Fighter 2. These people don't understand this because they know nothing about fighting games which is why they never expand beyond any fighting game that isn't DBZ. Same reason why 90% of people who play Xenoverse 2 online have no idea how to properly fight and can be stamina broken all day.

GG, BB, and P4A2 all play completely differently and have a ton of variety between the characters. I don't see how they're bland in the least bit. Actually, DBF seems the most bland as most combos flow the same way with nearly everyone. The combos are nearly universal for everyone but maybe that'll change as the game's community figures out new combos.

Reminds me when Smash threads were constantly filled with people who hated "tourneyfags" (people who actually bothered learning how the game worked and wanted to get better. AKA the average fighting game audience) and over time they were laughed out because they were just casuals making up stories on how people who were better than them were no-fun-allowed tryhards. Saying that, the Smash community does have a lot of autists.

TFS is garbage made by retarded narutofans


Vid related, character just activates a cutscene upon impact or are you so mentally deficient you forgot your own games mechanics.
Who are you quoting? I said your taste is shit not standard
Nice boogy man, oh man that competitive gamer is going to come right up behind you and break down your fav game into a meta, Yamcha`s top because of how his buttons naturally work, there`s no exploit in there, love how you only focus on Yamcha in the example and ignore Bardock and cell Jr for some autistic reason.
That`s fucking retarded, why include a character if you can straight up have as much fun with them as you could have been with others.
What exploits? A character was just made good compared to others when looked at more objectively and it happened Yamcha for how the game works was given a damn good opening button.
How is it disrespecting? Oh man showing more then 5 characters in a positive light and making a well nicely balanced game oh the humanity.
Pretty pathetic, mate.
"I`m a dumb nigger who can`t read a whole post" - (you)
BT3 only has 1 viable characters by the cancer way it`s designed and breaking down all these "70 characters of BT3 making a total of 160 with all the transformations" leaves you only with at most 4 actual unique characters in the cast to play with? Do you also consider SF4 to have over 300 characters when including alt costumes and pallets? They look different so that`s a new character right?

Noticed that about fighterZ seems to be more about how you`re getting the initial hit then what to do after, like characters have a massive load of tools to get in and pressure with but almost Zero combo filler, only one that comes to mind is friezas air S where in the corner he can get 6 extra hits for meter build and damage before the ender.

Destroy it right now and end your life.

Sure, but I always considered "power level" just to be "ki", which is what it was before the saiyan saga, and it's something that even though can't be measured with accuracy like Frieza soldiers do, is something more or less measurable with sensing ki, like anyone on earth does. It really doesn't matter that much, but the number is still a valid measurement of how powerful a character is in any given time, even as a raw number.
This is due Ginyu not knowing how to use Goku's body.
>Toriyama literally added midichlorians to dragon ball and these are what determine efficiency at going super and also any race can do it now which is why there's golden Frieza now
Don't remind me. I tried to watch Super for a while and the moment I saw a fucking caveman go into super saiyan I just quit.

But this is not Street Fighter, user, this is DBZ. Tourney autism begone. Here is the thing, when you make a game about DBZ, you cater to DBZ autitst. not tourney autists, which is why I expect this game to bomb, or so I hope.
I know, I guess you can't blame the previous games for this, but this is basically it, the game as it is know doesn't have the variation other faggots itt claim, and at that point, why not just make a better BT3?
You truly are cancer. Keep having fun turning items off, faggot.

Keep at it with that fake power level following mental deficiency

Christ it should be illegal to kill a nigga this hard with facts.
What a fucking retard that guy.
inb4 he tries to find some minute skewed way in which he believes he's somehow still right or just stops replying.

I like most of the stuff in DBF except for how the combos work. This is how they're really appealing to more people though I think a simple combo feature could do the same without removing the depth. Combos just look boring but everything besides that is great.

It's a fighter that has more depth than the average DBZ fighter while also being 2D. A fireball immediately explains how a certain projectile works. A ki-blast can be anything from a kamehameha that pierces most projectiles or a move like Krillin's LV3 super. This is made by a company known for making 2D fighters with lots of depth so this term is fine. This is marketed toward DBZ fans and fighting game fans which is why it's being pushed in so many fighting game conventions. Unlike DBZ fans, fighting game fans will stay with the game as DBZ fans will move onto the next.

That would be nice but this is not the company that can do that.

Do you not realize that DBZ is an anime liked by people who don't even like anime? It's liked by everyone, it's the most normalfag tier anime. That brings in people who have no fucking clue about what they're doing, or have no idea aboht anything.

moeshit =/= anime

Is that why only spics and niggers watch it?

