Why didn't they ever make a third game? It had one of the dopest FPS melee combat systems around.
Wasn't this series popular enough or something?
Why didn't they ever make a third game? It had one of the dopest FPS melee combat systems around.
Wasn't this series popular enough or something?
Doesn't he still have this studio kicking around somewhere? Or did he sell it?
I don't think I'm more jealous of anyone than Vin Diesel.
He put his house on the line for the last movie and agreed to do another fast and furious. They get shit reviews but sell real well after release to dvd and what not. Also the viewers rate them highly, it really is a movie for the fans.
Its nice to see even though he puts it on the line it doesn't all come crumbling down
unlike the guy who made kingdom of amalur
Why would they make a third? There was never a reason to do so. It's like you bitch when a series has sequelitis and bitch when it stops at the right spot.
Most of Starbreeze went to Machine Games, and you know what happened there.
Butcher Bay was way ahead of its time graphically.
It didn't do anything Doom 3 didn't do before it, and you're probably thinking of the enhanced re-release.
Maybe because I was 10 when it came out.
Long story short, Dark Athena was considered a high risk investment and was dropped out, even after the devs reluctantly agreed to push things such as multiplayer after the silly publisher said so
Diesel managed to pull the studio and project out with a small loan of a million bucks, rushed the shit out of the last segment of the game just to finish it (the evacuated city + battleship) and got an emergency publish deal with Atari
It didn't sell a lot, but managed to break even for Atari, and had virtually no ad campaign for obvious economical reasons. Still went to be IMO one of the best FPS's in Gen 7, the FPS Gen.
Didn't win anything or was mentioned anywhere but plenty of companies grabbed and basically butchered the studios, leaving Diesel without his Tigon manpower and with a sour experience, which i don't blame him, you make a great game, make an extra campaign inside (Dark Athena campaign was ironically bonus content, the game was only meant to be a graphical upgrade of BB as it didn't get compatibility) and you get shit on by every face of the industry.
It didn't go well for the devs either, after being lured out they went to do a shit Syndicate remake, got Darkness 2 soiled for them and were thrown into their ominous nordic current year destiny to make interracial jewish propaganda with the Wolfenstein games, dumbed down Dark Athena re-skins
Riddick's recommendation: don't make games, don't take the chance to get jewed on your ass
Diesel is a cool guy.
Make movies and games for your fans and you'll be rewarded with loyalty.
It's a sad tale if anything
His early film career was highly respectable, even with his disability he took acting classes (rare these days) then wrote, directed and acted in his own movie to get creed, got it but was picked for only shitty or minor roles.
He then went to ask for other roles, notably the Iron Giant which was seen as a risk, got buff and managed to write, partially sponsor and act in his own OC, Riddick's Pitch Black. Got into entrepreneur stuff and suddenly felt into the action meme.
After doing some movies in what he thought would be one-timers, he started to search for respectable roles, got one once with Find Me Guilty, and around this time he went to do F&F2 for money to sponsor Chronicles of Riddick and Butcher Bay. The former was a mess plot-wise and didn't get much money, but Butcher Bay was magnificent, critically acclaimed but went to be quickly forgotten due to not being a major studio.
He then felt again in the action meme to recoup and go on, Wheelman appeared and was ignored by everyone, had to do more shit to recoup, the Dark Athena saga came by, he had to go for more bucks once again to recoup, and suddenly he couldn't get up again, falling lower and lower to do shitastic sequels and straigh2Youtube flicks
Most people, and myself once, think he's just some random meathead mutt, but seeing his story makes me feel a little for him, the poor guy is just a classic "geek" and weeaboo who got the balls to make it big in highly improbable territory but got trapped between jews, endeavor obscurity and action man hell, and he cannot go out with his hobbies too openly because it would be career suicide.
Dark athena is an indefensible mess and the only version of riddick worth playing is the original escape from butcher bay release.
What's wrong with the remaster?
Explain, you mean adding different/newer mechanics that don't integrate well?
Because technically the game runs flawless and with high fps
Played both and found Butcher Bay to be less 'sterile' looking than Doom 3. Better artistic direction to be sure.
Input lag, always on mouse acceleration, and locked at 16:9. The engine became bloated and unusuable and the visuals a post heavy mess. The original release on pc or xbox is the best way to play it. The melee comabt and one on one fights are a random disaster thanks to the ai tweaks and input lag letting them pretty much read your inputs.
Pardon, i played the native version for console, which is top notch, no lag and runs silky butter smooth 40fps, at times 60
In that case Butcher Bay DC is the best option as you said, but saying Dark Athena is shit because some PC's can't run it sounds preposterous
any mid-end PC from 2008 and up can run dark athena, that's not the problem. The problem is the PC version has copious amounts of technical issues, not related to performance, but related to how the engine deals with things like input.
Maybe the console versions are better for dark athena, I haven't played them, but this is 8/v/ an 98% of users are PC goys.
