Lately I can't stop fapping to big, sweaty touhou asses. Doushio ?
Lately I can't stop fapping to big, sweaty touhou asses. Doushio ?
Other urls found in this thread:
why do they have to be sweaty
why not ?
Desu is going full Sci.
That's, what, 3 adhesive?
I'm not super worried.
Oh, yeah, the one that's pretty much already complete.
There's a static spawn with hard-coded mods in College Square.
sweat is icky
not putting "new" next to spam new thread links should be bannable
More fluids to lick
Just keep replying
I don't understand how nobody else picks up on the moral ambiguity of shitting on someone trying their damndest to make up with you and be a decent person in the same post as you telling someone else that they are wonderful and shouldn't be depressed.
thats nasty
this is you right now
you should probably just stop replying to grim. I don't think it's going to do anything but make you feel worse.
They're sweaty because they're working hard.
I thought the only statically modded weapons were super basic, usually just to show that someone killed themselves with it.
if she showers and THEN you start having sex then it's fine
no i get tight in those furfags
I really wish I had an answer to it. Yeah, distractions are nice but sometimes it's hard to keep finding them all the time :/
The only sport I care about is hockey and you can literally stream games through CBC or NHL for free in Canada.
when you say you are a girl
do you mean that you have a vagina?
or you are like post-binary-gender fluid
just trying to understand this
Nigga. You can't front on me. I know you know what this means
If you're not sweating during sex, you're doing something wrong.
good talk
Yes it is, because I am trying to give you every benefit of the doubt and you aren't making it easy
I think I already fell over the cliff.
I don't know if you're using it the right way
Obviously I would take a shower beforehand too
goes to show how much of a good person I'm not
save yourself the trouble Michael, I'm not worth the hassle.
just the normal first part.
Ah well, thought it had a deeper meaning with the hardened sniper rifle leaning on a chair with a table next to it and whiskey on top of it.
Someday you'll run out of adhesive.
ye im gonna lose in dota
make sure you spamping the fucker who tilted you
You like all the same people that I do, so I have to look at your face wherever I'm at.
It is a hell of a lot easier when I give you the benefit of the dubt
yeah. basically that's the main problem.
oh well. best of luck, emma. and good luck with your cold. I'm going to go now. see you around, cutie.
that's all the more reason to stop.
I'm going to go to bed. just disengage and play a game or something. I hope you feel better.
goodnight, thread.
I got low priority a week ago for pinging someone 3.5 thousand times
When you can literally grow it?
Probably not.
The only time you see static spawns like that, it's just mean to make it seem inhabited and organic.
Fo3 was far worse about static spawns having "stories" that were just small things you could assume from the scene.
yeah for some reason they are cucking us with these baseball postseason games
so i just go to reddit MLBSTREAMS
oddly enough, it was 4chan /sp/ to tell me about the reddit stream tip
like normal vagina girl?
that's pretty rad
how do you feel about zara larrson
no wait
holy shit lol
I didn't know that was an offense
neenee cuppy
you can not be friends with someone and look at their face
it's not hard
Want to take his place?
Cup, it's too early for bed!
that's pretty shitty, though
Night cup
i gots no booze on me
Sleep well Cuppers.
Takes way too much effort.
The teddybears make some neat nonsensical story though.
You got something else tho, don't ya?
not at all
its not black and white
what's wrong with you?
Teddy bears vs gnomes.
And shitloads of plungers.
Goodnight teacup
Yeah, you're Black2 and White2
if you ever want to do something with said friend, it makes them have to chose, which is shitty
bye kissshot
i have diet coke
what do you mean?
Oh hey, Boo.
no booze
why do they have to choose
I can tolerate you
thats why im talking to you
Take care.
Apparently the Blue Jays are doing pretty well, they shit on someone like 10-0 yesterday or something.
is kissshot like some owlffucker that only comes here to flirt with cuppers
why do we have so much cancer
Nothing like some skeletons in a fishing net underwater with knives in them.
once you get it it spreads and spreads
i was a diet coke aficionado before his stupid ass started dont play me boy
i dont care for getting drunk
though i am a percocet slut
Now I'm just confused
getting drunk is the only thing I have found that is actually good for me, generally
who is that? she looks pretty normal. her voice seems to sing pretty good.
not bad.
never heard of her though.
neat. thanks.
