you will never ever learn moonrunes
NIS America and Nihon Falcom on how to save the JRPG
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The other guy's head is huge. Is he a fucking space Ayy?
Posting the article here would be nice.
Why would you want to save the JRPG?
>you will never ever learn moonrunes
Fucking nigger.
This is now a dubs thread.
It's already safe in that it makes waifus while the western market gives us pozzed Marxist horseshit. That alone is enough to keep solvent. What will save it is getting away from cinematics and putting everything back into gameplay. Don't have a cutscene for what dialogue in battle could do.
I will summarize the article for you.
1) Sell in foreign markets
2) Make digital versions and physical versions
3) Make games good enough for people to want to buy
So, yes. You heard it here on Kotaku first, everyone. How do you save a genre? Apparently you sell more copies of it.
Who. Would. Have. Thought.
Fucking stop this. Don't make me write of Falcom game, don't.
Okay, a bit more hope has been restored but jesus fucking christ that made my blood pressure shoot up
Tbh people who play Falcom games have worst taste on Holla Forums. You guys play the worst mediocre shit from japan.
Do sand niggers buy jrpgs, or is it desperate cheese eaters trying to hide away from reality?
Falcom will most likely give them another chance because muh europe market. Even though I heard the french translation wasn't that good either.
Talk for yourself. I can already read some.
Please dont.
I already did though. as should you if you care about japanese games
I'm not trusting NISA you shit, I just have a little more hope that Falcom won't go with them again after it all
Didn't they end up with a bunch of French nonsense on the back of the box? They couldn't even get that right.
What I am getting is they are trying for strike 2, I pry its not cold steel 3.
I remember seeing that posted on the same general where some faggots were talking about the game they couldn't have gotten without buying.
What are you even talking about?
The fanbase made their own bed for buying Ys8.
This. I tried Cold Steel 1/2. Mostly generic characters, mediocre gameplay, boring art direction, few good songs, and it's all praised to high heaven because "Muh multigame franchise lore!", average waifus, and a mildly intriguing plot. Still doesn't deserve to be NISAed.
Why do I have such a strong urge to punch every single one of them?
Where's the proof they bought it and didn't just /scurv/ it? Their general here has it in the title not to buy NISA games and they were the ones who wrote all the emails to Falcom as well?
Katharine Byrne is NISA defender. This interview was made before the game came out and is only being published now as damage control.
Just checked, she's the hardware editor of Rock Paper Shotgun as well
Interesting. A prayer? A hope. I'm almost too jaded to hope anymore
watch out anons, you might trigger a You need a Holla Forums Platinum Pass to see this content
Because despite being a social outcast you're still not completely socially inept and try to look natural when taking a Photo.
From where nigger?
PC version isn't out thanks to NISA and the posts dealed with the PS4 version of the game.
Tell scripting simian to fix this.
Ah, fair point.
Hon hon, motherfucker.
Xseed was responsible for rub a dub dub thanks for the grub. NISA is bad, but good translators are a myth.
Vita version, user-kun.
Good bait, OP.
Read my post again
There were many newfag shills in the threads at the time running defense for NISA.
Thats true, there was even that NISA sperg derailing threads with his rabid shilling.
But still, the game sold well, the proof is in the pudding.
The issues were only Gaijin side, Falcom gives no shits.
The game sold and thats all that matters.
This is strange considering there was just recently an interview with NISA's Alan Costa saying they have no idea as to why Ys 8 ended up as bad as it did.
Are they retarded? YsVIII was a fucking disastrous localization that NISA had to redo from scratch after release. I'm honestly losing respect for Falcom, this is just blatant disrespect for their audience at this point.
Fuck off. This article was way late to the party. Falcom already expressed their disgust at them after this interview took place. The weird thing is that they are posting it so late. Probably won't ever see another Ys game from NISA.
This article was published way after the fact. The actual interview took place before NISA managed to embarass Falcom. I guess someone in the game press wants us to believe that everything is buddy buddy now.
Source is the fucking article. The interview itself took place before NISA was forced by Falcom to apologize for their shit translation of the new Ys.
Again, see .
Nothing there aboyt Falcom being disgusted or NISA being forced by them to apologize.