Works on my machine. Hell, I just played through both of them for the (fourth?) time a couple of months ago and didn't have any problems. This is an unironic case of git gud, like the guy in the doom 3 thread that claimed that enemies were "bullet sponges", and when told to go for headshots, claimed that the weapons were "too inaccurate" despite everything but the shotgun being pretty much pin-point accurate.
Were, demographic has changed vastly, emulating SNES and playing junk isn't exactly pushing a PC and the sole nature of posting here will render us PC users, but that's a little pedantic, i get what you say
Still, in its heyday, and for a year, Riddick was only playable on consoles, so it gets more related to them. I can assure you, at least in 360, it runs very well, above average.
I don't think you know what input lag means, and you seem to not have played the original release so you can't compare them.
Are you the guy who always shits up every dark souls thread complaining about "input lag"?
To be fair, after the third Fast and Furious movie they went full sentai with the script. People coming back from the dead, enemies becoming allies, stupid over the top action. For fuck's sake 7's final scene was more or less taken from a fucking shonen.
Though everything past movie 7 might as well be non-cannon.
Everything and anything past the first movie is non-canon, with maybe a debatable position with Tokyo Drift
But user, the story is told out of sync until the 5th movie or so. I forgot the order but if you see them in that order then it becomes a fucking long series. Tokyo drift was the first movie chronologically, I believe.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the other movies don't continue the story. I didn't mind the movies simply because everyone that worked on it knew they were making western sentai with cars that every 14-18 year old boy would enjoy. Anyone that is looking for more than that out of the F&F movies simply missed the point of these movies.
i think the fast and the furious movies are fun flicks worth watching
vin is absolutely /ourguy/
Riddick is the same. Chronicles was kinda bad, but Pitch Black and the newer Riddick were amazing. I'm pretty sure the character is based off of a tabletop game he played with his friends, he's big into tabletop RPGs.
I really want to watch an entire movie that's just Vinny D going all Robinson Crusoe on an alien planet. Like the first bits of the 2013 Riddick, but stretched out into an entire movie.
Except it does, while obnoxious, you can argue a set end by not watching them or disregarding them taking into account first established context and its possibilities in the set universe
It all falls into feels, and this doesn't work in serious debates unless the sanity of the creator or his integrity is in question (the original writer hasn't worked on the movies since the second one)
And unluckily for you, that standard works very well here
His fucking fault for making a single player MMO WoW clone.
Are you just a bored shitposter at this point?
Highly ironic that you post a prime example of a character that got dragged in sequels, even when spiritual ones
You are nothing more than a brainlet or a pro shitposter, get educated at your nearestgoodcenter
I bet you think Dune has more than 3 books
How about you explain to everyone how 6 and 7 happens when 1-5 are not connected to them? You would be the type of retard that would say the Back to the Future movies are self contained movies that are not connected to each other.
I will agree slightly by saying I enjoyed Dark Fury more than Chronicles, but I also liked Chronicles more than Riddick. I feel like Dark Fury has a bad case of Animatrix-itis. It's extremely underrated. Not sure if its because so few movies do direct tie-ins with animation or what…
Did i use big words for you?
How can you explain to someone how 6 or 7 happened when they don't exist in the first place, at least for the entity you are trying to explain it to, and especially if the creator of said works is not involved?
So you are pulling the Lucas excuse of "It's my IP!"? Pathetic.
Which three? I actually enjoyed all 5 of the 6 by that I have read by Frank Herbert. polite sage for off topic
They didn't sell amazingly well and Dark Athena wasn't as good as Butcher Bay.
In a really bad way.
He actually is. Diesel is a fa/tg/uy, and the Riddick character is literally his DnD character he grew up playing but he got to make a movie about him.
I agree, way too many pc gamers who all think the same thing.
user, he's trying to be funny but failing miserably. Just leave the autist alone.
Holy shit, that's fucking cute
it was literally the best riddick movie
Pitch Black was a ton better. The fun of Riddick's character comes from not knowing if he's going to help you, or immediately slit your throat and skull fuck you. In Chronicles he because the designated hero, and from that point on was completely predictable in his actions.
Are you really this inbred or simply inebriated?
It was a bad flick but had its very good moments, very few, mostly when it's not referencing Pitch Black survivors or the explicit moments of the high-tier necro empire, or the furyan shenanigans
Toombs was also a colorful character, not as good as he was portrayed in Dark Fury thou, he was way too goofy in the live action
Wan't he personally also a lot of the driving force behind getting the games made as more than just a lazy movie tie-in?
God that's sad, the last Riddick movie sucked pretty bad.
Yeah, he was the founder of the studio and mortgaged his house.
Honestly that sounds like a great thing to do if you've got the cash.
I respect a man wagering his own money. Unlike those begging on Kickstarter.
Wow is Hideo Kojima a real prophet?
Are you OK there, little buddy?