Going to bed.
Grim, I booped you on steam with a fullstop.
yeah toronto is on a roll
i mean jesus
she's swedish
what do you drink
it is superior to the standard
somethign mixed with something else
not beer
There were some plunger filled rooms in FO4 too with those garden gnomes.
Sleep well Rin.
Cummies for diet Coke.
It's just some reoccurring joke for some reason.
Last I heard they were doing awful and couldn't win a game for shit though.
Sounds like the Maple Leafs.
I see it now
are you offering
it is....
I amalso interested in violating test
Guess it's some type of an inside joke between the devs.
Maybe I am.
There will be little kids and my brother.
My father will also be there on a separate outting.
I don't need you at Ren Fest drunk yelling that you "love this here dog fucker".
the blue jays had an exciting af win over the orioles for the wildcard
and are making the rangers their bitch AGAIN
dont tease
You're going with a midget dressed as a princess.
How is that any better?
How would I even get you diet Coke from this far away?
no i was talking about the you and test meet that already happened
You guys think about me fucking Test more than I do.
And that's saying something.
backing out already
also nini
Earn it.
Didn't you already freak about this though?
I had to dodge Chicago completely to go see him.
I passed through it on my way up though.
dont need to
yeah it's pretty stupid
like the AL and NL each have two spots where like they have a one game playoff to make it into the playoffs
then they get to play the first place team
wild card teams win world series though
baseball is a fickle bitch
Then I'll drink it alone and it will be great.
Sleep well Flan.
Why not just take the higher placed team?
This is my meme
there are many like it but that one is mine
pretty cool huh?
you're welcome
got me just seems weird
like an hour from test
did you fuck
like for instance the cubs won 103 games this year
but like they have to best of five against the giants who won the wildcard against the mets
the giants could very well spoil the best team in baseball
the beauty of it
How many fucking games do they play?
Now. We got burgers and hung out a bit.
I met his sister.
like 160 or 180
fuck if i know
all those people are NIGGERS!!!!!1!!!
Steward Copeland is a god fuck you
giants left to chapman
Jeez, that's like 1 every day.
Though it's probably not as demanding as hockey.
I love thEM
but I had TO
sweet dreams south drizzy
so when are you and test-chan getting married? uwu merp~~
Feckin' finally
Oh golly.
It's not Sunday though.
I have to work tomorrow.
Also I have to work tomorrow too.
I got slated for more overtime again. I never get to have a day off.
They're already married.
Test wore an altered wedding dress ]his mother wore.
baseball makes hockey look like lukas
g-golly gee, d-d-daddy! u//w//u do... i get an answer?
It is Friday tho
Fuck it all then, worth a shot
What's that?
I used my only vacation as a temp for next weekend to go out of town.
Maybe I can get the weekend after off. We lost like, 6 people in a week so we need to cover a ton of shit.
hello there fellow memer
have we mmetbefore
Good afternoon.
hey gogs how ya doin ya sick cunt
no i m new here im a real girl!@!!@@!!@@!#
like shit dirty vag tier
hey, sorry i saw your post and i just thought you sounded cute in your post,. i really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls posting on Holla Forums haha! I don't know why it's a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirtring i swear im just trying to be friendly i really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy i don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk you look really nice and fun xxx
I am doing okay. How about you bardy?
Master.. you're killing me... thank you...
At least I tried this time
Later then
Yo Bard, you still have that ancient Yotsuba post about "what are the anime threads" or whatever?
Enjoying some ice cream! Came out a little short on my paycheeck so thats kind of ame but oh well
playing some fallout
tonight is brety gud
yoou up to much fun?
We'll find a time.
Once I get my own place I can drink any time I want.
None of these guys looked anything like I expected them to based on their style of playing
lol fatties
I am going to probably read and stuff but I well eventually have to do some things for a thing which is really boring.
plans and stuff are BORING
you need to be more spontaneus
His voice is so high when he sings but he doesn't look it at all
Also pls give the past thx
Watching leeg makes me wanna play Battlerite.
he sounds like geddy
Plans and stuff make sure everything is done in a timely fashion and not forgotten on a whim to be rushed at the end.