I smell some shady backdeals. No way they would be this accommodating.
The hardware editor of a PC-only site is a Nintendo fanboy. You can't make this shit up. I've not been there in years… But I never thought it could go THAT far downhill in such a spectacular fashion.
Good translators do exist, but they don't waste their time on video games. They translate important things like medical books and business contracts.
Thats because you need to lurk more.Not going to spoonfeed you.
Ys is overrated, fuck off.
Upboated, fellow neogaffer!
How the fuck is Falcom gonna save JRPGs? What a bunch of self important fuckers, they should stick with anything that isn't trails because those games look and play like fucking trash and the only redeeming qualities about them are the music and some of the characters.
That’s your shit taste showing, user.
Then your statement is false until proven otherwise.
Now this is some narrative manipulation if I've ever seen some.
I don't fucking get this, Falcom isn't infallible and you don't have to like all of their games, hell you don't have to like every single aspect of their games. You can both dislike certain aspects of trails and still like to play series. You can dislike Ys Celceta and still like the rest of the Ys games.
The falcom general is poisoning your minds, it's nothing but a circlejerk where nothing is actually discussed, only jerking off Falcom, XSeed and your own cocks to the Cold Steel waifus while barely anyone actually talks about the actual games or gameplay.
But hey who am I to judge if you really think Trails has good gameplay.
That, and Human Flatwoods creature hybrid.
This. It scream damage control from NISA, and we all know NISA has it's claws in tons of journos' pockets. But if Falcom gives NISA a second chance it just proves how much of a fucking moron Kondo is.
They should use NISA's absolute blunder as push to convince the hire ups to invest in a Falcom Internationa branchl to handle their own games and others to increase revenue.
They can start by closing down.
Of all the genres of vidya, non have aged worse.
How is "save" defined? Because it will never be anything more than niche now.
This article came a bit late as NISA assraped the pc release so hard it got postponed indefinitely.
Why does this bitch fuck acts as if XSEED never existed?
You mean Steam.
NISA just lost the Danganronpa license as Spike Chunsoft have announced they are forming their own localization branch.
The Trails series is absolutely filled to the brim with forgettable, mediocre titles that only dare I say it weebs such as you like. Even most Ys games sans Origins are pretty bland.
Danganronpa is probably done anyway, but it's still nice to see NISA lose more licenses.
Spike Chunsoft confirmed they are still wanting to make more DR titles.
Origin is the blandest Ys game to date.
So all of this is NISA trying damage control losing one of their biggest moneymakers.
It's the best entry on the series.
It's far from it.
I know you both don’t have good taste, but this is laughable.
Yeah, it's worse than bland. It's laughable even to suggest its as good as "bland.
You don't.
Stop baiting you inbred faggot.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? Origin is barely any better than IV or V. You faggots who came after Naphistim can go fuck yourselves.
Truth according to who?
According to fans with good taste, of course. You clearly don't belong to that group.
Japanese game fans are the fucking most cancerous disgusting losers on the planet.
Fuck this company.
Read the thread you goon
ZE was ruined by Uchikoshi’s horrible writing skills much like DR was ruined by Kodaka’s horrible writing skills.
So your saying that because you, an anonymous person on the internet, alleged that he could understand Japanese enough to play a video game, that means that everyone in this thread can also understand Japanese?
No, it means everyone should learn how to speak Japanese. Of course there will always be faggots who are too lazy too and are going to let other people localize shit for them.
kIll me
google apology and ys viii you lazy faggot
every time.
That person also has the name "iCarly" which was a Dan "the hymen divider" Schnieder show on Nick. Dude is probably yet another legit pedo that bitches about 2D lolis in games and anime.
Truly, you guys live in hell.
Okay that's interesting. Where's the evidence?
I'm asking for my mental health
Might as well, Kondo said his willing to do this.
Don't like it? Do something about it.
Or is Holla Forums all its doing is bark and no bite?
Ditch the weeb fan service shit. Ditch the meme SJW localizations. Bring back ATB combat. Don't go full retard on the plot. This isn't hard.
DJT will be your savior. Come, anons, the light is this way.