Sure if you call taking a party game, and stripping it to it's bare bones, to the point where it's just a boring matches of people barrel rolling with fox in arenas that are the least interesting "learning" the game.

Than can be easily evaded.

No, Yamcha is top because the developers didn't gave a shit and autists in torney communities found how easily exploitable it is. The reason I "ignore" the other 2 is because it's the same principle. There's no logical reason for them to be so strong, only meta bullshit and exploits.
Because that's how they are portrayed in the show, other than that is headcanon. The game over extent itself by not having Yamcha fucking blow to pieced by a single punch of Shin Shen Long. That'd be fun.
No matter how much autists try to disguise it, cancels are exploits, particularly in B3 and even games like DMC, but unlike DMC, the game doesn't take this exploit in consideration.
Because Yamcha is weak, why change it when it is a fact that he is weak and he always have? He is, in fact, a joke character. Again, the same can be applied to any character, not just Yamcha.
Now you're just bad.
This is a mindset of a tourney fag. All characters are viable if you don't whine about tiers. You can have as much fun playing with Tao Pai Pai as you'd have playing with Gogeta.

Because I want a proper DBZ game, not tourney autism. There are enough of that and they are cancer as they are.

No it's not, if they are going to shit on the whole thing they can at the very least get the terms right.
This is just retarded. You're narrowing your your customers because it's evident DBZ fans don't like this bullshit, including me. They expected something more like BDT3 and got shit, while fighting game autists will always find something to complain about their shit meta like they did in any other fighting game that ever existed, take Xrd for example, no one plays it anymore and it was made by them. Hell, just look at all the previous DBZ games they released. At the end, only a really really narrow group of fans that likes DBZ, fighting games, and they aren't too demanding will like it, and that's really really few, not counting normalfags.
I still don't understand why people like ArkSys so much. Most of their games are mediocre at best, including BB, and the only thing I can praise them for is their graphics.
I'd say stripping a game of all it's features to make it "fair" is more upsetting than anything else. Tourneyfags seems incapable to adapt under any fucking circumstance and they throw a fit when things are not "fair", which is why most fighting games end up being so bland with little to no variety.

Have you never talked to or heard someone talk about anime? It's the go to anime most people like.

You have no idea what you're talking about and resorted to just talk in memes.

I'd say user was pretty spot on. Playing with items off in final destination is for faggots. If I wanted a bland game I'd play any other fighting game.

Wow nigga, go to bed, your entire argument is just it appeases your autism while decrying games that fit other niches. Like the man said this isn't the thread for you.

You have no idea what memes are

How so? Pretty sure I responded to the right post. If you refer to my respond with was to quote an specific line. Learn to read, user.

1 line out of a whole comment, good job user, you did what was asked of you in the first attempt comments late.

Well, I'm sorry, seems like I was distracted while playing video games.

The whole snooker/pool ball style combat is kind of fun. Even though 99.9% of the time you won't need to work out angles, as shit that's knocked away will home in on the nearest target. This applies for enemies knocking you around as well though. The idea of ringing people out to delay their turn is also pretty intresting, and stops battles just being "hit them as hard as you can while someone recovers your HP/MP".
The story is goofy enough to just enjoy if you don't take it seriously, you can laugh at the scenarios and what fusion characters you make (some of them look like real mutants), and the only downsides are that most aliens are too slow to viably use, and you may need to grind to get enough "points" to do certain shit at times. If you do every side-quest before the final boss, you'll probably walk all over it (although that might just be the LP I watched, so I don't know how much grinding he did off screen).

Lol responded to the wrong comment for the first and second point,
You can combo into them retard back at it again with not knowing your own game.
Again give me an exploit, I know it`d be tough for you since you don`t even know the mechanics of the game you`re in favor for but try and research before talking shit.
Nice autism faggot, .
What did he mean by this?
Because once again that`s retarded design, why remove chances of varied game play over just making a lazy unbalanced mess because you want it to be like the show.no point in playing anyone but late show characters because of a self imposed powercreep for no reason other then the show did it .
Yeah bro I bet you do sick vs the AI that can`t even play the game on it`s hardest setting not vs someone who can actually play the game.
Literally a "If I can`t see them they don`t exist" mindset
You have 2 xenoverse games for that retard, you can even play as your OC there and characters from DB supah
Now for the other shit comments
Well narrowing the market to people who only eat shit games with 90 reskins is already a pretty niche market, I don`t see where the autism is from since there are already 2 anime autism games out why wouldn`t a company then test the waters for other markets.
This shit made me laugh like a madman that you`re this retarded, pic related.
Is pressing more then a single button tough for you now? Or is the actual prospect of learning a game horrifying to you.
For the last point name one game besides smash that does this and better yet say a current arksys game that does this. I bet you fucking can`t provide an example for your last point.