Yeah, he's great. Check out the band if you can, they're amazing
I meant the Yotsuba pasta explaining the threads
Looks okay
Best loli
(´ω`*) buy me steam games
based lloyd?
Get hypocrisy memed on
Pretty much the only thing they can do better is add more heros.
whoa hey dude how's life
damn I wish I kept that one
Ive been needing it myself
if you find it please let me know
Yeah it's pretty great, I lost it in my various computer swaps :(
I'll fine it tho, someone has to have it
wow I'v enever made it this far
O-okay !!!!
Buy me a game instead.
v(・∀・*) send me the codes and the nudes
lloyd was always the 16 year old that had the vocabulary of a 40 year old
Oh no I'm fucked
Do you have it already?
It's pretty sexy wbu
no wonder why darbear raped him on the reg
I got it like two days ago and I really like it.
just trying to think about the rest of the year fam
I wish i could be a 16 y/o
Lemme watch you play it so I can decide if I want it
I want to get addicted to some game that isn't league
Is some big shit happening
wut ?
i think lloyd was actually 15 much of the time he was unabashedly cybering darwin
i wish you were 16................. uwu
d-don't steal my waifu............(â—Ž_â—Ž;)
trying to plan a trip out to see people
Do I have you on steam?
teeps if you come to nyc I'm gonna whoop your ass
then we can chill
not gonna lie you kinda look like you have literally never been in a single physical altercation ever
who wasnt having cyver sex at age 15 though bth
I like your style
you're a real freacc
i mean i will will lightly push him and his one remaining tooth will fall out
You're legally not allowed to live in New York if you don't have a violent criminal offense under your belt
Damn son
no like my old college roommate got some shit together
it's been so long
I was craaazzy cybering on mirc when I was 15.
but everyone did it.
why're talking about anupam "arranged marriage" grim-chan here though
Because deep down you love him and wouldn't lose him to a 'female'
Granted any female who shacks up with Grim can grate cheese on his forehead so that's always a plus if she's a cook
I'll shack with Grim.
You just like his oversized hairy body
or if they move back to India she can wash their clothes on his forehead too.
it's a lil ol place where we can get together
brad is it weird that i see you as the drummer in this?
That explains everything.
even live this music is shit.
listen you wiggers, you are not black people
Right, then Mette Lindberg is going to get accused of stealing reggae
nah man those tunes are just wig to the zig.
whoa i thought canadiennes were supposed to be nice
something about fish i assume
Vous êtes monsieur un mégot, le pire trou du cul qui peut graisser un poteau jusqu'à 40cm
That's BBC Radio1 don't pretend.
master ban san please come and tickle my toe before bed > w
i literally just said 'swedish?'
just seemed like your level of chill
the canAIDeiennes
I've been in more physical altercations than you will ever have in your life, TP.
Try me.
poo poo on my bum bum
get the poo off my bum
1) is this something to proud of? are you a nigger?
2) no, no you haven;t
grim fucking lives with his parents
his biggest altercation was when like either blood-chan or wish baleeted him for the 10th time
Drunk TP is best TP.
I don't need to be a nigger to know how to fight
I can have 4 kids and it still won't change that
damn i went hot right there for a sec grim
sorry love
I might bruise your face now
let's be real here though
you certainly don't know how to irl fight
you can't even internet fight right
I mean
time will only tell right?
I'll try to be in the city when you decide to make that trip fam
here is my impression of grim internet fighting
i went too far
i will quit forever
I want to see the Grim v. TP title fight
My money's on Grim because he's a bulky motherfucker
TP is a skinny white guy lol
He doesn't even eat meat what the fuck
imma drop him like a bad habit, yo
@lloyd how do you feel about gucci these days
Whoop whoop, dat ass too fat.
he lost a grip of weight since prison
still kinda based
More conscious of his image and photogenic but overall the same guy
I'm not sure what to do with my night now.
i was so surprised
rp with me
I'm kind of out of it.
