Polygon's review of XC2: "The game borrows from a hodgepodge of anime tropes". Sexist/10
It's a shame anyone goes to polygon
There's that word again
It's your fucking job.
>these people expect me to have to play their game and experience it!?
Silly user, don't you know the Evangelion and JoJo are essentially the same anime?
why did you even show me this bottom feeding garbage
God I want Anita to paddle my balls while she lectures me on feminism
Go away Anita/Satan.
Microsoft's sock puppet said bad thing about japanese game not being released for Microsoft's console. More at 11.
Nobody takes Polygon seriously nowadays except for liberals and the absolutely most oblivious of normalfags. Nor will the japs care about this. Just laugh at it.
In the name of fucking God, Satan, go back to the depths of hell where you belong!
By the way, bonus round!
What is it with these dumbasses and their absolute inability to consume japanese media? It's not just the "le japanese misoginy" memes, it's their constant preaching about how it's way too incomprehensible for them to follow. Weeb shit isn't that hard to follow so I can't see what their problem is with it.
He'll give it a Lolicon fantasy/10.
So if journos hate it, does that mean it wasn't censored this time?
>TFW when she's so hot but Isn't furry enough
Well shit that means I have to like it
And I'll never tell her name to you faggots.
They don't like it because it doesn't cater to them nor does it try to. It's an alien culture that they despise because it stands for everything they dislike or pretend to, like having attractive characters.
Wasn't there some camwhore who looked like her?
It doesn't that the tropes and cliches they know and watch all day, so of course they feel confused.
Seems to be the case. Either way, if Polygon and the usual suspects think it’s trash, then chances are it’s actually damned good.
Oh, it's the former 1up cuck who let Bob Mackey ruin the Retronauts podcast.
Parish and his cuck crew at Retronauts are basically a bunch of SA goons who felate old Japanese games but squirm at anything remotely lewd.
Fucking typical. Just like of the rest of the lying Armenian bastards out there.
It might actually be shit, we won't know until it releases/leaks though.
On the point of it being "clunky," from the look of the few webms posted here the animation quality seems to be all over the place. It some instances it's obviously motion captured and in others they move like they're straight out of Star Ocean 3. They're stiff as boards with no indication they're actually alive until they shake their heads or blink. The rest Schreier's problems I'll chalk up to mental retardation and/or short attention span.
But it's quite apparent that the game did borrow a lot of shit from anime. Did they lower the score because of the alleged sexism, or is it just an observation they made?
Satan, she has a jaw like Super Mario's.
I absolutely hate SJWs.
But I hate anime too.
I'm kinda torn by this article.
We already have a Xenoblade 2 and Gamergate thread
Post this shit there instead of making duplicate threads and flooding the catalog you massive cocksucker
>All he has left is (((modern))) western media
I feel sorry for you.
You need to prioritize.
It's not the artstyle so much as it's the culture around anime. It's fucking abysmal and I feel like I'm going to get AIDS just by reading some of the cringy shit weebs can come up with.
If you hate weebs that much, I think you might've chosen the wrong place to post. I hate them too, but I can also tolerate it.
She should paddle a bullet into her brain.
So, you hate the medium because of the fans?
How do you fucking live?
Remember when we had video game reviews and not High School thematic analyses?
Oh come on faggot, you're posting on a board that virtually banned undertale for that exact reason.
You forget the BO is a Nintentoddler weeaboo.
Are you a dumb nigger?
Still, hes right
Hating anime because the community around it is fulled to the brim with cancer, cancer of such magnitude that they come to here and defend IRL Yakuza, is fucking retarded, Japan produces some really good media and not all anime is fucking garbage despite most of whats popular in the West thanks to its cancerous community is slice of life moe garbage and Isekai.
Also a reminder that liking Japan =/ Weeaboo and that Goons hate the anime as much as Jews fear the Samurai.
Same could be said about vidya gaems user.
This is also true
Haha, that cat walks like a fat cunt, that's funny as shit man
You hate japanese stuff because of weebs and not the content itself? Just do like I do and ignore the fans, even shit on them if you want but not the content itself.
Every human group in existence is fucking horrible with a few decent people in between, it's just that human beings are trash in general
That obviously includes us.
Fuck off
I don't think you could give a game better praise.
But user, PS2 games are dated and ugly and clunky and whatever other buzzword I might come up with to promote modern western big budget titles!
How are you people any different from the SJWs you hate so much?
Someone says they don't like weebs and you freak out about it.
Fucking grow up. No one cares about your fee-fees.
It isn't wrong.
Dunno about jojo, but Xenogears was heavily inspired by NGE and the whole point of Fei was to make a direct opposite of Shinji.
should i keep reading?
