Other urls found in this thread:
going back to the roots, are we
Let's get hotpocketed real quick.
So, what mangas is Holla Forums reading today?
Give a better thing for us to roll on. This is shit
Feels bad that the 4free faggots won't let us post roll images anymore, not even in obviously dogshit threads.
Doing a group read of Rosario Vampire. Has some cute stuff, but it's mostly shit.
berserk what am I in for?
just send them to a board that tolerates furfaggotry
>>>Holla Forums
What kind of brainlet do you take me for?
This guy has the weirdest shaped head.
What a classic.
Terry's an interesting cunt.
Forgot to add, I read a manga adaptation of lovecraft and aharen.
You could always read other stuff if you aren't enjoying it.
I think you already know that answer.
It gets better after the halfway point, and we are stopping at volume 10 to start Berserk. We just went through pretty much all of JoJo's so the group wanted something a bit lighter with more fanservice before diving into Berserk.
I will never trust a .jpg again
pls autistic panda girl
enough chit chat let's get some LOL going
doing something right for once
What do you think the guy who made undertale thinks?
I'd rather the Collins autist were here
I'm aware, but you've got some retarded split personality, so I'd rather have you be the collins autist 100%
Someone actually skimmed through all those endless amounts of doujins to make that ridiculous collage. That person must have no conscience by now.
I-it's not furry when they're catgirls!
better be gentoo
Ok, now get rid of the rest of this shit.
Here's an abstract lol
Kind of reasonable, but why do that when you can just ban a few people who already hate the moderation here?
Btw, is pepsi dog LOL?
now this
this is lol
Found my stash
the funny thing is that i dont mind mark, its just that every time he gets new vols they get worse and worse, i bet you none of the current volunteer team right now was even on Holla Forums back in 2014, or even 2015
anyways kill yourself teal
how about something different
here's a classic
Can't recall which ones I've already posted by thumbnail, here goes nothing.
fuck it
Dead tube and Jagaaaaaan.
spooky josei mangas. uzumaki and other stuff by same author
hope followed by disappointment
wanna smash
boring; reroll
Thanks for the added autism
He's not wrong.
Any player that doesn't know the specific route to the specific item he needs in the item spawn cycle and from which of his respawns he can reach it is never going to make a turnabout when a pro player gets the upper hand.
You can have accesible servers coexisting with the old skool ones and simply bar the casuls from the developing process or you can just have the latter and stay in obscurity. I guess the Xonotic community has no problem with the latter.
How's the infiltration of reset Era going?
Rare gun tiem?
Is that guy a kike?
You're really missing the point. He's saying Xonotic is ableist because of 3 completely unrelated or irrelevant quotes.
The case you describe is a difference in skill. The better player will definitely win no doubt. That's any scenario, pro or not.
What a shit thread
This pic will get you banned for sure, I'm not fucking around lads.
Will he ever come back?