Magic The Gathering is slowly being killed by WotC and their idiotic SJW pandering, so let's make some cards of our own!
Vidya MTG Cards
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Whoops, fixed
Ho Boy. The m/tg/ community is already bitter enough as it is. Throwing Holla Forums into the mix has got to make for something entertaining.
Here, let me throw some fuel into the mix:
Unstable looks good, Ixalan wasn't a total disappointment, and Commander is the only format that matters now since Modern/Draft replaced their Promos with Foil Tokens.
TBH, I've seen some of the Unstable spoilers, and it seems to me that Wizards has been taken over by the cancer of "comedy = WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS". Have these people never heard the phrase "brevity is the soul of wit"?
Also, the Contraption mechanic, which could have been a fun mechanic in a real set, is instead an overcomplicated clusterfuck.
The moment Eldrazi became viable in Legacy was the moment I stopped thinking of this as a game. It's a joke to laugh about now.
These threads are a cancer on /tg/. If you're going to enjoy shit at least keep it in one place.
Time to make the meme cat card before /monster/ does.
I haven't played MTG since Theros. What's new with it?
Power creep continues no matter how much they deny that it's happening
New Un-set just got announced, my opinions on it are here
More Jaces.
only fat and autistic loser virgins play MtG.
Well of course, goy. Don't you want to always be purchasing more and more sets?
Ah, yes. Because who doesn't love the quintessential Planeswalker?
Power creep will continue until there are not enough whales to justify the expense, then they will just start anew under a different name.
No, there's literally a card that makes more Haves. It's ult is that it creates two non-legendary token copies of itself with all the same abilities, including making two token copies of itself.
Why are there so many girl (boy) streamers for this game? Pic not related.
Jaces, not Haves.
That sounds insanely broken. Post it.
The power level of standard is the same stale shit it's been for the last couple of blocks since Innastrad.
The Most notable example since then has been the Eldrazi, but post-ban they've become reasonable in eternal formats.
Get this weak shit out of my face.
For comparison:
It's mainly used for Super Friends Commander, where cards trigger off of commanders and such.
Also they're probably going to release
"Players may not attack you while you have a Planeswalker on the field. Damage caused by instants and sorceries that target you as a player may instead be assigned to a Planeswalker of your choice"
I didn't realize before that it's not a legendary either. Imagine some faggot have a deck with four of these.
All Planeswalkers released up to now are now Retconned to be legendary, probably because they're going to release a set focused on a plane made entirely out of soyboy neo-walkers with only 1 or 2 cheap loyalty abilities and that count as creatures., and for Jace Castaway.
That Jace is still a poor choice. He combos off with doubling season, but then what Planeswalker doesn't?
They did, and it was actually a pretty fun mirror with caw blade.
Post that it was played in a deck called "Miracles" in legacy.
There's actually a thread on /tg/ where they were constructing EDH decks to represent the boards, then have them face off in a 4-way bot-match using MTG Forge's AI, record it, then play it.
Holla Forums was decided to be Arjun, the shifting flame:
I like BG, I had most of the core laying around, and I went for it. No card shop or playerbase in town, but damn if it doesn't play extremely well when goldfishing
>got a bj behind shop once
he quit about the time WotC started re-releasing the same cards with diff names so you had to rebuy them anyway.
that sounds bretty interesting. care to link?
ty user
You're, mate.
It sure as hell isn't humorous in any sense of the word, but it does look fun.
Not vidya but if I could be bothered I'd make Hulk card.
Starts off blue whatever manner cost Bruce Banner.
If dealt damage it transforms into Hulk.
Has Snapping Sailback's enrage mechanic and if it doesn't swing in a combat phase it transforms back
Fuck hexproof.
Hexproof is great, fuck you
In b4 404'd. Save those cards m80!
this is shit, the activated setting should give it defender and indestructible
Anything else?
Oh and put old version without image credit for a card.
WotC isn't a company deserving of your money and the MtG community is now run by attention whores and faggots anyways. The nostalgic memories some of us might have of the past good sets is no reason to keep supporting this cancerous awful company.
