Can we all take a minute and appreciate how innovative Overwatch is...

Can we all take a minute and appreciate how innovative Overwatch is? It's likely the most innovative game of this generation. Let's see
Honestly, I am truly amazed by how visionary Blizzard was with this game. What will they think of next?

Literally every streambait memegame.
Every non-milsim FPS.
Savage did that like 15 years ago.
Sonic did that nearly 30 years ago.
Every console FPS ever.
League of Legends.
Every multiplayer FPS after Quake 3.

Why is the first post always the kike post?
Wasn't a full priced game faggot. Even then they didn't have the amazing idea to make it so you can only get contact by gambling and the smartest move of all is to give you free boxes at the start and then slowly take it away so your little brain has to buy those boxes because you are addicted now.

Wow, OP is wrong on his very first point.

Classic bait

It's shallow TF2 with ASSFAGGOTS thrown in. There isn't anything original or innovative about it.

Did you just not read the greentext?

I see you anons don't appreciate Blizzards true innovative drive. Sure other companies have pay 2 win bullshit. But Blizzard was the first big full priced AAA game to market gambling to children and they were the first to it by making lootboxes the only way to get content. It's truly innovative because before people bought the items they wanted. Now they have to buy a shitty box and hope that the item they wanted was in it and if it's not then they have to buy another box and another.

You are factually incorrect, did you watch my embed?

I did. EA let you also buy direct upgrades. Blizzard is the first to do it so you have to buy a gambling chance to get any content. Stop trying to shill EA, everyone knows blizzard is the true creative thinkers of the industry.

No, no they did not.

Jesus fucking christ, let me take it point by point then.

Well, you got me there. It isn't like TF2 has a box price at any point and doesn't have any lootboxes and keys.

Oh yea, TF2 wasn't super meme friendly at all. It's not like it had a massive community shilling it for free well before twitch bullshit was everywhere.

TF2 is a more casual friendly alternative to the Arena shooters that came before it. Overwatch is an even more casual TF2.

You got me there, though I could argue that loadouts are a precursor to MOBA class bullshit, but I won't.

Not this exactly, but TF2 was definately cartoony and meme friendly to the extreme.

TF2 was never 'full priced' it started at 20 while Overwatch starts at 40. I'd argue that's semantics though. And TF2 was fairly feature weak early on, it just grew quickly, much faster then Overwatch. TF2 has also has consistent server browser issues, Overwatch just went so casual they said 'fuck server browsers' entirely.

Again, got me there.

TF2 STILL isn't a balanced game and each time Valve tries, they get the 6v6 autists screeching about how Heavy's making it to mid in any reasonable amount of time is ruining their meta.

Most of the OP can still be applied to TF2, it's just not a 1 for 1 comparison because TF2 is so much god damn older, but the idea is still the same. A casual friendly, character rich, meme friendly. In almost all ways, Overwatch is a redone TF2.

I meant that only as in it seemed you thought OP was being serious in his "praise".

Ah. I did notice, my point was simply that not just game mechanics, but in almost every way measurable, Overwatch is really just TF2 redone, only even more casual. Even the way they acquire shekels and meme their audience is the same.

TF2 lootboxes became a thing about the thing it went free to play so it doesn't count. Also you can get items directly.
So sorry valve fanboy, they weren't as smart as Blizzard.

i kinda regret showing my naked body to user so that he buys me this
but i don't regret not paying for it

/r/ing that /owg/ is pozzed pic.

Make up for it by showing all of us your naked body.

i dont even look good or feminine and im hairy

I bet that other user feels scammed.

Then quit not looking good and not looking feminine and shave and then show us your naked body.

if i remember correctly he didn't care

but im 80% straight


I can't believe people are still mad about Overwatch jesus fuck

This isn't nearly as novel or funny as toddposting




I like furryposting

Well I don't like fagposting either.


Good taste.

Who is this David Bowie bitch they added to the game I might play on a free weekend because of her.

Sure, these things have been done before, but Overwatch is still quite the accomplishment for how it manages to stuff this much bullshit into a single download.

Should still post.

give good goy blizzard all your money :^)
tf2 has unlockables behind lootboxes
that's the moment where you know the guy in the video is shit
he even fucking defends phone apps where you can buy extra lives

Next time just link to a kid unboxing FIFA cards

Why are you idiots even replying to this guy? He's obviously shitposting.

I know this is bait but fuck you anyway.

i want to fuck the hell out of dva

Kek. Fuck you blizzdrones. Go back to fucking 4chan faggots.

Wait, blizzdrones still exist on Holla Forums? I know the mod still is due to this bump lock, kek.

go back

I want Reddit to leave.

I forgot that blizzdrones literally can't comprehend someone not sucking blizcock.

Did you even read the post?
