A Hat in Time (Actual Thread About the Game Edition)

I just completed A Hat in Time 100% by spawning rift tokens with a console command cheat since the game doesn't give you enough

It's a very fun game. The platforming is great. I was diving and dive-canceling a lot to reach places. I found that if you dive and hit the dive button again right when you touch the ground you get a blue boost forward. I never really used it much except by accident to fuck up landing on small platforms. The "phase shift" I guess I'd call it, which turned solid objects non-solid and non-solid objects into solids was really neat. It reminded me of those segments in Twilight Princess when you phase-shifted time around Link to reveal a path and solve puzzles. The first time I really saw this used much was "Twilight" Peak so I wonder if that's a reference.

I have many minor complaints yet my one major complaint is the lack of polish. For instance, there were times when the camera clipped through the wall. Sometimes if you moved the camera far enough away all the platforms and objects would vanish. The moped would clip into ramps. If you went into in a level and immediately spawned the moped it would spin around clipping into the ground.

I wish the moped could run over (at least) the small enemies. It makes no sense that you cannot damage anything by slamming into it with a moped. I also dislike that you cannot do an air attack with the umbrella. Just a simple jump and swing would have really helped when your enemy is on a platform above you. Instead you use a jump and dive lock-on attack like in the 3D Sonic games or the brew bombs which can be thrown while jumping. Wall jumping was alright but it sucks that you need a hat badge in order to dive into a wall and run up it instead of smacking off of it and falling. There were a few instances of "double jump underneath this obstacle then run up the wall on the other side of it" where it helped to have the patch in order to quickly dive into the wall on the other side and run up it.

They reference Mario Sunshine to the point of passing from homage to rip off. Like goddamn, look at any beginning sequence in Sunshine revealing the location of a Shine Sprite then look at any sequence in A Hat in Time revealing the location of an Hourglass. In Mafia Town there's a sequence of crystals that makes a platform raise. The effect when it raises looks just like the effect would have in Sunshine. Not only that, but there's a red "X" mark on the pale stone wall just like in Sunshine. There are platforming levels like in Sunshine with rotating cubes and such that looks very similar. In those areas there's one particular geometric shape, an elongated rotating block with pegs sticking out of it, taken straight from Mario Sunshine. One thing I liked them ripping off was the Subcon Forest looks a lot like Tomba 2's "Laughing Crying Forest" with lots of saturated colors and platforms up in the trees. Considering how much and how often A Hat in Time resembles other games I cannot help but think they're ripping off even more games than I can recall. All that said, it is taken far enough to be called "rip off" but in many cases I enjoy seeing things I recognize from other platformers. They're exploiting "nostalgia" no differently than Nintendo has successfully done for decades.

The hardest boss was that dancing bird with the afro and only because it takes forever. I could end the other fights quicker. The Mafia boss fight was kinda long too, but not nearly as needlessly as the fight with the afro bird.

Overall, fun game, cute characters, very enjoyable platforming, very fun game mechanics, really neat levels, aesthetically pleasing, nice references although a bit too much. Imperfect, as anything else, but a solid non-shill 8 out of 10 regardless IMO.

Mustache Girl did nothing wrong. Her only crime was not remaining humble and ignoring those she meant to protect (including Hat Kid). Mustache Girl could have been a much better fascist but lacked the maturity. Also Time Stop is overpowered and Hat Kid is technologically advanced enough to essentially be God to these people.

Other urls found in this thread:


Favorite level is the Free Roaming in Alpine Skyline. The platforming in The Old Windmill was so great it made me genuinely hope this game gets a sequel.
Grapple lines were yet another rip off from Bioshock Infinite of all things

where's the porn?


I really liked the game but they seriously could have spent less time doing stuff like individual art for each stage's intro and posters and signs everywhere and spend more time fleshing out the forest and alpine stages.
A few more extra stages would have been nice too, and harder ones, they were all so easy, didn't even come close to the Mario Sunshine ones it was trying to mimic.

I loved those. Would hate to see them omitted in a sequel if one happens. It reminded me of title cards on cartoons.

In Batman the Animated Series they always had a nice title card with music at the intro of an episode but when they "updated" to The New Batman Adventures not only did the title cards go away they ruined the design of some characters, most notably The Joker. The re-designs pissed me off enough but the title cards couldn't have been so much effort that they had to be removed.