So you admit to being a weeb yourself?
user, literally one of those responses even insulted you. Other just challenged your opinion by giving you counterarguments, aren't you projecting a bit here?
I hope those 10 dollars are paying off for you.
read the IDs homey
I like anime, but you have to admit it's hard to separate them because anime knows its audience and panders to them, so tons of otaku bait is made. Same with everything really, and it makes actually going to /a/ something I only do if the anime is REALLY fucking good because the people there embody every negative weeaboo stereotype there is.
The jojo thing upset me the most honestly, because I care bout it and other faggots latching onto it more than NGE.
I don't think it's a stretch to say certain ways of challenging my opinions could be seen as insulting.
Sorta, I think that good western animation is better than good chinese cartoons, but the lack of much good western animation means I usually watch animu instead
Like the ones you don't like answering or giving any counter-arguments to? Besides "muh triggered weebs you're just like SJW's"
Can someone get Mark to filter weeb to weeaboo. We don't need cuckchan speak here
eh? I though the burgers loved the cinematic experience.
This is bait.
This is also bait.
I would tell you to get back back to whatever shithole site you crawled from but you're just too fucking adorable. I want to bully and tease the fuck out of you so that I can get you to adorably beg me to stop. no homo
Well, i mean, it is; somewhere between NGE and G Gundam and who knows what else. I always thought Rico looked like Blanka, frankly.
I'll have to finish G Gundam, but I'm trying to go through UC first. How good does it get later on?
Pick one.
The Passione gang was cool, but the part was still the lowest of the low.
At the very least read part 7 before saying stupid shit like that. 8 is also breddy gud.
Lol. What a silly cunts.
Alright you don't seem so bad. Normally the people that like part 5 also seem to like Giorno and I can't reconcile liking a block of wood. He did show a lot of promise at the beginning, I was looking forward to a Machiavellian JoJo with a heart of gold, but he immediately got sidelined for Bruno. Who is amazing, but I'd rather they both be. Still can't wait to see some scenes animated. Either way you should really read part 7.
Its only hard if you watch the otakushit pandering garbage, otaku pandering of which used to be part of a show instead of literally being the show with no substance holding it together, plenty of shows that aren't that.
That and posting here, too many faggots here fellate and excuse the Nips, if that wasn't the case we wouldn't be having mobile gacha garbage generals or Overwatch/Siege generals, games that got their attention for one reason or the other
I'm all up for Senran or Nep, they're solid games even if they only distinguish themselves for their otaku appeal and decent girl design, but if they become the norm instead of the exception like its happening with anime It would be the same as AAA garbage for me.
I mean, Shimoneta and Prison School show how you can make a great shows with lewd premises, Key VN based shows give out cutesy and feels, Gintama is still showing everyone how to make a fucking gag manga/anime, Drifters showed me Hirano is still based as fuck and gave me some 90s edge I haven't seen in a while outside seeing Hellsing Ultimate and yet garbage like Dragon Maid, Eromanga Sensei and FUCKING UMARU still pops up and is popular with people praising it and being entry tier anime to many poor souls.
I think my biggest downer was when Nichijou sold like shit though.
Fucking why?
Who deleted my post and why?
The (((Jews)))
Dragon Maid was alright, and no one is praising Eromanga, everyone just watches it as a guilty pleasure
If doesn't have "diverse" lesbians in it, it's not acceptable to feminists' standard.
so according to penny arcade comic it must be best game ever?
Who is everyone?
It's just a very akward way of me saying the majority, I shouldn't have made such a broad statement, I eat dicks
what? its just a game about a girl that is oblivious to best husbando love in a world full of qt mechs and robots, and some killer aliens.
Nigger what?
You can watch G Gundam at any time since it's an alternate universe. When it comes to UC Gundam, just be sure to watch in production order.
What didn't you like about it? I thought it was interesting because Kobayashi is an older protagonist who just lives her life and goes with the flow, even when dealing with dragon's and shit. It's a nice break from the teen-focused coming of age stories or whatever that flood the market nowadays. Eromanga and Umaru are certified hot garbage though.
Xenogears was a homage to older mecha and super robot anime, no one fucking realizes that because most people haven't seen any anime from the 70s and 80s. Honestly I can't remember a single reference to Jojo, if anything there may be some overlap between older battle shonen/mecha themes, but that's about it. This is polygon though, the gaming publication that somehow made "not knowing what you're talking about" profitable. Normalfags should be gassed for reading this trash and financially supporting it.
Wasted Quad of 4s on this fucking garbage, my god.