False Flag Journalist
False Flag Journalist
False Flag Journalist
False Flag Journalist
False Flag Journalist
False Flag Journalist
False Flag Journalist
They're trying to push NISA being friendly with Falcom after all of Japan and all of Falcom (and their fans) went up in flames of outrage over what NISA did to Ys.
Don't fall for it (like I did)! Falcom isn't dead, yet! Don't buy into the faggot journalist's trickery! This is Connor-tier BS
From another thread,
Another article trying to false flag with the same past interview, conveniently published after NISA's fuck up. Collusion is going high gear.
Oh good damn it.
NISA is top tier at savings. Just don't hire anyone competent and you don't need to pay a competitive wage.
Just spread their lies wherever you see NISA getting praised.
We need images proving this is an old article and that it is damage control to spread around.
In addition, just sending this bit to people who chewed out NISA last time over Ys might spark more emails.
> No we don't want the same clowns working on it!!
-Get rid of waifus
-Hire writers & character designers that aren't addicted to shounen anime. In fact ditch the anime asthetic entirely.
-Lynch any translation team that tries to change content or censore anything.
That'd be a good start but it will never happen.
Kill yourself retard
Maybe if NISA were to just fire the retards and get competant people and good translators on the job, they wouldn't be in this mess. NISA should have been firing these retards already.
Why would they fire the people that do exactly what they want? Everyone at NISA is irredeemable and the whole company deserves to die.
He is spot on, you fucking faggot. We need more games like Xenogears. Shounen shit is so rampant and main characters are treated like secondary shit because designers focus more on vaginas than on well-written characters and plot.
Logic and reasoning 101, really.
He's not wrong. If there's no character behind the breasts then there's no reason to make her my waifu. Hot bodies in fictional worlds are a dime a dozen and it surprises me people don't realize this.
It’s fine to have waifus, just have them be well written waifus.
Sounds good.
I mean it is more complicated than that but I more or less agree.
You sound like the exact type of millennial nigger who wasted time playing too many games at the expense of reading of books
t. beta cuck soy boy
t. no taste faggot who would fuck a cheap whore
t. Polycuck writter triggered by hot women
Sorry your arts degree didn't get you anywhere.
Also there seems to be an asshurt mod who keeps deleting my comments. Must have hired some faggot refugee from NeoGAF to keep this place a fucking safe space.
You can't save the JRPG because the JRPG isn't dead. It's just had it's entire core focus inserted into other games.
Bayonetta now has more time dedicated to story movies than most SNES RPGs did.
Bioshock has more random text pick ups and item hunting than most SNES RPGs did.
BOTW has a larger world map than most SNES RPGS and it's all explorable not just flat plains and dungeons hidden within.
As technology advanced JRPGs strong points got worked into other genres. Now all that's left is lame turn based combat which becomes a chore rather quickly.
The only genre that still works as a JRPG is monster collecting games like Pokemon and Digimon. Due to the sheer number of monsters involved and the focus being on catching/evolving creatures the combat serves a purpose. The type dynamic and move pool system require limited action or you can just brute force your way through everything. In this way the turn based combat works much better.
To save the JRPG you have to just let it go and let Yokai watch, Digimon and Pokemon turn it into a new catch-a-thon genre. Nothing else works.
I'm sure that shit sounded more clever in your head.
That's why they fucked up so badly till now o.o
Make them less of a linear grindfest and more of an actal RPG with branching storylines. The guys who make way of the samurai made a better RPG than most j"RPG's". The biggest proble with the genre is that it's made by anime industry rejects who in turn project their desire to make an anime into their game and turn it into a linear story that is interupted by lackluster grindy gameplay.
You were born after y2k, weren't you?
A garbage character is a garbage character. I prefer boobs but if there's nothing there it's still a garbage character. Go to bed so you can rest up for school tomorrow champ.
So just say "good characters". "No waifus" makes you sound like a goon.
Are you fags seriously so afraid of SA that you no longer want to use terms we've been using since Azumanga Diaoh?
No boobs with zero character is still better than what we get in western games, which is ugly women with zero character.
Besides are shit storytelling medium to begin with, always have been. Complaining about the writing is a futile effort.
Getting defensive much goon? Nice downboat too.
Okay, so you just are a goon.