The entire OST is so pecking comfy too! I had it playing while I was writing a last minute college paper. My favourite tracks were probably Picture Perfect (the Main theme and Hub versions are good too), Dead Bird Studios sneaking theme, Train Rush theme, underwater Time Rift music, Snatcher boss fight theme, second phase of the final boss, and Goodbye Everyone.
It was just a blast listening to nearly 6 hours of great music.

There was one part where I think I cheated the game. In Alpine Skyline there's a path you can take that requires a ton of these sort of "time trials" where you hit a button then have to rush to a location to hit another button or cross a bridge or something.

At one point there's a rift token behind three doors. The doors alternate their state of "closed, open, closed" The button to open the last door is behind it so you cannot get through it unless you used Time Stop to run through the second door as it closes. When I was here, I did not have Time Stop so I instead used the moped to hit the button then zoom through the second door as it closed. I don't think you are supposed to be able to do that as it took multiple attempts and there's no way back. The way that the final doors open toward the button makes it impossible to get through them with the moped so you have to leap off the cliff to get out of there after getting the rift token.

I love doing things in a game that should not be possible. Thinking beyond the intended solution and possibly bypassing it entirely. Here's an example from BoTW.

Don't you get an achievement for swearing on television? I saw it in the files when I was looking for my pecking save game. I pirated the game so I don't see any Steam Achievement pop-ups.

I also liked them, but you need to have your priorities straight when making a game.
Would you rather have title cards or more stages, more missions and better distinction between areas in a stage?

I love games where the mechanics allow for enough freedom for you to solve shit in non intended ways. Botw is the perfect example of that, Deus Ex has a ton of it, but I felt some moments of that in hat in time too.

I also liked the Train mystery level. It sucks that you can't keep rental hats and costumes. I liked the mail delivery moped, but you can't keep it. The Crows were funny. Best part was when they were trying to crack a captcha.

The ironic thing is that Murder on the Orient Express is my favourite book ever, so I smiled when I saw "Murder on the Owl Express". When I first saw the Crows, I instantly felt nostalgic about that one Psychonauts milkman level with the undercover agents.

How about you kill yourself in time, like right now. Faggot.

I'm actually considering playing/buying this game, but i cant find a definitive answer anywhere. is there a beach themed level where she wears a one piece swimsuit? this could potentially be a deal breaker.

This tbh, bad communism game.

Whoops, forgot to sage.


As far as communism games go though, this is actually really good. A bad communism game would be something like Sunset.

Ideal Daughteru

But you can't fug your daughteru.

That's a waifu, not a daughteru


YOU can't.

Kids get out reee.


Leave reddit.

Get the peck outta here.


*bends over*
*spreads cheeks apart*

I'm not into aryans

We all know you only fuck niggers user.


I wanted to actually talk about A Hat in Time though

Well no, i'm a chink.

What kind?

I'm the son of chinese immigrants.

Then please return to reddit. We only accept Japs on Holla Forums.

South Koreans are okay, as long as they aren't cucked like the rest of the population.

No, the niggers of asia aren’t okay.

That's referring to Chinks, user. Indians come second on that list.

Chinese are a thousand times worse than the Koreans.

God… I… why do I feel empty watching this

Was this actually made by Zone? What does he even do anymore?

Yeah, it was made by Zone a long time ago. Zone doesn't do much these days besides his shitty Zone-tan report. When the planets align he'll make an animation of a cartoon nobody watched and nobody cares about.


Being old and regretting wasting his life making degenerate shit hopefully.

Where's the sfm at?


mostly being wasted on mercy from overwatch and uncanney valley doa bestiality.

Just get the fuck outta here, you little shitskin. No one wants you here.

What platforms is this game on?

And then they died.

No, I'm going to stay right here. Just to annoy you cuckboi.

Loved A Hat in Time, I felt the title cards were actually really well done and felt like a labor of love and went a long way to making it feel polished.

That surprise horror level was great although I felt it could have been better looking back on it.

I just can't wait for the extra levels to come out

when the fuck is co-op being added, and how much you want to bet that when it does get added they're going to mysteriously forget they promised online co-op
At least the game's fun.