You fucking cunt I thought this was you


Cancels, which is what B3 is reduced to. Giving how Yamcha is a fast character but that otherwise would be exposed during a combo, cancels are an exploit for him, because he was not meant to be played with cancels.
No they don't, not even DMC do this. Cancels are and always have been exploits that no one would use outside of specific communities.
Yamcha wasn't even designed to be good, it was a coincidence that it turner out that way, I'd say that more retarded would be to try to make him better, when he is not. You can win a fight of Tao Pai Pai against fucking Gogeta if you're good. You're just incompetent and whine about muh tiers and viability.
Multiplayer is cancer, and even when not, you can still win if you are not incompetent. It's not like tiers don't exist, it's more like tiers limit an otherwise fun game, which is why meta is cancer too. It's funny that you insist there should be varied characters while fucking defending tiers.
There are like other 3 Ark Sys DBZ games, and guess what? They are shit. The only reason this game is relevant is because it looks pretty, nothing more, otherwise it would be lumped with the other Ark Sys DBZ that are also shit.
It's shit.
You're trying to cater to 2 fucking incompatible markets. It's like trying to attract faggots who like "Races" and patricians who likes kart games at the same time, maybe there is a little group that like both, but the truth is that the big majority either like one or the other. In this case you have actual DBZ fans that think this game is shit compared to better DBZ games and tourney fags that never ever like a game at face value, so they probably would bitch about it in the first place regardless. And then there's this really really small group who actually likes how the game is shaping.
What are you exactly trying to prove here? I can go to any forum focused in any shitty dead game a match and thirty faggots would jump at it. Tourneyfags are particularly thirstier.
More like they all look and play the same. If you played one ArkSys game you played them all thanks to their focus on muh balance maybe except for gimmick characters. Most fighting games are pretty basic in that regard anyway since all those games follow the same patron to make combos or special attacks. Fighting games are laughable.
For fighting games none because they are catered to autists, but if you want a really good example of no fun, you have kart games where for some reason some people like the idea of turning items off.

Xenoverse in general is a good game problem is it has minor flaws that without developer update turn into straight griefing. Like niggers abusing Z-souls or spamming Ultimates that stun or RNG within RNG in missions for example


Did someone say power levels?

Really? In my experience Mexi’s are more into Naruto/Bleach. It’s the Nigs that like DBZ

Back at it again with fake news, it`s not his cancels, if anything Yamcha is one of the worst characters cancel wise. since he has no options that give him a good string ender.
But they do and you forgot about the other points easy to ignore points GJ
You don`t have a single fact to back this up, basic chain strings in fighters like BB,GG,MvC,TvC, even the most basic slash, slash, slash in dmc is canceling one move into another.
If it was an error it wouldn`t remain after major revisions it`s an intentional design choice you retard.
No he was designed to be fun first and his unique traits made him come out one off the tops, back at it again with the Yamcha obsession ignoring bardock and Cell jr
Wow you literally base your everyone is viable claim off of soul playing the AI, you absolute spastic
Wow nice false equivalence
No wonder you think BT3 looks good and has 100+ characters you`re legit blind to gameplay mechanics.
So`s BT3 yet you want more of that.
Nice goalpost moving retard.
Wow you really are retarded, prove that they play all the same. Oh wait you can`t since your a sad man who can only play games on his own vs a retard bot. you have no way to grasp reference on the subject and you`re too lazy to research any point you make.
What`s truely laughable are your posts, you don`t know the games you`re bigging up, you don`t know the games you`re arguing against, you`re playing multiplayer games on your own vs an AI who is a walking exploitable mess.
Wow no need for more there, you`re asked to bring up an example to prove your point and you come back with literally none, you`re a fucking joke.


I want to know more.

I think this user sums up my OP perfectly, he doesn't know anything about the games he's talking about even his own. His experience is playing an AI only and brags about knowledge of the game when he clearly shows none.
Oh i'm laughing

google dragon ball S-cells and the interview should be page 1 off results.

Did I miss this somewhere? I skipped most of Zamasu arc because it was pure cancer.

Mean Infinite World man?

WTF Toriyama should be hanged for inventing this garbage

That's probably why I only found 0 results.