*Paws you*
Sorry. I take a lot of pain meds after work so once those kick in I tend to not be in calls.
hey guys i take pain killers just to reply to you?
why even say that
here is my impression of squash
i am squash i tell the truth when it is convenient
hey guys
I'm gonna throw shade at everything that moves
notice me
*I slowly move to your side. The warm, baited, breaths draw me ever closer. The light prickle of fur shoots sensations across mine. My paw slowly brushes your hair from your face. You turn a slight rose in the face. Your eyes dart to the side to avoid mine. The tension is palpable, but not one word is said. From your face my hand moves with precision to your side as I take the loose dress from your shoulders. It falls like the softest snow. Your breasts find freedom from being strained against the sheer fabric.*
*Notices you*
isn't that why you quit?
lol based grim why did you even quit?
question mark
I'm in luanns discord, there are like 10 people on voice
you should join if you want company
Who are they?
fuji and friends
but for real grim why did you quit? cause you bitched out bard? who hasnt
why are you back
I'll pass, but say hi to her for me.
"hi squeesh"
no nigga it's cause I got sick of the place
Tell Fuji I love her
Come on. That's some good shit right there.
you lie you got into some dram
I'm not your messenger tell her yourself
have a good sleep when you decide to sleep
i survived the hurricane
i missed it
explain the drama that made you quit
*Teleports behind you*
What's this?!
But you were Squash's messenger?
I have at least another hour on me.
Daddy Grim treats me good, Lloyd.
that and I remember you wouldn't forward my message a long time ago so just getting back at you for that
I'm satisfied now
i just wish grim would flat out say why he fake quit
its complex my boy
Because you were asking me to tell someone to like get fucked or something but ok
i genuinely think that in grim's mind
he thought he was dunzo
and now this pedo is calling me a boy
hella dillusional
grim when you "quit" threads did you "quit" LoL
such a fucking dirty bitch
I've quit like twice now.
you have quit WAY MORE than twice
god if i had a penny every time kyle was like yeah i don't like you anymore i am moving
I've taken breaks, but only actually "quit" twice.
what ever you were a complete dick about it more than twice
Happy weekend, threaders~
You'll get over it.
you t-too
What are your plans for the weekend?
i already did
it was more for historical purposes
It's okay, you're protected by a promise not to die.
boop my snoot
you cyber an american three times your age
Sounds good! I'm going to LA and meeting my parents for dinner tomorrow, then getting my electronic drums and bringing them home :3
whats up dunn
She is an egregious human being.
i dig her style and her talent
i'm sorry that literally the only reason anyone knows you is cause you cyber darwin
Oh, awesome. It's been a while since you've drummed, huh?
Checking out a new place to eat together, or a usual spot?
Just relaxing after work and playing with some food ideas in my head. Gotta get to the grocery store for ingredients at some point once I figure out what exactly I want to make.
Two weeks of watching Food Network finally inspired me ;p
What's up with you?
Master's word supersedes it.
I guess we have to commit suicide now.
She's a militant feminists who makes public statements where she condemns all men as rapists.
I am immortal.
Darwin should know better than to think he is as well.
just make food?
like you gotta eat right?
are you eating?
Step up, Boredin.
He is under Geass, though.
Yeah, way too long.. I miss my actual wood drums tbh
We're going to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, none of us have been there lol
stopped reading
You actually want my number?
I don't know what that is.
My appetite has been back with a fucking vengeance, dude. It's ridiculous.
I mean I'm gonna get normal stuff, but I want to make like something fun and creative. I need more creative outlets^^
Electric will have to do~
Chicken and Waffles? When did you become black? Did you ever try the chicken and waffle flavored Lays chips? They were... weird.
its the truth, she practically has the entire country asking her to please stop embarrassing herself.
Not particularly, I do not spend a lot of time on my phone.
Yeah, I can't make that much noise here unfortunately :(
NONE OF US ARE BLACK. I suggested an Italian restaurant and they went for Roscoe's so I just kinda went with it
eh just because you think you are a girl doesn't mean you have to be a top chef now lol
I simply use Steam for texting.
And Facebook messenger for family.
Geass power is similar to a wish. It's a request to someone to give you the power to achieve what you can't on your own.
rememer elmers: you have a brain disorder
you have a penis
This is that fucking LeDouche shit, isn't it?
This was an anime.