Your post reads like a Polygon article on anime.
well, this is a videogames board, user-kun
it would be a nice break, if she didnt look like a teenager. And the main dragon didnt have a bad case of hemorrhoids
are you actually excusing gachashit right now?
Is it finally Polygon's turn for #metoo and for them to fire all their staff?
I can't believe I used to like Jeremy. At least I hated Bob Mackey from the beginning.
I guess.
They're racists who fear foreign cultures, and wish to see them replaced with homogenous western culture.
Its predictable and generic being nothing more than the "magical being is socially inept in common society" trope with bland ass characters.
Theres maybe like 2 hearthwarming moments and they barely last.
I think I actually cringed at the play episode, because I predicted the episode from beginning to end.
Even fucking Monster Musume did better things with a similar premise despite being a generic as fuck Harem show with a generic ass art style.
While I enjoyed Retronaits when it was on 1up, Jeremy was always a bitchy cunt who was tolerable only for the guests he had on the show. Now the show is unlistenable with it just being cucks talking about the same five Nintendo related things, bringing on guests who have nothing to say and Bob starting every sentence with "I feel like…"
The combat system is still more boring than witcher 1's combat.
Why anyone excuses this is beyond me.
That still sounds a bit like those two animus; NGE has aliens and a dumb redhead bitch, G Gundam has the ballin' protag and a bunch of mechs including the sailor moon mech piloted by the qt implied romance rival.
Xenogears and G Gundam are about a bunch of dudes fist fighting both in and out of mechs, and also i swear the actual Xenogears gets an energy halo at one point or another just like the God Gundam but i can't find any pictures of it off-hand.
That would be the day
No, its gambling, waiting and paying with some casual as fuck battles.
Its a fucking scam no worse than the Battlefront shit many people here complain
That's fair, but
Are you for real? There's no way "bland herbivore guy is my personality" MC or any of the girls have any interesting personality or development to speak of. There all one-dimensional characters besides Miia and the horse-chick.
That's barely a reference to G Gundam. Other mecha shows had mech fist fighting. You sound like a polygon editor.
Even then that puts it on a shelf higher than a lot of the trite we have to deal with considering who have been hired on at many games studios today.
I never said the characters in Dragon Maid weren't better witten and characterized than the sex sleeves in Monster Musume.
I was talking about the premise and the ideas executed with them which Dragon Maid barely uses and as such makes the whole premise useless.
The show could have worked dragons or no dragons.
It really feels like I'm watching a less batshit insane Mahou Shoujo where the girls use their magic to not fuck up their daily lives, but instead of being a segment its a whole fucking show and more tame somehow despite having social inept Dragons.
What animes have actual fucking dragons as major protagonists? None of this "human form" bullshit.
And holy shit a weeb game is weeb? Shocking revelation there, retard. Jesus fucking Chirst is being dropped on you head as a child a requirement to work at polygon or something?
$20 says the writer is the typical numale. Black thick rimmed glasses, gooney man beard, dyed hair, probably some retarded tattoos and wearing something just as retarded as the rest of the way he chooses to assert his individuality in the exact same was as practically every other beta male in existence.
Ok, I get what you're saying. Monster Musume's monster girls was an integral part of the show, where as Dragon Maid wouldn't be much different at all if the dragons were just socially inept girls.
But thats what Dragon Maid does
I can give you the same fucking shit with Cthulhu if you want.
Pretty much
The premise is completely wasted and barely used to distinguish itself from other shows and that would be fine if the show had characters and writing that could support it, but it doesn't so we get a run of the mill show with wasted potencial.
Now compare it with the overrated as alk hell but still good Konosuba where the characters actually carry the show while the premise is generic isekai trash.
I don't get what you both are looking to get from Dragon maid. The purpose was to be a SoL light comedy and it did it's job very well- akin to Monster Musume being a heavy fanservice show to first incorporate monster girls. They were successful to fulfilling the purpose and had their own unique happenings.
Oh and don't forget that Dragon maid was animated by Kyoani so of course that shit looked fucking amazing.
are you just illiterate or something?
You're close:
But they are weird perverts. It's why I love their shit.
I want to fuck that. remember bunnies are for breeding.
It's okay to watch dragon maid
Nanachi is for sniffing and cuddles, not lewd.
I was hoping to get a good light comedy but instead got a mediocre one that was overrated as shit to booth.
Since I called Dragon Maid generic I misinterpreted his reply as a retort disagreeing with my opinion due to the fact that the MCs are Dragons.
>Every subhuman group in existence is fucking horrible with a few decent people in between, it's just that subhuman beings are trash in general
Not purebred Aryans :^)
If you have the IQ of the average Black maybe.