Well I never went against that point to begin with. Just keep in mind there's nothing special about making a a character with boobs. It's the default. It doesn't need or deserve praise. People seem to forget just how easy it is to implement jiggle physics.
And story in games is always nice as long as it doesn't detract from gameplay. It's better when it's there, but it's not needed.
Sure sounds to me like you guys want to shift blame away from yourselves here. Got something you want to confess? :^)
Nice dubs, reverse sage.
It sure seemed special to Polycuck. Either way, good looking characters with no story > ugly characters with no story or badly hamfisted ones
Thanks for conceding my point.
That we like attractive characters in place of ham fisted writing? You bet.
Could you waifu fags both neck yourself?
Waifu faggotry and harems are destroying anime in general. JRPGs aren't going to be improved by your slap fight over AKIRA CHAN and AMI CHAN
In which case anime has been since the beginning then.
You're right, we need more dykes and niggers instead.
Holla Forums hates the goon because it's like looking into a mirror and seeing a corrupted version of itself. He who fights monsters and shit.
Nice projection
The fucking irony of posting miyazaki in defense of waifufaggotry.
Gee sure showed me.
What if it's a good story with 5/10 characters? I mean there's been some good stories in games where the characters reflect a shitty atmosphere so they look like shit. I know some faggots here like LISA or EYE, and there's nothing resembling sexy in that game but people go batshit over the story.
Seriously who cares other than to annoy them? What does that even have to do with what I brought up?
It's not conceding if I never went against it.
Maybe don't jump the gun next time you start namecalling then.
Ok now this is goon speak. $10 have been put into your account.
Just posting an example as to why waifufaggotry has been ingrained into anime since almost the beginning. It's not new, it's not a fad. If you think it is, that's the problem of letting Toonami and western companies shape your idea of what anime is.
Now those are goons. Ignore their shit taste.
Goons and Holla Forums used to be the same damn userbase. SA went SJW and Holla Forums went Holla Forums
That's the difference.
The reason 8/v/ hates goons is because they come here to troll some times or rather, Holla Forums anons are so obsessed with shills they try to claim everyone they don't agree with is a shill/goon/whatever to discredit them rather than adjust their opinion or find a way to argue against it.
It's why Holla Forums is now stagnant and unusable. There's no longer a desire to know more, just a fortress and everyone inside stagnating.
Nice spacing.
Well you still got EYE and several other games that don't feature sexy women but are still enjoyed for the story. Point is the game should have characters that reflect the tone. Overall though it just depends on the game you're making.
Everybody knows people who claim to be from Holla Forums are from Holla Forums to try and false flag them being retarded. Lurk more newfag.
It just make sense to me.
I rest my case.
They're so paranoid for shills that shills don't have to even do anything. Any one who doesn't agree with 5 different contradictory ideas will be called a shill on sight.
They jewed the fuck out of people in eve
i can't speak for the Holla Forums vs Holla Forums post, but your posting style is the definition of reddit. yes yes muh paragraphs etc
but you don't need to break up a perfectly coherent sentence for
no reason.
I know that.
They finally got fubar in eve and they are done for there.
Are you even aware that socjus cancer was created there?
That's nice >>>/reddit/
The Reddit shill posts above continue to prove the point.
what happened? weren't half the goons company members at that point?
Yeah, your posts really give you away >>>/reddit/
Can you let us discuss the topic at hand and stop wasting posts in the thread please?
holy shit
Yes, you really should do that. Try posting on >>>/reddit/
Their glorious (((leader))) stole their entire money to pay for their alliance.
How much did he jack?
That's exactly what I'm saying. Something happened and you had part of the user base go to a different forum where much of the proclivities stayed the same, but the attitude became about fucking with Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/, etc. The hatred for smug waifus and virtue signalling for SJWs and other social media campaigns is meant, on a psychological level, to piss on where they came from.
I don't remember exactly, but I am sure it was more than 100.000 $.
Well Moot was from SA originally.
Goons used to fuck with everyone, there's no exceptions. These days I don't know what they do. I doubt they even still use the name.
Falcom is already saving JRPGs: they are keeping Nisa away from their future games, is they should have done sooner.
nah, Its going to be Cold Steel 4
It is ok, user. I know that you are too retarded and your only source is Tae Kim's guides.