I'm not gonna lose my shit over the midichlorians until I get a source on this. So far everything I've read about the S-cells just says it's a Saiyans-only thing. If it is only for Saiyans, that might actually be a better explaination for SS than what they had before.

That one faggot in this thread defending all those games with 200 shitty characters no one uses pretty much encapsulates everything wrong with DBZ fans. I bet he watches super.

You aren't a bright one are ya

user I'm sure that image is supposed to be ironic

fucking christ, guessing most of them are either kids, niggers and normalfags who like entry level anime



unsolicited opinions on hyper dbz???

we buzzwords now

you're doing gods work user

GT fan detected


lol dude what?

My crop is a confused animu grill. The full image contains the context of love letter and is not optimally useful for pure confused animu grill posting.

Super Humans when?

And his argument about characters being shit tier because power levels is ironic too, right?

Thanks fuck you never played SRW, you'd have an aneurysm

You're all a bunch of flaming retards

kys super toddler

Tien, Krillin and Yamcha are already considered Super Humans, just as Piccolo is a Super Namekian.

So, how do people feel about Toriyama revealing that turning Super Saiyan is reliant on how many S-cells a saiyan is born with?

Not canon and irrelevant, just like GT and DBS.

GT is canon, DBS is not.

They're both fan-fiction.

kys DBS cuck

Figures, the only one who should go back is you faggot.


Then the rape apes beat the shit out of her, or worse, KILL her and leave her corpse in a dumpster somewhere

They're not wrong though. The Budokai games are far superior in imitating Dragon Ball. I'm sure fighter Z is more of a balanced fighting game, but I'd rather play a game that feels more like a dragon Ball game than one that plays like Xrd.

You just sound like an upset faggot that hates that people like one game more than the one you like.

It's saiyans only, he's full of shit. Freeza literally chose how his new formed look and chose gold as a big fuck you to Goku and his super saiyan shit.

Liking Xrd makes you worse than halfchan, kid.

This. I know that's why I play them.

It's the Smash Brothers argument in reverse.

Toriyama doesn't write Super, he just ok's what his intern shits out.


One decent manga and a load of shitty merchandising doesn't seem like much of a series unless you're a Jump drone.

Euthanizing is the only cure. Next they`ll say they have the same engine (Except they literally don`t) Also Xrd shares and engine with DmC and I don`t see the I-no as my prom date you ugly sacks of shit

All that means is that Xrd is a chink ripoff of Guilty Gear.

I haven't read anything about it being in all races.

He added it to his post to make people upset, the only reason Frieza's new form is gold is because Frieza himself made it gold as a "fuck you" to Goku and the rest of the filthy monkeys.

I want Tien and Yamcha to get power-ups. some stupid alien dude comes of nowhere and gives them 1,000,000,000,000 free level up for kicks.

should be next super arc

Talking about Dragon Ball…


Tbh hanging around the competitive DB community made it so I can only enjoy hanging with niggers, spics and hicks.

Not gonna happen. For some reason, Toriyama fucking hates Yamcha.
Anyone know why?

One of the Parallel Quests in Xenoverse 2 does that. It's pretty funny.

Honestly I'm kind of bummed purple piccolo got done in earlier than I expected. I was certain they'd have him fight Goku at least once during the tournament.
On the upside, Universe 2 got wiped out and the namekians had a bit of a spotlight.

there's a spin-off manga where a DB fan gets reincarnated as Yamcha and used his knowledge of the series to change how things play out

Here is the uncropped image
Also, a gallery of the artist.

Link that shit, user.

The biggest groups of DBZ fans today are
- Preteen boys
- Niggers
- People with the intellectual capacity of the above

And you wonder why they are bad?



kennycomix's shit is hilarious. It's a shame he can't draw and has to rely on commissions from other artists.

Shitpost aside. I'm surprised people here still watch DBZ/Super. Then again, most of Holla Forums doesn't keep up with anime. Even if you ruled out everything today being moeshit like a retard, there's still a shit ton of good action shows that have come out over the decades.

This is pretty great so far.


Aw shit man this is awesome, thanks!

That was a good read

I figured out how to exploit the AI in Xenoverse in a few hours. It wasn't hard, these people are just mentally retarded and have no idea how computers work.

I was kinda hoping it would show how he fights cell or majin buu.

But it was a nice read.

DB is 30 years old user. Watching DB is one thing, but keeping with Super is another. In fact, there's people that actually grow with DB or DBZ. and that's what I believe is the only reason they actually like it without having to be preteen hype faggots or niggers. Nostalgia isn't better, though.