I want to pet and hug Nanachi
It's okay to white.
Come back when you edgy children graduate beyond your shonen-tier interests and watch pure little girl kino.
Kill yourself
Whats wrong with Kino?
This. if only people would stop promoting and visiting their shitty rag.
who cares?
>>>Holla Forums
I still not see it user-kun.
its still videogames
that sounds really expensive to animate in a cartoon.
This but goons will always follow their fucked up priorities.
How are these cucks not dead of hiv yet
Modern medicine.
lol I don't know i just watch toonami for REAL ANIME for men not babies.
Fuck Turks regardless.
I don't understand this. In an anime like JoJo people will explain what they are thinking, what they are about to do, what they are doing, and what their opponent is doing, often multiple times. Their emotions, actions, and reactions are all exaggerated. Are they really having trouble following what is going on?
When everyone's an open book it's harder for them to force their own cucked interpretations and so they do not like it.
This can only work out to our benefit.
I don't expect them to have actually played them, but do these assholes even do basic research? The hype about Xenosaga was always that, in entirety, it was episode 1 of Xenogears (which itself was XG episode 5)
I'm willing to shell out the money so long as every fag is being doomed.
They never do, they don't play vidya user.
They aren't though, they are getting medicine to prevent that very doom on your dime. That's kinda the point he's getting at user.
He's banking med resistant strains of aids suddenly occuring, which it's entirely possible it won't happen.
They're surviving until they kill themselves, user. Until that point they're a massive drain
Not something I'm going to personally count on considering what health problems have done to curb our other problems.
They'll just import more fags.
I can partially understand a reviewer's frustration when they have to power through a game that takes 100+ hours to beat with tons of sidequest content and mechanics that they'll never fully understand because they are brainlets, because their job necessitates rushing through games as fast as possible so they can shit out a review and scrape together a few thousand clicks and views. They created an industry for themselves that entirely relies upon getting shit out as fast as possible to exploit search algorithms and trends. The fact that they are even reviewing this game is surprising right up until you realize that they are probably trying to leech a little attention off of Nintendo's success with the Switch by rushing to talk about each and every high profile release.
At any rate, the point stands: They wanted a job where they play and write about video games.. So they have to actually play the fucking game. If they weren't such soulless retards and were even half as smart as they pretend to be, they might even be able to say something intelligent about the deeper systems and design philosophy that went into the game, instead of whinging about tropes and anime like the goony faggots they are.
They're right though - all those xeno games have awful anime trope filled writing that wouldn't even pass in a 4th generation JRPG yet alone a modern one.
Don't get me wrong, some of them are good games, but fucking hell the writing in them is garbage.
This didn't stop them with BotW. What's funny to me is that this review criticizes XC2 for things that BotW also did. But somehow they were a problem in XC2 while BotW gets a pass.
Why do goon pieces of shit like this feel invited to post here?
What if the game actually is shit
Its just projection.
Toonamitards should be gassed.
What things? Breakable weapons?
This bastard is so privileged that they're fulfilling his sexual kinks in prison.
RIP Toastyfrog. Though in retrospect his devolution into a pathetic shell of a man was pretty thoroughly foreshadowed. Now all of my childhood internet heroes have turned into irredeemable cucks who will have to die when the civil war comes. Isn't that funny? Ha ha
Let me know when they do something that's actually interesting.
I thought it was because Undertale threads became an insufferable circlejerk filled with terrible furry porn.
Into the trash it goes.
Xenogears is Dune plus G Gundam. The only thing it has in common with Eva is Christian symbolism.
user, read the sentence again and the context it's in. I think the reviewer is saying that the jojo reference in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is alright because Xenogears was an Eva fanfic.
I don't think 3ef80e is goon. This easily could have been part of the the Xeno, GG, or LOL threads.
For shame.
And in the immediate next paragraph they contradict this with
>Takahashi and Monolith have always drawn inspiration from trendy anime franchises — Xenogears was basically a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction — and the obvious nods to the likes of JoJo feel right in line with that. Some of the female Blade designs are downright bizarre, at once incredibly risqué yet entirely too grotesque or exaggerated to read as sexy. The story gains more and more layers as you advance, never abandoning its love of tropes and clichés but rather piling up so many of them atop one another that the narrative feels unlike that of any other game… except, perhaps, others bearing the Xeno- prefix.
Who the fuck uses that definition of grotesque?
Is this another gay and gay situation because who the fuck using that definition,
If only it was western culture.
It's actually braindead consumerism which destroyed america.
What is considered western culture now is the following
McDonald's is the backbone of Western civilization Satan.