How long have you been out of Magic? You've been allowed to have more than one legend per deck for well over a decade now. Unless you're referring to the practice of not putting so many of the same Legend in the same deck. Which didn't matter with MS because he would either eat removal or be removal for other Jaces. Even if he is a dead card you can pitch him for free by Brainstorming and cracking a fetch. People even ran baby Jace, the first iteration, just to kill big Jace via the "legend rule" (which used to be the Planeswalker Uniqueness rule that stated no two planeswalkers of the same type could be on the battlefield at the same time).
that should just be a regular effect already
That really should exist in black border, but my problem with Unstable was there there were several bog standard trash cards we see every set except with jokes printed on them. There weren't event any fractional P/T among them. Except the spell that does Pi damage, but even that suggests you should just use 3.
what a fucking waste of quints
Isn't the whole point of EDH that it's supposed to be casual?
I'm very sorry I didn't mean to.
I actually just argued about this with a friend. Since he lamented that Grand Calcutron isn't a creature so it can't be a general. I told him that Maro specifically said it was designed to be one, and even if he didn't it shouldn't matter.
It used to be. At least in my area, it's all serious business now.
Nigger. though I think your design otherwise makes more sense even if it sucks
I have a shitton of cards from the Unglued deck. I never had anyone to play MTG with my entire life and I want to sell them. Are they worth anything considering they're not allowed in tournaments?
That game was fucking excellent, one of the best games of all time. Fuck Wizards.
Eat a dick nigger.
I agree that the user missed the point of the card entierly however hexproof did nothing wrong.
Nothing on these?
pirates, dinos and vampires, fucking tumblr garbage.
To make vidya-themed MtG cards for actual play, you need to work with stuff that has a good selection of characters that people actually want to play as and has decent balance in its native game, or stuff that mimics the styles of existing MtG decks.
inb4 some jackass makes a 99/99 Orlandu card.
you could make a bretty fun Holla Forumsidya set to do drafts with, it'd be tough but doable
I've tried stealing mechanics from games in order to see how they'd mesh in with a TCG, the best I got was a sabotage mechanic that adds useless or actively harmful cards to your opponents libraries, but it'd be near impossible to do irl due to people sperging out over losing cards.
I've seen a Dark Souls custom set.
I made a Warcraft 3 set in the past, though it probably would have been upsetting because I tried to be literal to the game and accurate to magics design, leading to UB Lich etc.
I tried to come up with a Metal Gear Rising-themed deck once. It was full of ninjas and relied on Blightsteel Colossus being mimicked by an unblockable card to inflict OHKO. Metal Gears would be good candidates for legendaries, as would Snake, Raiden and many MG bosses. Question is, which normal enemies are suitable to be translated? You can't build a deck on just legendaries.
The idea isn't to build a specific-vidya themed set, it's to build a Holla Forumsideogames set so you have a lot more things to pick and choose from and to make balancing a whole load easier. There's those waifu soldiers from MGS4, Ocelot Squad, generic patrol/recruitable soldiers from PW and Geckos if you want normal enemies.
Lots of constructs as well. It's been a while since I thought about it, but the deck was designed to fit the theme of cyborg ninjas by being half constructs and half ninjas, with some artifacts and the Colossus.
I think a Final Fantasy deck would be the best place to start because the Tactics games and XI/XIV have combat between two sides using the job system, so there's both a selection of mainstay cards and some preexisting balancing attempts.
The various soldiers.
I figure that for FF cards you should do the most iconic jobs first, like Paladin, Dragoon, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai, Archer, Monk, color mages, etc. The first FF was modeled on D&D, so it's probably more rooted in /tg/ than any other choice. A second series could bring in monsters, gunners, bards, time mages, oracles, berserkers, geomancers, and even calculators. The job cards could be creatures, or they could be treated like a special enchantment that you can only have two of at once. That would give you a base to make character cards, which would mostly just be stronger versions of the regular jobs.
I did this once. Gains keywords by changing (or rather mastering, as there's no elegant way to remove existing classes) class and you can adjust its status afterwords. Could be hell of a lot more elegant (with fewer memory issues) with keyword.
Seems like not a whole lot of life for a legendary creature. We're talking about Final Fantasy characters here. It's an interesting system though, and granted, not all FF characters can change jobs. Every job has some kind of unique ability that would prove useful and they translate pretty well into MTG for the most part. The Paladin could use Cover to take damage for another creature, the Dragoon could use Jump to temporarily gain Flying status and attack when the Flying period is over, the Thief can steal enemy equipment, etc.