What on Earth is going on ITT?
Where is this autism coming from?

shilling my mod:

Why is the 3D model so ugly? It looks like a Gamecube game with modern shaders.



You're wrong, the jews of Asia are Chinese. Koreans are lazy and worthless, thus niggers of Asia.



And where else are you being banned?

Her voice's annoying.

This thread had potential
Why people think this is "le gommunism game" confuses me. Is it because the Snatcher said Moustache Girl was acting Authoritarian in the final level? Facism and Communism are both Authoritarian ideologies.

I think the antagonist represented the idea that immature people with power do stupid things. It was politically mild at best. But I'll humour you Holla Forums. I'll think of a real life counterpart to moustache girl. Someone who abuses power, sits in a room in a square the color of blood, kills people they don't agree with, is arrogant, and tries to force everyone to be (((good))). Didn't have to think long. It's Stalin.

I can't speak for the game devs who worked on this, but if they are communists virtue signaling in their own game, then they tried too hard to make her an evil fascist, and accidentally went full circle, making the antagonist a commie instead. I get it though. Most of Holla Forums is also Holla Forums. A lot of Holla Forums is fatigued with constantly naming the Jew, and I think A Hat in Time was judged far too quickly as a result. I guarantee you, this game is not just another bread and circus.


It's because the anti-capitalist joke.

Is Capitalism good?


It isn't perfect, but it sure is a fuckton better than any other proposed economic system.

Fuck, and I even proofread that post.

go read a book nigger

Yes but play Capitalism Plus. Capitalism 2 is kind of meh, you can get both of them for cheap from GOG.

No. That was merely just an ironic funny thing for him, of all people, to say. The authoritarian tyrant of the forest apparently, surprise surprise, doesn't like being ruled by authoritarian tyrant.

I don't know where these accusations of communism are coming from, but they lack any credible or convincing evidence.

From a quick google search
www .reddit.com/r/FULLCOMMUNISM/comments/75w583/found_this_in_a_hat_in_time_devs_are_woke/
Ewww don't click that.

I hope you realize that subreddit is a communist meme hub that edits a lot of shit.

That shit is in the game. It's not the only screenshot of it out there.

What's even the context of the screenshot? Is it in the house of a villain or something?

It's an elusive easter egg that you have to poke around to find. I think it's one of the time warp acts. But Hitler hated Capitalism, too. It could go either way.

it's in a time bubble/rift? of the spooky level, it's not very clear on who's it is, it's literally just kinda there and out of place

Disappointing, but maybe someone left it in there and it slipped through
The devs don't really strike me as the regular cocksuckers you see in the indie sphere

he's a scammy furfag

Would anyone have given a shit about this game if you didn't play as a girl? Here's a similar game that was released some time ago, about as mediocre as AHIT but with more content. Nobody cared about it.

(h-hi satan)
Yes I would play it if Hat Kid was a boy. Absolutely. It's fun. Albeit it may have to he themed differently.


Good ol' Holla Forums

Ok, I stand corrected. It has hardly any evidence rather than none. But still, I wouldn't go as far as to call the game a "communist" one. Especially not when it still has stores where you buy things via currency. A no-no for a game that's supposedly trying to promote a "moneyless, propertyless, stateless, classless" society. No emphasis on the plight of "proletariat vs bourgeoisie" struggles, no promotion of a vanguard party, no people's war, not much of anything to support communism.

Just one minor, insignificant jab at capitalism. That's it, apparently.

I think even an honest to god commie would know better than to plaster their whole 5 year dev cycle game their shitty ideology though

That said I wouldn't call the game itself commie, but it's not out of the question that the dev team has one

Russians are the niggers of Asia. They don't even have R1a majority.

But Russia stands with Palestine you dork

I know that an user here at 8ch went to the Hat in time discord server to ask the dev himself if it was just a joke or a serious pro-commie thing. Dev acknowledged the question be refused to answer.

The music was one of the best parts of the game really.

It's on PC and Mac, with a PS4 and XBone launching programed for December 6th.

One of my fav pics. Censoring the girly bits to make it SFW

Reported pedo.

How on earth would that be safe to view while at work

Erase yourself.

Who jerks off while at work?

I work in a pediatric ward, it's ok for me

more like a pedoatric ward amirite XDDD

Wait Shadman did that? I hate that fucker so much.