I hope you get STD.

nice try dbs cucks

there really tons of good action shows, you have some meme shit like one punch man and attack on titan and thats it, there are no proper martial arts animes that get you hooked in like what happened to original Dragon Ball. Issue here is japanese anime market is full of degenerate faggots who want to make moeshit garbage like the depressed autism girl and sell toys and other merchandise to americlaps, western anime market is cucked to the core and they are releasing mirrored moeshit garbage with stupid agenda behind it.

no real DB or DBZ fan watches or enjoys DBS, DBS fans are narutofans and retarded TFS fanboys which is not surprising since the company behind DBS admitted they are aiming DBS at narutofans.



go back to reddit DBS cuck

you can find the interviews from 2016 easily if you google them and its not even surprising when you look how the episodes unfold and how characters behave outside their normal stance

That's what I meant but I didn't word it good. I mean that people still like DB because they probably grew with it. Then again, my father likes DBS and we both liked DBZ when I was young.


honestly it doesnt even have the appeal of late DBZ at all, its just riding on nostalgia and shitty TFS memes, i remember when youtubers were spamming their videos daily on who is Goku Black and fan theories were more interesting than this whole Zamasu arc which is impossible to pull off (because him meeting Goku and starting his mortal genocide is because of Goku Black attack present day Goku so this time traveling loop makes no sense), i remember back in 2007 my friend said something how he likes DB and DBZ but is sad that there arent any more episodes or even the movies coming out and i said maybe its for the best or the new ones would be shitty quality trying to cash in and now it feels bad when my prediction comes true.

how a real battle royal should look like

keep shitposting faggot then fuck off back to /vg/ Xenoverse threads to spam your female buu fetish

/vg/ is dead and I only watch this shit because I watched DB and DBZ, but not GT.
Next you'll claim I'm from halfcuck.


/a/ was always about that. You can tell if a person is a huge /a/utist when he judges people by what shitty shounen they watch. Only oldfag /a/utists know all shounens are shit.

That was a lot of fun. It's a shame it's so short, I wanted to see him give the Frieza saga a go.

Come on!

My father is the kind of person who doesn't give a shit about those things. He is a normalfag, after all, but that innocence liking of him about DBS kinda reminds me of when I was young and liked the show for innocent reasons. I wish I wasn't as bitter as I an now.

Imageboards have always been about that. There's anonymity is perfect to take the higher ground while shitting on faggots for having shit taste.

its very easy to spot you faggots because you blindly hate GT but blindly defend DBS garbage and yeah you are from cuckchan, i remember even seeing your avatarfagging images in xenoverse threads

No, user. You are the faggots.

I don't hate GT though, I just think it's not well thought out, shadow dragons are a shit concept and they completely disregarded canon for Hell by having absolutely everyone still around a year later despite the whole soul cleansing shit. Golden great Apes and SSj4 are shit and you know it.

I wanna fuck that Frieza.

GT is good.

Enjoying fun things mostly requires being a normalfag, a retard or a kid.


You sure got me now.

Could you be more specific? I'm getting interviews with Toyotaro about the manga, nothing on the show.

You do realise that part was written by Toriyama right ?

But Golden Great Apes and SSJ4 make more sense than fucking SSJGod or SSJBlue, irony is that SSJGod was actually taken from GT and watered down, hell even the Zamasu arc is similar to Android 17 and Android 17 from hell fusing and even the fusion not finishing the enemy is similar to Gogeta fusion (but they retconned portara fusion)

Too obvious, man. Have another "avatar". It's all (you)rs.

I said mostly for a reason. Being bitter doesn't make you better than anyone or more mature, but it helps you call things for what they are, specially when they are shit, like Super.
Being bitter is simply seeing things more critically, fag.

thanks for proving that you are that obnoxious cancer from Xenoverse threads, now all that is missing is the Goku laughing with the "kekarot" spam behind him


Funny how the DBS kiddies want to argue and hate on GT but dont know basic shit about it

Yes, user I am obviously that one guy you are referring to. Stay paranoid. There's no way others could ever call you out for being a salty cunt.

It was so fun but it ended so quickly.

So you are unable to have an argument without your opponent being a strawman?

yea man its defo some other faggot from cuckchan who has same writting style and mentality as you and is avatarfagging with exact same images as you, PURE COINCIDENCE and not a case of cuckchanner ID hoping right?

Maybe you should go back to your xenoverse threads?

I wonder why.