There's a problem with cards like these, people often give titles to cards because they think they're special. When there's too much cards with titles or if they're not made just right, it just rubs you the wrong way. You're better off naming it something like "The Warrior of Light", dropping the legendary and sticking to two options since this much text looks gay.
Excluding Legends and Homelands cards there's exactly three legendary Human creatures without a title: Arcum Dagsson, Telim'Tor (a card from Mirage!) and Sidar Jabari, (three more if Lovisa Coldeyes and Márton Stromgald are family names). That's of 272 legendary humans.
As for the mechanics, this was just a random idea I had. If you were making a set there could easily be non-legendary of something like "Squire of the Northern Sky" use the idea.
Why the fuck would you use a gold frame on a mono card?
What? That's multicolour frame.
I wanted to a parody of image 1 but based on image 2.
other card was better, downvote
I had an idea a while back about a dream world set (where the "real" and dream worlds start merging together, resulting in horrifying circumstances such as humans gaining uncontrolable magic and fae suddenly growing consciences). I wanted to base it off of RPG maker games since so many of them deal with surreal situations and dream worlds. I ultimately didn't think there was enough material to make an entire set around, but I made a few legendaries. Can you tell what game characters I based these cards around?
Purification in process
yeah that one was pretty obvious. I'm hoping someone figures out Elainne because I like the design on her.
There are always people looking for unglued cards, but they are pretty cheap, compared to other cards. You could still sell them for something, though
as tedious as the battles could be since OFF was still RPGM, this song kept me grooving the whole time.
Here's something I made a long long time ago.
I can't think of a way to balance this gimmick. Though I realize that a lot of stuff in the endless games could use cards, the games have fantastic art.
I would give it a -1 and bump that big ability up to a -3; I'd also make his starting Loyalty 3.
That's also a very Simic (Blue/Green) effect, I would also consider making his mana cost 2 B/G B/G.
This thread has gone and made me redownload that old magic set builder again, I'll see if I have the old /tg/ infographs showing how to build proper magic cards.
I was working on a homebrew x parasite thing from metroid, but I stopped a while back
I come bearing gifts from the lands of meatbread and autism.
Magic Set Editor:
Design 10… Series:
Nuts & Bolts:
I never got why people like mtg, tired playing it a few times and it's so god damn slow. Sucks for the fans though, the sjw take over seems like it's winning.
The same reason people like 4X games, it's fun to build up and take down an enemy.
You should probably mention that there's some new templates on the sourceforge forum page that contains some useful shit like vehicles and whatever this thing is.
Is power creep just making newer cards more powerful on average so that if you want an advantage/to remain competitive you're forced to buy the newer ones?
Game is best in a multiplayer match where you have to engage in board politics.
wotc did it
they finally fucking did it
anyone want to help? I can't think of effects, they gave me the keys to the kingdom and my mind is blank
you fucked up. there should only be four cards
Double faced cards are the same card.
I always liked MTG for the level of intricacy you could come into when deckbuilding or playing at low level competetive/kitchen table games, and the level of interactivity if afforded with its rules. Drafting was always a blast too.
I stopped playing a few years back after MaRo became a bigger and bigger showboat about how he was homogenizing and streamlining the game to death.
There are four cards, the second/third are a flip card.
generally speaking, yes. however, since Wizards of the Coast Cycles cards out frequently, any power creep is more likely them trying to make more impressive cards.
magic is still a terrible game, and you should feel bad for playing it.
It's as slow as any strategy game, and its appeal is that of any strategy game. If you really want to understand the appeal without giving any shekels your best bet is to pirate the 2014 PC vidya of Duels of the Planeswalkers, it's the best version of the yearly series they made. If you make it through the campaign of the game and hate it anyway, MtG is definitely not for you, although I'd argue anything like Endless Space also sounds like it wouldn't be for you.
Terribly done, and there should only be four
MtG doesn't have any other double card gimmicks except for the Big Fluffy Monster one.