The title cards are heckin' cute

Too bad that the game is forgettable as fuck and nobody would give a fuck about it if the MC wasn't a cute girl.

okay but why

You're forgetting one of the best ones

Back from my 45-minute ban. So how old IS Hatgirl?


They support Palestein because they want to establish a larger Jewish presence in Russia itself. It's also the commie mindset of
But, hey whatever makes the golem turn on the master, right?



There are not nearly enough games that let you play as a total qt3.14 shota who also becomes a proper man over the course of the story.

If she were a boy, the game honestly wouldn't have been as "cute as heck" as it is now. Only girls can pull off being super cute and adorable imo. Like blowing heart-shaped kisses or playing with dolls. A boy trying to be over-the-top cute would just strike me as a pussy or a faggot tbh.

Either way, I'm actually glad she's a girl. She turned out to be one of the cutest daughterus around.

Boys can be cute, but not in the same way as girls. Mega Man Classic is super cute.
>5.68 MB for a

odyssey better
this game's pretty fun though

why did you do this

Do you even know what the fuck you just said or are you a shill

sauce bls

Pirating it is fine then. Works for me.

What the fuck Holla Forums? I just pirated this game because of this thread and reached the point where the MC is revealed to be a tranny.


It's a shop.
Good job falling for low effort Holla Forums edit.

It's in the subcon time rift, last level under the stairs. The game is fine but don't fucking lie

Post a video or fuck off.

Alright wait here like 10-15 minutes.


wew lads

Thanks. People really need to play the game first before speaking about it with authority. Fun game though

I had enough fun with the game that even with this commie meme I'd still be willing to buy it on sale.
More than one faggot made this game and no other parts of the game are tainted with this shit.

I wonder if some tranny out there actually entered that, and then got triggered from the crows making fun of it in the later sections.


I pirated it anyways because I pirate everything.

When the fuck is the coop update

So this game is free, right?

Yeah, it's free. Just paste this magnet link into a torrent client:

i don't understand why we're all mad at the capitalism joke when fascists hate capitalism too. it could has just as easily been a right winger who made the joke. why is Holla Forums so retarded?

I put "CLIT" in for that answer thinking I was edgy. Later,
"She said she was ashamed of her CLIT!"
I felt dirty.

Makes you think.

I hope you're not suggesting capitalism is anywhere near the levels of shite that communism is.

Politics aside and to actually answer your question: People dislike seeing politics they disagree with. This has been the case in any media and any person ever. It is an easily avoidable problem but people still want to force their stupid shit in.

Good thing our good friend provided us with an actual communist copy for me to enjoy.


Just dl'd this to give it a go, ignored the game because it was hyped up and from the surface appeared like it'd be another kikestarter SJW game, but from all the talk about it here it seems like a game about a cute girl doing cute things, which I'm all for

Is it as good as people here say it is, and if it is, why do so many people hate it at the same time?

Who is shadman? I know he's some pedo but is there some other reason he's also universally hated?

It being good is up to your personal tastes, but I get the feeling the majority of shitting on it is due to fags who haven't even played it.

I hated this game.

While the protagonist is cute, there were way too many things that pissed me off about it.

>After all that, you get the same ending regardless, no 100% completion ending, no insight into where Hat Kid came from or what she's doing so far from home, not even that bookstore ending from the beta where she's an adult

As cute as the main protagonist is, it's not enough to let me forgive the rest of the utterly mediocre game design.

Why people fetishize erin?

I might've if the design looked good. Just like another poster said, girls can get away with looking cute so using girls makes sense but nonetheless, looking at the facial structure and midface of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-afflicted ape you just posted, even if the artist for this game had used a girl instead of a boy, I still would've paid no mind to it.

I think it's worth noting that Cuphead, Owlboy and Hollow Knight were all indie games with male protagonists that still looked good and got my attention.

mah nigga

what an excellent game


Hat Kid is very OP, from an advanced civilization utilizing Time capsules as fuel.

She's pretty much a god to these pre-warp drive civilization cavemen.

That's WOKE as fuck, fam

It's all she's good for.

as much as this frustrates me, im happy to enjoy a western made game where the females in the game aren't "realistically" ugly or niggers with afros.

Someone please replace the ghost with fucking shadman.