I use discord, but I'm on my computer 90% of my awake time so it's not too important.
Her penis probably gets more action than yours though.
Italian is the safe choice.
Can we not do that tonight please?
I've been cooking since I was like 7 or 8 The trans thing has nothing to do with my cooking. I'm just excited to try making pasta from scratch and going with it.
lol probably
We went for Roscoes tho
it's nice to remind him
considering he has been overdosing nonprescribed hormones for months
You shall now refer to me as your majesty.
Only if you refer to me as God.
I have prescriptions though...
alright fine
so i just make like sick scramles in my microwave
also have you discovered ghost peppers yet?
no wait.. can we swap? I like that one better.
Microwave eggs are cool to do.
Yeah. Peppers of all sorts are my jam. I gotta get my friend's uncle's recipe for this really yummy sweet ghost pepper relish. Habaneros are pretty much the hottest I go for the most part cause spicy goes into my tongue holes lol
It's too late. I already have a trip with Kami in it.
Doubles for God and Wolf.
It doesn't count lalalala I'm not listening.
nice pic
no but specifically ghost peppers
so based
Step up.
Makes me miss me old anime girl folder.
What about them? I haven't eaten one plain or anything if that's what you're asking.
you elmers you wanna tiny
i'm kinda bored and it's getting late
You have to call me Kami+1.
That would imply you are better.
I'd rather not have you rekt me on cam...
you think i would go hard or something?
i used to have one too.
Unfortunately yes.
Makes me wish I moved all my old files to this computer.
I wonder if I take dog hormones if I'll grow fur.
And we both know that's not true.
i would
it's no reason not to do it
reason enough for me.
I don't understand why you have to be such a hater tbh *shrugs*
Leave my warped reality alone.
It's fragile.
isn't part of being mentally disabled enough to believe that you can transition into a different gender
like handling the comments
i'm a realist love
what happend to all your drives and folders and pics over the years?
New computer. Didn't bother to keep much.
i came
elma you will never be a girl
you will always be an addict
sucks but true
what should i eat for midnight snack
where old computer?
pull out HDD and hook it into new comp?
and have more drives?
safety from a hurricane :)
I saved some shit to a small HDD and wiped all my other ones.
I have a 256 gig SSD, 1 TB HDD, 2 560 gig HDD, and a small 240 gig HDD all hooked up to this computer.
I could hook 2 more up if I really wanted.
i didnt even get a congratulations
no has
hi this is nezi's ghost im actually ded
go to sleep squashie
wow... soo many..
my laptop only has a 250gb ssd and a 1tb hdd.
why couldn't you save everything? ._.
*Laps up your cummies*
It only goes downhill after it shatters.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
I can put it back together.
good girl
Sometimes I like to lie in bed all wrapped up in a blanket and pretend I don't exist for an hour.
goodnight squashie im off
Night, Grim.
It's your reality.
lol i went to my bar to get some takeout beers and like this nigga was being vehemently banned cause apparently he shit all over the bathroom and had been banned before
i was like my man why are you bullying this man
he fucking shit all over our bathroom
kinda love berwyn
that's too bad.
oh well.
Don't look at me that way. Least my desire overcomes my sense of decorum.
And I'll make due.
Then why did you want my number?
Definitely not that way either. My disgust may triumph over my graces.
I don't really think I wanted it to begin with.
More it was just a joke to want it because you never gave it.
so kyle you do realize that test is an hour away from me right?
did you rail test?
The only things left I need are your face and name.
I only had gas enough to see him.
And no.
Don't rainbow read me, nigga, or whatever George says.
Would you rather I replace gas with interest?
Reading rainibow
I have never heard of rainbow read before.
that gas though
it's not like test could have bought more on his pizza hut salery
How much do you make as a gym teacher?
nah fam you fucked a dude in buttfuck illinois
My gym teacher had a big penis.
How would you know this
honestly i think ikt has the largest penis in our threads
shiro and tsuchi's are pretty large
Relocating to my bed.
Steam me if you need me.
does he post his when he isn't getting cucked by smiles?
tsuchi is a sneaky creep bag
and yog's obv
What if he saw you doing that
I bet he wants people to see.
that'd be a little scary