Yes. Yugioh used to bar 4 star monsters (which required no tributes to summon) from having 2000 ATK or more unless they had a negative. Eventually, a slew of 4 star monsters with 2000ATK, no negative effects were introduced to sell packs.
The name of the game now revolves around purchasing dozens of packs and structure decks for cards from one of various specific "archetypes" which support one another and allow to pull all kinds of bullshittery: multiple summons in a turn, playing cards from the hand without having to set them, etc. This isn't even getting into XYZ, Pendulum, Link summons which depend on very rare cards.
You could sidestep this by playing on online simulators, but then the game turns into rock-paper-scissors between the best possible builds for each archetype, which might not be for everyone.
I find cycling out cards to be even worse, considering the amount of money some cards can command online. The manufacturer has complete control and insider knowledge over a market possibly millions big. Although you'd have to be very retarded to knowingly partake on it anyway.
Well, that's the result of those cards NOT being cycled out of some formats. But of course WotC absolutely builds around propping up a secondary market at this point.
The CCG is something that should be dead at this point. Fantasy Flight Games, despite being just as pozzed, has shown the idiocy of the collectible model and anyone who participates in it.
ya, just like Smash Brothers
Im willing to bet it's the same autists that ruined both
b-but it only has 100 Def so it's balanced
The point of no return for yugayoh right here.
every tcg thread even if it starts with MtG or Vanguard or Pokemon or something will inevitability be derailed by yugioh fags that come out of the woodwork.
Does this upset you?
This happens in every thread, why don't you fuckers make your own threads instead of refugeeing in ours? You could at least make custom yugioh cards, MSE has that capability.
Oh yeah, I also realized I made this a long time ago as well.
Yes, I know there is a Dinosaur creature type. That creature wasn't a thing when I made this.
I wouldn't consider any of the Monster Hunter monsters to be black execpt for maybe the gigginox and khezu, this seems like more of a red or green than a black, even with activated effect.
I don't even see any derailment here. Looks to me you're just getting buttflustered by the mere sight of someone mentioning yugioh.
jho doesn't really seem mono black, if it were black, it would be jund, red green black
I think gore magala, nakarkos, stygian zinogre, and most black colored variants really could be reasonably assigned black
Apex monsters would definitely have a black tint. Even if their mana costs aren't black they'd have ability costs that would be.
I see apex as a black one time use activated ability like monstrous
I could use some help toolshopping some effects and the like that I had for a while.
I forgot which game but there was a game that had a gimmick I really liked where they playstyles were based control in more than just milling or counterspells. There were effects that let you put negative cards in your opponents deck, and effects that did nothing but mimic the last card played, steal cards, double the effect of cards and if I remember properly making the opponent give you cards.
While these would probably be a bitch in physical MtG in a digital game I can see them being fun to use while not being an absolute bitch to play against. at least not more of a bitch than regular blue players.
If anyone could remember the game it would also be a big help.
Would you play them?
They're not based on any particular vidya
Quickshift sounds really good for some cheese bullshittery, definitely would use.
Better MTG that have all the good parts MTG have while playing as smooth as Hearthstone and having a fair f2p model as well. Game seems like it have zero SJW shit as well.
I dont even care about MTG arena. It wont be better than Eternal anyway.
anyways can someone r8 mint, I know it's basically impossible in current MtG but it's more meant for digital than physical play.
Research Funding should require revealing the top card.
how would you represent all those mint copies, this feels like a bookkeeping nightmare for a player
It's an effect more meant for digital play, but since they're all instants you could just represent them with the minting card itself.
I agree that it'd be a fucking nightmare to keep track of though, especially since one of my plans is to add cards with negative effects that you add to other player's libraries.
Copying a card or generating tokens that can outlive the original effect is nothing new in magic.
Oh and unless Mint is like Imprint (It's not always the same despite being one keyword) you can drop "onto your library".
Can tokens exist off the battlefield if they're created there? I feel like its strictly an in play only thing, especially since they disappear when changing zones. Emblems seem to fill the need of player based tokens.
Tokens only exist on the battlefield. You cant copy a "card", such as placing additional objects in the library. If a token creature would be shuffled into your deck, it ceases to exist when it changes zones.