There are no fucking xenoverse threads, the game is completely dead to me ever since they added fucking EAC to it due to the bitching caused by PvP faggots that want the game to be pure PvP with its shit P2P multiplayer which causes severe rubberbanding and lag due to using your computer instead of actual god damn servers. "oy vey mods = hax ban them all even if they just make hair a different color it gives unfair advantage" retards completely killed it.

There's no helping you, I'm sorry you're so upset you've created your own boogeyman.

they transformed into dragon ball general but dont worry Xenoverse threads will return when they release Xenoverse 3 with 3 additional DLCs, now with exact same gameplay and more custom options on character creation screen for female buus and saiyans.

Funny how you faggots damage control even harder when you are discovered

It's funny how I don't know jack shit about what's going on on halfcuck, yet you know all about this supposed "Dragon Ball General" that is most likely exclusive to their /vg/.

Writing everything off as moeshit makes you miss out on plenty of good stuff. But you're right about the lack of straight up action shows. I wouldn't even consider DBZ a martial arts show but these type of things are stuck behind manga. Straight up action shows are usually tied to shonen and maybe seinen it it has more adult themes to go with it. Hell, Symphogear has better action scenes than DBS somehow.

holy fuck

Tbh all the DB fans I've ever encountered were spics and niggers. Low IQs = low skill


And why would we want cuck porn?

ITT: Smash tourneyfags look for another game to make "competitive".
Give it six months, and we'll get "ProjectDB" or some shit which half a dozen autists will spend 2 grand shoving into EVO.

And you nigger, I'm gonna answer you just for this stupid fucking line:
You immediately made the correlation that "character is bad" = "character is less fun".
Fuck you and your baseless asserssions.
Mr. Satan is the worst and weakest character in the game. But he's not "less fun" to play as.
He's less competitive. If you derive your fun from winning and only winning, of course he's not fun for you.
But I enjoyed the fact that he's not only present in every Dragonball game, but that he also sucks so much goddamn ass in every one of them.
If you really need the autism of the FGG that is "tier lists", there's only 3 tiers that apply to all characters in Budokai (any of them):

Gojeta, Shin Shen Long, all that top shit that is equivalent to "Fox only, no items, final destination"
Anyone picking these guys wants to win and you should mock them for taking Dragon Ball serious.

Nearly 90% of the cast, some are slightly stronger than the others, but all the games let you balance this out if you care. Then again, if you care about it, you've already picked one from the previous tier and are now assmad that your oponent is making fun of you.
Anything in this tier is viable and fun to play with unless you go against a try-hard of the first tier.

I can count 4 characters in BT3. You pick these for a laugh, especially against one of the first tier. If at any point playing with the other tiers you realize "Wow, shit, I started taking this game seriously for a second", pick one of these right afterwards and realize you're playing a silly but fun game (hopefully with friends) and not an e-sports EVO contender packed with FFG autism.

There. Any other tier is not needed, and if you're right now thinking any of this is wrong, you need to return to crying about SFV being shit and no fighting games being good instead of trying to shit up yet another party game for people that liked the anime even as dumb as those people are they don't deserve your spergouts.

It's because most fans are spics and niggers with double digit IQs.

Tenkaichi 3 is better than all of the Raging Blast and Xenoverse games, and Burst Limit is still the best looking DBZ game ever made (so far, Fighterz isn't even out yet). I don't know how it's so hard to just take Tenkaichi and add some nicer shaders, redo the models and sell that for 60 bucks, Xenoverse is utter trash, and none of the cutscenes are on the level of RB.

I'd pirate that. Also, the only thing I give to Xenoverse is an A for trying but nothing more. It's not like you can't do an original story with Tenkaichi either, so the whole "IT'S ORIGINAL" bullshit doesn't really matter.

Eternal exodus

Its not original, they took the plot for BOTH games from the MMO they made. Even almost all of the characters, and the "beserker good guy" thing they did with Yamcha and shit.

You wasted your time typing that, the guy who typed left and he's not coming back.
Shown him your post and the response after skimming it went along the lines of "Nice anecdotal evidence you fucking weeb"

Burst Limit looks so good it's a shame of all variants of Budokai 3's formula it got dealt the short hand.

Its even weirder considering the praise the Naruto games get for their visuals, when really all it needs are some nice shaders and lighting.

And a better cutscene director, Tenkaichi 3 still has the worst cutscenes, despite it being the best gameplay, but it's rivalled by some of the shit in Xenoverse. Gohan killing Cell was nearly stop motion, and it was horribly lit.