(You could play a card that eg reveals the top card and makes a copy of it, however)
I wanted to use the term "create a token copy" but I decided against it due to this. I should probably add some more fluff so the 4 card or legend rule doesn't apply to mints, or make it so mints aren't treated like regular cards or something though.
Symbol set suggestions. Open them in MSE's symbol editor and they'll automatically convert.
Would changing that general rule actually effect anything currently in existence? WotC would do it if it were needed to make a new card.
They let artists use screen names for their credits?
I'm not making finding art harder by having to find art by someone without a stupid screen name.
Any examples? I'm looking for shit to get mad about.
have a mp4
Rate my cards.
I'm far more please with the griffith then with guts
Can't tell if this one has more proper wording or not.
Guts shouldn't be black, he's more red than black. Black is self-centered and undermines others for personal gain.
Griffith's -12 is way too weak for an ability-less variable creature, Griffith would be a better double faced planeswalker to creature than a "spawns token".
I wanted to do that, but I couldn't find the flip card template.
you can find the double faced template in "newest in magic"
Here it is.
Seems about right, I'd use it in a White/Black deck.
Minor thing, but Planeswalkers don't need Legendary, and Femto's creature type should be Demon.
they do now
it's funny cause its true
I'm trying to rework my x parasite homebrew into something a little less complex than what it is currently, right now it requires stupid amounts of notation.
show it, we can help and won't bully you, I swear.
Basically each creature infected adds each ability it has, creature type, and a small power and toughness boost to a giant sheet of notation, and each of your turns all of your x parasites and x infected gets one of those from each category up to its converted mana cost. So you have to note literally everything infected and what each creature has.
Honestly you should just rework the effect so that instead of it happening on turn it happens on infect, so all creatures with the infection have all infected creature's types and so on.
It's just a bit too broken like that, they can't just have access to everything like slivers do, because they're also able to take opponent's creatures.
It's difficult to juggle flavor, complexity, and power level with this specific one.
you could make it each turn destroy an infected creature and then apply the effects.
Best shirt tho
Quick question:
All the experience I have with MtG was that old Shandalar game and some casual matches with friends.
This "create-a-card" got me thinking about something:
Why hasn't someone made a game that combines creating your cards with Shandalar yet?
Anyone played Two Worlds? Yeah, that shitty game that had an hilarious spell-making system based on cards.
It would be something like that, but with Shandalar or Master of Magic.
For multiplayer, just drop 4-5 players on a map, let them walk around, solving quests/raiding places to find either entire cards (that can be dissambled for their effects) or just the effects themselves.
Toss in some basic resource system, and you got Master of Magic the Gathering:
It's the perfect game!
Shit, give sugestions/ideas, I'm NEET for the next 3-4 months, I might take this shit to the /agdg/ and try to make it.
so you just want a 4x game where instead of combat being regular auto resolve or unit positioning it's instead MtG?
Fucking shit fund this right now
It's funny, because Blue's have the worse creatures, useless spells and barely any worthwhile lands/artifacts.
The best part of playing Blue isn't having control of the game.
It's letting the other player BELIEVE you control the game.
You got a shit hand that's not gonna help you, but if you'rre Blue, the other player will fear EVERY SINGLE CARD on your hand.
Shit, Blue does Fear better than black.
I'm the fucking cancer that combined blue/black decks with the purpose of staling and rotting the game as much as possible so noone had fun. I called it Blue Mold, like that shit that appears on bread after a few days.
Black has so many good cards for this, and with a little push from blue, it goes from "trolling deck" to "inhuman torture" deck.
What other colour combination can lead to a milling victory without any card that forces the oponent to draw cards? That's how cancerous I was.
I once built a Blue/Black deck with no creatures. Fucking hilarious, 52% win rate, earned me a punch in the face.
never heard of it, I more meant Endless style 4x, especially with it's customization and research mechanics.
That's EXACTLY what I'm thinking!
But rather than being an All-Seeing god that oversees the map, let the player be a unit that actually travels around, gives orders and fights shit with their cards.
I liked it a fucking lot. Still have it installed.
I knew it would have a limited selection in cards, but if you look at it as a very strange alternative fighter, it's great.
Too bad the FGG have very strict standards to what constitutes a fighter (muh jumps, muh hadokens) and the Magic comunity was appaled that it didn't have 1500 cards available.
You should try it. It's not very deep at first, and the total selection of cards is rather limited (I think you get 20 total cards per colour, maybe less).
It's more of a "MtG flavoured fighter" than an actual MtG game.
After a little bit, you get to costumize your decks, and if you try playing against a human, that's when the top tier shit happens. Spamming only helps you so far, quick-thinking and making up a plan on the spot is your only way out.
Definitely fun as fuck, too bad people didn't like it at launch.
I only had it for XB so it had atrocious load times. No expansion sets either.
My best deck was B/G (or G/B?), spamming elvish warriors, carnophages, and run wild/giant growth and juzams. Basically an army of efficient creatures while I run onto their side and hit them/steal their mana. Good shit
I loved Horned Turtle + Reckless Charge combo in U/R
I think Endless's hero mechanic would be a great fit for a MtG 4x, especially since that's a further level of customization (heroes in endless have psuedo skill trees which would work great on a planeswalker or commander)
Well, I don't think the way Endless gives you heroes would work here (lel, dummp 2k gold) but it's a good idea if you add more ways to get them.
Shit, you could have weaker one's that are shitty orc captains raiding crap that you use at the start and then later release an impriosined god to have him lead your forces.
Great idea.
going off of the "heroes are planeswalkers" idea you could also hunt down heroes by detecting them coming into the realm then tracking them down, or finding people with the spark, through various means, and that's just one category.
I read about it but Planewalkers can have multiple iteration of the same character in same battlefield now. Why?
Because if you can have 2 borborygmos or any other legendary creature with multiple cards, why should planeswalkers be different?
because wotc needs to sell you the new jace
A legendary creature getting multiple iterations isn't as common as planeswalkers getting multiple iterations,
There's like 15 fucking jaces for crying out loud.
I can now run gideon tribal in commander, giddy up
Feels bad man
It's such a shit gamemode. The only reason to play it is because muh multiplayer. Why would you bother, user?
Because I don't want to spend several hundred dollars on a dying card game?
Wasn't expecting an Iji reference there
you do realize that transforming into a noncreature allows it to dodge all creature removal including board wipes, right? If you want to kill a creature with this enchantment on it while the controller has 3 mana up, you'd need to force them to activate it and then use artifact removal, or use removal that hits any permanant, or remove the enchantment first.
Glad someone got that one because I liked the design. It's a nice way to wipe the board in a very Red way, and I think it does a good job of portraying the situation of "one guy goes mad with power and kills everyone while they desperately try to put him down"
oh right, I also made these, though I couldn't find any good art for them because no one makes fanart for Iji apparently.
Oh hey, I found a bunch of cards I forgot about. Tons of Dark Souls stuff incoming.
I also made a few cards based on The Desolate Hope. Not that anyone here has actually played that.
nigga you serious? I only hear about that game here.
I was just commenting on its obscurity, not on Holla Forums not appreciating it.
honestly, I might want to swap B and G between Malwastes and Malenville.
some Overwatch stuff that I was too lazy to get pictures for because Overwatch is overhyped shit
Oh right, I forgot, I also made these for TDH because I like Seals and WotC doesn't print Seals anymore.
finally some misc crap
A common misspelling.
that's not doubles anymore, user.
I like these, but the balance seems fucky. Why do some of the robot abilities have mana costs and others don't?
I think the word you are looking for is tranny.
Well you see, real onion eating men play Yugioh, while soy sissies play MtG.
Dude, you got the colors wrong. Griffith should be black because he is a selfish cunt that killed his friends for personal gain while guts just tries to survive. You sound a bit like some kind of Griffithfag.
Daily reminder that Mus is the superior and deepest card game ever.
I'd say more accurate is children/manchildren play Yu-Gi-Oh and cucks play MTG. Non-cucks play MTG on Cocatrice
But real MEN play Android Netrunner.
Do you even know how Constructs works?
Do you know how constructs work, user?
Sorry, it is late.
what did kek mean by this ?
Does anyone have those resources to export MSE sets into cockatrice? I thought I had them installed but I don't, and (((google))) isn't helping surprisingly.
I feel pride and shame
Not Holla Forums related but I made this a few months ago.